In the last 5 games I got 2.5-2.5 result against Lc0 with black at 10+5
Note that I used some small book that I memorized from learning from previous games and it seems that lc0 repeat the same moves too often.
first game:
I analyzed the game later with Wasp(not immediately after the game and Wasp said that 5...Nxd2 was not the best but 5...Bf5 so I decided to play later 5...Bf5(not that Nxd2 is a mistake and maybe better practical decision was to keep Nxd2 and learn from my mistakes later because the main problem is that I did not play the endgame well)
second game:
moves 1-5 including 5...Bf5 were from memory.
I started to think and found the moves that Wasp suggest at moves 6-8.
6...e5 seems active and I saw that 7.Nxe5 is bad
It seems that I have the initiative after moves 7-8 but I did not find the correct moves and lost.
21...Nf3+ was one important mistake. I calculate that I can sacrifice my queen for rook and knight and did not see that I lose the bishop at f3 on time.
Third game:
I found in the analysis that 9...Nc6 was better so
9...Nc6 was the last move that I memorized and this time I won.