Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Discussion of anything and everything relating to chess playing software and machines.

Moderator: Ras

Uri Blass
Posts: 10693
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Post by Uri Blass »

Father wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 3:28 am
lkaufman wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:18 pm
Father wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:26 am
lkaufman wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2024 12:00 am
Father wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 10:23 pm
Father wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 10:28 am
Uri Blass wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 8:56 am I wondered if people could recently beat the knight odd bot in blitz and the result is that people could do it.

I found that gelyaromanova lost 216-1 with 4 draws against LeelaKnightOdds

lost 20-0 at 1+0
lost 29-0 at 2+0
and finally lost 167-1 with 4 draws at 3+2
[pgn] Event "Casual bullet game"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2024.12.18"]
[White "LeelaKnightOdds"]
[Black "Catecan"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[UTCDate "2024.12.18"]
[UTCTime "09:12:48"]
[WhiteElo "2000"]
[BlackElo "2030"]
[WhiteTitle "BOT"]
[Variant "From Position"]
[TimeControl "60+0"]
[ECO "?"]
[Opening "?"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKB1R w KQkq - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Annotator ""]

1. c4 f5 2. Nc3 e6 3. d4 Nf6 4. e3 d5 5. Qc2 c6 6. Bd3 g6 7. b3 Bd6 8. Bb2 Qe7 9. O-O Ba3 10. Bxa3 Qxa3 11. c5 Qa5 12. a4 Qc7 13. b4 a6 14. f4 O-O 15. h3 Rf7 16. b5 Rg7 17. Qf2 Ne8 18. b6 Qe7 19. g4 Nd7 20. g5 Nb8 21. h4 Rf7 22. h5 Ng7 23. h6 Ne8 24. Qg3 Rf8 25. Rab1 Kh8 26. Na2 Rg8 27. Nb4 Qd7 28. a5 Rf8 29. Bc2 Rf7 30. Ba4 Rf8 31. Nd3 Rf7 32. Ne5 Qe7 33. Rb2 Rf8 34. Rfb1 Rf7 35. Bd1 Rf8 36. Qh2 Rf7 37. Kh1 Rf8 38. Qh3 Rf7 39. Nf3 Rf8 40. Ba4 Rf7 41. Ne5 Rf8 42. Rg1 Rf7 43. Rh2 Rf8 44. Rb2 Rf7 45. Rh2 Rf8 46. Rb1 Rf7 47. Nxf7+ Qxf7 48. Rhb2 Qe7 49. e4 fxe4 50. Qg3 Kg8 51. Rb3 Kh8 52. Kg2 Kg8 53. Kf2 Kh8 54. Ke1 Kg8 55. R3b2 Kh8 56. Kd2 Kg8 57. Kc2 Kh8 58. Qc3 Kg8 59. Kb3 Kh8 60. Ka3 Kg8 61. Ka2 Kh8 62. Ka1 Kg8 63. Qb3 Kh8 64. Qg3 Kg8 65. Rc2 Kh8 66. Kb2 Kg8 67. Kc1 Kh8 68. Kd1 Kg8 69. Ke1 Kh8 70. Rcb2 Kg8 71. Kf1 Kh8 72. Kg1 Kg8 73. Rf1 Kh8 74. Rbf2 Kg8 75. Bd1 Kh8 76. Bg4 Kg8 77. Qh3 Kh8 78. Kh1 Kg8 79. Rg1 Kh8 80. Rg3 Kg8 81. Re3 Kh8 82. Re1 Kg8 83. Ref1 Kh8 84. Qg3 Kg8 85. Kg1 Kh8 86. Qh3 Kg8 87. Kh1 Kh8 88. Qg3 Kg8 89. Qh3 { The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2[/pgn]

Good morning Uri, I hope you are well and continue to be well.
Uri. LeelaKnightOdds is like a wild horse; You ride him and he throws you on the ground again and again, then you get to know him, you make the horse ride, trot and run, finally you tame him, and he eats from your hand.
... how strange ... I have seen that the number of matches of the best players against LeelaQueenOdds has decreased? Also in bullet controls there are fewer Masters... what reason could there be for the lack of enthusiasm? I also note that the Top 100 position table has not been updated... how sad all this is...
I think that some interested has shifted back from queen odds to knight odds and rook odds. My guess is that many 2800+ bullet players have given up; their goal was probably to make a plus score at 1'0" at queen odds, but no one can do it so far, maybe Magnus or Hikaru might have a chance, but as far as we know they haven't tried. But it remains a good way to practice/improve bullet skills, so I expect we'll still see a reasonable number of such players playing the bot from time to time. is like a chain of new experiences and knowledge
It seems here we have learned that LeelaQueenOdds has been stronger and more powerful than some elite players expected.
So they have preferred to step aside. But history has already been written and what is written is written. To achieve leadership or a good position in the table of the top 100 humans who face the robot, it is not enough to be an advanced player, it is also required to understand that we are facing a computer with all that this means.
I don't think that is necessary, although it works for you. It is sufficient to understand that the opponent is vastly stronger, and that we only need to simplify the position and avoid complications, although this is much easier said that done, especially at the smaller handicaps. Whether the opponent is a machine or some alien or super-human doesn't matter, it is the strength that matters. Top players know to simplify when winning, and they would dominate the top of the list if they played blitz rather than bullet queen odds. But it seems they like to challenge themselves.
Good evening Mr. Larey Kaufman and Mr. Marcogio9.
I hope you are well and continue well.
I wish you a very good year 2025.
I would like to ask something...
Since the last elo calculation of the top 100 of Leelaqueenodds, I have played driving the black chips, the modest amount of 1269 fights; I have been getting an idea of ​​the
reach the program, knowing little about
little their actions and reactions. I have been improving the percentage of points step by step, I usually play 100 games a day, although sometimes they are more or less. Today, for example, I have played 4 games and my performance is 50% tied, I have played 4 games, I have lost 2 and tied 2. But I usually stabilize at more or less 16%. I think I can improve, my human strategic memory is improving... I am worried about a series of encounters between players that "crush Leela" but the way of playing seems very implausible and could distort the table... I am also worried about the absence of GM and strong players, I don't know if they have become frustrated. It's good that the bulls returned to the bullring to compete...
Usually the strongest players play chess to earn money so you can expect them not to play games with odds against lc0 because they can use the same time to play humans in other tournament and earn money.

You are a good player at playing against Leela at queen odds at 1+0 time control but
I am sure that you are going to find strong GM's who perform better than you at 1+0 if there is money to earn from it.

Nobody in the table played the number of games that you play against LeelaQueenOdds(except nn1133) because people are not interested in it even if they can improve.

nn1133 also is not interested in playing against the queenodds version recently and most of his games against Leela are before the upgrade.

He play bullet but do it recently against humans.

Personally I also play mainly against humans(I use a different acount than uriblass to play against humans recently because I do not want people to know new openings that I play and prepare OTB for games against me based on games when I play with my real name).
Posts: 1710
Joined: Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:39 am
Location: Colombia
Full name: Pablo Ignacio Restrepo

Re: Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Post by Father »

Uri Blass wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:50 am
Father wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 3:28 am
lkaufman wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:18 pm
Father wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:26 am
lkaufman wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2024 12:00 am
Father wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 10:23 pm
Father wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 10:28 am
Uri Blass wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 8:56 am I wondered if people could recently beat the knight odd bot in blitz and the result is that people could do it.

