Blitz Tournament 3'+2" (46th Edition)

Discussion of computer chess matches and engine tournaments.

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Pvt. Ryan
Posts: 50
Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2022 3:50 am
Location: Christchurch, NZ
Full name: Ray Bongalon

Re: Blitz Tournament 3'+2" (46th Edition)

Post by Pvt. Ryan »

Carlos777 wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2024 1:44 pm
Pvt. Ryan wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 10:19 pm Hi. How did you do the swiss system pairing? Cheers.
Hi, I use Winboard, it is a GUI with the Swiss format as an option for tournaments. I think it's the only one that allows you to play many games of the same swiss tournament at the same time. Arena has an add-on to make it play the swiss format, but just 1 game at a time.
Thanks for your reply. I'm using cute-chess and can't find the 'swiss format' option. Cheers.
Posts: 1933
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Re: Blitz Tournament 3'+2" (46th Edition)

Post by Carlos777 »

Premier Division

Code: Select all

                                Score     (Tie)  Stoc Obsi Cais Plen Bers Alex Clov Liza Rubi Tita Ural Komo Seer Koiv Clar Peac
 1: Stockfish 16.1            41.0 / 60  1185.00  XXXX ==== =11= ==== ==1= 1=== ==11 ===1 ==11 =1=1 =1== 1==1 =111 =1== 11== 1=1=  (+22 -0 =38)
 2: Obsidian 13.0             36.5 / 60  1055.25  ==== XXXX ==== ==== ==== 1=== ==== ===1 ==== =1== 1=== =1=1 ==1= =11= =1=1 =11=  (+13 -0 =47)
 3: Caissa 1.20 JA            34.5 / 60  994.00  =00= ==== XXXX 1=== ==== ==== 1=== ==== ===1 ==== ===1 =1== 1=== ===1 ==1= 1=11  (+11 -2 =47)
 4: PlentyChess 3.0.0 dev JA  34.0 / 60  997.50  ==== ==== 0=== XXXX =1== ==== ==== ===1 ==1= 1=== ==== ==1= ==== 111= =1== ====  (+9 -1 =50)
 5: Berserk 13                34.0 / 60  989.50  ==0= ==== ==== =0== XXXX =1== ==== 1=1= 1=== =1== =1== ==== ==== =1== 1=1= ==1=  (+10 -2 =48)
 6: Alexandria 7.0.0          31.5 / 60  914.50  0=== 0=== ==== ==== =0== XXXX ==== ==== 0=== =1== ==== =1== =1== 11== =1=1 ====  (+7 -4 =49)
 7: Clover 7.0 JA             30.5 / 60  888.50  ==00 ==== 0=== ==== ==== ==== XXXX ===0 ==== ==== ===1 =1== 0==1 1=== 1=== 1===  (+6 -5 =49)
 8: Lizard 10.5               29.5 / 60  865.00  ===0 ===0 ==== ===0 0=0= ==== ===1 XXXX ==1= ==== ==== =1== ==== 0=== ===1 ===1  (+5 -6 =49)
 9: RubiChess 20240112        29.5 / 60  856.75  ==00 ==== ===0 ==0= 0=== 1=== ==== ==0= XXXX ==== ==== ==== ==== =1=1 ==1= ==1=  (+5 -6 =49)
10: Titan 1.1                 29.0 / 60  840.00  =0=0 =0== ==== 0=== =0== =0== ==== ==== ==== XXXX ==== 1==0 ==11 ==== ==== 1==1  (+5 -7 =48)
11: Uralochka 3.42 dev2       28.5 / 60  838.25  =0== 0=== ===0 ==== =0== ==== ===0 ==== ==== ==== XXXX ==== 1=== ==== ==== 1===  (+2 -5 =53)
12: Komodo Dragon             27.0 / 60  783.50  0==0 =0=0 =0== ==0= ==== =0== =0== =0== ==== 0==1 ==== XXXX ===1 ==== 1=== ===1  (+4 -10 =46)
13: Seer 2.90 devr467 GS      25.0 / 60  740.50  =000 ==0= 0=== ==== ==== =0== 1==0 ==== ==== ==00 0=== ===0 XXXX ==== ==== 0==1  (+2 -12 =46)
14: Koivisto 9.2 fix          24.5 / 60  718.25  =0== =00= ===0 000= =0== 00== 0=== 1=== =0=0 ==== ==== ==== ==== XXXX ==== 1=10  (+3 -14 =43)
15: Clarity 7.2.0             23.0 / 60  678.50  00== =0=0 ==0= =0== 0=0= =0=0 0=== ===0 ==0= ==== ==== 0=== ==== ==== XXXX ====  (+0 -14 =46)
16: PeaceKeeper 3.01          22.0 / 60  656.00  0=0= =00= 0=00 ==== ==0= ==== 0=== ===0 ==0= 0==0 0=== ===0 1==0 0=01 ==== XXXX  (+2 -18 =40)
480 games: +82 -24 =374