ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

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Re: ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

Post by AlexChess »

mehmet123 wrote: Sun Nov 27, 2022 9:49 pm Hello Alex.Great Works.
Are ProteusChessSF SunRise and ProteusChessSF Piranha are private chess engines?
I can insert you in closed beta testing, if you like :)

Compiling.. Sent a bmi2 build to you in PM :wink:
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Re: ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

Post by AlexChess »


Top 50 November 25, 2023 First Bullet, Blitz, Rapid & Classical

Chess engines and dedicated chess computers fan since 1981 :D macOS Sequoia 16GB-512GB, Windows 11 & Ubuntu ARM64.
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Re: ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

Post by Eduard »

This guy is a dazzler. Of the 5394 BULLET games from "ProteusSF" account, only 341 games were played against opponents with Elo over >2800.

Of the 341 games, there were 60 wins, of which ProteusSF losed 53. :!: His rating is based on farming and it's no surprise that he doesn't want to play against strong opponents. :twisted:

Against weak opponent admete_bot, ProteusSF played 3077 :roll: of his 5394 games:


admete_bot is a weak program with an Elo of around 2400. I have stopped playing against such opponents otherwise I would be ashamed. ProteusSF is of course not ashamed, he would also play 100.000 games against such opponents if he could gain another 100 Elo. Maybe he'll do that at some point. He will never want to play against opponents like me. Other people (including here in the forum) have also reported to me that ProteusSF doesn't accept any challenges against them because they are too strong for him. ProteusSF only requires sacrifices for its Elo rating.

Proof, all bullet games from ProteusSF in PGN sorted by date:
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Re: ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

Post by Eduard »

Next chapter PlayChess:

After ProteusSF initially played his way up to over 3400 Elo through cheating, he played a duel that he clearly lost and plummeted in the rating.



Now he had to cheat again to get to the top. Him, or a friend of his, create a new account today. You always start at 2400 Elo points. Anyone who wins against Elo 2400 does not get any Elo points if they are more than 600 Elo better.

The account EtaBeta23 initially collected Elos. He played 110 games in a series draw, some of them with the strongest players who played with 30 or more threads. Then the time came for cheating.


Of the 7 defeats, EtaBeta23 lost 6 times in a row against ProteusSF. That's what cheater superstars like ProteusSF do, who like to boast, but in reality they are a disgrace to our hobby. I watched 3 games, here they are in PGN:

[Event "3 min, rated"]
[Site "Engine Room"]
[Date "2023.11.27"]
[Round "?"]
[White "EtaBeta23, Etabeta 231127"]
[Black "ProteuSF-Official, ProteusSFX-AI 23110"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C52"]
[WhiteElo "3221"]
[BlackElo "3339"]
[Annotator "0.26;-0.41"]
[PlyCount "84"]
[EventDate "2023.11.27"]
[EventType "blitz"]
[TimeControl "180"]

