My homeland security officer (wife) has banned EMULE use. Does anyone know a place I can download 6 piece EGTBs from without it? I found KBPKNP to test my young engine with (it seems to work) but am now eager for more.
6 piece EGTB
Moderator: Ras
- Posts: 2307
- Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:41 pm
- Location: Brownsville Texas USA
Re: 6 piece EGTB
Hi Sam,BubbaTough wrote:Hi,
My homeland security officer (wife) has banned EMULE use. Does anyone know a place I can download 6 piece EGTBs from without it? I found KBPKNP to test my young engine with (it seems to work) but am now eager for more.
I used to have good results using ftp to; login name: EGTB password: EGTB. Unfortunately I just tried it and the server no longer responds. Too bad, too, since it was a lot faster than eMule. Perhaps it will come back on-line later. Or does anyone know what happened to it?
- Robin Smith
Re: 6 piece EGTB
I hear lots of people have been hitting up homeland security forBubbaTough wrote:Hi,
My homeland security officer (wife) has banned EMULE use. Does anyone know a place I can download 6 piece EGTBs from without it? I found KBPKNP to test my young engine with (it seems to work) but am now eager for more.
funds to improve security

the 6 DVD set ( 50 Gb of tablebases) including lots of 6 piece EGTB
as the "Total Nalimov Tablebases" product here:
http://store.convekta.com/shop_model.as ... product664
- Posts: 511
- Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:05 pm
Re: 6 piece EGTB
from : http://kd.lab.nig.ac.jp/chess/tablebases-online/ :BubbaTough wrote:Hi,
My homeland security officer (wife) has banned EMULE use. Does anyone know a place I can download 6 piece EGTBs from without it? I found KBPKNP to test my young engine with (it seems to work) but am now eager for more.
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Other ways to download 6-men tablebases
Several members of this community volanteered to host some of the 6-men tablebases for those who can't use eMule for some reason. Servers known to me are listed here. (Please let me know if you know other servers, or if one of the listed servers is dead).
* olympuschess by Joshua Shriver http://www.olympuschess.com/tb6/index.html
* gambit.homeftp.org by blackbubble ftp://tablebases:tablebases@gambit.homeftp.org/
* by Norm Pruitt/PAKman (read his announcement and 2007-01-12 update).