I found that gelyaromanova lost 216-1 with 4 draws against LeelaKnightOdds

lost 20-0 at 1+0
lost 29-0 at 2+0
and finally lost 167-1 with 4 draws at 3+2
[pgn] Event "Casual bullet game"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2024.12.18"]
[White "LeelaKnightOdds"]
[Black "Catecan"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[UTCDate "2024.12.18"]
[UTCTime "09:12:48"]
[WhiteElo "2000"]
[BlackElo "2030"]
[WhiteTitle "BOT"]
[Variant "From Position"]
[TimeControl "60+0"]
[ECO "?"]
[Opening "?"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKB1R w KQkq - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Annotator ""]

1. c4 f5 2. Nc3 e6 3. d4 Nf6 4. e3 d5 5. Qc2 c6 6. Bd3 g6 7. b3 Bd6 8. Bb2 Qe7 9. O-O Ba3 10. Bxa3 Qxa3 11. c5 Qa5 12. a4 Qc7 13. b4 a6 14. f4 O-O 15. h3 Rf7 16. b5 Rg7 17. Qf2 Ne8 18. b6 Qe7 19. g4 Nd7 20. g5 Nb8 21. h4 Rf7 22. h5 Ng7 23. h6 Ne8 24. Qg3 Rf8 25. Rab1 Kh8 26. Na2 Rg8 27. Nb4 Qd7 28. a5 Rf8 29. Bc2 Rf7 30. Ba4 Rf8 31. Nd3 Rf7 32. Ne5 Qe7 33. Rb2 Rf8 34. Rfb1 Rf7 35. Bd1 Rf8 36. Qh2 Rf7 37. Kh1 Rf8 38. Qh3 Rf7 39. Nf3 Rf8 40. Ba4 Rf7 41. Ne5 Rf8 42. Rg1 Rf7 43. Rh2 Rf8 44. Rb2 Rf7 45. Rh2 Rf8 46. Rb1 Rf7 47. Nxf7+ Qxf7 48. Rhb2 Qe7 49. e4 fxe4 50. Qg3 Kg8 51. Rb3 Kh8 52. Kg2 Kg8 53. Kf2 Kh8 54. Ke1 Kg8 55. R3b2 Kh8 56. Kd2 Kg8 57. Kc2 Kh8 58. Qc3 Kg8 59. Kb3 Kh8 60. Ka3 Kg8 61. Ka2 Kh8 62. Ka1 Kg8 63. Qb3 Kh8 64. Qg3 Kg8 65. Rc2 Kh8 66. Kb2 Kg8 67. Kc1 Kh8 68. Kd1 Kg8 69. Ke1 Kh8 70. Rcb2 Kg8 71. Kf1 Kh8 72. Kg1 Kg8 73. Rf1 Kh8 74. Rbf2 Kg8 75. Bd1 Kh8 76. Bg4 Kg8 77. Qh3 Kh8 78. Kh1 Kg8 79. Rg1 Kh8 80. Rg3 Kg8 81. Re3 Kh8 82. Re1 Kg8 83. Ref1 Kh8 84. Qg3 Kg8 85. Kg1 Kh8 86. Qh3 Kg8 87. Kh1 Kh8 88. Qg3 Kg8 89. Qh3 { The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2[/pgn]

Good morning Uri, I hope you are well and continue to be well.
Uri. LeelaKnightOdds is like a wild horse; You ride him and he throws you on the ground again and again, then you get to know him, you make the horse ride, trot and run, finally you tame him, and he eats from your hand.
... how strange ... I have seen that the number of matches of the best players against LeelaQueenOdds has decreased? Also in bullet controls there are fewer Masters... what reason could there be for the lack of enthusiasm? I also note that the Top 100 position table has not been updated... how sad all this is...
I think that some interested has shifted back from queen odds to knight odds and rook odds. My guess is that many 2800+ bullet players have given up; their goal was probably to make a plus score at 1'0" at queen odds, but no one can do it so far, maybe Magnus or Hikaru might have a chance, but as far as we know they haven't tried. But it remains a good way to practice/improve bullet skills, so I expect we'll still see a reasonable number of such players playing the bot from time to time. is like a chain of new experiences and knowledge
It seems here we have learned that LeelaQueenOdds has been stronger and more powerful than some elite players expected.
So they have preferred to step aside. But history has already been written and what is written is written. To achieve leadership or a good position in the table of the top 100 humans who face the robot, it is not enough to be an advanced player, it is also required to understand that we are facing a computer with all that this means.
I don't think that is necessary, although it works for you. It is sufficient to understand that the opponent is vastly stronger, and that we only need to simplify the position and avoid complications, although this is much easier said that done, especially at the smaller handicaps. Whether the opponent is a machine or some alien or super-human doesn't matter, it is the strength that matters. Top players know to simplify when winning, and they would dominate the top of the list if they played blitz rather than bullet queen odds. But it seems they like to challenge themselves.
Good evening Mr. Larey Kaufman and Mr. Marcogio9.
I hope you are well and continue well.
I wish you a very good year 2025.
I would like to ask something...
Since the last elo calculation of the top 100 of Leelaqueenodds, I have played driving the black chips, the modest amount of 1269 fights; I have been getting an idea of ​​the
reach the program, knowing little about
little their actions and reactions. I have been improving the percentage of points step by step, I usually play 100 games a day, although sometimes they are more or less. Today, for example, I have played 4 games and my performance is 50% tied, I have played 4 games, I have lost 2 and tied 2. But I usually stabilize at more or less 16%. I think I can improve, my human strategic memory is improving... I am worried about a series of encounters between players that "crush Leela" but the way of playing seems very implausible and could distort the table... I am also worried about the absence of GM and strong players, I don't know if they have become frustrated. It's good that the bulls returned to the bullring to compete...
Usually the strongest players play chess to earn money so you can expect them not to play games with odds against lc0 because they can use the same time to play humans in other tournament and earn money.

You are a good player at playing against Leela at queen odds at 1+0 time control but
I am sure that you are going to find strong GM's who perform better than you at 1+0 if there is money to earn from it.

Nobody in the table played the number of games that you play against LeelaQueenOdds(except nn1133) because people are not interested in it even if they can improve.

nn1133 also is not interested in playing against the queenodds version recently and most of his games against Leela are before the upgrade.

He play bullet but do it recently against humans.

Personally I also play mainly against humans(I use a different acount than uriblass to play against humans recently because I do not want people to know new openings that I play and prepare OTB for games against me based on games when I play with my real name).
Thanks Uri for the message. It really is very illustrative. I'm afraid I've spent my life fighting at windmills. Today I received a very profound message. Deeper, much deeper than Deep Blue. It goes like this: "Having faith is signing a blank sheet of paper and letting "our Programmer" write what he wants."
Of course I am surpassed by other chess players facing machines, the truth is that we really need to have them in the battle in the top 100 table facing LeelaQueenOdds. Sometimes it is better to be an amateur than a sports professional, because you can practice with greater freedom, for fun and for the simple love of playing. Again Uri: Thank you.
I am thinking chess is in a coin.Human beings for ever playing in one face.Now I am playing in the other face:"Antichess". Computers are as a fortres where owner forgot to close a little door behind. You must enter across this door.Forget the front.
Posts: 1710
Joined: Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:39 am
Location: Colombia
Full name: Pablo Ignacio Restrepo

Re: Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Post by Father »

Father wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 7:16 am
Uri Blass wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:50 am
Father wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 3:28 am
lkaufman wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:18 pm
Father wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:26 am
lkaufman wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2024 12:00 am
Father wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 10:23 pm
Father wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 10:28 am
Uri Blass wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 8:56 am I wondered if people could recently beat the knight odd bot in blitz and the result is that people could do it.

I found that gelyaromanova lost 216-1 with 4 draws against LeelaKnightOdds

lost 20-0 at 1+0
lost 29-0 at 2+0
and finally lost 167-1 with 4 draws at 3+2
[pgn] Event "Casual bullet game"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2024.12.18"]
[White "LeelaKnightOdds"]
[Black "Catecan"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[UTCDate "2024.12.18"]
[UTCTime "09:12:48"]
[WhiteElo "2000"]
[BlackElo "2030"]
[WhiteTitle "BOT"]
[Variant "From Position"]
[TimeControl "60+0"]
[ECO "?"]
[Opening "?"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKB1R w KQkq - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Annotator ""]

1. c4 f5 2. Nc3 e6 3. d4 Nf6 4. e3 d5 5. Qc2 c6 6. Bd3 g6 7. b3 Bd6 8. Bb2 Qe7 9. O-O Ba3 10. Bxa3 Qxa3 11. c5 Qa5 12. a4 Qc7 13. b4 a6 14. f4 O-O 15. h3 Rf7 16. b5 Rg7 17. Qf2 Ne8 18. b6 Qe7 19. g4 Nd7 20. g5 Nb8 21. h4 Rf7 22. h5 Ng7 23. h6 Ne8 24. Qg3 Rf8 25. Rab1 Kh8 26. Na2 Rg8 27. Nb4 Qd7 28. a5 Rf8 29. Bc2 Rf7 30. Ba4 Rf8 31. Nd3 Rf7 32. Ne5 Qe7 33. Rb2 Rf8 34. Rfb1 Rf7 35. Bd1 Rf8 36. Qh2 Rf7 37. Kh1 Rf8 38. Qh3 Rf7 39. Nf3 Rf8 40. Ba4 Rf7 41. Ne5 Rf8 42. Rg1 Rf7 43. Rh2 Rf8 44. Rb2 Rf7 45. Rh2 Rf8 46. Rb1 Rf7 47. Nxf7+ Qxf7 48. Rhb2 Qe7 49. e4 fxe4 50. Qg3 Kg8 51. Rb3 Kh8 52. Kg2 Kg8 53. Kf2 Kh8 54. Ke1 Kg8 55. R3b2 Kh8 56. Kd2 Kg8 57. Kc2 Kh8 58. Qc3 Kg8 59. Kb3 Kh8 60. Ka3 Kg8 61. Ka2 Kh8 62. Ka1 Kg8 63. Qb3 Kh8 64. Qg3 Kg8 65. Rc2 Kh8 66. Kb2 Kg8 67. Kc1 Kh8 68. Kd1 Kg8 69. Ke1 Kh8 70. Rcb2 Kg8 71. Kf1 Kh8 72. Kg1 Kg8 73. Rf1 Kh8 74. Rbf2 Kg8 75. Bd1 Kh8 76. Bg4 Kg8 77. Qh3 Kh8 78. Kh1 Kg8 79. Rg1 Kh8 80. Rg3 Kg8 81. Re3 Kh8 82. Re1 Kg8 83. Ref1 Kh8 84. Qg3 Kg8 85. Kg1 Kh8 86. Qh3 Kg8 87. Kh1 Kh8 88. Qg3 Kg8 89. Qh3 { The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2[/pgn]

