Stoofvlees II d2 is Killing Stockfish in TCEC

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Stoofvlees II d2 is Killing Stockfish in TCEC

Post by Chessqueen »

[pgn][Event "TCEC Season 26 - Division P"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2024.04.30"]
[Round "25.1"]
[White "Stoofvlees II d2"]
[Black "Stockfish dev-20240413-c55ae376"]
[Result "*"]
[BlackElo "3657"]
[ECO "B99"]
[GameStartTime "2024-04-29T21:50:52.708 UTC"]
[Opening "Sicilian"]
[Termination "unterminated"]
[TimeControl "3600+6"]
[Variation "Najdorf, 7...Be7 main line"]
[WhiteElo "3479"]
[Annotator "live"]

{WhiteEngineOptions: 0=[object Object]; 1=[object Object]; 2=[object Object]; 3=[object Object];, BlackEngineOptions: 0=[object Object]; 1=[object Object]; 2=[object Object]; 3=[object Object]; 4=[object Object]; 5=[object Object]; 6=[object Object]; 7=[object Object];}
1. e4 {book}
c5 {book}
2. Nf3 {book}
d6 {book}
3. d4 {book}
cxd4 {book}
4. Nxd4 {book}
Nf6 {book}
5. Nc3 {book}
a6 {book}
6. Bg5 {book}
e6 {book}
7. f4 {book}
Be7 {book}
8. Qf3 {book}
Qc7 {book}
9. O-O-O {book}
Nbd7 {book}
10. g4 {book}
b5 {book}
11. Bxf6 {book}
gxf6 {book}
12. a3 {book}
Bb7 {book}
13. f5 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=20, h=8.5, mt=125719, n=3879826, ph=0.0, pv=13. f5 e5 14. Nb3 Rc8 15. Rg1 Qb6 16. Rg3 Kf8 17. Nd5 Bxd5 18. Rxd5 b4 19. a4 Qc6 20. Bd3 Qxa4 21. Ra5 Qc6 22. Rxa6 Qc7 23. Qe3 h6 24. Kb1 Kg7 25. Ra7 Qd8 26. Ba6 Ra8 27. Bc4 Rxa7 28. Qxa7 Nb6 29. Bd5 Nxd5 30. exd5 Qa8 31. Qxe7 Qa6 32. Rg1 Rc8 33. Rc1 Ra8 34. Re1 Rc8 35. Rc1, s=30863, sd=62, tb=5, tl=3480281, wv=1.21}
e5 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=35, h=13.3, mt=142830, n=2918408452, ph=0.0, pv=13...e5 14. Nb3 Rc8 15. Rg1 Qb6 16. Rg3 Kf8 17. Nd5 Bxd5 18. exd5 b4 19. a4 Nc5 20. Kb1 h6 21. Nxc5 Qxc5 22. Rg2 Qa5 23. Qb3 Bd8 24. h4 Kg7 25. Be2 Rb8 26. Rf1 Rh7 27. Qd3 Qxa4 28. g5 b3 29. cxb3 Qxb3 30. Qxb3 Rxb3 31. g6 fxg6 32. Rxg6+ Kf7 33. Bh5 Ke7 34. Rg8 Kd7 35. Be8+ Kc7 36. Bc6 Rb8 37. Rfg1, s=20432598, sd=68, tb=14640, tl=3463170, wv=1.07}
14. Nb3 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=19, h=0.8, mt=2095, n=65833, ph=100.0, pv=14. Nb3 Rc8 15. Rg1 Qb6 16. Rg3 Kf8 17. Nd5 Bxd5 18. Rxd5 b4 19. a4 Qc6 20. Bd3 Qxa4 21. Ra5 Qc6 22. Rxa6 Qc7 23. Qe3 h6 24. Kb1 Kg7 25. Ra7 Qd8 26. Ba6 Ra8 27. Bc4 Rxa7 28. Qxa7 Nb6 29. Bd5 Nxd5 30. exd5 Qa8 31. Qxe7 Qa6 32. Rg1 Rc8 33. Rc1 Ra8 34. Re1 Rc8 35. Rc1, s=31499, sd=52, tl=3484186, wv=1.22}
Rc8 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=36, h=11.7, mt=116749, n=2692106554, ph=100.0, pv=14...Rc8 15. Rg1 Qb6 16. Rg3 Kf8 17. Nd5 Bxd5 18. exd5 h6 19. Kb1 a5 20. Nd2 Nc5 21. b3 Nd7 22. Ne4 Nc5 23. Nf2 Nd7 24. Qe2 Qc5 25. Kb2 Qb6 26. h4 Kg7 27. Ne4 Nc5 28. Nd2 Qc7 29. Nb1 e4 30. Qg2 Qb7 31. Rd4 b4 32. a4 Bd8, s=23059321, sd=72, tb=19781, tl=3352421, wv=1.05}
15. Rg1 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=22, h=11.3, mt=118566, n=3572886, ph=100.0, pv=15. Rg1 Qb6 16. Rg3 Kf8 17. Nd2 Qc5 18. Bd3 h6 19. Kb1 b4 20. Nb3 Qb6 21. axb4 Qxb4 22. Qe2 Nc5 23. Nxc5 Rxc5 24. Bxa6 Bc6 25. Na2 Qxe4 26. Qxe4 Bxe4 27. Nc3 Ba8 28. b4 Rc6 29. Be2 Rb6 30. b5 Rb8 31. Kb2 Kg7 32. Nd5 Bd8 33. c4 Re8 34. Ra3 Bb7 35. Kb3 e4 36. Nb4 Bc7 37. Na6 Bxa6 38. Rxa6 Re5 39. h3 h5 40. Rc6 Rb7 41. Kc3 hxg4 42. hxg4 Re8 43. Ra1 Rh8, s=30135, sd=62, tl=3371620, wv=1.16}
Qb6 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=36, h=5.9, mt=54477, n=1310325281, ph=100.0, pv=15...Qb6 16. Rg3 Kf8 17. Nd5 Bxd5 18. exd5 h6 19. Kb1 Nc5 20. Nd2 a5 21. c3 b4 22. Nc4 Qb8 23. Nxa5 bxc3 24. b4 Qa8 25. Rc1 Bd8 26. Nc6 Nb3 27. Qxc3 Nxc1 28. Kxc1 h5 29. Qc2 Qb7 30. Kb2 hxg4 31. Kb3 Rh4 32. a4 Bb6 33. Qg2 Rh3 34. Rxh3 gxh3 35. Qe4 Kg7 36. a5 Rh8 37. axb6 Qxb6 38. Qg4+ Kf8 39. Qg3 Rh5 40. Bd3 Rg5 41. Qxh3 Kg7 42. Qf3 Qg1 43. Ka4 Qb6 44. Bc2 Rg1 45. Kb3 Qb5 46. Qd3 Qb6 47. Qe2 Ra1 48. Qg4+ Kh7 49. Qh3+ Kg7 50. Qg3+ Kh8, s=24053699, sd=81, tb=17536, tl=3303944, wv=1.02}
16. Rg3 {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=27, h=11.4, mt=114845, n=3334485, ph=100.0, pv=16. Rg3 Kf8 17. Nd2 b4 18. Nd5 Bxd5 19. exd5 Qc7 20. Qe4 a5 21. Bb5 Nc5 22. Qe2 bxa3 23. Rxa3 Rb8 24. Bc6 Kg7 25. Nc4 a4 26. Qd2 h6 27. Bxa4 Nxa4 28. Rxa4 Ra8 29. Qb4 Rhb8 30. Qa3 Rxa4 31. Qxa4 Qc5 32. Qa6 e4 33. b3 e3 34. Qa5 e2 35. Re1 Qd4 36. Rxe2 Bd8 37. Qa3 Bb6 38. Nxb6 Rxb6 39. Rd2 Qg1+ 40. Kb2 Rb7 41. Qa4 Ra7 42. Rd1 Qc5 43. Qd4 Qa3+ 44. Kb1 Qa2+ 45. Kc1, s=29038, sd=62, tl=3262775, wv=1.07}
Kf8 {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=43, h=9.5, mt=103519, n=2239075465, ph=100.0, pv=16...Kf8 17. Nd5 Bxd5 18. exd5 h6 19. Kb1 Nc5 20. Nd2 a5 21. c3 b4 22. Nc4 Qb8 23. Nxa5 bxc3 24. b4 Qa8 25. Rc1 Bd8 26. Nc6 Nb3 27. Qxc3 Nxc1 28. Qxc1 h5 29. Qc2 Qb7 30. Kb2 hxg4 31. Kb3 Rh4 32. a4 Bb6 33. Qg2 Rh3 34. Rxh3 gxh3 35. Qf3 Kg7 36. Qg3+ Kf8 37. Bb5 Ra8 38. Qxh3 Kg7 39. Qg4+ Kh7 40. Bd3 Kh8 41. Qc4 Kg7 42. Qb5 Qc7 43. a5 Bd4 44. Qc4 Qb7 45. b5 Bb6 46. axb6 Qxb6 47. Nb4 Ra1 48. Nc2 Rh1 49. Qc6 Qf2 50. Nb4 e4 51. Bxe4 Qe3+ 52. Bd3 Rb1+ 53. Ka3, s=21630235, sd=78, tb=27160, tl=3206425, wv=1.10}
17. Qe2 {R50=47, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=19, h=20.5, mt=189595, n=5854743, ph=100.0, pv=17. Qe2 Kg7 18. Nd5 Bxd5 19. Rxd5 Qc6 20. Qg2 h6 21. Kb1 Nb6 22. Rd1 Rcd8 23. Na5 Qc7 24. Rc3 Qd7 25. h4 Na4 26. Rh3 Qc7 27. Nb3 Qb6 28. Be2 b4 29. axb4 Qxb4 30. Rf1 Nc5 31. Nxc5 dxc5 32. Rb3 Qa4 33. Ra3 Qd4 34. Rd1 Qb4 35. Rxd8 Rxd8 36. c3 Qb6 37. Bc4 a5 38. Qc2 Rb8 39. Ka2 Qa7 40. Qa4 Qb7 41. Rb3, s=30882, sd=62, tb=1, tl=3079180, wv=1.09}
b4 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=50, h=27.5, mt=347545, n=6819839548, ph=75.0, pv=17...b4 18. axb4 Qxb4 19. Qd2 Bxe4 20. Bxa6 Rb8 21. Nxe4 Qxe4 22. Qh6+ Ke8 23. Kb1 Rg8 24. Qxh7 Rxg4 25. Bd3 Qf4 26. Be2 Nf8 27. Rxg4 Qxg4 28. Qxf7+ Kxf7 29. Bxg4 Nd7 30. Bf3 Nb6 31. Na5 Rh8 32. Rd3 d5 33. Bxd5+ Nxd5 34. Rxd5 Rxh2 35. c4 Rh5 36. c5 Rxf5 37. c6 Rh5 38. Nc4 Rh8 39. Nb6 e4 40. Rd7 Ke6 41. c7 Bd6 42. Kc2 Rh2+ 43. Kb3 Bxc7 44. Rxc7 e3 45. Rc6+ Kf5 46. Nd7 e2 47. Rxf6+ Kg5, s=19623122, sd=84, tb=448668, tl=2864880, wv=0.95}
18. axb4 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=19, h=0.8, mt=2123, n=65654, ph=80.0, pv=18. axb4 Qxb4 19. Qd2 Rg8 20. Nd5 Qxd2+ 21. Rxd2 Bd8 22. Kb1 h6 23. Rd1 a5 24. Bb5 Nc5 25. Nxc5 Rxc5 26. Nc3 Ke7 27. Ba4 Rc4 28. Bb3 Rd4 29. Rxd4 exd4 30. Nd5+ Kf8 31. Kc1 Ba6 32. Kd2 Bb5 33. Ba2 Ke8 34. Nf4 a4 35. Kd1 Kf8 36. Kd2 Ke8, s=31115, sd=45, tl=3083057, wv=1.16}
