Chess324 Top 15 Round-Robin - Lizard 10.5

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Modern Times
Posts: 3590
Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:02 pm

Chess324 Top 15 Round-Robin - Lizard 10.5

Post by Modern Times »

This is an ongoing Top15 round-robin tournament of free engines only, using Stefah Pohl's unbalanced 3-move book Chess324_xxl_big_+090_+119.pgn played reversed sides per pairing, where new versions replace previous versions, and new entrants cause the bottom engine to drop out.

Lizard 10.5 has replaced Lizard 10.4 and comes in at 10th place. As a result, Rebel 16.3 has dropped out.

Tournament scores:

Code: Select all

# PLAYER                   :  POINTS  PLAYED   (%)     W     D    L  D(%)  

   1 Stockfish 16.1        :  2049.0    2800  73.2  1324  1450   26  51.8  
   2 Berserk 13            :  1818.0    2800  64.9  1070  1496  234  53.4  
   3 Obsidian 13           :  1659.5    2800  59.3   870  1579  351  56.4  
   4 Caissa 1.19           :  1612.0    2800  57.6   831  1562  407  55.8  
   5 PlentyChess 2.1.0     :  1551.5    2800  55.4   740  1623  437  58.0  
   6 Clover 6.2            :  1433.0    2800  51.2   624  1618  558  57.8  
   7 Alexandria 7.0.0      :  1427.0    2800  51.0   613  1628  559  58.1  
   8 RubiChess 20240112    :  1313.0    2800  46.9   527  1572  701  56.1  
   9 Viridithas 13.0.0     :  1252.0    2800  44.7   456  1592  752  56.9  
  10 Lizard 10.5           :  1240.0    2800  44.3   459  1562  779  55.8  
  11 Uralochka 3.41        :  1167.5    2800  41.7   388  1559  853  55.7  
  12 Titan 1.1             :  1148.5    2800  41.0   355  1587  858  56.7  
  13 Seer 2.8.0            :  1139.0    2800  40.7   373  1532  895  54.7  
  14 Clarity 7.2.0         :  1097.0    2800  39.2   309  1576  915  56.3  
  15 Stormphrax 5.0.0      :  1093.0    2800  39.0   376  1434  990  51.2  
White wins: 8'614 (41.0%)
Black wins: 701 (3.3%)
Draws: 11'685 (55.6%)
White score: 68.8%

Tournament Conditions:
Format: Round-robin using Stefah Pohl's unbalanced 3-move book Chess324_xxl_big_+090_+119.pgn played reversed sides per pairing.
Time Control: game in 2 minutes plus 1 second increment, 2'+1"
Hardware: Ryzen 9 5900X, Intel i7-12700, Intel 10900. For the next few months it will be solely the i7-12700
(performance of the machines is roughly equalised through TDP/PPT settings)
CuteChess GUI, concurrency 12 on the Ryzen, and 8 on the Intels
Adjudication: Syzygy 5-men only.
Endgame tablebases: Syzygy 5-men.
Each engine 512MB hash, 1 thread, ponder off

Pgn available on request by private message.