Good morning Uri, I hope you are well and continue to be well.
Uri. LeelaKnightOdds is like a wild horse; You ride him and he throws you on the ground again and again, then you get to know him, you make the horse ride, trot and run, finally you tame him, and he eats from your hand.
... how strange ... I have seen that the number of matches of the best players against LeelaQueenOdds has decreased? Also in bullet controls there are fewer Masters... what reason could there be for the lack of enthusiasm? I also note that the Top 100 position table has not been updated... how sad all this is...
I think that some interested has shifted back from queen odds to knight odds and rook odds. My guess is that many 2800+ bullet players have given up; their goal was probably to make a plus score at 1'0" at queen odds, but no one can do it so far, maybe Magnus or Hikaru might have a chance, but as far as we know they haven't tried. But it remains a good way to practice/improve bullet skills, so I expect we'll still see a reasonable number of such players playing the bot from time to time. is like a chain of new experiences and knowledge
It seems here we have learned that LeelaQueenOdds has been stronger and more powerful than some elite players expected.
So they have preferred to step aside. But history has already been written and what is written is written. To achieve leadership or a good position in the table of the top 100 humans who face the robot, it is not enough to be an advanced player, it is also required to understand that we are facing a computer with all that this means.
I don't think that is necessary, although it works for you. It is sufficient to understand that the opponent is vastly stronger, and that we only need to simplify the position and avoid complications, although this is much easier said that done, especially at the smaller handicaps. Whether the opponent is a machine or some alien or super-human doesn't matter, it is the strength that matters. Top players know to simplify when winning, and they would dominate the top of the list if they played blitz rather than bullet queen odds. But it seems they like to challenge themselves.
Good evening Mr. Larey Kaufman and Mr. Marcogio9.
I hope you are well and continue well.
I wish you a very good year 2025.
I would like to ask something...
Since the last elo calculation of the top 100 of Leelaqueenodds, I have played driving the black chips, the modest amount of 1269 fights; I have been getting an idea of ​​the
reach the program, knowing little about
little their actions and reactions. I have been improving the percentage of points step by step, I usually play 100 games a day, although sometimes they are more or less. Today, for example, I have played 4 games and my performance is 50% tied, I have played 4 games, I have lost 2 and tied 2. But I usually stabilize at more or less 16%. I think I can improve, my human strategic memory is improving... I am worried about a series of encounters between players that "crush Leela" but the way of playing seems very implausible and could distort the table... I am also worried about the absence of GM and strong players, I don't know if they have become frustrated. It's good that the bulls returned to the bullring to compete...
Usually the strongest players play chess to earn money so you can expect them not to play games with odds against lc0 because they can use the same time to play humans in other tournament and earn money.

You are a good player at playing against Leela at queen odds at 1+0 time control but
I am sure that you are going to find strong GM's who perform better than you at 1+0 if there is money to earn from it.

Nobody in the table played the number of games that you play against LeelaQueenOdds(except nn1133) because people are not interested in it even if they can improve.

nn1133 also is not interested in playing against the queenodds version recently and most of his games against Leela are before the upgrade.

He play bullet but do it recently against humans.

Personally I also play mainly against humans(I use a different acount than uriblass to play against humans recently because I do not want people to know new openings that I play and prepare OTB for games against me based on games when I play with my real name).
Thanks Uri for the message. It really is very illustrative. I'm afraid I've spent my life fighting at windmills. Today I received a very profound message. Deeper, much deeper than Deep Blue. It goes like this: "Having faith is signing a blank sheet of paper and letting "our Programmer" write what he wants."
Of course I am surpassed by other chess players facing machines, the truth is that we really need to have them in the battle in the top 100 table facing LeelaQueenOdds. Sometimes it is better to be an amateur than a sports professional, because you can practice with greater freedom, for fun and for the simple love of playing. Again Uri: Thank you.
[pgn] [Event "Casual bullet game"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2025.01.08"]
[White "PabloZarnicki"]
[Black "LeelaQueenOdds"]
[Result "1-0"]
[UTCDate "2025.01.08"]
[UTCTime "06:10:43"]
[WhiteElo "2684"]
[BlackElo "2000"]
[WhiteTitle "GM"]
[BlackTitle "BOT"]
[Variant "From Position"]
[TimeControl "60+1"]
[ECO "?"]
[Opening "?"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[FEN "rnb1kbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Annotator ""]

1. e4 b6 2. d4 Bb7 3. Nc3 g6 4. Nf3 e6 5. h4 Nf6 6. h5 Nxh5 7. Rxh5 gxh5 8. Ne5 Nc6 9. Nxc6 Bxc6 10. d5 Bb7 11. dxe6 dxe6 12. Qxh5 O-O-O 13. Bg5 Re8 14. Bf6 Rg8 15. Qxf7 Bd6 16. Nb5 Rgf8 17. Nxd6+ cxd6 18. Qg7 Rg8 19. Qxh7 Kb8 20. f3 Rc8 21. O-O-O d5 22. exd5 exd5 23. Be5+ Ka8 24. Bb5 Rxg2 25. Qd7 Rgxc2+ 26. Kb1 d4 27. Bd3 R2c5 28. Be4 Bxe4+ 29. fxe4 d3 30. Bd4 R8c7 31. Qd8+ Rc8 32. Qd6 R5c6 33. Qd5 d2 34. Rxd2 Kb8 35. a3 a5 36. e5 a4 37. Ka2 Ka7 38. e6 Ka6 39. Re2 Rc1 40. e7 Rd1 41. e8=Q Ra1+ 42. Kxa1 Rc1+ 43. Ka2 Rc7 44. Qxa4# { White wins by checkmate. } 1-0[/pgn]

!! Otro GM al ruedo; en este caso de Argentina. 🇦🇷 Que bueno sería observar 🔜 a Faustino Oro, “el grande” 😇😇 jugando contra LeelaQueenaodds. Gracias Maestros por brindarnos felicidad en este año que apenas comienza. Hoyo en uno ⛳️ 🏆
I am thinking chess is in a coin.Human beings for ever playing in one face.Now I am playing in the other face:"Antichess". Computers are as a fortres where owner forgot to close a little door behind. You must enter across this door.Forget the front.
Posts: 1710
Joined: Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:39 am
Location: Colombia
Full name: Pablo Ignacio Restrepo

Re: Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Post by Father »

Father wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 5:06 pm
Father wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 7:16 am
Uri Blass wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:50 am
Father wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 3:28 am
lkaufman wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:18 pm
Father wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:26 am
lkaufman wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2024 12:00 am
Father wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 10:23 pm
Father wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 10:28 am
Uri Blass wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 8:56 am I wondered if people could recently beat the knight odd bot in blitz and the result is that people could do it.