Qxb4 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=38, h=7.7, mt=109814, n=1987039658, ph=80.0, pv=18...Qxb4 19. Qd2 Bxe4 20. Bxa6 Rb8 21. Qh6+ Ke8 22. Nxe4 Qxe4 23. Kb1 Rg8 24. Bd3 Qf4 25. Qh3 Rg7 26. Qg2 Qb4 27. Be4 Kf8 28. h4 h6 29. Bc6 Nc5 30. Rg1 Rb6 31. Bd5 Bd8 32. Rd1 Rg8 33. Qe2 Rh8 34. Qf3 Qb5 35. Rh1 Rg8 36. g5 Nxb3 37. Bxb3 fxg5 38. Rd1 e4 39. Qh5 Qxf5 40. Qxh6+ Rg7 41. hxg5 d5 42. Qh8+ Rg8 43. Qd4, s=18095252, sd=77, tb=76917, tl=2761066, wv=1.15}
19. Qd2 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=21, h=10.4, mt=105326, n=3226302, ph=83.3, pv=19. Qd2 Rg8 20. Nd5 Qxd2+ 21. Rxd2 Bd8 22. Kb1 h6 23. Nc3 Ke7 24. Be2 Rb8 25. Nd5+ Kf8 26. Rd1 Kg7 27. Kc1 Rh8 28. Nc3 Bc7 29. Bc4 Rhc8 30. Bd5 a5 31. Kb1 Kf8 32. Bxb7 Rxb7 33. Rgd3 Rcb8 34. Kc1 Ra8 35. Nd2 a4 36. Nd5 Ba5 37. Nc4 Bb4 38. c3 Rc8 39. Nd2 Bc5 40. Kc2 Nb6 41. Ra1 Nxd5, s=30636, sd=59, tb=6, tl=2983731, wv=1.23}
h6 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=47, h=46.9, mt=792084, n=12157720590, ph=83.3, pv=19...h6 20. Nd5 Qxd2+ 21. Nxd2 Bxd5 22. exd5 a5 23. Nc4 Ra8 24. Ra3 h5 25. Rh3 h4 26. Ra3 Kg7 27. Nxa5 Bd8 28. Nc4 Bc7 29. b4 Nb6 30. Na5 Rhb8 31. c3 Kh6 32. Bb5 Kg5 33. Bc6 Ra7 34. h3 e4 35. Re1 Kf4 36. Kc2 Nd7 37. Rf1+ Kg5 38. Bxd7 Bxa5 39. bxa5 Rxd7 40. c4 Re7 41. a6 e3 42. Re1 Kf4 43. c5 dxc5 44. d6 Re4 45. a7 Ra8 46. d7 c4 47. Kc3 Kf3 48. Ra2 Re7 49. Rf1+ Kg3 50. Rd1 e2, s=15349145, sd=76, tb=688012, tl=1974982, wv=1.38}
20. Nd5 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=17, h=0.1, mt=2022, n=65716, ph=71.4, pv=20. Nd5 Qxd2+ 21. Nxd2 Bxd5 22. exd5 a5 23. Nc4 a4 24. Ra3 h5 25. Rxa4 hxg4 26. Ra7 Rd8 27. Rd2 e4 28. Ne3 Ne5 29. Ra4 Rb8 30. Rxe4 Bd8 31. Rg2 g3 32. hxg3 Rh1 33. Rh4 Rxh4 34. gxh4 Rb4 35. h5 Bb6 36. Rg3 Re4 37. Kd2 Rd4+ 38. Kc3 Rh4 39. Kd2 Rd4+, s=32694, sd=54, tl=2987709, wv=1.54}
Qxd2+ {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=38, h=2.4, mt=43001, n=760765422, ph=85.7, pv=20...Qxd2+ 21. Nxd2 Bxd5 22. exd5 a5 23. Nc4 a4 24. Ra3 h5 25. Rh3 Kg7 26. gxh5 Rhg8 27. Ra3 Ra8 28. Be2 Kh6 29. Rg3 Rgb8 30. Kb1 Ra7 31. Ka2 Bf8 32. Rg4 Rab7 33. Rb1 Rc7 34. c3 Kh7 35. h6 Rc5 36. Bf3 Rcb5 37. Na3 Ra5 38. Rh4 Nc5 39. Rd1 Raa8 40. Nc4 Rb3 41. Rd2 Rb5 42. Bh5 Ra7 43. Be2 Rb8 44. Bd1 Rb5 45. Bc2 Nb3 46. Rg2 Nc1+ 47. Kb1 a3 48. b4 a2+ 49. Ka1 Rxd5 50. Nd2, s=17694688, sd=78, tb=24780, tl=1937981, wv=1.37}
21. Nxd2 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=22, h=8.0, mt=102418, n=3138692, ph=75.0, pv=21. Nxd2 Bxd5 22. exd5 a5 23. Nc4 a4 24. Ra3 h5 25. Rh3 Rg8 26. Rxh5 Rxg4 27. Rh8+ Rg8 28. Rxg8+ Kxg8 29. Rd3 Bf8 30. Kb1 e4 31. Rg3+ Kh7 32. Rh3+ Kg7 33. Ne3 Rb8 34. Ka2 Nc5 35. Be2 Kg8 36. Ng4 Bg7 37. Ka3 Rb7 38. Rh4 Kf8 39. Rh5 Kg8 40. Bf1 Kf8 41. Be2, s=30651, sd=62, tb=15, tl=2891291, wv=1.54}
Bxd5 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=40, h=4.2, mt=70282, n=1163044561, ph=87.5, pv=21...Bxd5 22. exd5 a5 23. Nc4 a4 24. Ra3 h5 25. Rh3 Kg7 26. gxh5 Rhg8 27. Ra3 Ra8 28. Rg3+ Kh6 29. Be2 Nc5 30. Kb1 Rxg3 31. hxg3 Rg8 32. g4 Rd8 33. Rh1 Bf8 34. Ka2 Kh7 35. g5 fxg5 36. f6 g4 37. Bxg4 Kh6 38. Rg1 Ne4 39. Ne3 Nxf6 40. Bd1 e4 41. Ka3 Rb8 42. Rf1 Bg7 43. c3 Kh7 44. Bc2 Kg8 45. Nc4 Nxd5 46. Bxe4 Nc7 47. Rd1 f5 48. Bf3 d5 49. Bxd5+ Nxd5 50. Rxd5, s=16549904, sd=63, tb=67130, tl=1873699, wv=1.42}
22. exd5 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=23, h=1.6, mt=2277, n=65618, ph=77.7, pv=22. exd5 a5 23. Nc4 a4 24. Ra3 h5 25. Rh3 Rg8 26. Rxh5 Rxg4 27. Rh8+ Rg8 28. Rxg8+ Kxg8 29. Rd3 Bf8 30. Kb1 e4 31. Rg3+ Kh7 32. Rh3+ Kg7 33. Ne3 Rb8 34. Ka2 Nc5 35. Be2 Be7 36. Nc4 Bf8 37. Ne3, s=29034, sd=62, tl=2895014, wv=1.51}
a5 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=41, h=2.6, mt=38809, n=763812689, ph=88.8, pv=22...a5 23. Nc4 a4 24. Ra3 h5 25. Rh3 Kg7 26. gxh5 Rhg8 27. Ra3 Ra8 28. Rg3+ Kh7 29. Be2 Rgb8 30. h6 Bf8 31. Kb1 Nb6 32. Ne3 Nd7 33. Rg4 Ra7 34. Nc4 Nc5 35. Ka1 Rab7 36. Rh4 Rb4 37. Rb1 R4b7 38. Ka2 Rb5 39. Ka3 Nd7 40. Ne3 R5b7 41. Ba6 Ra7 42. Bc4 Rab7 43. Be2 Nc5 44. Nc4 Rb5 45. Bh5 R8b7 46. Rg1 Ra7 47. Rg2 Rbb7 48. Bd1 Rb8 49. c3 Nd3 50. Rd2, s=19684879, sd=66, tb=25284, tl=1840890, wv=1.48}
23. Nc4 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=23, h=10.3, mt=99111, n=3013216, ph=80.0, pv=23. Nc4 a4 24. Ra3 h5 25. Rh3 Kg7 26. gxh5 Kh7 27. Be2 Rc7 28. Kb1 Rg8 29. Rg3 Rb8 30. h6 Bf8 31. Rg4 Rcb7 32. Ka2 Nc5 33. Rdg1 e4 34. Ka1 Rb4 35. R1g2 R4b7 36. R2g3 Rb4 37. Ka2 R4b5 38. Rg2 R5b7 39. Bf1 Rb4 40. Rh4 R4b7 41. Rhg4, s=30405, sd=62, tl=2801903, wv=1.57}
a4 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=39, h=4.0, mt=59638, n=1172628342, ph=90.0, pv=23...a4 24. Ra3 h5 25. Rh3 Kg7 26. gxh5 Rhg8 27. Ra3 Ra8 28. Rg3+ Kh6 29. Be2 Rgb8 30. Kb1 Bf8 31. Rdg1 Ra7 32. Ra3 Nc5 33. Ka1 Rab7 34. Rag3 Kh7 35. h6 Ne4 36. Ra3 Nc5 37. Rgg3 e4 38. Rg4 Rb5 39. Rh4 R5b7 40. Re3 Rb4 41. Reh3 R4b7 42. Ra3 Rb5 43. Rg3 Rb4 44. Ka2 R4b7 45. Ka3 Rb4 46. Rg1 R4b5 47. Rd1 R5b7 48. Rb1 Ra7 49. Bh5 Na6 50. Ne3 Nc5 51. Rg1 Rab7 52. Nd1 Re8, s=19665073, sd=65, tb=47288, tl=1787252, wv=1.45}
24. Ra3 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=22, h=14.5, mt=96054, n=2869276, ph=81.8, pv=24. Ra3 h5 25. Rh3 Kg7 26. gxh5 Kh7 27. Be2 Rc7 28. Kb1 Rg8 29. Rg3 Rb8 30. h6 Bf8 31. Rg4 Rcb7 32. Ka1 Nc5 33. Rdg1 e4 34. Rh4 Rb4 35. Rgg4 R4b7 36. Rg1, s=29875, sd=62, tb=3, tl=2711849, wv=1.61}
h5 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=36, h=3.5, mt=52511, n=1064506974, ph=90.9, pv=24...h5 25. Rh3 Kg7 26. gxh5 Rhg8 27. Ra3 Ra8 28. Be2 Kh6 29. Rg3 Rgb8 30. Kb1 Ra7 31. Rdg1 Bf8 32. Ka1 Kh7 33. h6 Nc5 34. Rh3 e4 35. Rh4 Rab7 36. Rb1 Rb5 37. Rd1 R5b7 38. Ka2 Rb5 39. Ka3 R5b7 40. Rb1 Rc7 41. Ka2 Na6 42. c3 Nc5 43. Rg1 Rcb7 44. Rg2 e3 45. Bf1 Rb3 46. Na5 Ra8 47. Nxb3 axb3+ 48. Kb1 Re8 49. Be2 Re5 50. Rg3, s=20275164, sd=67, tb=60125, tl=1740741, wv=1.45}
25. Rh3 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=23, h=15.1, mt=93096, n=2789161, ph=83.3, pv=25. Rh3 Kg7 26. gxh5 Kh7 27. Be2 Rc7 28. Kb1 Rg8 29. Rg3 Rb8 30. h6 Bf8 31. Rg4 Rcb7 32. Ka1 Nc5 33. Rdg1 e4 34. Rh4 Rb4 35. Rgg4 R4b7 36. Rg1, s=29965, sd=62, tb=114, tl=2624753, wv=1.65}
Kg7 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=44, h=14.9, mt=251744, n=4030030001, ph=91.6, pv=25...Kg7 26. gxh5 Rhg8 27. Ra3 Ra8 28. Rg3+ Kh6 29. Be2 Rgb8 30. Rdg1 Bf8 31. Kb1 Ra7 32. Ka1 Kh7 33. h6 Rab7 34. Bh5 Rc7 35. Ne3 e4 36. Bg6+ Kh8 37. Bxf7 Ne5 38. Rg8+ Kh7 39. Be6 Rcb7 40. c3 Bxh6 41. Ng4 Nxg4 42. R8xg4 e3 43. R1g2 Rg7 44. Rxg7+ Bxg7 45. Ka2 Bh6 46. Rg4 Rb7 47. Re4 Rg7 48. c4 Rg2 49. c5 dxc5 50. d6 Rxh2 51. Ka3 Rd2 52. d7 c4 53. Kxa4 Bg5 54. Rxc4, s=16009144, sd=72, tb=282972, tl=1494997, wv=1.46}
