Ed Schröder with Pro Deo is back! That is good to see. Now only Quest and Frans Morsch should return as well for the sake of old times! Hopefully with the programmers in person. Harm Geert has entered no less than two programs, doubling his chances for the title. No complaints yet from the strong Rybka camp about this or from Vincent who has not (yet?) entered, but is it covered by the rules? And if someone would object? Just asking..
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Rybka QX6700, 3200 MHz Vasik Rajlich, Jeroen Noomen (book), Hans van der Zijden (oper) Budapest, Hungary, Apeldoorn, NL, Duivendrecht, NL
The King Johan de Koning Delft, NL
Pro Deo Ed Schöder, Hans Secelle (oper.) Deventer, NL, Schelderode, Belgium
Hiarcs QX6700 Mark Uniacke (prog.), Harvey Williamson (oper.), Enrico Carrisco (tester/oper.) UK, UK, USA
Deep Sjeng Gian-Carlo Pascutto, Jens Heerklotz (oper.), Valery Maes (book) Belgium
IsiChess MMX Gerd Isenberg Hattingen, Germany
The Baron Dual AMD Opteron 270 (4 cores) Richard Pijl (prog.), Arturo Ochoa (book) Minderhout, Belgium, Argentina
XiniX Pentium M. 1700 MHz Tony van Roon Elke van Roon (oper.)
Eindhoven, NL
Hermann Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM Volker Annuss Christian Bartsch(book) Unna, Germany, Niederseefeld, Ger.
Micro-Max 4.4 Harm Geert Muller Diemen, NL
Joker Harm Geert Muller Diemen, NL