My UHO-Top15 Ratinglist is the world's first engine-ratinglist, using UHO-openings, and the world's first ratinglist offering additionally Gamepair-statistics.
Testruns of Revenge 4.0 and Monty 241220 finished.
Both engines are to weak for my UHO-Top15 Ratinglist, so the results can be found only in the Full Ratinglist:
Also take a look at the EAS-Ratinglist, the world's first engine-ratinglist not measuring strength of engines but engines's style of play:
(Perhaps you have to clear your browsercache with <strg>+<shift>+<delete> to reload the graphics/diagrams on my website)
SPCC: Testruns of Revenge 4 and Monty 241220 finished
Moderator: Ras
- Posts: 2647
- Joined: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:25 am
- Location: Berlin, Germany
- Full name: Stefan Pohl