26. gxh5 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=22, h=15.7, mt=90226, n=2714110, ph=84.6, pv=26. gxh5 Kh7 27. Be2 Rc7 28. Kb1 Rg8 29. Rg3 Rb8 30. h6 Bf8 31. Rg4 Rcb7 32. Ka1 Nc5 33. Rdg1 e4 34. Rh4 Rb4 35. Rgg4 R4b7 36. Rg1, s=30086, sd=62, tb=29, tl=2540527, wv=1.71}
Rhg8 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=37, h=3.5, mt=52398, n=980569213, ph=92.3, pv=26...Rhg8 27. Ra3 Ra8 28. Be2 Kh6 29. Rg3 Nc5 30. Kb1 Ne4 31. Rxg8 Rxg8 32. Re1 Bf8 33. Ka2 Kh7 34. Ka3 Nc5 35. Kb4 Be7 36. Bd1 Bf8 37. Rf1 e4 38. Re1 Rg5 39. Kb5 Rxf5 40. Kc6 Na6 41. c3 Nb8+ 42. Kc7 Na6+ 43. Kb7 Nc5+ 44. Kc6 Rf2 45. Nxd6 Nd3 46. Rxe4 f5 47. Rd4 Nxb2 48. Bxa4 Bg7 49. Bb5 Rf3 50. Kb6 Rxc3 51. Rd2 Rb3 52. Kc6 Rc3+ 53. Kd7 Rc5 54. Bd3 Bc3 55. Bxf5+ Kh6 56. Rc2 Kxh5 57. Be4 Kg4 58. Rf2, s=18717439, sd=72, tb=77347, tl=1448599, wv=1.48}
27. Ra3 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=22, h=12.9, mt=87428, n=2544758, ph=78.5, pv=27. Ra3 Ra8 28. Rdd3 Kh6 29. Rg3 Rgb8 30. Rg4 Nc5 31. Kb1 Ra7 32. Rag3 Bf8 33. Ka2 Rab7 34. Rg2 Rb5 35. c3 Rb3 36. Rh4 Kh7 37. h6 R3b7 38. Rhg4 e4 39. Rh4 Re8 40. Ne3 Rb3 41. Bc4 Rb7 42. Bf1, s=29112, sd=62, tl=2459099, wv=1.77}
Ra8 {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=38, h=2.4, mt=44844, n=659344002, ph=92.8, pv=27...Ra8 28. Be2 Kh6 29. Rg3 Nc5 30. Kb1 Ne4 31. Rxg8 Rxg8 32. Re1 Kh7 33. Ka2 Nc5 34. Ka3 Bf8 35. Nb6 Bh6 36. Nxa4 Bd2 37. Rd1 Ra8 38. Bb5 Ne4 39. c3 Kh6 40. Kb4 Bf4 41. Nb6 Rb8 42. Nd7 Ra8 43. Re1 Nd2 44. Nxf6 Ra2 45. b3 Rb2 46. Ba4 Kg5 47. Ne8 e4 48. h6 Kxh6 49. Nf6 Kg5 50. Nxe4+ Nxe4 51. Rxe4 Kxf5 52. Re7 Kf6 53. Rd7 Rxh2 54. Kb5 Ke5 55. Rxf7 Bd2 56. c4 Rh8 57. Rg7 Bc1 58. Rg6 Ba3, s=14706667, sd=72, tb=113708, tl=1409755, wv=1.52}
28. Rdd3 {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=24, h=12.7, mt=84748, n=2488606, ph=80.0, pv=28. Rdd3 Kh6 29. Rg3 Rgb8 30. Rg4 Nc5 31. Kb1 Ra7 32. Rag3 Bf8 33. Ka2 Rab7 34. Rg2 e4 35. c3 Kh7 36. h6 Rc7 37. Rh4 Rcb7 38. Rhg4, s=29371, sd=62, tb=9, tl=2380351, wv=1.79}
Kh6 {R50=47, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=38, h=4.8, mt=118669, n=1458735457, ph=86.6, pv=28...Kh6 29. Rg3 Rxg3 30. hxg3 Kxh5 31. b3 Nc5 32. b4 Nd7 33. Kb2 Kg4 34. Rc3 Bf8 35. Ka3 Ra7 36. Be2+ Kxf5 37. Ne3+ Kg5 38. Bd3 Nb6 39. Rc6 Rb7 40. c4 Rb8 41. Bf5 Rb7 42. Ka2 Rb8 43. Rc7 Ra8 44. Ka3 Re8 45. Be4 Re7 46. Rc6 Rb7 47. b5 Kh5 48. Kb4 Rb8 49. Rc7 Bh6 50. Nf5 Bd2+ 51. Ka3 Bh6 52. Rxf7 Nxc4+ 53. Kxa4 Nb6+ 54. Ka3 Bg5 55. Nxd6 Kg4 56. Kb4 Kxg3, s=12293612, sd=71, tb=613644, tl=1297086, wv=1.47}
29. Rg3 {R50=47, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=18, h=0.9, mt=2079, n=66076, ph=81.2, pv=29. Rg3 Rgb8 30. Rg4 Nc5 31. Kb1 Ra7 32. Rag3 Bf8 33. Ka2 Rab7 34. Rg2 e4 35. c3 Kh7 36. h6 Rc7 37. Rh4 Rcb7 38. Rhg4, s=32075, sd=62, tb=1, tl=2384272, wv=1.81}
Rgb8 {R50=46, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=41, h=13.3, mt=311638, n=3672460032, ph=87.5, pv=29...Rgb8 30. Rg4 Bf8 31. Kb1 Ra6 32. Ka2 Ra7 33. Rag3 Nc5 34. Rg2 Rab7 35. Rh4 Be7 36. c3 Bf8 37. Ne3 Be7 38. Bc4 Nd7 39. Rhg4 Nc5 40. Ka3 Bf8 41. R4g3 Kh7 42. h6 Rc8 43. Ng4 Nd7 44. Ba6 Rb3+ 45. Ka2 Rcb8 46. Bc4 R3b6 47. Ka3 R8b7 48. Rh3 Rb8 49. Rh4 R6b7 50. Ne3 Nc5 51. Nd1 Rb6 52. Ka2 R6b7 53. Rgg4 Rc8 54. Rh3 Rcb8 55. Bd3, s=11784831, sd=68, tb=1835606, tl=991448, wv=1.74}
30. Rg4 {R50=46, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=21, h=12.6, mt=82283, n=2406190, ph=82.3, pv=30. Rg4 Nc5 31. Rag3 Bf8 32. Kb1 Ra7 33. Ka2 Rab7 34. Rg2 Rb5 35. c3 R5b7 36. Na5 Rb6 37. Rh4 Kh7 38. h6 Nb3 39. Nc4 R6b7 40. Ka3 Nc5 41. Ka2 Rb3 42. Rhg4 R3b7 43. Ne3 Rb3 44. Bc4 R3b7 45. Bf1, s=29251, sd=62, tb=26, tl=2307989, wv=1.87}
Bf8 {R50=45, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=48, h=9.6, mt=151017, n=3159033202, ph=88.2, pv=30...Bf8 31. Kb1 Ra7 32. Ka2 Nc5 33. Rag3 Rab7 34. Rg2 Kh7 35. h6 Na6 36. c3 Nc5 37. Ne3 Rb3 38. Nd1 R3b7 39. Be2 Ra7 40. Ne3 Rd7 41. Rh4 Rdb7 42. Bf1 Rb6 43. Bc4 R6b7 44. Nd1 Nd7 45. Bd3, s=20920056, sd=74, tb=188531, tl=846431, wv=1.89}
31. Nd2 {R50=45, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=19, h=15.1, mt=103458, n=3322862, ph=77.7, pv=31. Nd2 Nc5 32. Kb1 Be7 33. Nc4 Ra7 34. Rag3 Bf8 35. Ka2 Rab7 36. Rg2 e4 37. c3 Kh7 38. h6 Rc7 39. Be2 Re7 40. Ne3 a3 41. b4 Na4 42. Nd1 Nb6 43. c4 Na4 44. b5 e3 45. R2g3 Ra8 46. Rh4 Nc5 47. Rxe3 Rae8 48. Rxe7 Rxe7 49. Bf3 Bxh6 50. Nf2 Kg7 51. Ne4 Nxe4 52. Rxe4, s=32123, sd=62, tb=161, tl=2210531, wv=2.17}
Nc5 {R50=44, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=38, h=3.7, mt=56308, n=946685391, ph=83.3, pv=31...Nc5 32. Kb1 Be7 33. Rag3 Ra7 34. Ka2 Rab7 35. Nc4 Bf8 36. Rg2 Kh7 37. h6 Nd7 38. c3 Nc5 39. Ne3 Rc7 40. Nd1 Rcb7 41. Be2 Ra7 42. Bc4 Rab7 43. R2g3 Ra7 44. Rh4 Nd7 45. Bd3 Rc7 46. Rxa4 Nc5 47. Ra5 Nb3 48. Ra3 Nc1+ 49. Kb1 Nxd3 50. Rxd3 e4 51. Rh3 Bxh6 52. Ra4 Re7 53. Ne3 Kg7 54. Rg3+ Kf8 55. Kc2 Bxe3 56. Rxe3 Re5 57. Raxe4 Rxf5 58. c4 Rf1, s=16816509, sd=67, tb=131392, tl=796123, wv=1.90}
32. Kb1 {R50=44, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=19, h=11.6, mt=76547, n=2463076, ph=78.9, pv=32. Kb1 Be7 33. h3 Bd8 34. Nc4 Bc7 35. Rag3 e4 36. Ka2 Re8 37. Rg7 Rf8 38. Rg2 Nd7 39. R7g4 Rfe8 40. Be2 Nb6 41. Ne3 Ra5 42. c3 Nd7 43. Nc4 Rc5 44. Na3 e3 45. Bb5 Rd8 46. Bxd7 Rxd7 47. Nc2 Re7 48. Rg8 Kh7 49. R2g7+ Kh6 50. Rg2, s=32184, sd=62, tb=447, tl=2139984, wv=2.25}
Be7 {R50=43, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=47, h=2.8, mt=30763, n=664264466, ph=84.2, pv=32...Be7 33. Rag3 Bf8 34. Ka2 Kh7 35. h6 Rb7 36. Nc4 Rab8 37. Rg2 Rb5 38. c3 Rb3 39. Rh4 Ra8 40. Nd2 Rb7 41. Bc4 Rb6 42. Nf1 Re8 43. Ne3 Reb8 44. Rhg4 R6b7 45. Nd1 Nb3 46. Ka3 Nc5 47. R2g3 Ra7 48. Rh3 Ra5 49. Nf2 Ra7, s=21602798, sd=61, tb=45972, tl=771360, wv=1.90}
33. h3 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=21, h=12.5, mt=74213, n=2310646, ph=80.0, pv=33. h3 Bd8 34. Nc4 Bc7 35. Rag3 e4 36. Ka2 Re8 37. Rg7 Rf8 38. Be2 Nd7 39. R7g4 Rfe8 40. Re3 Nc5 41. Reg3 Nd7, s=31144, sd=62, tb=612, tl=2071771, wv=2.30}
Bd8 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=36, h=6.8, mt=139857, n=2012766130, ph=80.0, pv=33...Bd8 34. Be2 Ba5 35. Nc4 Bb4 36. Ra2 Ra7 37. Nxd6 Rd7 38. Nb5 Bd2 39. d6 e4 40. c3 Bg5 41. Kc2 Kh7 42. Ra1 Re8 43. h4 Bh6 44. Rd1 Re5 45. Na3 Rxf5 46. Rg2 Ne6 47. Bb5 Rd8 48. Bc6 Re5 49. Nc4 Rc5 50. Bxe4+ f5 51. Bd3 Nf4 52. Rf2 Nxd3 53. Kxd3 Bf8 54. Rdf1 Bxd6 55. Nxd6 Rxd6+ 56. Kc2 Rf6 57. Rf4 Ra5 58. c4 Kg8 59. Ra1 Re6 60. Kc3 Re3+ 61. Kb4 Ra7 62. Rxa4 Rb7+ 63. Kc5 Rxb2 64. Ra8+ Kg7 65. Rxf5 Re7 66. Ra6 Rh2 67. h6+ Kh7 68. Raf6 Rc7+ 69. Kb4 Rb7+ 70. Kc3 Rh3+ 71. Kd4 Rxh4+ 72. Kd5, s=14393144, sd=80, tb=345267, tl=637503, wv=1.94}
