( 1. e4, e5; 2. Ac4, Cf6; 3. d4, exd4; 4. Cf3, Cc6; 5. Tg1 ??? & lost pawn.. BUG )
hello, friends
Here, I write about a new BUG on CITRINE, open ( book ) again. in this case is the "open bishop" in this case NOVAG can not say that is a rare open chess. I think that the solution to have a "big" book not it insert in the book BAD moves, (to have 24.000, better 12.000 if are goods, or nothing better too ), because these moves not permit that citrine think about other move better... move directly, not think ... nothing... although CITRINE levels up... time...
GO to the theme:
chess open: "open bishop"
white: CITRINE
black: Human ( Karmazen ~ Oliver )
1. e4, e5; ( ok if citrine not play e4, runs new again or force it)
2. Ac4, Cf6; ( ok, if citrine not play Ac4 force it and after this citrine plays with black Cf6, ok, we up-down black king so that CITRINE plays with white, ... this test only evaluate book on line 1. e4, e5 ; 2. Ac4 (this open is very common or habitual, not it as strange as 1. e3 or the other line bug in Cxe4 and lost knight...)
3. d4, e5xd4;
4. Cf3, ...
( ok this is theory moves, you can see books of teory chess, similar: "Batsford´s Modern Chess Opening 14 edition", year 2000 by Nick Firmian, in my book of "Aperturas Modernas de Ajedrez" Nick de Firmian, 2002 Edit TUTOR S.A, I can read on pag 153 (line 4-5 two lines about all These correct moves...)
in this moment we move now:
4. ... , Cc6 and... CITRINES do ... ( not think only read book ¡ )
5. Tg1 ??? ----- and lost pawn e4 and bad position to play... CITRINE evaluate bad for citrine on -1.33 after go out book...)
a true position disaster .. because we made this move 4. ... , Cc6 not habitual ? ... if in real books of papers, the theory that we can read: 4. ... , Cxe4 or 4. ... , exd4 or 4. ... , d5 this last move was play n 1970 Laes - Flores, Corr; for example.
I play that move because if after move 4. Cf3. ( citrine ) we force move citrine with black too, ( up-down king ), ( to see which is the move favorite on book citrine ) ... CITRINE chooses 4. ..., Cc6 ?¡ ( not is the better but is save in the book citrine... )... and after this we up-down king again to citrine play with white, we see that the NEXT move is a " BIG and enormous" BUG ... ¡¡¡ 5. Tg1 ??
maybe... the sleeping programmer of citrine was thinking in other game that not similar chess ? maybe DOMINO ? or "GO" but not Tg1 ? for chess game ? maybe on lottery runs perfect ... but the books of computers chess not do this way ...
it is difficult to justify this move ( in book =) that more late development piece white, citrine can not 0-0 after this and that the same CITRINE values it as advantageous for the black player ...
OK... maybe some player can test this too ...

bye, Oliver._________________
PD: at the end it will be but didactics this computer chess for their errors that for their successes... to train ...

inf link: http://meca.mundoforo.com/aqui-vp732.html#732 (spanish)