1. e4 {0.01/0 1} e5 {0.01/0 0} 2. Nf3 {0.01/0 0} Nc6 {0.01/0 0} 3. Bc4 {0.01/0 0} Bc5 {0.01/0 0} 4. b4 {0.01/0 0} Bxb4 {0.01/0 0} 5. c3 {0.01/0 0} Ba5 {0.01/0 0} 6. d4 {0.01/0 0} d6 {0.01/0 0} 7. Qb3 {0.01/0 0} Qd7 {0.01/0 0} 8. O-O {0.01/0 0} Bb6 {0.01/0 0} 9. Nbd2 {0.01/0 0} Na5 {0.01/0 0} 10. Qc2 {0.01/0 0} f6 {0.01/0 0} 11. a4 {0.01/0 0} Ne7 {0.01/0 0} 12. Ba2 {0.01/0 0} Nec6 {0.01/0 0} 13. Re1 {0.01/0 0} Qe7 {0.01/0 0} 14. Ba3 {0.01/0 0} g5 {0.01/0 0} 15. Nf1 {0.01/0 0} Bg4 {0.01/0 0} 16. d5 {0.01/0 0} Nb8 {0.01/0 0} 17. N3d2 {0.01/0 0} Nd7 {0.01/0 0} 18. Qb1 {0.26/20 6} f5 {-0.41/21 2 (0-0)} 19. h3 {-0.50/25 17 (c4)} f4 {-1.58/23 2} 20. Nh2 {-1.65/19 2 (hxg4)} Bh5 {-2.35/20 2} 21. c4 {-2.38/21 6 (b4)} Rg8 {-2.76/23 5} 22. Ng4 {-2.90/25 11} Bxg4 {-3.30/25 0} 23. hxg4 {-3.05/20 5} O-O-O {-3.30/25 0} 24. Rc1 {-2.91/21 8 (c5)} Rh8 {-3.91/22 2} 25. c5 {-4.02/23 6} Nxc5 {-4.25/23 0} 26. Kf1 {-4.22/22 6 (c4)} h5 {-4.55/22 2} 27. Ke2 {-4.42/22 3 (xc5)} hxg4 {-4.89/21 2} 28. Nc4 {-4.49/18 1 (xc5)} f3+ {-5.96/19 2} 29. gxf3 {-5.39/19 0} Nxc4 {-6.36/23 2 (f6)} 30. Bxc4 {-6.11/21 4 (xc5)} Qf6 {-6.91/19 2} 31. Rc3 {-6.61/20 0} Nxa4 {-7.08/22 2} 32. Rb3 {-6.99/19 3} Rh2 {-7.34/22 0} 33. Bb4 {-7.18/20 4 (b5)} Rxf2+ {-11.27/19 2 (g3)} 34. Kd1 {-8.70/17 1} Rh8 {-12.67/18 0} 35. Be1 {-11.12/18 3 (d3)} Rh1 {-14.22/19 4} 36. Rxa4 {-12.24/18 0} g3 {-15.27/18 3} 37. Rb2 {-12.18/17 0 (a2)} Qxf3+ {-#7/36 2} 38. Be2 {-#6/48 0} Qc3 {-#6/39 0 (xe1+)} 39. Rd2 {0} Rxe1+ {-#5/81 1} 40. Kxe1 {0} g2 {-#4/245 0} 41. Kd1 {0 (g4+)} g1=Q+ {-#2/245 0} 42. Bf1 {0} Qxf1# {-#1/245 0 (Lag: Av=0.42s, max=1.5s)} 0-1

[Event "3 min, rated"]
[Site "Engine Room"]
[Date "2023.11.27"]
[Round "?"]
[White "ProteuSF-Official, ProteusSFX-AI 23110"]
[Black "EtaBeta23, Etabeta 231127"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C52"]
[WhiteElo "3371"]
[BlackElo "3190"]
[Annotator "0.32;?ev?"]
[PlyCount "83"]
[EventDate "2023.11.27"]
[EventType "blitz"]
[TimeControl "180"]

1. e4 {0.01/0 0} e5 {0} 2. Nf3 {0.01/0 0} Nc6 {0} 3. Bc4 {0.01/0 0} Bc5 {0} 4. b4 {0.01/0 0} Bxb4 {0} 5. c3 {0.01/0 0} Ba5 {0} 6. d4 {0.01/0 0} d6 {0} 7. Qb3 {0.01/0 0} Qd7 {0} 8. O-O {0.01/0 0} Bb6 {0} 9. Nbd2 {0.01/0 0} Na5 {0} 10. Qc2 {0.01/0 0} f6 {0} 11. a4 {0.01/0 0} Ne7 {0} 12. Ba2 {0.01/0 0} Nec6 {0} 13. Re1 {0.01/0 0} Qe7 {0} 14. Ba3 {0.01/0 0} g5 {0} 15. Nf1 {0.01/0 0} Bg4 {0} 16. d5 {0.01/0 0} Nb8 {0} 17. N3d2 {0.01/0 0} Nd7 {0} 18. Rab1 {0.32/24 2} O-O {7 (c5)} 19. Rb5 {0.98/26 5} a6 {10 (h8)} 20. Rxb6 {1.71/24 2} cxb6 {17} 21. Ne3 {1.98/30 0} Bh5 {3} 22. Nf5 {2.02/24 0} Qe8 {15} 23. Bxd6 {2.17/27 0} Nc5 {2 (g6)} 24. Bxf8 {2.32/23 2} Kxf8 {2} 25. Qb1 {2.39/22 0} b5 {3} 26. Nf1 {2.41/25 0} Qd7 {10 (b6)} 27. h4 {2.98/21 2} h6 {5 (g6)} 28. N1g3 {3.72/22 2} Bf7 {3 (g6)} 29. Nxh6 {4.54/19 2} gxh4 {1} 30. Ngf5 {4.71/21 3} Rd8 {0 (h5)} 31. axb5 {5.59/22 3} Ra8 {2 (axb5)} 32. Qd1 {6.57/20 2} Be8 {1} 33. Qg4 {7.69/21 1} Qh7 {1} 34. Qxh4 {7.83/21 0} Bh5 {2 (d7)} 35. Qxf6+ {11.42/21 2} Ke8 {0} 36. Qxe5+ {12.53/20 2} Kd8 {2} 37. Qf6+ {13.42/18 0} Ke8 {2 (d7)} 38. e5 {30.89/22 5} b6 {2 (d7)} 39. e6 {#7/40 2} Ncb7 {0 (ab7)} 40. d6 {#5/81 1} Nc5 {0 (d8)} 41. d7+ {#2/245 0} Qxd7 {0 (xd7)} 42. Qh8# {#1/245 0 (Lag: Av=0.39s, max=1.9s)} 1-0

