CCRL 40/40, 40/4 and FRC lists updated (24th June 2017)

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Graham Banks
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CCRL 40/40, 40/4 and FRC lists updated (24th June 2017)

Post by Graham Banks »

The latest CCRL Rating Lists and Statistics are available for viewing from the following links: (40/40) (40/4) (FRC 40/4)

Please note that the three lists are often updated separately to each other. The FRC list is only updated when a new engine or engine version is being/has been tested.

40/40 testing this week that I'm aware of will include (with live broadcast port for TLCV noted where applicable):

The Demolisher Tournament (continuing 16002)
Super Tournament XXV 1CPU (continuing 16053)
Leisurely Stroll Tournament (continuing 16001)
ChessBrainVB 3.31 Gauntlet (starting today 16064)
RuyDos 1.0.2 Gauntlet (continuing 16065)
Gogobello 1.2 64-bit Gauntlet (continuing 16066)
Amoeba 2.5 64-bit Gauntlet (continuing)
Roc 0.7 64-bit Gauntlet (finishing)
Counter 1.99 64-bit Gauntlet (finishing)
Pedone 1.6 64-bit Gauntlet (finishing)
Wyldchess 1.5 64-bit Gauntlet (starting)
ECE-X3 64-bit Gauntlet (starting)
Nemorino 3.0 64-bit Gauntlet (starting)
Various 1CPU Tournaments (being run by Charles)
Andscacs 0.91 64-bit 4CPU Gauntlet (being run by Charles)
Booot 6.2 64-bit 4CPU Gauntlet (continuing 16083)

40/4 testing since the last update has included:

Counter 1.99 64-bit
Gromit 3.82
Galjoen 0.36 64-bit
Komodo 11.01 64-bit
Bearded neural 44.5 64-bit
Baislicka 1.0 64-bit
Bagatur 1.5a 64-bit
Pedone 1.6 64-bit
CM11th Paralyse
Pedone 1.6 64-bit 4CPU
DisasterArea 1.65 64-bit 4CPU
4CPU Testing (continuing 16084)
gbanksnz at