34. Nc4 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=30, h=11.7, mt=71965, n=2266390, ph=80.9, pv=34. Nc4 Bc7 35. Rag3 e4 36. Ka2 Re8 37. Rg7 Rf8 38. Be2 Nd7 39. R7g4 Rfe8 40. Rg2 Rab8 41. Rg7 Rf8 42. c3 Nc5 43. R7g3 Nb3 44. Ne3 Bb6 45. Ng4+ Kg5 46. Bd1 Nc1+ 47. Kb1 a3 48. Ne5+ Kf4 49. Nc6 a2+ 50. Ka1 Ra8 51. Rg4+ Ke3 52. Nb4 Rh8 53. h6 Rxh6 54. R4g3+ Kf4, s=31503, sd=62, tb=1473, tl=2005806, wv=2.38}
Ra7 {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=29, h=0.7, mt=15098, n=276529854, ph=76.1, pv=34...Ra7 35. Be2 Rab7 36. Bd1 Be7 37. Ra2 Ra7 38. c3 Ra6 39. Nd2 Rba8 40. Ne4 Nxe4 41. Rxe4 a3 42. b4 Rc8 43. Kc2 Bd8 44. Be2 Ra7 45. Kb3 Bb6 46. Bb5 Bg1 47. Ra1 Bf2 48. Rg4 Bb6 49. Bc6 Re7 50. Re1 Ra7 51. Rf1 Re7 52. Kxa3 e4 53. Rff4, s=18335091, sd=56, tb=28126, tl=628405, wv=1.72}
35. Rg8 {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=25, h=7.6, mt=69800, n=2088886, ph=77.2, pv=35. Rg8 Bc7 36. Rxb8 Bxb8 37. Rg3 Kxh5 38. Ka2 Rb7 39. Ka3 e4 40. Rg4 Kh6 41. Rg8 Bc7 42. Be2 Nd7 43. c3 Rb3+ 44. Ka2 Nc5 45. h4 Nd3 46. Bxd3 exd3 47. Rg3 Kh5 48. Rxd3 Kxh4 49. Rd4+ Kg5 50. Ne3 Rb8 51. Rg4+ Kh5 52. Rxa4 Kg5 53. Rg4+ Kh5 54. Ra4, s=29935, sd=62, tb=7186, tl=1942006, wv=2.61}
Bc7 {R50=47, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=38, h=4.3, mt=83222, n=1205376541, ph=72.7, pv=35...Bc7 36. Rxb8 Bxb8 37. Be2 Rb7 38. Ka2 Kh7 39. h4 Bc7 40. Rg3 Ne4 41. Rg2 Nc5 42. Rg4 Ra7 43. Bf3 Ra6 44. Ka3 Ra8 45. Bd1 Kh6 46. Be2 Kh7 47. Nd2 Bb6 48. c3 Kh6 49. Nc4 Bc7 50. Ne3 Bb6 51. Rb4 Ba5 52. Rc4 Bd8 53. Ng4+ Kh7 54. Bf3 Kg7 55. Bd1 Kh8 56. Nf2 Bb6 57. Rb4, s=14486654, sd=76, tb=239894, tl=551183, wv=2.12}
36. Rxb8 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=19, h=5.9, mt=40720, n=1354485, ph=78.2, pv=36. Rxb8 Bxb8 37. Rg3 Bc7 38. Rg8 Kxh5 39. Rg7 Rb7 40. Ka2 e4 41. Rxf7 Kg5 42. Rg7+ Kf4 43. h4 Bb8 44. Rg8 Ba7 45. Nxd6 Rh7 46. Nb5 Bb6 47. d6 Nb7 48. Re8 Bc5 49. Re6 Rd7 50. Nc3 Nxd6 51. Nd5+ Kf3 52. Nxf6 Rd8 53. h5 Bd4 54. h6 e3 55. h7 Nf7 56. c3 Bxf6 57. Rxf6 Ng5 58. Rh6 Rh8 59. Rh5 Kg4, s=33279, sd=61, tb=70, tl=1907286, wv=2.74}
Bxb8 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=35, h=2.3, mt=49458, n=733500839, ph=73.9, pv=36...Bxb8 37. Be2 Ra8 38. Rg3 Bc7 39. Rg4 Kh7 40. h4 Kh6 41. Ka2 Rb8 42. Ka3 Kxh5 43. Rg7+ Kxh4 44. Rxf7 Bd8 45. Rg7 Kh3 46. Nxd6 Ba5 47. Nb5 Rd8 48. d6 e4 49. Rg6 Kh4 50. Rxf6 Kg5 51. Rf7 Bb6 52. Kb4 Kf4 53. f6 Kf5 54. Bf1 Kg6 55. Re7 Kxf6 56. Kc4 Rc8 57. Kd5, s=14835881, sd=63, tb=156909, tl=507725, wv=2.27}
37. Rg3 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=19, h=9.9, mt=66551, n=2213818, ph=79.1, pv=37. Rg3 Bc7 38. Rg8 Kxh5 39. Ka2 Rb7 40. Rg7 Bb8 41. Rg8 Bc7, s=33275, sd=62, tb=282, tl=1846735, wv=2.86}
Kh7 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=33, h=2.6, mt=51899, n=712186596, ph=70.8, pv=37...Kh7 38. Rg4 Bc7 39. Ka2 Kh6 40. Be2 Ra8 41. Ka3 e4 42. h4 Rb8 43. Bd1 Ra8 44. c3 Re8 45. Rg2 Nd3 46. Ne3 Ne5 47. Ng4+ Nxg4 48. Bxg4 Ra8 49. Re2 Bb6 50. Rxe4 Bc5+ 51. Ka2 Bf2 52. Bd1 Ra5 53. Bf3 Kg7 54. Rc4 Be3 55. Rc6 Bc5 56. Rc7 Bf2 57. Rd7 Bg3 58. Ka3 Ra8 59. Bd1, s=13726781, sd=54, tb=137242, tl=461826, wv=2.30}
38. Ka2 {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=18, h=11.4, mt=64550, n=2157716, ph=76.0, pv=38. Ka2 Bc7 39. Rg4 Ra8 40. Nd2 Kh6 41. Be2 Bb6 42. Ka3 Ba5 43. c3 Bb6 44. Bd1 Kh7 45. Bxa4 Kh6 46. b3 Kxh5 47. Kb4 Bd8 48. Be8 Ba5+ 49. Kb5 Bxc3 50. Bxf7+ Kh6 51. Nc4 e4 52. Nxd6 e3 53. Kxc5 e2 54. Re4 e1=Q 55. Rxe1 Bxe1 56. Be6 Bf2+ 57. Kc6, s=33437, sd=62, tb=28, tl=1788185, wv=3.06}
Ne4 {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=33, h=1.6, mt=23340, n=409456148, ph=68.0, pv=38...Ne4 39. Rg2 Bc7 40. Ka3 Rb7 41. Bd3 Nc5 42. Be2 Ne4 43. h4 Rb8 44. Rg4 Nf2 45. Rg3 Ne4 46. Rg2 Nc5 47. Rg4 Rc8 48. Bd1 Rb8 49. Bf3 Kh6 50. Be2 Kxh5 51. Rg7+ Kxh4 52. Rxf7 Bd8 53. Rg7 Kh3 54. Nxd6 Ba5 55. Nb5 Rd8 56. d6 Be1 57. Rf7 Kg3 58. Rxf6 Kf4, s=17556648, sd=58, tb=68537, tl=444486, wv=2.31}
39. Rg2 {R50=47, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=18, h=10.2, mt=62605, n=2104396, ph=73.0, pv=39. Rg2 Bc7 40. c3 Nc5 41. Be2 Ra8 42. Ka3 Rb8 43. Nd2 Bb6 44. Rg4 Ra8 45. Bb5 Kh6 46. Be2 Kh7, s=33627, sd=62, tb=26, tl=1731580, wv=3.19}
Bc7 {R50=47, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=35, h=2.9, mt=55671, n=893188629, ph=69.2, pv=39...Bc7 40. Ka3 Ra8 41. h4 Nc5 42. Rg4 e4 43. Be2 Kh6 44. Bd1 Re8 45. Rg2 Rb8 46. c3 Ra8 47. Ne3 Bb6 48. Re2 Bc7 49. Ng4+ Kxh5 50. Nxf6+ Kxh4 51. Nxe4 Nxe4 52. Rxe4+ Kg5 53. Re7 Bd8 54. Re8 Kxf5 55. Bxa4 Kg4 56. b4 f5 57. Kb3 Kg3 58. Kc4 Rb8 59. Rf8 f4 60. Bd1 Bc7 61. Rxb8 Bxb8 62. Kb5, s=16049533, sd=57, tb=257354, tl=394815, wv=2.40}
40. c3 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=19, h=12.5, mt=71362, n=2403436, ph=74.0, pv=40. c3 Ra8 41. Ka3 Rb8 42. Be2 Nc5 43. Nd2 Bb6 44. Rg4 Ra8 45. Bb5 Kh6 46. Be2 Kh7, s=33689, sd=62, tb=23, tl=1666218, wv=3.21}
Bd8 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=33, h=1.4, mt=28570, n=467604365, ph=66.6, pv=40...Bd8 41. Ka3 Be7 42. Ne3 Nc5 43. Bb5 Bd8 44. Ng4 Ra5 45. Bc6 Nd3 46. Re2 Nc5 47. Re3 Ra6 48. Rg3 Ne4 49. Rg2 Ng5 50. Bxa4 Nxh3 51. b4 Nf4 52. Rd2 Ra8 53. Kb3 Be7 54. Bc6 Ra1 55. Ne3 Kh6 56. Nc4 Kxh5 57. b5 Kg4 58. Rh2 Nh5 59. b6 Bd8 60. b7, s=16377862, sd=56, tb=62657, tl=372245, wv=2.18}
41. Rg4 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=18, h=9.6, mt=69887, n=2369596, ph=71.4, pv=41. Rg4 Nf2 42. Rh4 a3 43. bxa3 Kh6 44. Nxd6 Rd7 45. Ne4 Nxe4 46. Rxe4 Rxd5 47. Be2 Rd2+ 48. Kb3 Ba5 49. h4 Bd8 50. Bc4 Rd7 51. Bb5 Rd1 52. Be8 Rb1+ 53. Kc2 Rf1 54. Rc4 Rxf5 55. Bxf7 Rf2+ 56. Kb3 f5 57. Rc8 Bxh4 58. a4 e4 59. a5 e3 60. a6 e2 61. Re8 Rf1 62. Rxe2 Rb1+ 63. Kc4 Ra1, s=33919, sd=62, tb=630, tl=1602331, wv=3.48}
Nf2 {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=31, h=2.1, mt=40279, n=605396307, ph=64.2, pv=41...Nf2 42. Rh4 a3 43. bxa3 Kh6 44. Nxd6 Rd7 45. Ne4 Nxe4 46. Rxe4 Rxd5 47. Be2 Rd2+ 48. Kb3 Ba5 49. h4 Bb6 50. Bc4 Ba5 51. Bb5 Rf2 52. Ra4 Bb6 53. Ra6 Be3 54. Bd3 Kg7 55. Bc2 Rh2 56. a4 Rxh4 57. a5 Rxh5 58. Ra8 Rh1 59. Kb2, s=15037166, sd=53, tb=394552, tl=337966, wv=2.41}
42. Rh4 {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=22, h=8.1, mt=56485, n=1892146, ph=72.4, pv=42. Rh4 a3 43. bxa3 Kh6 44. Nxd6 Rd7 45. Ne4 Nxe4 46. Rxe4 Rxd5 47. Be2 Rd2+ 48. Kb3 Ba5 49. h4 Kg7 50. Bb5 Rd1 51. Rc4 Re1 52. Ka4 Bd8 53. Bc6 Rf1 54. Be4 Ra1 55. Kb3 Kh6 56. Bd5 Rb1+ 57. Ka4 Rf1 58. Bxf7 Rxf5 59. Kb3 Ba5 60. a4 Rf4 61. Rc5 Bb6 62. Rc6 Bd8 63. Rc8 Bb6 64. Rc6, s=33513, sd=59, tb=1633, tl=1551846, wv=3.66}