I found that gelyaromanova lost 216-1 with 4 draws against LeelaKnightOdds

lost 20-0 at 1+0
lost 29-0 at 2+0
and finally lost 167-1 with 4 draws at 3+2
[pgn] Event "Casual bullet game"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2024.12.18"]
[White "LeelaKnightOdds"]
[Black "Catecan"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[UTCDate "2024.12.18"]
[UTCTime "09:12:48"]
[WhiteElo "2000"]
[BlackElo "2030"]
[WhiteTitle "BOT"]
[Variant "From Position"]
[TimeControl "60+0"]
[ECO "?"]
[Opening "?"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKB1R w KQkq - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Annotator ""]

1. c4 f5 2. Nc3 e6 3. d4 Nf6 4. e3 d5 5. Qc2 c6 6. Bd3 g6 7. b3 Bd6 8. Bb2 Qe7 9. O-O Ba3 10. Bxa3 Qxa3 11. c5 Qa5 12. a4 Qc7 13. b4 a6 14. f4 O-O 15. h3 Rf7 16. b5 Rg7 17. Qf2 Ne8 18. b6 Qe7 19. g4 Nd7 20. g5 Nb8 21. h4 Rf7 22. h5 Ng7 23. h6 Ne8 24. Qg3 Rf8 25. Rab1 Kh8 26. Na2 Rg8 27. Nb4 Qd7 28. a5 Rf8 29. Bc2 Rf7 30. Ba4 Rf8 31. Nd3 Rf7 32. Ne5 Qe7 33. Rb2 Rf8 34. Rfb1 Rf7 35. Bd1 Rf8 36. Qh2 Rf7 37. Kh1 Rf8 38. Qh3 Rf7 39. Nf3 Rf8 40. Ba4 Rf7 41. Ne5 Rf8 42. Rg1 Rf7 43. Rh2 Rf8 44. Rb2 Rf7 45. Rh2 Rf8 46. Rb1 Rf7 47. Nxf7+ Qxf7 48. Rhb2 Qe7 49. e4 fxe4 50. Qg3 Kg8 51. Rb3 Kh8 52. Kg2 Kg8 53. Kf2 Kh8 54. Ke1 Kg8 55. R3b2 Kh8 56. Kd2 Kg8 57. Kc2 Kh8 58. Qc3 Kg8 59. Kb3 Kh8 60. Ka3 Kg8 61. Ka2 Kh8 62. Ka1 Kg8 63. Qb3 Kh8 64. Qg3 Kg8 65. Rc2 Kh8 66. Kb2 Kg8 67. Kc1 Kh8 68. Kd1 Kg8 69. Ke1 Kh8 70. Rcb2 Kg8 71. Kf1 Kh8 72. Kg1 Kg8 73. Rf1 Kh8 74. Rbf2 Kg8 75. Bd1 Kh8 76. Bg4 Kg8 77. Qh3 Kh8 78. Kh1 Kg8 79. Rg1 Kh8 80. Rg3 Kg8 81. Re3 Kh8 82. Re1 Kg8 83. Ref1 Kh8 84. Qg3 Kg8 85. Kg1 Kh8 86. Qh3 Kg8 87. Kh1 Kh8 88. Qg3 Kg8 89. Qh3 { The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2[/pgn]

Good morning Uri, I hope you are well and continue to be well.
Uri. LeelaKnightOdds is like a wild horse; You ride him and he throws you on the ground again and again, then you get to know him, you make the horse ride, trot and run, finally you tame him, and he eats from your hand.
... how strange ... I have seen that the number of matches of the best players against LeelaQueenOdds has decreased? Also in bullet controls there are fewer Masters... what reason could there be for the lack of enthusiasm? I also note that the Top 100 position table has not been updated... how sad all this is...
I think that some interested has shifted back from queen odds to knight odds and rook odds. My guess is that many 2800+ bullet players have given up; their goal was probably to make a plus score at 1'0" at queen odds, but no one can do it so far, maybe Magnus or Hikaru might have a chance, but as far as we know they haven't tried. But it remains a good way to practice/improve bullet skills, so I expect we'll still see a reasonable number of such players playing the bot from time to time. is like a chain of new experiences and knowledge
It seems here we have learned that LeelaQueenOdds has been stronger and more powerful than some elite players expected.
So they have preferred to step aside. But history has already been written and what is written is written. To achieve leadership or a good position in the table of the top 100 humans who face the robot, it is not enough to be an advanced player, it is also required to understand that we are facing a computer with all that this means.
I don't think that is necessary, although it works for you. It is sufficient to understand that the opponent is vastly stronger, and that we only need to simplify the position and avoid complications, although this is much easier said that done, especially at the smaller handicaps. Whether the opponent is a machine or some alien or super-human doesn't matter, it is the strength that matters. Top players know to simplify when winning, and they would dominate the top of the list if they played blitz rather than bullet queen odds. But it seems they like to challenge themselves.
Good evening Mr. Larey Kaufman and Mr. Marcogio9.
I hope you are well and continue well.
I wish you a very good year 2025.
I would like to ask something...
Since the last elo calculation of the top 100 of Leelaqueenodds, I have played driving the black chips, the modest amount of 1269 fights; I have been getting an idea of ​​the
reach the program, knowing little about
little their actions and reactions. I have been improving the percentage of points step by step, I usually play 100 games a day, although sometimes they are more or less. Today, for example, I have played 4 games and my performance is 50% tied, I have played 4 games, I have lost 2 and tied 2. But I usually stabilize at more or less 16%. I think I can improve, my human strategic memory is improving... I am worried about a series of encounters between players that "crush Leela" but the way of playing seems very implausible and could distort the table... I am also worried about the absence of GM and strong players, I don't know if they have become frustrated. It's good that the bulls returned to the bullring to compete...
Usually the strongest players play chess to earn money so you can expect them not to play games with odds against lc0 because they can use the same time to play humans in other tournament and earn money.

You are a good player at playing against Leela at queen odds at 1+0 time control but
I am sure that you are going to find strong GM's who perform better than you at 1+0 if there is money to earn from it.

Nobody in the table played the number of games that you play against LeelaQueenOdds(except nn1133) because people are not interested in it even if they can improve.

nn1133 also is not interested in playing against the queenodds version recently and most of his games against Leela are before the upgrade.

He play bullet but do it recently against humans.

Personally I also play mainly against humans(I use a different acount than uriblass to play against humans recently because I do not want people to know new openings that I play and prepare OTB for games against me based on games when I play with my real name).
Thanks Uri for the message. It really is very illustrative. I'm afraid I've spent my life fighting at windmills. Today I received a very profound message. Deeper, much deeper than Deep Blue. It goes like this: "Having faith is signing a blank sheet of paper and letting "our Programmer" write what he wants."
Of course I am surpassed by other chess players facing machines, the truth is that we really need to have them in the battle in the top 100 table facing LeelaQueenOdds. Sometimes it is better to be an amateur than a sports professional, because you can practice with greater freedom, for fun and for the simple love of playing. Again Uri: Thank you.
[pgn] [Event "Casual bullet game"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2025.01.08"]
[White "PabloZarnicki"]
[Black "LeelaQueenOdds"]
[Result "1-0"]
[UTCDate "2025.01.08"]
[UTCTime "06:10:43"]
[WhiteElo "2684"]
[BlackElo "2000"]
[WhiteTitle "GM"]
[BlackTitle "BOT"]
[Variant "From Position"]
[TimeControl "60+1"]
[ECO "?"]
[Opening "?"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[FEN "rnb1kbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Annotator ""]

1. e4 b6 2. d4 Bb7 3. Nc3 g6 4. Nf3 e6 5. h4 Nf6 6. h5 Nxh5 7. Rxh5 gxh5 8. Ne5 Nc6 9. Nxc6 Bxc6 10. d5 Bb7 11. dxe6 dxe6 12. Qxh5 O-O-O 13. Bg5 Re8 14. Bf6 Rg8 15. Qxf7 Bd6 16. Nb5 Rgf8 17. Nxd6+ cxd6 18. Qg7 Rg8 19. Qxh7 Kb8 20. f3 Rc8 21. O-O-O d5 22. exd5 exd5 23. Be5+ Ka8 24. Bb5 Rxg2 25. Qd7 Rgxc2+ 26. Kb1 d4 27. Bd3 R2c5 28. Be4 Bxe4+ 29. fxe4 d3 30. Bd4 R8c7 31. Qd8+ Rc8 32. Qd6 R5c6 33. Qd5 d2 34. Rxd2 Kb8 35. a3 a5 36. e5 a4 37. Ka2 Ka7 38. e6 Ka6 39. Re2 Rc1 40. e7 Rd1 41. e8=Q Ra1+ 42. Kxa1 Rc1+ 43. Ka2 Rc7 44. Qxa4# { White wins by checkmate. } 1-0[/pgn]

!! Otro GM al ruedo; en este caso de Argentina. 🇦🇷 Que bueno sería observar 🔜 a Faustino Oro, “el grande” 😇😇 jugando contra LeelaQueenaodds. Gracias Maestros por brindarnos felicidad en este año que apenas comienza. Hoyo en uno ⛳️ 🏆's strange, somehow, I perceive and intuit it in my games from the computer... ... b45ab.html
I am thinking chess is in a coin.Human beings for ever playing in one face.Now I am playing in the other face:"Antichess". Computers are as a fortres where owner forgot to close a little door behind. You must enter across this door.Forget the front.
Posts: 6143
Joined: Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:15 am
Location: Maryland USA
Full name: Larry Kaufman

