Microchess - 1976 for Winboard (yes...that Microchess)

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Christopher Conkie
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Microchess - 1976 for Winboard (yes...that Microchess)

Post by Christopher Conkie »

Go here...........


The interface was made by Andre Adrian.

The original program was made by Peter Jennings in 1976.

This plays in Arena as well as Winboard if you want to try it.

More information on Microchess can be found here......



Re: Microchess - 1976 for Winboard (yes...that Microchess)

Post by Alainza »

Excellent !

I have also seen on this page that he had the same idea than me, i.e. try to make the original Sargon program run again...

but I admit that it is difficult to find the correct cross-assembler..

best regards,

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Re: Microchess - 1976 for Winboard (yes...that Microchess)

Post by mclane »

what a cool avatar !!!

and i am STILL searching for a fidelity excel display (NOT the designer display).

Re: Microchess - 1976 for Winboard (yes...that Microchess)

Post by Alainza »

mclane wrote:what a cool avatar !!!
and i am STILL searching for a fidelity excel display (NOT the designer display).
There was just one for sale on ebay in early May but it is very rare and I don't think that there is more than one or two on ebay each year !
(ok, hopefully ebay is not the only way to get computers)

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Re: Microchess - 1976 for Winboard (yes...that Microchess)

Post by mclane »

i do not mean excel 68000 or designer display...

i talk about excel display, 8 bit with display.

Re: Microchess - 1976 for Winboard (yes...that Microchess)

Post by Alainza »

mclane wrote:i do not mean excel 68000 or designer display...

i talk about excel display, 8 bit with display.
so am I !

I am not confusing Excel 68000 (#6094) nor Designer with the Excel Display (#6093) :

http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie ... 0110964824
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Re: Microchess - 1976 for Winboard (yes...that Microchess)

Post by mclane »

yes - shit - i missed this. thats exactly the machine i mean.

although the price is much higher than the original price in those times it was sold :-))))))

it has these big LEDs. and inside it has a platine in the shape of a triangle.

it was IMO the perfect Fidelity computer. LEDisplay very good visible,
no 16 Bit, and it played cool with the pawns.

Re: Microchess - 1976 for Winboard (yes...that Microchess)

Post by Alainza »

the guy who bought it sells generally his computers after some time...
he is not one of these guys who try to make money by buying/selling a lot of computers, but his prices are most of time way over the "market price" (if there is such price).

His site is quite interesting to browse :

Christopher Conkie
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Re: Microchess - 1976 for Winboard (yes...that Microchess)

Post by Christopher Conkie »

It would be really nice to have a wb or uci Sargon if it were allowed and possible.



Re: Microchess - 1976 for Winboard (yes...that Microchess)

Post by Alainza »

I have tried many cross-asssemblers in the last two weeks but not was able to understand Sargon's source :(

So I'll have either to read the TDL Assembler manual and convert the code, or to build a CP/M machine in order to run this assembler :?

Best regards,