a3 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=33, h=5.7, mt=122390, n=1793236016, ph=65.5, pv=42...a3 43. bxa3 Kh6 44. Nxd6 Rd7 45. Ne4 Nxe4 46. Rxe4 Rxd5 47. Be2 Rd2+ 48. Kb3 Ba5 49. h4 Bb6 50. Bc4 Ba5 51. Bb5 Rd8 52. Ra4 Bb6 53. Rb4 Rd1 54. a4 Ba5 55. Rc4 Kxh5 56. Be8 Rb1+ 57. Kc2 Rb7 58. Bc6 Re7 59. Bf3+ Kh6 60. Rc5 Ra7 61. Kb3 Kg7 62. Be4 Kh6 63. Rxa5 Rxa5 64. Kb4 Ra7, s=14654212, sd=67, tb=1351112, tl=221576, wv=2.66}
43. bxa3 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=23, h=9.2, mt=54828, n=1806286, ph=73.3, pv=43. bxa3 Kh6 44. Nxd6 Rd7 45. Ne4 Nxe4 46. Rxe4 Rxd5 47. Be2 Ba5 48. Kb3 Rd2 49. h4 Kg7 50. Bb5 Rf2 51. Ra4 Bb6 52. Bd3 Rh2 53. Bc2 Rh3 54. Rc4 Ba5 55. a4 Kh6 56. Rc5 Bb6 57. Rc6 Ba5 58. Rc5, s=32961, sd=62, tb=2904, tl=1503018, wv=3.70}
Kh6 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=35, h=6.9, mt=144085, n=2399153029, ph=66.6, pv=43...Kh6 44. Nxd6 Rd7 45. Ne4 Nxe4 46. Rxe4 Rxd5 47. Be2 Rd2+ 48. Kb3 Ba5 49. h4 Bd8 50. Bc4 Ba5 51. Bb5 Rd1 52. Rc4 Rb1+ 53. Ka4 Bb6 54. Be8 Bf2 55. Bxf7 Rb7 56. Bd5 Rb8 57. Rg4 Rd8 58. Be4 Kxh5 59. Bf3 Kh6 60. c4 Kh7 61. Bd5 Bc5 62. Rg6 Rf8 63. Rg3 Bf2 64. Rg2, s=16653383, sd=63, tb=2462592, tl=83491, wv=2.83}
44. Nxd6 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=24, h=11.4, mt=53204, n=1745716, ph=74.1, pv=44. Nxd6 Rd7 45. Ne4 Nxe4 46. Rxe4 Rxd5 47. Be2 Ba5 48. Kb3 Rd2 49. h4 Kg7 50. Bb5 Rf2 51. Ra4 Bb6 52. Bd3 Rh2 53. Bc2 Rh3 54. Rc4 Ba5 55. a4 Kh6 56. Rc5 Bb6 57. Rc6 Ba5 58. Rc5, s=32826, sd=62, tb=4261, tl=1455814, wv=3.74}
Rd7 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=30, h=0.6, mt=13001, n=364126389, ph=67.7, pv=44...Rd7 45. Ne4 Nxe4 46. Rxe4 Rxd5 47. Be2 Ba5 48. Kb3 Rd2 49. h4 Bb6 50. Bc4 Ba5 51. Bb5 Rd1 52. Rc4 Rb1+ 53. Ka4 Bb6 54. Be8 Bf2 55. Bxf7 Rb7 56. Bd5 Rb8 57. Rg4 Rd8 58. Be4 Kxh5 59. Bf3 Kh6 60. c4 Kh7 61. Bd5 Bc5 62. Rg6 Rf8 63. h5, s=28055041, sd=56, tb=333709, tl=76490, wv=2.87}
45. Ne4 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=27, h=1.3, mt=1083, n=32926, ph=75.0, pv=45. Ne4 Nxe4 46. Rxe4 Rxd5 47. Be2 Ba5 48. Kb3 Rd2 49. h4 Kg7 50. Bb5 Rf2 51. Ra4 Bb6 52. Bd3 Rh2 53. Bc2 Rh3 54. Rc4 Ba5 55. a4 Kh6 56. Rc5 Bb6 57. Rc6 Ba5 58. Rc5, s=31062, sd=56, tb=126, tl=1460731, wv=3.74}
Rxd5 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=33, h=3.8, mt=62120, n=1352472857, ph=68.7, pv=45...Rxd5 46. Be2 Nxe4 47. Rxe4 Rd2+ 48. Kb3 Kg7 49. Rg4+ Kh6 50. Bc4 Rd7 51. Bb5 Rd1 52. Be8 Rb1+ 53. Kc2 Rh1 54. Bxf7 Rxh3 55. Rg6+ Kh7 56. Bg8+ Kh8 57. Bd5 Kh7 58. a4 Rxh5 59. Rg8 Bb6 60. Kb3 Rh3 61. Ra8 Bd4 62. Rc8 Bb6 63. Kb4 Rd3 64. Kc4 Rg3 65. Rf8 Bf2 66. Rf7+ Kh6 67. Rxf6+ Kg5 68. Rf8 Be1 69. f6, s=21780003, sd=63, tb=1998719, tl=20370, wv=2.96}
46. Be2 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=22, h=12.3, mt=51818, n=1744556, ph=72.7, pv=46. Be2 Nxe4 47. Rxe4 Ba5 48. Kb3 Rd2 49. h4 Kg7 50. Bb5 Rf2 51. Ra4 Bb6 52. Bd3 Rd2 53. Be4 Kh6 54. Rb4 Bc5 55. Rc4 Bb6 56. Rb4, s=33685, sd=62, tb=5952, tl=1414913, wv=3.97}
Nxe4 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=31, h=1.0, mt=5662, n=172293759, ph=69.6, pv=46...Nxe4 47. Rxe4 Rd2+ 48. Kb3 Ba5 49. h4 Bd8 50. Bc4 Ba5 51. Bb5 Rd1 52. Rc4 Rb1+ 53. Ka4 Bb6 54. Be8 Bf2 55. Bxf7 Rb7 56. Bd5 Rb8 57. Rg4 Rb6 58. Bf3 Be1 59. c4 Ra6+ 60. Kb3 Rb6+ 61. Ka2 Bf2 62. Rg6+ Kh7 63. Bd5 Bxh4 64. Rg2 Be1 65. c5 Rb5 66. Rc2 Kh6 67. c6 Ba5 68. Bf3 e4 69. Bxe4, s=30548538, sd=53, tb=118489, tl=20708, wv=3.10}
47. Rxe4 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=22, h=1.7, mt=1083, n=32806, ph=73.5, pv=47. Rxe4 Ba5 48. Kb3 Rd2 49. h4 Kg7 50. Bb5 Rf2 51. Ra4 Bb6 52. Bd3 Rd2 53. Be4 Kh6 54. Rb4 Bc5 55. Rc4 Bb6 56. Rb4, s=31243, sd=55, tb=129, tl=1419830, wv=3.96}
Rd2+ {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=25, h=0.7, mt=4656, n=144986551, ph=70.5, pv=47...Rd2+ 48. Kb3 Ba5 49. h4 Bb6 50. Bc4 Ba5 51. Bb5 Rd1 52. Rc4 Rb1+ 53. Ka4 Bb6 54. Be8 Bf2 55. Bxf7 Rb7 56. Bd5 Rb8 57. Rg4 Rb6 58. Bf3 Be1 59. c4 Ra6+ 60. Kb3 Rb6+ 61. Ka2 Bf2 62. Rg6+ Kh7 63. Bd5 Bxh4 64. Rg2 Be1 65. c5 Rb5 66. Rc2 Kh6 67. c6 Ba5, s=31280809, sd=52, tb=134171, tl=22052, wv=2.88}
48. Kb3 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=22, h=1.9, mt=1612, n=50641, ph=71.4, pv=48. Kb3 Ba5 49. h4 Kg7 50. Bb5 Rf2 51. Ra4 Bb6 52. Bd3 Rd2 53. Bc2 Rd8 54. Rb4 Bf2 55. a4 Kh6 56. a5 Kxh5 57. Re4 Bxh4 58. Re2 Kg4 59. Be4 Kf4 60. Bb7 Rd1 61. a6 Ra1 62. c4 Kxf5 63. c5, s=32051, sd=54, tb=378, tl=1424218, wv=3.84}
Ba5 {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=33, h=2.1, mt=10252, n=273657851, ph=71.4, pv=48...Ba5 49. h4 Bb6 50. Bc4 Ba5 51. Bb5 Rd1 52. Rc4 Rb1+ 53. Ka4 Bb6 54. Be8 Re1 55. Bxf7 e4 56. Rc6 Bf2 57. Bd5 Bxh4 58. Rc4 Kxh5 59. Bxe4 Kg5 60. Kb4 Bf2 61. a4 Re2 62. a5 Rb2+ 63. Ka4, s=26750523, sd=51, tb=366688, tl=17800, wv=2.93}
49. h4 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=20, h=9.7, mt=50610, n=1700146, ph=72.2, pv=49. h4 Kg7 50. Bb5 Rf2 51. Ra4 Bb6 52. Bd3 Rd2 53. Bc2 Rd8 54. Rb4 Bf2 55. a4 Kh6 56. a5 Kxh5 57. Re4 Bxh4 58. Re2 Kg4 59. Be4 Rb8+ 60. Ka4 Kf4 61. Bd5 Rb1 62. a6 Ra1+ 63. Ba2 Rd1 64. Kb5, s=33613, sd=62, tb=14201, tl=1379608, wv=3.91}
Bb6 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=28, h=4.0, mt=5205, n=146201943, ph=72.2, pv=49...Bb6 50. Bc4 Ba5 51. Bb5 Rd1 52. Rc4 Rb1+ 53. Ka4 Bb6 54. Be8 Bf2 55. Bxf7 Rb7 56. Bd5 Rb8 57. Rg4 Rd8 58. Be4 Kxh5 59. Bf3 Kh6 60. c4 Kh7 61. Bd5 Bc5 62. Rg6 Rf8 63. Be4 Kh8 64. h5 Kh7 65. Bd5 Be7 66. Kb3 Rb8+ 67. Kc2, s=28218865, sd=44, tb=174347, tl=18595, wv=3.03}
50. Bc4 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=20, h=8.8, mt=49147, n=1648596, ph=70.2, pv=50. Bc4 Rd7 51. Kb4 Ra7 52. Be2 Ba5+ 53. Kb3 Rd7 54. Ra4 Bd8 55. Kc2 Bb6 56. Kb3 Bd8, s=33562, sd=62, tb=8204, tl=1336461, wv=4.36}
Ba5 {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=28, h=1.3, mt=3411, n=94923075, ph=72.9, pv=50...Ba5 51. Bb5 Rd1 52. Rc4 Rb1+ 53. Ka4 Bb6 54. Be8 Bf2 55. Bxf7 Rb8 56. Rg4 Rb7 57. Bd5 Rb6 58. Bf3 Be1 59. c4 Ra6+ 60. Kb3 Rb6+ 61. Ka2 Bf2 62. Rg6+ Kh7 63. Bd5 Bxh4 64. a4 Ra6 65. Kb3 Rb6+ 66. Kc3 Ra6 67. Kb4 Rb6+ 68. Ka5 Bf2, s=28017436, sd=52, tb=118394, tl=21184, wv=3.04}
51. Bxf7 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=21, h=7.8, mt=47704, n=1637176, ph=68.4, pv=51. Bxf7 Rd7 52. Bg6 Rb7+ 53. Kc2 Rc7 54. c4 Bb6 55. Rg4 Re7 56. Kd3 Rd7+ 57. Ke2 Bc5 58. a4 Re7 59. Kd3 Rd7+ 60. Ke2, s=34343, sd=62, tb=7856, tl=1294757, wv=4.77}
Rd7 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=24, h=14.1, mt=3793, n=91138587, ph=71.0, pv=51...Rd7 52. Be6 Rd3 53. Rc4 e4 54. Rxe4 Rxc3+ 55. Ka4 Bb6 56. Rc4 Rh3 57. Kb5 Bf2 58. a4 Bxh4 59. a5 Bf2 60. Rc2 Bd4 61. Rc8 Rh1 62. Rh8+ Kg7 63. Rg8+ Kh6 64. Rg6+ Kh7 65. Kc4 Be5 66. a6 Rc1+ 67. Kb4 Bd4 68. Bd5 Bc5+ 69. Kb5, s=24187523, sd=48, tb=215430, tl=23391, wv=2.67}
