Lizard 10.5 has replaced Lizard 10.4 and comes in at 10th place. As a result, Rebel 16.3 has dropped out.
Tournament scores:
Code: Select all
1 Stockfish 16.1 : 2049.0 2800 73.2 1324 1450 26 51.8
2 Berserk 13 : 1818.0 2800 64.9 1070 1496 234 53.4
3 Obsidian 13 : 1659.5 2800 59.3 870 1579 351 56.4
4 Caissa 1.19 : 1612.0 2800 57.6 831 1562 407 55.8
5 PlentyChess 2.1.0 : 1551.5 2800 55.4 740 1623 437 58.0
6 Clover 6.2 : 1433.0 2800 51.2 624 1618 558 57.8
7 Alexandria 7.0.0 : 1427.0 2800 51.0 613 1628 559 58.1
8 RubiChess 20240112 : 1313.0 2800 46.9 527 1572 701 56.1
9 Viridithas 13.0.0 : 1252.0 2800 44.7 456 1592 752 56.9
10 Lizard 10.5 : 1240.0 2800 44.3 459 1562 779 55.8
11 Uralochka 3.41 : 1167.5 2800 41.7 388 1559 853 55.7
12 Titan 1.1 : 1148.5 2800 41.0 355 1587 858 56.7
13 Seer 2.8.0 : 1139.0 2800 40.7 373 1532 895 54.7
14 Clarity 7.2.0 : 1097.0 2800 39.2 309 1576 915 56.3
15 Stormphrax 5.0.0 : 1093.0 2800 39.0 376 1434 990 51.2
White wins: 8'614 (41.0%)
Black wins: 701 (3.3%)
Draws: 11'685 (55.6%)
White score: 68.8%
Tournament Conditions:
Format: Round-robin using Stefah Pohl's unbalanced 3-move book Chess324_xxl_big_+090_+119.pgn played reversed sides per pairing.
Time Control: game in 2 minutes plus 1 second increment, 2'+1"
Hardware: Ryzen 9 5900X, Intel i7-12700, Intel 10900. For the next few months it will be solely the i7-12700
(performance of the machines is roughly equalised through TDP/PPT settings)
CuteChess GUI, concurrency 12 on the Ryzen, and 8 on the Intels
Adjudication: Syzygy 5-men only.
Endgame tablebases: Syzygy 5-men.
Each engine 512MB hash, 1 thread, ponder off
Pgn available on request by private message.