Intel Pentium 4
Single Processor- 2.8ghz
128mb hash
3 & 4 man tablebases
Ponder & Learning = OFF
Perfect 9.ctg book for all (with 12 move CCRL limit)
40 moves in 66 minutes repeating (adapted to CCRL 40/40)
All engines = 32 bit
Fritz 10 will play 20 games v each opponent Run by George Speight
Intel Pentium 4
Single Processor- 2.8ghz
128mb hash
3 & 4 man tablebases
Ponder & Learning = OFF
Perfect 9.ctg book for all (with 12 move CCRL limit)
40 moves in 66 minutes repeating (adapted to CCRL 40/40)
All engines = 32 bit
Fritz 10 will play 20 games v each opponent Run by George Speight
Periodic updates will be given here along with a link to download the games.
Thanks for running this one George. Be intersting to see how
the new engine Strelka does.
I had a little trouble trying to run Strelka at fast time control. It did
ok at long time control.
Gerold, for some reason Strelka does not understand Fischer time controls therefore you cant run it a 3 min. + 2 sec. or anything like that. If you want to run fast time controls, set it for 40 moves in 4 min. or something similar to that and it will be ok.
geots wrote:Gerold, for some reason Strelka does not understand Fischer time controls therefore you cant run it a 3 min. + 2 sec. or anything like that. If you want to run fast time controls, set it for 40 moves in 4 min. or something similar to that and it will be ok.