52. Bg6 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=21, h=8.7, mt=46331, n=1590196, ph=69.2, pv=52. Bg6 Rb7+ 53. Kc2 Rc7 54. c4 Bb6 55. Rg4 Re7 56. Kd3 Ba7 57. a4 Bc5 58. Ke4 Rd7 59. Be8 Rd4+ 60. Kf3 Rd3+ 61. Ke2 Re3+ 62. Kd2 Rh3 63. Rg6+ Kxh5 64. Rxf6+ Kg4 65. Rc6 Bb4+ 66. Kc2 Rc3+ 67. Kb2 Kxf5 68. h5 e4 69. h6 Kf4 70. Bg6 Rh3 71. h7 Bc3+ 72. Kc2 Be5 73. Rc8 Rh2+ 74. Kb3 e3 75. Rf8+ Kg3 76. Re8, s=34345, sd=62, tb=11184, tl=1254426, wv=4.95}
Rb7+ {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=21, h=1.0, mt=8160, n=160658004, ph=69.2, pv=52...Rb7+ 53. Kc2 Rc7 54. c4 Bb6 55. Rg4 Bc5 56. a4 Re7 57. Kd3 Rd7+ 58. Ke2 Re7 59. Rg3 Rb7 60. Rd3 e4 61. Rd5 Rb2+ 62. Kd1 Bf2 63. Rd7 Bxh4 64. Re7 Ra2 65. Rxe4 Bf2 66. Re7 Kg5 67. Re2 Ra1+ 68. Kc2 Bc5 69. Be8 Kxf5 70. Rd2 Ra2+ 71. Kd1, s=19748986, sd=42, tb=321583, tl=21231, wv=2.77}
53. Kc2 {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=21, h=10.7, mt=45006, n=1537036, ph=70.0, pv=53. Kc2 Rc7 54. c4 Bb6 55. Rg4 Rg7 56. a4 Bc5 57. Kd3 Rd7+ 58. Ke2 Re7 59. Kd3 Rd7+, s=34179, sd=62, tb=12494, tl=1215420, wv=5.06}
Rc7 {R50=47, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=22, h=1.6, mt=6788, n=173269531, ph=70.0, pv=53...Rc7 54. c4 Bb6 55. Rg4 Re7 56. Kd3 Bc5 57. a4 Rd7+ 58. Ke2 Re7 59. Kf3 Bb4 60. Ke3 Ba3 61. Ke4 Rc7 62. Kf3 Re7 63. a5 Ra7 64. Be8 Kh7 65. Rg6 e4+ 66. Ke3, s=25620217, sd=36, tb=231488, tl=20443, wv=2.71}
54. c4 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=22, h=1.9, mt=1085, n=32866, ph=70.7, pv=54. c4 Bb6 55. Rg4 Rg7 56. a4 Bc5 57. Kd3 Rd7+ 58. Ke2 Re7 59. Kd3 Rd7+, s=31300, sd=53, tb=209, tl=1220335, wv=4.96}
Bb6 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=24, h=1.3, mt=7052, n=167774619, ph=70.7, pv=54...Bb6 55. Rg4 Re7 56. Kd3 Bc5 57. a4 Rd7+ 58. Ke2 Re7 59. Kf3 Bb4 60. Ke3 Rg7 61. Ke2 Ra7 62. Be8 Ra8 63. Bc6 Kxh5 64. Kf3 Ra6 65. Rg8 Kxh4 66. Be8 e4+ 67. Kf4 Kh3 68. Kxe4 Rd6 69. Bb5, s=23879108, sd=43, tb=235269, tl=19391, wv=2.98}
55. Rg4 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=19, h=10.7, mt=43873, n=1493432, ph=71.4, pv=55. Rg4 Rg7 56. a4 Bc5 57. Kd3 Rd7+ 58. Ke2 Re7 59. Kd3 Rd7+, s=34065, sd=62, tb=22094, tl=1182462, wv=5.07}
Re7 {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=23, h=2.7, mt=15014, n=319348497, ph=71.4, pv=55...Re7 56. Kd3 Bc5 57. a4 Rd7+ 58. Kc2 Bd4 59. Be8 Rd8 60. Bf7 Rd7 61. Rg6+ Kxh5 62. Rxf6+ Kxh4 63. Bd5 Kg5 64. Rc6 e4 65. Bxe4 Ra7 66. Rg6+ Kf4 67. Kd3 Bh8 68. c5 Rxa4 69. f6 Ra7 70. Bd5 Ke5 71. f7, s=21305523, sd=49, tb=634816, tl=10377, wv=3.05}
56. Kd3 {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=19, h=9.5, mt=42637, n=1466042, ph=69.7, pv=56. Kd3 Bc5 57. a4 Rd7+ 58. Ke2 Re7 59. Kd3, s=34406, sd=61, tb=18041, tl=1145825, wv=5.44}
Ra7 {R50=47, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=25, h=1.4, mt=7583, n=159405722, ph=72.0, pv=56...Ra7 57. Ke4 Rxa3 58. Be8 Kh7 59. Kd5 Bf2 60. Bb5 Ra8 61. Ke6 Rf8 62. Bd7 Kh6 63. Bc6 Kh7 64. Be4 Kh6 65. Bf3 Kh7 66. h6 Kxh6 67. Rg6+ Kh7 68. Rxf6 Rc8 69. Bd5 e4 70. Kd7 Rh8 71. Bxe4 Bxh4 72. Re6 Rd8+ 73. Kc7 Rf8 74. c5, s=21096575, sd=37, tb=406437, tl=8794, wv=3.21}
57. Ke4 {R50=47, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=16, h=8.0, mt=41412, n=1426982, ph=68.1, pv=57. Ke4 Rd7 58. Be8 Rd6 59. Kf3 Kh7 60. Rg6 Bc5 61. a4 Rd8 62. Bc6 Rd3+ 63. Ke2 e4 64. Rg4 Re3+ 65. Kd1 Rd3+ 66. Ke2, s=34484, sd=62, tb=25909, tl=1110413, wv=6.11}
Rd7 {R50=46, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=23, h=8.1, mt=6274, n=132057062, ph=72.7, pv=57...Rd7 58. Be8 Rd4+ 59. Kf3 e4+ 60. Rxe4 Rd3+ 61. Kg2 Rd2+ 62. Kf1 Rf2+ 63. Ke1 Bc5 64. Bg6 Ra2 65. Re6 Rc2 66. a4 Rxc4 67. Rxf6 Re4+ 68. Kd2 Rd4+ 69. Ke2 Re4+ 70. Kf3 Rxh4 71. Rc6, s=21139276, sd=49, tb=352908, tl=8520, wv=3.42}
58. Be8 {R50=46, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=18, h=7.2, mt=40262, n=1375966, ph=68.8, pv=58. Be8 Rd6 59. Kf3 Kh7 60. Rg6 Bd8 61. h6 Rd4 62. Bf7 Rxh4 63. c5 e4+ 64. Ke3 Be7 65. c6 Bc5+ 66. Kd2 e3+ 67. Kd3 Rd4+ 68. Kxe3 Rd6+ 69. Ke4 Rxc6 70. Kd5 Rc7 71. a4 Bb4 72. Rxf6 Bc3 73. Bg6+ Kxh6 74. Rc6 Rd7+, s=34202, sd=59, tb=14622, tl=1076151, wv=6.47}
Rd4+ {R50=45, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=24, h=2.2, mt=6049, n=140157490, ph=73.3, pv=58...Rd4+ 59. Kf3 e4+ 60. Rxe4 Rd3+ 61. Kg2 Rd2+ 62. Kf1 Bc5 63. Ke1 Rh2 64. a4 Rh1+ 65. Ke2 Rh2+ 66. Kf3 Rf2+ 67. Kg3 Rxf5 68. Bg6 Rf1 69. Re6 Bb4 70. Kg4 Rc1 71. Rc6 Ba5 72. Kf5 Rf1+ 73. Ke6 Be1 74. Kf7 f5 75. Rf6 Bxh4 76. Rxf5 Ra1 77. Ra5 Re1, s=23274242, sd=44, tb=282804, tl=8471, wv=3.54}
59. Kf3 {R50=45, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=16, h=0.6, mt=1264, n=40096, ph=67.3, pv=59. Kf3 e4+ 60. Rxe4 Rd3+ 61. Kg2 Rxa3 62. Re6 Bd4 63. Bg6 Ra2+ 64. Kf3 Rh2 65. Ke4 Rxh4+ 66. Kd5 Bg1 67. Rxf6 Rd4+ 68. Kc5 Kg5 69. Rc6 Rd8+ 70. Kb5 Rb8+ 71. Ka6 Bd4, s=32598, sd=47, tb=570, tl=1080887, wv=7.04}
e4+ {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=24, h=1.5, mt=5977, n=147099324, ph=73.9, pv=59...e4+ 60. Rxe4 Rd3+ 61. Kg2 Rd2+ 62. Kf1 Bc5 63. Ke1 Rf2 64. Bg6 Rh2 65. a4 Rh1+ 66. Ke2 Rh2+ 67. Kf3 Rf2+ 68. Kg3 Rc2 69. Be8 Ba7 70. a5 Rc3+ 71. Kg2 Rc2+ 72. Kf1 Ra2 73. Re7 Ra1+ 74. Ke2 Ra2+ 75. Kd1, s=24718421, sd=54, tb=269774, tl=8494, wv=3.63}
60. Rxe4 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=16, h=3.1, mt=15275, n=525106, ph=68.0, pv=60. Rxe4 Rd3+ 61. Kg2 Rd2+ 62. Kf1 Bc5 63. a4 Rf2+ 64. Ke1 Rxf5 65. Bg6 Rf3 66. Re8 Rf4 67. Rh8+ Kg7 68. Rh7+ Kg8 69. Rc7 Bd6 70. Rc6 Bb4+ 71. Ke2 Rxh4 72. Kd3 Kg7 73. Rc8 f5 74. c5 Ba5 75. Ra8 Rxa4 76. Bxf5, s=34455, sd=54, tb=8381, tl=1071612, wv=7.53}
Rd3+ {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=23, h=2.8, mt=2181, n=60144714, ph=74.4, pv=60...Rd3+ 61. Kg2 Rd2+ 62. Kf1 Bc5 63. Ke1 Rh2 64. a4 Rh1+ 65. Ke2 Rh2+ 66. Kf3 Rf2+ 67. Kg3 Rxf5 68. Bg6 Rf1 69. Re6 Bb4 70. Kg2 Rd1 71. Rxf6 Rd4 72. Kh3 Be7 73. Re6 Bxh4 74. Be8+ Kg5 75. h6, s=27922337, sd=38, tb=99396, tl=12313, wv=3.70}
61. Kg2 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=16, h=6.4, mt=38970, n=1341226, ph=68.7, pv=61. Kg2 Rd2+ 62. Kf1 Bc5 63. Ke1 Rh2 64. a4 Kg7 65. Rg4+ Kh7 66. Kd1 Rf2 67. Bg6+ Kg7 68. Be8+ Kh7, s=34443, sd=61, tb=22387, tl=1038642, wv=7.93}
Rd2+ {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=24, h=8.4, mt=6272, n=156480198, ph=75.0, pv=61...Rd2+ 62. Kf1 Bc5 63. Ke1 Rf2 64. Bg6 Rh2 65. a4 Kg7 66. Be8 Rg2 67. Kd1 Rg1+ 68. Kc2 Rg2+ 69. Kd3 Rg3+ 70. Ke2 Rg2+ 71. Kf3 Rf2+ 72. Kg4 Rc2 73. Bb5 Rg2+ 74. Kh3 Rf2 75. Re6 Rxf5 76. a5 Rxh5 77. Kg4 Rh8 78. Rc6 Bf2 79. Rc7+ Kg6, s=25056877, sd=47, tb=347643, tl=12041, wv=3.75}