Re: Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Post by lkaufman »

Lately we have had a substantial number of blitz games (3'2") by strong players from Argentina (2 GMs and a strong IM) playing against both the knight odds and rook odds bots, allowing for comparisons to be made. For some reason, they are primarily playing with move odds as well (playing White every game), but since that applies to both handicaps the comparison is still valid. Both of the GMs have played quite a few games at each handicap. Although both GMs have FIDE classical ratings only slightly above the GM threshold of 2500 (2528 for Federico Perez Ponsa and 2514 for Pablo Zarnicki), Perez Ponsa seems to be a very strong blitz and bullet player, LIchess blitz 2809, bullet 3178!, blitz 2946. The combined results for Leela (playing Black only) against these two GMs at 3'2" are 90% at both Knight and move odds and at Rook and move odds, with the combined score for both odds also right at 90% against each GM. It's a decent sample, 36 games at rook and move odds, and 158 games at knight and move odds. It's quite surprising to me that there is no measurable difference in the results at knight and move odds compared to rook and move odds, given that we're talking about the same two players at the identical time limit. In Rapid games humans have generally done better with rook odds than with knight odds (as one would expect) as is also the case for GM-level engines in test matches, but these results are primarily with the engine playing White. Perhaps color is more critical for knight odds than for rook odds, it is particularly difficult to avoid a bad opening when playing Black with a knight missing. But with either handicap, the opening is usually very bad for Black in these games, it is really remarkable to me that Leela can score 90% against GMs in blitz playing Black at these handicaps. I think it just shows how many chances there are to complicate a chess game. Of course these players could make more draws if that were the goal, but they very rarely win a game at these handicaps and time controls. I think the chess world has much to learn from this, it just overturns our whole materialistic way of playing chess. It is amazing to me to see how often Leela reaches a drawn or even winning position while still down a piece, it's not just winning on blunders. Of course no human can replicate Leela, but I'm sure that the top players will learn some valuable lessons from these games once they start to pay attention.
Komodo rules!
Posts: 6143
Joined: Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:15 am
Location: Maryland USA
Full name: Larry Kaufman

Re: Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Post by lkaufman »

Father wrote: Thu Jan 09, 2025 1:52 am
!! Otro GM al ruedo; en este caso de Argentina. 🇦🇷 Que bueno sería observar 🔜 a Faustino Oro, “el grande” 😇😇 jugando contra LeelaQueenaodds. Gracias Maestros por brindarnos felicidad en este año que apenas comienza. Hoyo en uno ⛳️ 🏆

Well, you almost got your wish. IM Faustino Oro, the amazing prodigy, did play four blitz games (3'2") with LeelaKnightOdds but taking White each game ("Knight and Move odds"). He drew one, lost the other three.
Komodo rules!
Posts: 1710
Joined: Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:39 am
Location: Colombia
Full name: Pablo Ignacio Restrepo

Re: Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Post by Father »

lkaufman wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2025 3:26 am
Father wrote: Thu Jan 09, 2025 1:52 am
!! Otro GM al ruedo; en este caso de Argentina. 🇦🇷 Que bueno sería observar 🔜 a Faustino Oro, “el grande” 😇😇 jugando contra LeelaQueenaodds. Gracias Maestros por brindarnos felicidad en este año que apenas comienza. Hoyo en uno ⛳️ 🏆
Well, you almost got your wish. IM Faustino Oro, the amazing prodigy, did play four blitz games (3'2") with LeelaKnightOdds but taking White each game ("Knight and Move odds"). He drew one, lost the other three.

That's great news Mr. Larry Kaufman. The Odds become truly great, only "if the great ones" come to challenge them. The "Masters in general" give color and flavor to robots and chess. I want, with all the strength of my chess-playing soul, to whisper to the wind: "Masters and strong players" come to the robot party.!! Come to the Odds' emblematic dance. He also whispered in the wind: "Please come and play 1 +1 and 1+0 with the queen that I admire the most: "LeelaQueenOdds"!! Without you, the mature representatives of humans, the dance could become an incipient ceremony "Catecan shouts from the top of a mountain: "Faith moves mountains." ...and the echo of his voice is repeated in the coves from the top to the chasm. I know that Mr. Magnus Carlsen and Mr. Nakamura will give us, the ordinary fans, the street fighters, incentives to be happy. I wish you all a happy new year, and with faith, this message will be able to reach your minds and hearts. and I have faith "in my programmer" "our programmer."
I am thinking chess is in a coin.Human beings for ever playing in one face.Now I am playing in the other face:"Antichess". Computers are as a fortres where owner forgot to close a little door behind. You must enter across this door.Forget the front.
Posts: 1710
Joined: Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:39 am
Location: Colombia
Full name: Pablo Ignacio Restrepo

Re: Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Post by Father »

Father wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2025 5:00 am
lkaufman wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2025 3:26 am
Father wrote: Thu Jan 09, 2025 1:52 am
!! Otro GM al ruedo; en este caso de Argentina. 🇦🇷 Que bueno sería observar 🔜 a Faustino Oro, “el grande” 😇😇 jugando contra LeelaQueenaodds. Gracias Maestros por brindarnos felicidad en este año que apenas comienza. Hoyo en uno ⛳️ 🏆
Well, you almost got your wish. IM Faustino Oro, the amazing prodigy, did play four blitz games (3'2") with LeelaKnightOdds but taking White each game ("Knight and Move odds"). He drew one, lost the other three.
That's great news Mr. Larry Kaufman. The Odds become truly great, only "if the great ones" come to challenge them. The "Masters in general" give color and flavor to robots and chess. I want, with all the strength of my chess-playing soul, to whisper to the wind: "Masters and strong players" come to the robot party.!! Come to the Odds' emblematic dance. He also whispered in the wind: "Please come and play 1 +1 and 1+0 with the queen that I admire the most: "LeelaQueenOdds"!! Without you, the mature representatives of humans, the dance could become an incipient ceremony "Catecan shouts from the top of a mountain: "Faith moves mountains." ...and the echo of his voice is repeated in the coves from the top to the chasm. I know that Mr. Magnus Carlsen and Mr. Nakamura will give us, the ordinary fans, the street fighters, incentives to be happy. I wish you all a happy new year, and with faith, this message will be able to reach your minds and hearts. and I have faith "in my programmer" "our programmer."

I observe a marked evolution of LeelaknightOdds when the machine plays with white... of course it could also be my own regression and fatigue.
The machine definitely evades me and hides when I drive the white chips so I can't give a rating of the computer.
I am thinking chess is in a coin.Human beings for ever playing in one face.Now I am playing in the other face:"Antichess". Computers are as a fortres where owner forgot to close a little door behind. You must enter across this door.Forget the front.
Posts: 1710
Joined: Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:39 am
Location: Colombia
Full name: Pablo Ignacio Restrepo

Re: Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Post by Father »

Uri Blass wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:50 am
Father wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 3:28 am
lkaufman wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:18 pm
Father wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:26 am
lkaufman wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2024 12:00 am
Father wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 10:23 pm
Father wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 10:28 am
Uri Blass wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 8:56 am I wondered if people could recently beat the knight odd bot in blitz and the result is that people could do it.

