HIGH VOLTAGE- Results: Round 23 (of 44)

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HIGH VOLTAGE- Results: Round 23 (of 44)

Post by geots »


Intel Pentium 4
Single Processor- 2.8ghz
128mb hash
3 & 4 man tablebases
Ponder & Learning = OFF
Perfect 9.ctg book for all (with 12 move CCRL limit)
40 moves in 66 minutes repeating (adapted to CCRL 40/40)
RR = 4 cycles
All engines = 32 bit

Round 23

CM10th Warrior v Zap Zanzibar draw
Chess Tiger 2007 Gambit v The Baron 1.8.1 (0-1)
Delfi 5.1 v Scorpio 1.91 draw
Fritz 10 v Pro Deo 1.2 Mx4 (1-0)
Glaurung 1.2.1 Avalanche v Naum 2.1 draw
Hiarcs 11.1 v Loop 13.5 (0-1)

Standings after Round 23

17.5- Hiarcs 11.1
16.5- Fritz 10
15.0- Zap Zanzibar
14.0- Naum 2.1
13.0- Loop 13.5
11.0- Glaurung 1.2.1 Avalanche
11.0- Scorpio 1.91
9.5- Chess Tiger 2007 Gambit
9.5- The Baron 1.8.1
9.0- Delfi 5.1
7.0- CM10th Warrior
5.0- Pro Deo 1.2 Mx4

Games available for download after each round from:
http://kd.lab.nig.ac.jp/chess/discussio ... php?t=1950