62. Kf1 {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=16, h=1.3, mt=1237, n=38746, ph=69.3, pv=62. Kf1 Bc5 63. Ke1 Rh2 64. a4 Kg7 65. Rg4+ Kh7 66. Kd1 Rf2 67. Bg6+ Kg7 68. Be8+ Kh7, s=32288, sd=47, tb=463, tl=1043405, wv=7.64}
Bc5 {R50=47, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=22, h=7.4, mt=8953, n=215816248, ph=75.5, pv=62...Bc5 63. Ke1 Rf2 64. Bg6 Ra2 65. Re6 Rc2 66. Rxf6 Rxc4 67. Ra6 Re4+ 68. Kd1 Rd4+ 69. Kc2 Rc4+ 70. Kb3 Rf4 71. a4 Be7 72. Be8+ Kg7 73. h6+ Kh7 74. h5, s=24178383, sd=41, tb=509466, tl=9088, wv=3.55}
63. a4 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=15, h=8.9, mt=48081, n=1650046, ph=70.0, pv=63. a4 Rf2+ 64. Ke1 Rxf5 65. Bg6 Rf3 66. Re8 Ra3 67. Rc8 Bd6 68. c5 Bg3+ 69. Ke2 Rxa4 70. Rh8+ Kg7 71. Rh7+ Kg8 72. Rd7 Rxh4 73. c6 Be5 74. c7 Rh2+ 75. Kf3 Rh3+ 76. Kg4 Rg3+ 77. Kf5 Rf3+ 78. Ke6, s=34340, sd=56, tb=29326, tl=1001324, wv=7.93}
Rf2+ {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=18, h=2.8, mt=3020, n=60839701, ph=74.0, pv=63...Rf2+ 64. Ke1 Rxf5 65. Bg6 Bb4+ 66. Ke2 Ra5 67. Rd4 Bf8 68. Rd8 Kg7 69. Rd7+ Kg8 70. Be4 Bh6 71. Bc6 Rxh5 72. Bd5+ Kf8 73. a5 Re5+ 74. Kf3 Rf5+ 75. Kg2, s=20340923, sd=42, tb=263592, tl=12068, wv=3.64}
64. Ke1 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=15, h=1.1, mt=1188, n=36976, ph=70.5, pv=64. Ke1 Rxf5 65. Bg6 Rf3 66. Re8 Ra3 67. Rc8 Bd6 68. c5 Bg3+ 69. Ke2 Rxa4 70. Rh8+ Kg7 71. Rh7+ Kg8 72. Rd7 Rxh4 73. c6 Be5 74. c7 Rh2+ 75. Kf3 Rh3+ 76. Kg4 Rg3+ 77. Kf5 Rf3+ 78. Ke6, s=32153, sd=51, tb=1162, tl=1006136, wv=7.83}
Rh2 {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=25, h=3.0, mt=8976, n=189619065, ph=74.5, pv=64...Rh2 65. Bg6 Rh1+ 66. Kd2 Rh2+ 67. Re2 Rxh4 68. Kd3 Rh3+ 69. Ke4 Bg1 70. Kd5 Rd3+ 71. Ke6 Rd8 72. Kxf6 Rc8 73. Rc2 Ba7 74. Ke5 Rc5+ 75. Ke6 Kg5, s=21191223, sd=43, tb=631957, tl=9092, wv=4.18}
65. Re6 {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=13, h=7.7, mt=43304, n=1506826, ph=69.2, pv=65. Re6 Rxh4 66. Rxf6+ Kg5 67. Rc6 Rxc4 68. Ke2 Re4+ 69. Kd3 Re3+ 70. Kc4 Bf8 71. Rg6+ Kf4 72. Bd7 Re7 73. Be6 Ke5 74. a5 Rc7+ 75. Kb5 Rb7+ 76. Kc6 Ra7 77. Kb5 Rb7+, s=34823, sd=52, tb=95205, tl=968832, wv=9.10}
Bd4 {R50=47, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=27, h=5.8, mt=5750, n=118355568, ph=73.0, pv=65...Bd4 66. Re4 Bc5 67. Bg6 Kg7 68. Kd1 Rh1+ 69. Kd2 Rh2+ 70. Re2 Rxh4 71. Kd3 Rd4+ 72. Kc3 Rd7 73. Re6 Bd4+ 74. Kc2 Ra7 75. Be8 Kh6 76. Kd3 Be5 77. Ke4 Bc3 78. c5 Kg5, s=20691532, sd=32, tb=525649, tl=9342, wv=4.22}
66. c5 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=13, h=6.0, mt=36767, n=1281496, ph=67.9, pv=66. c5 Bxc5 67. Rxf6+ Kh7 68. Re6 Rxh4 69. Ke2 Bb4 70. f6 Kh6 71. Rc6 Bf8 72. f7+ Kh7 73. Ke1 Bg7 74. a5 Bf8 75. a6 Rxh5 76. Ke2 Ra5 77. Kd3 Kg7 78. Kc4 Be7 79. Rg6+ Kh7 80. Re6 Bf8 81. Kd3 Rh5 82. Ke2 Ra5 83. Kd3, s=34889, sd=47, tb=32580, tl=938065, wv=10.73}
Bc3+ {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=21, h=0.8, mt=6730, n=143793076, ph=71.6, pv=66...Bc3+ 67. Kd1 Rxh4 68. Kc2 Ba5 69. Kd3 Rh1 70. Rxf6+ Kg5 71. Rf8 Bb4 72. Kc4 Ba3 73. Rg8+ Kxf5 74. Rg3 Bb2 75. Rb3 Rc1+ 76. Kb5 Bd4 77. c6 Kf6 78. a5 Kg5, s=21461653, sd=39, tb=626025, tl=8612, wv=4.46}
67. Kd1 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=13, h=5.9, mt=34577, n=1201756, ph=66.6, pv=67. Kd1 Rxh4 68. c6 Rc4 69. a5 Bxa5 70. Rxf6+ Kg5 71. Rg6+ Kxf5 72. Bd7+ Ke5 73. Rg5+ Kd6 74. Rxa5 Rd4+ 75. Kc2 Rc4+ 76. Kd1, s=34793, sd=47, tb=66742, tl=909488, wv=12.82}
Rxh4 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=19, h=3.2, mt=6126, n=152188532, ph=72.2, pv=67...Rxh4 68. Kc2 Be5 69. Kb3 Rh1 70. Bg6 Bf4 71. Re8 Kg7 72. Kc4 Ra1 73. Kb5 Rb1+ 74. Kc6 Bh6 75. Re7+ Kg8 76. Rd7, s=24965310, sd=32, tb=375357, tl=8486, wv=4.85}
68. c6 {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=13, h=7.7, mt=33630, n=1157986, ph=67.2, pv=68. c6 Rd4+ 69. Ke2 Ba5 70. Ke3 Rxa4 71. Rxf6+ Kg5 72. c7 Rc4 73. Rg6+ Kh4 74. f6 Rxc7 75. h6 Rh7 76. Kf4 Bd2+ 77. Kf5 Rh8 78. f7 Bxh6 79. Rg8, s=34474, sd=44, tb=136845, tl=881858, wv=12.93}
Rh1+ {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=19, h=2.1, mt=6022, n=182223557, ph=70.9, pv=68...Rh1+ 69. Ke2 Ba5 70. Rxf6+ Kg5 71. Rf8 Re1+ 72. Kd3 Rd1+ 73. Kc2 Rd2+ 74. Kb3 Rd3+ 75. Kc4 Rc3+ 76. Kd4 Rf3 77. f6 Rf4+ 78. Kd3 Rf3+ 79. Ke2 Kf4 80. Rg8 Re3+ 81. Kd1 Ke4 82. Bg6+ Kd4 83. Re8 Bc7 84. f7 Rf3 85. f8=Q Rxf8 86. Rxf8 Kc3, s=30411141, sd=47, tb=846858, tl=8464, wv=5.63}
69. Kc2 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=13, h=5.8, mt=34615, n=1204392, ph=66.0, pv=69. Kc2 Ba5 70. Rxf6+ Kg5 71. Rf8 Rh3 72. f6 Bb4 73. Bd7 Rc3+ 74. Kb2 Rc4 75. Rg8+ Kxf6 76. Kb3 Rxc6 77. Bxc6 Bd2, s=34829, sd=43, tb=72257, tl=853243, wv=19.02}
Ba5 {R50=48, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=16, h=2.1, mt=2573, n=111813675, ph=69.6, pv=69...Ba5 70. Rxf6+ Kg5 71. Rf8 Rh2+ 72. Kd3 Rd2+ 73. Ke3 Rd8 74. Rg8+ Kxf5 75. Bd7+ Kf6 76. Rxd8 Bb6+ 77. Ke2, s=43969199, sd=46, tb=388859, tl=11891, wv=5.46}
70. Rxf6+ {R50=50, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=13, h=6.3, mt=31778, n=1098586, ph=66.6, pv=70. Rxf6+ Kg5 71. Rf8 Rh3 72. f6 Bb4 73. Rf7 Rc3+ 74. Kb2 Re3 75. Rg7+ Kxf6 76. Rg6+ Ke7 77. c7 Bc3+ 78. Kc2 Ba5 79. c8=Q Re2+ 80. Kd3 Rd2+ 81. Ke3 Rd6 82. Qb7+ Bc7 83. Qxc7+ Rd7 84. Qxd7+, s=34612, sd=43, tb=102142, tl=827465, wv=18.14}
Kg5 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=18, h=1.6, mt=8834, n=508927583, ph=70.1, pv=70...Kg5 71. Rf8 Rh2+ 72. Kd3 Rd2+ 73. Ke3 Rd6 74. f6 Kf5 75. f7 Bd2+ 76. Ke2 Ke4 77. Rg8 Bb4 78. Rg4+ Kf5 79. Rxb4 Re6+ 80. Kd2, s=57819539, sd=36, tb=1322061, tl=9057, wv=6.57}
71. Rf8 {R50=49, Rd=-9, Rr=-1000, d=12, h=8.2, mt=33446, n=1121476, ph=67.2, pv=71. Rf8 Bc7 72. f6 Bd6 73. c7 Rh2+ 74. Kd3 Rh3+ 75. Kc4 Bxc7 76. f7 Rh4+ 77. Kd5 Rxh5 78. Rg8+ Kf6+ 79. Kc6 Ke5 80. f8=Q Rf5 81. Qc5+ Ke4 82. Bg6, s=33567, sd=41, tb=133520, tl=800019, wv=20.00}
Rh3 {d=18, h=3.7, mt=6495, n=501637392, ph=70.6, pv=[object Object], s=77604794, sd=42, tb=1390460, tl=8562, wv=6.63}
72. f6 {d=12, h=6.2, mt=33016, n=1072096, ph=66.1, pv=[object Object], s=32507, sd=39, tb=160747, tl=773003, wv=23.38}
Bb4 {d=24, h=2.8, mt=5332, n=562652483, ph=69.4, pv=[object Object], s=106160845, sd=44, tb=1705300, tl=9230, wv=199.30}
73. Bd7 {d=11, h=5.8, mt=34183, n=1116286, ph=66.6, pv=[object Object], s=32697, sd=37, tb=321872, tl=744820, wv=24.59}
Rh2+ {d=17, h=2.8, mt=3926, n=413866879, ph=68.3, pv=[object Object], s=106283225, sd=34, tb=1219894, tl=11304, wv=199.02}
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Re: Stoofvlees II d2 is Killing Stockfish in TCEC

