Usually the strongest players play chess to earn money so you can expect them not to play games with odds against lc0 because they can use the same time to play humans in other tournament and earn money.Father wrote: ↑Wed Jan 08, 2025 3:28 amGood evening Mr. Larey Kaufman and Mr. Marcogio9.lkaufman wrote: ↑Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:18 pmI don't think that is necessary, although it works for you. It is sufficient to understand that the opponent is vastly stronger, and that we only need to simplify the position and avoid complications, although this is much easier said that done, especially at the smaller handicaps. Whether the opponent is a machine or some alien or super-human doesn't matter, it is the strength that matters. Top players know to simplify when winning, and they would dominate the top of the list if they played blitz rather than bullet queen odds. But it seems they like to challenge themselves.Father wrote: ↑Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:26 is like a chain of new experiences and knowledgelkaufman wrote: ↑Sun Dec 22, 2024 12:00 amI think that some interested has shifted back from queen odds to knight odds and rook odds. My guess is that many 2800+ bullet players have given up; their goal was probably to make a plus score at 1'0" at queen odds, but no one can do it so far, maybe Magnus or Hikaru might have a chance, but as far as we know they haven't tried. But it remains a good way to practice/improve bullet skills, so I expect we'll still see a reasonable number of such players playing the bot from time to time.Father wrote: ↑Sat Dec 21, 2024 10:23 pm... how strange ... I have seen that the number of matches of the best players against LeelaQueenOdds has decreased? Also in bullet controls there are fewer Masters... what reason could there be for the lack of enthusiasm? I also note that the Top 100 position table has not been updated... how sad all this is...Father wrote: ↑Wed Dec 18, 2024 10:28 am[pgn] Event "Casual bullet game"]Uri Blass wrote: ↑Wed Dec 18, 2024 8:56 am I wondered if people could recently beat the knight odd bot in blitz and the result is that people could do it.
I found that gelyaromanova lost 216-1 with 4 draws against LeelaKnightOdds
lost 20-0 at 1+0
lost 29-0 at 2+0
and finally lost 167-1 with 4 draws at 3+2
[Site ""]
[Date "2024.12.18"]
[White "LeelaKnightOdds"]
[Black "Catecan"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[UTCDate "2024.12.18"]
[UTCTime "09:12:48"]
[WhiteElo "2000"]
[BlackElo "2030"]
[WhiteTitle "BOT"]
[Variant "From Position"]
[TimeControl "60+0"]
[ECO "?"]
[Opening "?"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKB1R w KQkq - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Annotator ""]
1. c4 f5 2. Nc3 e6 3. d4 Nf6 4. e3 d5 5. Qc2 c6 6. Bd3 g6 7. b3 Bd6 8. Bb2 Qe7 9. O-O Ba3 10. Bxa3 Qxa3 11. c5 Qa5 12. a4 Qc7 13. b4 a6 14. f4 O-O 15. h3 Rf7 16. b5 Rg7 17. Qf2 Ne8 18. b6 Qe7 19. g4 Nd7 20. g5 Nb8 21. h4 Rf7 22. h5 Ng7 23. h6 Ne8 24. Qg3 Rf8 25. Rab1 Kh8 26. Na2 Rg8 27. Nb4 Qd7 28. a5 Rf8 29. Bc2 Rf7 30. Ba4 Rf8 31. Nd3 Rf7 32. Ne5 Qe7 33. Rb2 Rf8 34. Rfb1 Rf7 35. Bd1 Rf8 36. Qh2 Rf7 37. Kh1 Rf8 38. Qh3 Rf7 39. Nf3 Rf8 40. Ba4 Rf7 41. Ne5 Rf8 42. Rg1 Rf7 43. Rh2 Rf8 44. Rb2 Rf7 45. Rh2 Rf8 46. Rb1 Rf7 47. Nxf7+ Qxf7 48. Rhb2 Qe7 49. e4 fxe4 50. Qg3 Kg8 51. Rb3 Kh8 52. Kg2 Kg8 53. Kf2 Kh8 54. Ke1 Kg8 55. R3b2 Kh8 56. Kd2 Kg8 57. Kc2 Kh8 58. Qc3 Kg8 59. Kb3 Kh8 60. Ka3 Kg8 61. Ka2 Kh8 62. Ka1 Kg8 63. Qb3 Kh8 64. Qg3 Kg8 65. Rc2 Kh8 66. Kb2 Kg8 67. Kc1 Kh8 68. Kd1 Kg8 69. Ke1 Kh8 70. Rcb2 Kg8 71. Kf1 Kh8 72. Kg1 Kg8 73. Rf1 Kh8 74. Rbf2 Kg8 75. Bd1 Kh8 76. Bg4 Kg8 77. Qh3 Kh8 78. Kh1 Kg8 79. Rg1 Kh8 80. Rg3 Kg8 81. Re3 Kh8 82. Re1 Kg8 83. Ref1 Kh8 84. Qg3 Kg8 85. Kg1 Kh8 86. Qh3 Kg8 87. Kh1 Kh8 88. Qg3 Kg8 89. Qh3 { The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
Good morning Uri, I hope you are well and continue to be well.
Uri. LeelaKnightOdds is like a wild horse; You ride him and he throws you on the ground again and again, then you get to know him, you make the horse ride, trot and run, finally you tame him, and he eats from your hand.
It seems here we have learned that LeelaQueenOdds has been stronger and more powerful than some elite players expected.
So they have preferred to step aside. But history has already been written and what is written is written. To achieve leadership or a good position in the table of the top 100 humans who face the robot, it is not enough to be an advanced player, it is also required to understand that we are facing a computer with all that this means.
I hope you are well and continue well.
I wish you a very good year 2025.
I would like to ask something...
Since the last elo calculation of the top 100 of Leelaqueenodds, I have played driving the black chips, the modest amount of 1269 fights; I have been getting an idea of the
reach the program, knowing little about
little their actions and reactions. I have been improving the percentage of points step by step, I usually play 100 games a day, although sometimes they are more or less. Today, for example, I have played 4 games and my performance is 50% tied, I have played 4 games, I have lost 2 and tied 2. But I usually stabilize at more or less 16%. I think I can improve, my human strategic memory is improving... I am worried about a series of encounters between players that "crush Leela" but the way of playing seems very implausible and could distort the table... I am also worried about the absence of GM and strong players, I don't know if they have become frustrated. It's good that the bulls returned to the bullring to compete...
You are a good player at playing against Leela at queen odds at 1+0 time control but
I am sure that you are going to find strong GM's who perform better than you at 1+0 if there is money to earn from it.
Nobody in the table played the number of games that you play against LeelaQueenOdds(except nn1133) because people are not interested in it even if they can improve.
nn1133 also is not interested in playing against the queenodds version recently and most of his games against Leela are before the upgrade.
He play bullet but do it recently against humans.
Personally I also play mainly against humans(I use a different acount than uriblass to play against humans recently because I do not want people to know new openings that I play and prepare OTB for games against me based on games when I play with my real name).