I found that gelyaromanova lost 216-1 with 4 draws against LeelaKnightOdds

lost 20-0 at 1+0
lost 29-0 at 2+0
and finally lost 167-1 with 4 draws at 3+2
[pgn] Event "Casual bullet game"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2024.12.18"]
[White "LeelaKnightOdds"]
[Black "Catecan"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[UTCDate "2024.12.18"]
[UTCTime "09:12:48"]
[WhiteElo "2000"]
[BlackElo "2030"]
[WhiteTitle "BOT"]
[Variant "From Position"]
[TimeControl "60+0"]
[ECO "?"]
[Opening "?"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKB1R w KQkq - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Annotator ""]

1. c4 f5 2. Nc3 e6 3. d4 Nf6 4. e3 d5 5. Qc2 c6 6. Bd3 g6 7. b3 Bd6 8. Bb2 Qe7 9. O-O Ba3 10. Bxa3 Qxa3 11. c5 Qa5 12. a4 Qc7 13. b4 a6 14. f4 O-O 15. h3 Rf7 16. b5 Rg7 17. Qf2 Ne8 18. b6 Qe7 19. g4 Nd7 20. g5 Nb8 21. h4 Rf7 22. h5 Ng7 23. h6 Ne8 24. Qg3 Rf8 25. Rab1 Kh8 26. Na2 Rg8 27. Nb4 Qd7 28. a5 Rf8 29. Bc2 Rf7 30. Ba4 Rf8 31. Nd3 Rf7 32. Ne5 Qe7 33. Rb2 Rf8 34. Rfb1 Rf7 35. Bd1 Rf8 36. Qh2 Rf7 37. Kh1 Rf8 38. Qh3 Rf7 39. Nf3 Rf8 40. Ba4 Rf7 41. Ne5 Rf8 42. Rg1 Rf7 43. Rh2 Rf8 44. Rb2 Rf7 45. Rh2 Rf8 46. Rb1 Rf7 47. Nxf7+ Qxf7 48. Rhb2 Qe7 49. e4 fxe4 50. Qg3 Kg8 51. Rb3 Kh8 52. Kg2 Kg8 53. Kf2 Kh8 54. Ke1 Kg8 55. R3b2 Kh8 56. Kd2 Kg8 57. Kc2 Kh8 58. Qc3 Kg8 59. Kb3 Kh8 60. Ka3 Kg8 61. Ka2 Kh8 62. Ka1 Kg8 63. Qb3 Kh8 64. Qg3 Kg8 65. Rc2 Kh8 66. Kb2 Kg8 67. Kc1 Kh8 68. Kd1 Kg8 69. Ke1 Kh8 70. Rcb2 Kg8 71. Kf1 Kh8 72. Kg1 Kg8 73. Rf1 Kh8 74. Rbf2 Kg8 75. Bd1 Kh8 76. Bg4 Kg8 77. Qh3 Kh8 78. Kh1 Kg8 79. Rg1 Kh8 80. Rg3 Kg8 81. Re3 Kh8 82. Re1 Kg8 83. Ref1 Kh8 84. Qg3 Kg8 85. Kg1 Kh8 86. Qh3 Kg8 87. Kh1 Kh8 88. Qg3 Kg8 89. Qh3 { The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2[/pgn]

Good morning Uri, I hope you are well and continue to be well.
Uri. LeelaKnightOdds is like a wild horse; You ride him and he throws you on the ground again and again, then you get to know him, you make the horse ride, trot and run, finally you tame him, and he eats from your hand.
... how strange ... I have seen that the number of matches of the best players against LeelaQueenOdds has decreased? Also in bullet controls there are fewer Masters... what reason could there be for the lack of enthusiasm? I also note that the Top 100 position table has not been updated... how sad all this is...
I think that some interested has shifted back from queen odds to knight odds and rook odds. My guess is that many 2800+ bullet players have given up; their goal was probably to make a plus score at 1'0" at queen odds, but no one can do it so far, maybe Magnus or Hikaru might have a chance, but as far as we know they haven't tried. But it remains a good way to practice/improve bullet skills, so I expect we'll still see a reasonable number of such players playing the bot from time to time. is like a chain of new experiences and knowledge
It seems here we have learned that LeelaQueenOdds has been stronger and more powerful than some elite players expected.
So they have preferred to step aside. But history has already been written and what is written is written. To achieve leadership or a good position in the table of the top 100 humans who face the robot, it is not enough to be an advanced player, it is also required to understand that we are facing a computer with all that this means.
I don't think that is necessary, although it works for you. It is sufficient to understand that the opponent is vastly stronger, and that we only need to simplify the position and avoid complications, although this is much easier said that done, especially at the smaller handicaps. Whether the opponent is a machine or some alien or super-human doesn't matter, it is the strength that matters. Top players know to simplify when winning, and they would dominate the top of the list if they played blitz rather than bullet queen odds. But it seems they like to challenge themselves.
Good evening Mr. Larey Kaufman and Mr. Marcogio9.
I hope you are well and continue well.
I wish you a very good year 2025.
I would like to ask something...
Since the last elo calculation of the top 100 of Leelaqueenodds, I have played driving the black chips, the modest amount of 1269 fights; I have been getting an idea of ​​the
reach the program, knowing little about
little their actions and reactions. I have been improving the percentage of points step by step, I usually play 100 games a day, although sometimes they are more or less. Today, for example, I have played 4 games and my performance is 50% tied, I have played 4 games, I have lost 2 and tied 2. But I usually stabilize at more or less 16%. I think I can improve, my human strategic memory is improving... I am worried about a series of encounters between players that "crush Leela" but the way of playing seems very implausible and could distort the table... I am also worried about the absence of GM and strong players, I don't know if they have become frustrated. It's good that the bulls returned to the bullring to compete...
Usually the strongest players play chess to earn money so you can expect them not to play games with odds against lc0 because they can use the same time to play humans in other tournament and earn money.

You are a good player at playing against Leela at queen odds at 1+0 time control but
I am sure that you are going to find strong GM's who perform better than you at 1+0 if there is money to earn from it.

Nobody in the table played the number of games that you play against LeelaQueenOdds(except nn1133) because people are not interested in it even if they can improve.

nn1133 also is not interested in playing against the queenodds version recently and most of his games against Leela are before the upgrade.

He play bullet but do it recently against humans.

Personally I also play mainly against humans(I use a different acount than uriblass to play against humans recently because I do not want people to know new openings that I play and prepare OTB for games against me based on games when I play with my real name).
Good morning Mr. Larry Kaufman and Mr. Uri Blass. I hope you are all well and that you continue to do well in the future. May motivation never be absent in your lives, and new goals always exist and each obstacle makes you stronger and better runners. For my part, I thank God for this new day. Today when I woke up and turned on my cell phone, I found that LeelaQueenOdds had hit me with a series of hits to the chin, which knocked me to the ground stunned. Now I understand the reason for my nightmares, and I was close to not being able to get up again. The machine grabbed me by the hair and threw me to the 13th position. I hope that in my case the number thirteen represents an omen, a lucky number, so I will try to kick the machine in the stomach, grab it by the neck and give it what it deserves. Again, I wish you a happy day and that our good Programmer helps us. Thank you.