[Event "3 min, rated"]
[Site "Engine Room"]
[Date "2023.11.27"]
[Round "?"]
[White "EtaBeta23, Etabeta 231127"]
[Black "ProteuSF-Official, ProteusSFX-AI 23110"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C52"]
[WhiteElo "3181"]
[BlackElo "3380"]
[Annotator "?ev?;-0.47"]
[PlyCount "96"]
[EventDate "2023.11.27"]
[EventType "blitz"]
[TimeControl "180"]

1. e4 {0} e5 {0.01/0 0} 2. Nf3 {0} Nc6 {0.01/0 0} 3. Bc4 {0} Bc5 {0.01/0 0} 4. b4 {0} Bxb4 {0.01/0 0} 5. c3 {0} Ba5 {0.01/0 0} 6. d4 {0} d6 {0.01/0 0} 7. Qb3 {0} Qd7 {0.01/0 0} 8. O-O {0} Bb6 {0.01/0 0} 9. Nbd2 {0} Na5 {0.01/0 0} 10. Qc2 {0} f6 {0.01/0 0} 11. a4 {0} Ne7 {0.01/0 0} 12. Ba2 {0} Nec6 {0.01/0 0} 13. Re1 {0} Qe7 {0.01/0 0} 14. Ba3 {0} g5 {0.01/0 0} 15. Nf1 {0} Bg4 {0.01/0 0} 16. d5 {0} Nb8 {0.01/0 0} 17. N3d2 {0} Nd7 {0.01/0 0} 18. h3 {10} Bh5 {-0.47/23 2} 19. Ne3 {7 (ab1)} Bxe3 {-0.39/26 5} 20. Rxe3 {1} b6 {-0.33/24 1} 21. Ree1 {3 (b4)} O-O {-0.67/27 5} 22. Bb4 {8} Nb7 {-0.63/28 0} 23. Nf1 {2 (a5)} a5 {-0.97/27 5} 24. Ba3 {1} Ndc5 {-0.99/28 6} 25. Bc4 {1} Be8 {-1.05/22 0} 26. Bb5 {5 (c1)} Bxb5 {-1.02/25 2} 27. axb5 {2} Qd7 {-1.11/23 0} 28. Bc1 {4 (g3)} Qxb5 {-1.59/25 2} 29. Ne3 {2 (e3)} Qd3 {-3.23/22 1} 30. f3 {7 (xd3)} Qxc2 {-3.60/24 2} 31. Nxc2 {2} Nb3 {-3.71/27 0} 32. Rb1 {4} Nxc1 {-3.80/28 0} 33. Rexc1 {5 (bxc1)} f5 {-3.94/29 1} 34. exf5 {8} Rxf5 {-3.99/29 0} 35. Na3 {3} Raf8 {-3.98/28 1} 36. Kf1 {2 (b5)} e4 {-4.39/24 2} 37. c4 {0 (b5)} exf3 {-4.57/29 5} 38. Re1 {0} Nc5 {-4.60/24 1} 39. g4 {4 (b5)} Rf4 {-5.51/21 2} 40. Ra1 {2 (c2)} h5 {-6.65/21 2} 41. Rac1 {1 (e6)} hxg4 {-8.20/23 2} 42. hxg4 {1} Rxg4 {-8.55/21 0} 43. Nb5 {1 (e3)} Nd3 {-11.94/20 2} 44. Re7 {1 (ed1)} Rh4 {-#7/58 1} 45. Rh7 {0 (g1)} Rxh7 {-#5/154 1} 46. Kg1 {0} Rf4 {-#4/245 0} 47. c5 {0 (c2)} Rg4+ {-#2/245 0} 48. Kf1 {0} Rh1# {-#1/245 0 (Lag: Av=0.31s, max=1.2s)} 0-1

Previously 110 games draw, and now checkmate in series in less than 50 moves. These are destroyers of our hobby and that's why I showed the games for everyone to see.

