Eigenmann Endgame Test: AliChess & SlowChess

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Walter Eigenmann

Eigenmann Endgame Test: AliChess & SlowChess

Post by Walter Eigenmann »

There are new results of AliChess 4.08 and SlowChess Blitz WV2.1.

(Download CBH&PGN&EPD&XLS on my Homepage)

Regards: Walter

Endgame Ranking April 2007 (#2)

Code: Select all

    Program                 Solutions   Time

01. Shredder 10             68/100      00:45:17
02. Rybka 2.2               64/100      00:50:48
03. Fritz 10                63/100      00:49:47
04. Rybka WinFinder 2.2     61/100      00:48:54
05. Deep Frenzee 3.0        61/100      00:54:04
06. Rybka 1.01 B13d         59/100      00:56:31
07. Hiarcs 11.1             59/100      00:58.50
08. The Baron 2.12          58/100      00:59:48
09. Chess Tiger 2007        54/100      00:58:55
10. Toga II 1.3x4           54/100      01:01:58
11. Spike 1.2 Turin         53/100      00:59:42
12. SlowChess Blitz WV2.1   53/100      01:02:32
13. Delfi 5.1               51/100      01:05:59
14. Ktulu 8                 50/100      01:02:55
15. Pharaon 3.5.1           50/100      01:03:32
16. Yace 0.99.87            50/100      01:04:44
17. Naum 2.0                50/100      01:06:08
18. Loop 10.32f             49/100      01:06:25
19. Hiarcs 10               49/100      01:08:33
20. Ruffian 2.1.0           48/100      01:05:41
21. Toga II 1.2.1a          48/100      01:06:05
22. Fruit 2.2.1             48/100      01:06:29
23. Crafty 20.14            47/100      01:05:26
24. Alaric 704              46/100      01:06:14
25. Glaurung 1.2.1          46/100      01:09:19
26. Chess Tiger 15.0        46/100      01:10:23
27. Junior 10.1             45/100      01:06:14
28. Alaric 0702b            45/100      01:06:54
29. Gandalf 6.0             44/100      01:06:00
30. Scorpio 1.91            43/100      01:07:35
31. Patzer 3.8              42/100      01:06:50
32. WildCat 7.0             40/100      01:13:10
33. Anaconda 2.0.1          40/100      01:16:26
34. Junior 10               39/100      01:12:44
35. Fritz 5.32              39/100      01:13:11
36. Aristarch 4.50          39/100      01:13:41
37. Nimzo 8                 38/100      01:13:14
38. Pepito 1.59             38/100      01:15:16
39. Chessmaster 10000       37/100      01:14:19
40. Jonny 2.83              37/100      01:15:06
41. Movei 0.08.402          35/100      01:16:22
42. Amyan 1.597             35/100      01:16:58
43. Quark 2.35              35/100      01:19:32
44. LGoliath Evolution      34/100      01:14:21
45. Arasan 9.5              34/100      01:16:40
46. Gaia 3.5                34/100      01:17:44
47. Tao 5.6                 31/100      01:19:42
48. Sjeng 12.13             28/100      01:18:33
49. AnMon 5.60              28/100      01:22:54
50. SOS 5                   27/100      01:21:49
51. GreKo 5.0               24/100      01:25:15
52. Ufim 8.02               23/100      01:24:18
53. Hamsters 0.2            22/100      01:22:53
54. Homer 2.0               20/100      01:26:44
55. Queen 3.09              19/100      01:26:43
56. Abrok 5.0               19/100      01:28:31
57. Smirf MS-167d           18/100      01:27:44
58. Lime 62                 17/100      01:28:33
59. AliChess 4.08           16/100      01:27:46
60. Homer 1.1 b3            14/100      01:32:10