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What were the evaluations straight out of book?
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Re: Stoofvlees II d2 is Killing Stockfish in TCEC

Post by AndrewGrant »

The single strongest argument against unbalanced openings, is posters like ChessQuack who will show you one half of the pair, but not the other.

Stockfish easily one the initial game as well, thus making this a "busted" pair. . The first eval from Stockfish was +1.22. In the reverse, it was +1.07.
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Re: Stoofvlees II d2 is Killing Stockfish in TCEC

Post by chesskobra »

Are these openings tested with some high level engines before their use on TCEC matches? If an opening is so clearly one sided that both engines win one game each, what is the point of such openings?
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Re: Stoofvlees II d2 is Killing Stockfish in TCEC

Post by Graham Banks »

chesskobra wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:55 am Are these openings tested with some high level engines before their use on TCEC matches? If an opening is so clearly one sided that both engines win one game each, what is the point of such openings?
Entertainment apparently.
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Re: Stoofvlees II d2 is Killing Stockfish in TCEC

Post by hgm »

There would indeed be no point in playing from such a biased position that it is a guaranteed win. But a 1-1 result is no proof for that. As even start positions that only offer a 50% chance on a win (as opposed to a draw in the other 50%) do result in half the pairs ending in 1-1.
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Re: Stoofvlees II d2 is Killing Stockfish in TCEC

Post by towforce »

Graham Banks wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 12:40 pmEntertainment apparently.


It comes down to what we want from chess tournaments. I'll offer two possibilities:

1. Entertainment: if the tournament has a sponsor, they'll want as many people engaged as possible in order to see their product placement. They'll therefore want swashbuckling chess that's great to watch, and should probably offer rewards (and even extra points!) for sacrifices

2. To find out which chess engines are the best. For this, you really need bigger boards (12x12 might be a good starting point). The games would be tortuous for humans to watch, but it would magnify the tiny gaps in quality between the top computers, and it would reward "knowledge" ahead of "search", because search depth would be dramatically reduced and game length would be dramatically increased.
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Re: Stoofvlees II d2 is Killing Stockfish in TCEC

Post by Viz »

This will just favour GPU based engines and this is all - because AB search will suck on a bigger board.
But what it has to do with "rewarding knowledge"? It would reward computation ahead of algo, because let's be real, making a good AB search is an art, making a good NN via selfplay is mostly about how much hardware you can pour in it.
And chess is chess.
There is a big class of positions which can showcase which engines are superior to others. Yes, sometimes you get on a scale of busted openings and sometimes closer to drawish ones, this happens. But it averages in general and also it doesn't really matter in 1x1.
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Re: Stoofvlees II d2 is Killing Stockfish in TCEC

Post by Chessqueen »

AndrewGrant wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 3:22 am The single strongest argument against unbalanced openings, is posters like ChessQuack who will show you one half of the pair, but not the other.

Stockfish easily one the initial game as well, thus making this a "busted" pair. . The first eval from Stockfish was +1.22. In the reverse, it was +1.07.
TCEC should run a more fair tournament, where every Opening should be tested by engines and NOT to allow Opening that favour White or Black side by more than 0.75
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Re: Stoofvlees II d2 is Killing Stockfish in TCEC

Post by towforce »

Viz wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 1:43 pmBut what [larger board] has to do with "rewarding knowledge"?

Roughly speaking, the size of the game tree rises exponentially with the size of the board (this is discussed, with evidence, in the "Fruit fly races on steroids?" thread - link). In the kind of position in which you're used to getting, say, 10 ply full width and 30 ply selective search, you will now be lucky to get 3 ply full width and 10 ply selective search.

So... if you rely on search for most of your information about the position, then... oh dear - it's gone! Even having the shiniest graphics card on offer won't resolve that.

You're going to be relying on knowledge to enable you to play a good game!

...making a good NN via selfplay is mostly about how much hardware you can pour in it...
If you think that NNs are the only way to encode knowledge, then today's cool kid will be tomorrow's dinosaur!
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