LeelaQueenOdds Leaderboard - Top 100
About this Leaderboard
How do I earn points? You can gain or lose points only by playing LeelaQueenOdds
How is the rating computed? It's based on the same method as the FIDE rating adjustment, using:
K = 40 for the first 30 games
K = 20 up to 150 games
K = 10 for subsequent games
Play at your best Time Control: This leaderboard adjusts ratings based on Time Control
How is Leela's rating computed? A statistical model based on LeelaQueenOdds games normalizes Lichess blitz ratings and time control with the score expected by Elo
Play for the Win: Draws have the 'K' factor halved
Starting rating: Lichess rating - 200, with a maximum starting rating of 1800
Update: In these early stages, the leaderboard is updated occasionally but daily
No Player Rating Games
LeelaQueenOdds as white 1+0 (Reference) 2895.2
LeelaQueenOdds as black 1+0 (Reference) 2795.2
LeelaQueenOdds as white 1+1 (Reference) 2634.5
LeelaQueenOdds as white 3+0 (Reference) 2619.5
LeelaQueenOdds as black 1+1 (Reference) 2534.5
LeelaQueenOdds as black 3+0 (Reference) 2519.5
1 SuperEasy 2517.4 101
2 Orichess88 2484.3 79
3 Hissha 2462.8 159
LeelaQueenOdds as white 3+2 (Reference) 2450.0
4 Master_Unknown 2444.6 92
5 RhinoTank 2419.3 166
6 Bonitta 2356.6 67
LeelaQueenOdds as white 5+3 (Reference) 2353.7
LeelaQueenOdds as black 3+2 (Reference) 2350.0
7 Omnivor 2345.0 38
8 Chrisinc 2342.0 205
9 Ajktulm 2337.2 510
10 Ushkothebear 2322.5 633
11 Sakali 2319.7 256
12 AxelBoldt 2314.5 1016
13 Catecan 2290.3 3693
14 cmdbreivik 2285.4 2080
15 edgebottle 2267.1 1292
LeelaQueenOdds as black 5+3 (Reference) 2253.7
16 Letsgo_Torch 2251.2 52
17 Respectful_Dave 2247.0 75
18 ricky8632200 2245.4 177
19 itore 2227.1 43
20 Derrick3110 2226.2 95
LeelaQueenOdds as white 10+5 (Reference) 2220.3
21 jzm 2195.3 52
22 uriblass 2186.3 226
23 Feofanov_Vladimir 2183.9 139
24 yyzx77 2166.5 32
25 lx_chessmath 2159.9 63
26 Spreek 2159.8 45
27 Peristilo 2158.0 925
28 SilverMitt 2153.1 26
29 DubiousMistakes 2150.8 47
30 brewmasterua 2144.3 45
31 nn1133 2142.1 6418
32 sfy2011 2141.8 37
33 pzpzzz 2137.1 80
34 iWannaSeeYouSmile 2129.8 73
35 WhiteRabbit00735 2128.7 229
LeelaQueenOdds as white 15+10 (Reference) 2127.3
LeelaQueenOdds as black 10+5 (Reference) 2120.3
36 kbll 2114.4 102
37 chess66666 2111.0 436
38 elputoano 2110.9 235
39 wael96 2091.0 53
40 Olga547823 2083.3 33
41 RabbitsGrowOnTrees 2079.9 297
42 Forgive1219 2074.7 189
43 TheLlamaLord 2073.7 22
44 xHadyx 2072.0 183
45 lyxsgdzt 2070.1 66
46 qasdfgi 2068.4 63
47 mapascual 2060.3 42
48 MathTennisCoding 2058.5 87
49 Jagen 2054.5 56
50 Monchi 2039.0 29
51 winthlin 2035.3 27
LeelaQueenOdds as black 15+10 (Reference) 2027.3
52 A-Liang 2024.4 37
53 wyw19901990 2021.0 29
54 universe64 2018.7 39
55 cramor 2007.8 42
56 Lukas-2010 2002.3 30
57 dzxyyds 1999.3 206
58 T_Sapphirine_Kisaki 1997.2 46
59 Andromeda3 1987.6 203
60 Punypawn315 1984.9 19
61 wireless78 1984.4 21
62 MGod123 1982.7 88
63 ycw77092 1982.4 16
64 Liouville1 1970.3 42
65 Sir_Patzer 1967.7 10
66 Give_You_Up 1967.2 37
67 SerbianPigeon 1966.6 23
68 Orangepill 1965.9 97
69 Ready2live 1964.2 78
70 Shakkileijona 1959.8 119
71 vital303 1959.0 365
72 Superhond 1958.7 31
73 egor42 1952.0 12
74 GambitSlonia2 1950.3 41
75 Padurean_Daniel 1950.1 221
76 KrisZong 1949.6 44
77 coachpotato11 1948.3 16
78 Gryphos1 1947.6 153
79 Alex200505 1946.5 242
80 RockyHolyfield 1944.7 20
81 weirdexperiment 1942.5 57
82 ranibow_ghost 1941.3 34
83 Gvierous-Lady 1939.8 285
84 XuYL_1a 1936.7 29
85 OjaiJoao 1933.6 6
86 QuCaNi 1933.0 21
87 box_boxed 1931.9 73
88 threecheckplayer 1931.5 6
89 ChaseTheMace 1929.1 59
90 agadisdabest 1928.2 310
91 maciej_rurami 1927.4 23
92 jty 1922.8 65
93 yura3356 1922.7 19
94 almoks 1920.0 19
95 Guillaume52 1918.4 22
96 MasterYisus 1915.9 17
97 SU3xSU2xU1 1914.3 20
98 hobs60 1913.0 733
99 superdoger 1912.3 35
100 buva2006 1912.1 68
I am thinking chess is in a coin.Human beings for ever playing in one face.Now I am playing in the other face:"Antichess". Computers are as a fortres where owner forgot to close a little door behind. You must enter across this door.Forget the front.
Posts: 1710
Joined: Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:39 am
Location: Colombia
Full name: Pablo Ignacio Restrepo

Re: Amazing results of LeelaKnightOdds-Dev

Post by Father »

Father wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 1:04 pm
Uri Blass wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:50 am
Father wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 3:28 am
lkaufman wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:18 pm
Father wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:26 am
lkaufman wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2024 12:00 am
Father wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 10:23 pm
Father wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 10:28 am
Uri Blass wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 8:56 am I wondered if people could recently beat the knight odd bot in blitz and the result is that people could do it.

I found that gelyaromanova lost 216-1 with 4 draws against LeelaKnightOdds

lost 20-0 at 1+0
lost 29-0 at 2+0
and finally lost 167-1 with 4 draws at 3+2
[pgn] Event "Casual bullet game"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2024.12.18"]
[White "LeelaKnightOdds"]
[Black "Catecan"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[UTCDate "2024.12.18"]
[UTCTime "09:12:48"]
[WhiteElo "2000"]
[BlackElo "2030"]
[WhiteTitle "BOT"]
[Variant "From Position"]
[TimeControl "60+0"]
[ECO "?"]
[Opening "?"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKB1R w KQkq - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Annotator ""]

1. c4 f5 2. Nc3 e6 3. d4 Nf6 4. e3 d5 5. Qc2 c6 6. Bd3 g6 7. b3 Bd6 8. Bb2 Qe7 9. O-O Ba3 10. Bxa3 Qxa3 11. c5 Qa5 12. a4 Qc7 13. b4 a6 14. f4 O-O 15. h3 Rf7 16. b5 Rg7 17. Qf2 Ne8 18. b6 Qe7 19. g4 Nd7 20. g5 Nb8 21. h4 Rf7 22. h5 Ng7 23. h6 Ne8 24. Qg3 Rf8 25. Rab1 Kh8 26. Na2 Rg8 27. Nb4 Qd7 28. a5 Rf8 29. Bc2 Rf7 30. Ba4 Rf8 31. Nd3 Rf7 32. Ne5 Qe7 33. Rb2 Rf8 34. Rfb1 Rf7 35. Bd1 Rf8 36. Qh2 Rf7 37. Kh1 Rf8 38. Qh3 Rf7 39. Nf3 Rf8 40. Ba4 Rf7 41. Ne5 Rf8 42. Rg1 Rf7 43. Rh2 Rf8 44. Rb2 Rf7 45. Rh2 Rf8 46. Rb1 Rf7 47. Nxf7+ Qxf7 48. Rhb2 Qe7 49. e4 fxe4 50. Qg3 Kg8 51. Rb3 Kh8 52. Kg2 Kg8 53. Kf2 Kh8 54. Ke1 Kg8 55. R3b2 Kh8 56. Kd2 Kg8 57. Kc2 Kh8 58. Qc3 Kg8 59. Kb3 Kh8 60. Ka3 Kg8 61. Ka2 Kh8 62. Ka1 Kg8 63. Qb3 Kh8 64. Qg3 Kg8 65. Rc2 Kh8 66. Kb2 Kg8 67. Kc1 Kh8 68. Kd1 Kg8 69. Ke1 Kh8 70. Rcb2 Kg8 71. Kf1 Kh8 72. Kg1 Kg8 73. Rf1 Kh8 74. Rbf2 Kg8 75. Bd1 Kh8 76. Bg4 Kg8 77. Qh3 Kh8 78. Kh1 Kg8 79. Rg1 Kh8 80. Rg3 Kg8 81. Re3 Kh8 82. Re1 Kg8 83. Ref1 Kh8 84. Qg3 Kg8 85. Kg1 Kh8 86. Qh3 Kg8 87. Kh1 Kh8 88. Qg3 Kg8 89. Qh3 { The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2[/pgn]

Good morning Uri, I hope you are well and continue to be well.
Uri. LeelaKnightOdds is like a wild horse; You ride him and he throws you on the ground again and again, then you get to know him, you make the horse ride, trot and run, finally you tame him, and he eats from your hand.
... how strange ... I have seen that the number of matches of the best players against LeelaQueenOdds has decreased? Also in bullet controls there are fewer Masters... what reason could there be for the lack of enthusiasm? I also note that the Top 100 position table has not been updated... how sad all this is...
I think that some interested has shifted back from queen odds to knight odds and rook odds. My guess is that many 2800+ bullet players have given up; their goal was probably to make a plus score at 1'0" at queen odds, but no one can do it so far, maybe Magnus or Hikaru might have a chance, but as far as we know they haven't tried. But it remains a good way to practice/improve bullet skills, so I expect we'll still see a reasonable number of such players playing the bot from time to time. is like a chain of new experiences and knowledge
It seems here we have learned that LeelaQueenOdds has been stronger and more powerful than some elite players expected.
So they have preferred to step aside. But history has already been written and what is written is written. To achieve leadership or a good position in the table of the top 100 humans who face the robot, it is not enough to be an advanced player, it is also required to understand that we are facing a computer with all that this means.
I don't think that is necessary, although it works for you. It is sufficient to understand that the opponent is vastly stronger, and that we only need to simplify the position and avoid complications, although this is much easier said that done, especially at the smaller handicaps. Whether the opponent is a machine or some alien or super-human doesn't matter, it is the strength that matters. Top players know to simplify when winning, and they would dominate the top of the list if they played blitz rather than bullet queen odds. But it seems they like to challenge themselves.
Good evening Mr. Larey Kaufman and Mr. Marcogio9.
I hope you are well and continue well.
I wish you a very good year 2025.
I would like to ask something...
Since the last elo calculation of the top 100 of Leelaqueenodds, I have played driving the black chips, the modest amount of 1269 fights; I have been getting an idea of ​​the
reach the program, knowing little about
little their actions and reactions. I have been improving the percentage of points step by step, I usually play 100 games a day, although sometimes they are more or less. Today, for example, I have played 4 games and my performance is 50% tied, I have played 4 games, I have lost 2 and tied 2. But I usually stabilize at more or less 16%. I think I can improve, my human strategic memory is improving... I am worried about a series of encounters between players that "crush Leela" but the way of playing seems very implausible and could distort the table... I am also worried about the absence of GM and strong players, I don't know if they have become frustrated. It's good that the bulls returned to the bullring to compete...
Usually the strongest players play chess to earn money so you can expect them not to play games with odds against lc0 because they can use the same time to play humans in other tournament and earn money.