Download PGN:
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Re: ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

Post by Eduard »

I appeal to ChessBase - to stop allowing people to brag and cheat others on the server! Here two members even publicly admit that they manipulated. If these two fight a war, then please no longer at the expense of honest members who play and pay honestly.

Discussion on PlayChess November 28, 2023:

SolistaChess: In Lichess the BOT is called "EtaBetaIta" (very similar name
of the PlayChess account), and we can confirm it is his account because of
the title of the youtube video and the name of the channel.
SolistaChess: Proteus SF account
Charlie Bronson: yes its him
Charlie Bronson: he is everywhere
SolistaChess: he played against itsself
Charlie Bronson: yes he does that all the time
Kunkka: like anyone even cares about that guy anymore
Kunkka: lol hilarious idiot
Kunkka: Etabeta23 is confirmed ProteuSF other account btw
Charlie Bronson: also pirata
Charlie Bronson: he steals points with etabeta and gives it to main account]

PSYCOTRANCE: hello friends, here i come to clarify that my other account
Asrock have an obvious fake ELO, and i want to remember you all that i dont
have the need to hold that false ELO, the real pourpose is to troll this
Proteus Scammer and avoid him of having the satisfaction on being the nº1,
you all know that him search for false glory, i only want to expose the
hipocresy and scammers and castigate him

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Re: ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

Post by Eduard »

16. Jan 2024: Crazy things on! At the moment I find it difficult to believe what some people do in their desperation. Alessandro Morales, the creator of the ProteusSF engine, didn't just cheat on PlayChess yesterday. That wasn't enough for him. He took my name "Eddy" (that's what my friends call me) and created a new account with my name for himself on PlayChess. Then he played against this (his own) account and won, to suggest he had beaten me. His own name is Alessandro, also called Alex or AlexChess, but he takes my name and creates an account, with it to insult me. I almost can't believe that something like that is actually true. To the friends of ProteusSF: You should be ashamed of having a guy like that as a friend.

Cheated games by ProteuSF-Official:
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Re: ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

Post by Eduard »

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Re: ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

Post by AlexChess »


Chess engines and dedicated chess computers fan since 1981 :D macOS Sequoia 16GB-512GB, Windows 11 & Ubuntu ARM64.
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Re: ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

Post by AlexChess »

Eduard wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2024 12:15 pm After that post, I have created on Playchess the new accounts DummyEdiot and PoorEdiot

Yes Alessandro Morales, you create dozens of fake accounts - everywhere - using all sorts of tricks. As far as the PlayChess thing goes, I wrote an email to ChessBase and you were deleted. Because of cheating and insults. Now you have created new fake accounts. And you have announced that you will always create new ones if you are deleted. You are unstoppable. You are sick. But I ask the readers of this forum not to follow you and not to reply to your fake account Draude.
...Chessbase absolutely doesn't car about 30 engines playing on Playchess. I have also reported you more times to them and you are still there with new accounts, even if they have banned you too. And now you bore also geniuses like Andrew Grant and the Stockfish devs, after having offended myths like Ed Shroeder and Chris Whittington :lol: :lol:

PS Eduard Nebeth mocking account is difficult to understand in English (in Italian Ebete = Idiot) ...I'm so sorry :wink:
Chess engines and dedicated chess computers fan since 1981 :D macOS Sequoia 16GB-512GB, Windows 11 & Ubuntu ARM64.
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Re: ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

Post by AlexChess »

You are so EDIOT that you even POST evidences that you are cheating and farming on both and with PowerBeast and Lermerbot , while accusing the others. Thanks for this image. You have then deleted those accounts farming against much weaker engines only to go ahead ProteusSF (right now the ProteusSF-lite account has 3361 ELO, but you don't post the new results) . Thanks again :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I'm following here all the other topics where you are mocked by Andrew Grant and other true programmers. You are really funny. :lol:

PS: After that post, I have created on Playchess the new accounts DummyEdiot and PoorEdiot

Eduard wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2024 11:57 am Here are two accounts with a fake Leptir Engine:


And here is a deliberate provocation from AlexChess, a new account (see date) that, in addition to Fake Leptir, also discriminates against my name in public:


In this forum now as Draude. Bizarre.
Chess engines and dedicated chess computers fan since 1981 :D macOS Sequoia 16GB-512GB, Windows 11 & Ubuntu ARM64.
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