You are a good player at playing against Leela at queen odds at 1+0 time control but
I am sure that you are going to find strong GM's who perform better than you at 1+0 if there is money to earn from it.

Nobody in the table played the number of games that you play against LeelaQueenOdds(except nn1133) because people are not interested in it even if they can improve.

nn1133 also is not interested in playing against the queenodds version recently and most of his games against Leela are before the upgrade.

He play bullet but do it recently against humans.

Personally I also play mainly against humans(I use a different acount than uriblass to play against humans recently because I do not want people to know new openings that I play and prepare OTB for games against me based on games when I play with my real name).
Good morning Mr. Larry Kaufman and Mr. Uri Blass. I hope you are all well and that you continue to do well in the future. May motivation never be absent in your lives, and new goals always exist and each obstacle makes you stronger and better runners. For my part, I thank God for this new day. Today when I woke up and turned on my cell phone, I found that LeelaQueenOdds had hit me with a series of hits to the chin, which knocked me to the ground stunned. Now I understand the reason for my nightmares, and I was close to not being able to get up again. The machine grabbed me by the hair and threw me to the 13th position. I hope that in my case the number thirteen represents an omen, a lucky number, so I will try to kick the machine in the stomach, grab it by the neck and give it what it deserves. Again, I wish you a happy day and that our good Programmer helps us. Thank you.

LeelaQueenOdds Leaderboard - Top 100
About this Leaderboard
How do I earn points? You can gain or lose points only by playing LeelaQueenOdds
How is the rating computed? It's based on the same method as the FIDE rating adjustment, using:
K = 40 for the first 30 games
K = 20 up to 150 games
K = 10 for subsequent games
Play at your best Time Control: This leaderboard adjusts ratings based on Time Control
How is Leela's rating computed? A statistical model based on LeelaQueenOdds games normalizes Lichess blitz ratings and time control with the score expected by Elo
Play for the Win: Draws have the 'K' factor halved
Starting rating: Lichess rating - 200, with a maximum starting rating of 1800
Update: In these early stages, the leaderboard is updated occasionally but daily
No Player Rating Games
LeelaQueenOdds as white 1+0 (Reference) 2895.2
LeelaQueenOdds as black 1+0 (Reference) 2795.2
LeelaQueenOdds as white 1+1 (Reference) 2634.5
LeelaQueenOdds as white 3+0 (Reference) 2619.5
LeelaQueenOdds as black 1+1 (Reference) 2534.5
LeelaQueenOdds as black 3+0 (Reference) 2519.5
1 SuperEasy 2517.4 101
2 Orichess88 2484.3 79
3 Hissha 2462.8 159
LeelaQueenOdds as white 3+2 (Reference) 2450.0
4 Master_Unknown 2444.6 92
5 RhinoTank 2419.3 166
6 Bonitta 2356.6 67
LeelaQueenOdds as white 5+3 (Reference) 2353.7
LeelaQueenOdds as black 3+2 (Reference) 2350.0
7 Omnivor 2345.0 38
8 Chrisinc 2342.0 205
9 Ajktulm 2337.2 510
10 Ushkothebear 2322.5 633
11 Sakali 2319.7 256
12 AxelBoldt 2314.5 1016
13 Catecan 2290.3 3693
14 cmdbreivik 2285.4 2080
15 edgebottle 2267.1 1292
LeelaQueenOdds as black 5+3 (Reference) 2253.7
16 Letsgo_Torch 2251.2 52
17 Respectful_Dave 2247.0 75
18 ricky8632200 2245.4 177
19 itore 2227.1 43
20 Derrick3110 2226.2 95
LeelaQueenOdds as white 10+5 (Reference) 2220.3
21 jzm 2195.3 52
22 uriblass 2186.3 226
23 Feofanov_Vladimir 2183.9 139
24 yyzx77 2166.5 32
25 lx_chessmath 2159.9 63
26 Spreek 2159.8 45
27 Peristilo 2158.0 925
28 SilverMitt 2153.1 26
29 DubiousMistakes 2150.8 47
30 brewmasterua 2144.3 45
31 nn1133 2142.1 6418
32 sfy2011 2141.8 37
33 pzpzzz 2137.1 80
34 iWannaSeeYouSmile 2129.8 73
35 WhiteRabbit00735 2128.7 229
LeelaQueenOdds as white 15+10 (Reference) 2127.3
LeelaQueenOdds as black 10+5 (Reference) 2120.3
36 kbll 2114.4 102
37 chess66666 2111.0 436
38 elputoano 2110.9 235
39 wael96 2091.0 53
40 Olga547823 2083.3 33
41 RabbitsGrowOnTrees 2079.9 297
42 Forgive1219 2074.7 189
43 TheLlamaLord 2073.7 22
44 xHadyx 2072.0 183
45 lyxsgdzt 2070.1 66
46 qasdfgi 2068.4 63
47 mapascual 2060.3 42
48 MathTennisCoding 2058.5 87
49 Jagen 2054.5 56
50 Monchi 2039.0 29
51 winthlin 2035.3 27
LeelaQueenOdds as black 15+10 (Reference) 2027.3
52 A-Liang 2024.4 37
53 wyw19901990 2021.0 29
54 universe64 2018.7 39
55 cramor 2007.8 42
56 Lukas-2010 2002.3 30
57 dzxyyds 1999.3 206
58 T_Sapphirine_Kisaki 1997.2 46
59 Andromeda3 1987.6 203
60 Punypawn315 1984.9 19
61 wireless78 1984.4 21
62 MGod123 1982.7 88
63 ycw77092 1982.4 16
64 Liouville1 1970.3 42
65 Sir_Patzer 1967.7 10
66 Give_You_Up 1967.2 37
67 SerbianPigeon 1966.6 23
68 Orangepill 1965.9 97
69 Ready2live 1964.2 78
70 Shakkileijona 1959.8 119
71 vital303 1959.0 365
72 Superhond 1958.7 31
73 egor42 1952.0 12
74 GambitSlonia2 1950.3 41
75 Padurean_Daniel 1950.1 221
76 KrisZong 1949.6 44
77 coachpotato11 1948.3 16
78 Gryphos1 1947.6 153
79 Alex200505 1946.5 242
80 RockyHolyfield 1944.7 20
81 weirdexperiment 1942.5 57
82 ranibow_ghost 1941.3 34
83 Gvierous-Lady 1939.8 285
84 XuYL_1a 1936.7 29
85 OjaiJoao 1933.6 6
86 QuCaNi 1933.0 21
87 box_boxed 1931.9 73
88 threecheckplayer 1931.5 6
89 ChaseTheMace 1929.1 59
90 agadisdabest 1928.2 310
91 maciej_rurami 1927.4 23
92 jty 1922.8 65
93 yura3356 1922.7 19
94 almoks 1920.0 19
95 Guillaume52 1918.4 22
96 MasterYisus 1915.9 17
97 SU3xSU2xU1 1914.3 20
98 hobs60 1913.0 733
99 superdoger 1912.3 35
100 buva2006 1912.1 68
... apparently the robots are asleep or resting, my friend LeelaQueenOdds doesn't call me, she doesn't answer my messages, it seems like she's stopped wanting to dance with me. I'm on the bench alone and despised.
I am thinking chess is in a coin.Human beings for ever playing in one face.Now I am playing in the other face:"Antichess". Computers are as a fortres where owner forgot to close a little door behind. You must enter across this door.Forget the front.