The table is like this.

Chrome: right click, open image in new tab.
Every id number is a single game. The names under column name are our subject. They won this game as indicated in the point column. Blunder/mistake/dubious/equal counts are indicated by b/m/d/e. These are further subdivided into 1, 2 and others.
Let's check id 0. Magnus has zero b, zero m, zero d and 1 e4. e4 is an equal position from [+50, +99] centipawn (cp) range. Equal position has an evaluation of [-49, +49] cp. So in this case, Magnus had played a suboptimal move from a slightly better position to an equal position.
This is the position. The score side POV.

merr is the mean or average error, where error is just engine_bestmove_eval less game_move_eval. Also called the average Centipawn Loss. There are 12 positions that are not yet winning (>= 300cp) and not yet losing (<= -300cp). The merr is 6 cp, and this is calculated when
the position is not yet winning/losing.
t1%, t2% and t3% are the percentage of top1, top2 and top3 moves from the engine that matches the game move played by Magnus. This is also calculated when the position is not yet winning/losing. So Magnus got 66.7% top1 move match from the engine. That would be 12x0.667 or 8 out of 12 positions.
werr is the mean or average error when the position is already winning. There are 8 won positions for him as indicated by wpos or winning positions. wt1% is the percentage of top1 engine move that matched his move. wfail% (0.0) is the percentage of winning position that he failed to maintain. In this case he never failed to find the best continuation.
In id 1, Niemann defeated Gretarsson. He got 75% top1 when position is not yet winning/losing, and 66.7% when he was already winning.
Let's have a look on some data. Rows highlighted with green color are good performances. Here we can see some random games from Niemann and how it compared with some top players.

More data with Carlsen - Niemann game highlighted in yellow.

Chrome: right click, open image in new tab. The table is sorted by date in ascending order.
Niemann had probably performed the best in this game so far. He got a high top1 of 83.3% when the position is not yet winning/lossing and 66.7 top1 when the position is already winning for him. Out of the 15 winning positions, he failed 6.7% or 15x0.067 or 1 position, to maintain the winning position.
This is the position. The score side POV.

It is not a blunder, not a mistake, not a dubious, and not an equal move, but a suboptimal move that is still better for him. According to Stockfish, the best is Rc2 with a score of 4.07 pawn unit searched to a depth of 31.
The annotated game.
[pgn][Event "9th Sinquefield Cup 2022"]
[Site "Saint Louis USA"]
[Date "2022.09.04"]
[Round "3.1"]
[White "Carlsen, Magnus"]
[Black "Niemann, Hans Moke"]
[Result "0-1"]
[BlackElo "2688"]
[BlackFideId "2093596"]
[BlackTitle "GM"]
[ECO "E20"]
[EventDate "2022.09.02"]
[Opening "Nimzo-Indian"]
[Variation "Romanishin-Kasparov (Steiner) system"]
[WhiteElo "2861"]
[WhiteFideId "1503014"]
[WhiteTitle "GM"]
[Annotator "Stockfish 15 @60s per pos, eval is SPOV"]
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.g3 O-O 5.Bg2 d5 6.a3 Bxc3+ 7.bxc3 dxc4 8.Nf3 c5 9.O-O cxd4 10.Qxd4 Nc6 11.Qxc4 e5 12.Bg5 { 0.00/31 } ( 12.a4 { 0.00/31 } ) 12...h6 { 0.00/31 } ( 12...Be6 { 0.09/31 } ) 13.Rfd1 { -0.24/34 } ( 13.Bxf6 { 0.00/34 } ) 13...Be6 { 0.37/32 } 14.Rxd8 { -0.30/34 } ( 14.Qc5 { -0.28/34 } ) 14...Bxc4 $7 { 0.31/31 } 15.Rxa8 { -0.29/31 } 15...Rxa8 $7 { 0.39/31 } 16.Bxf6 { -0.25/33 } ( 16.Nd2 { -0.19/33 } ) 16...gxf6 { 0.22/35 } 17.Kf1 { -0.30/40 } ( 17.Nd2 { -0.23/34 } ) 17...Rd8 { 0.45/39 } 18.Ke1 { -0.29/34 } 18...Na5 { 0.25/37 } 19.Rd1 { -0.22/36 } ( 19.Bh3 { -0.19/36 } ) 19...Rc8 { 0.28/39 } 20.Nd2 { -0.19/34 } ( 20.Bh3 { -0.15/34 } ) 20...Be6 { 0.28/38 } 21.c4 { -0.45/31 } ( 21.Ne4 { -0.21/32 } ) 21...Bxc4 { 0.23/39 } ( 21...b6 { 0.41/33 } ) 22.Nxc4 { -0.15/36 } ( 22.Ne4 { -0.13/36 } ) 22...Rxc4 { 0.20/29 } 23.Rd8+ { -0.12/35 } 23...Kg7 { 0.18/37 } 24.Bd5 { -0.17/36 } 24...Rc7 { 0.25/34 } 25.Ra8 { -0.39/41 } ( 25.f3 { -0.12/37 } ) 25...a6 { 0.37/37 } 26.Rb8 { -0.30/38 } ( 26.a4 { -0.25/38 } ) 26...f5 { 0.38/35 } 27.Re8 { -0.47/33 } ( 27.f3 { -0.18/33 } ) 27...e4 { 0.61/35 } 28.g4 $2 { -1.09/35 } ( 28.Rd8 { -0.48/33 } ) 28...Rc5 { 1.11/33 } 29.Ba2 { -1.95/30 } ( 29.Rd8 { -1.25/30 } ) 29...Nc4 { 1.69/32 } ( 29...fxg4 { 1.93/32 } ) 30.a4 { -2.25/32 } ( 30.Bxc4 { -1.77/33 } ) 30...Nd6 { 2.25/33 } 31.Re7 $4 { -4.12/32 } ( 31.Rd8 { -2.20/32 } ) 31...fxg4 $5 { 2.14/31 } ( 31...Rc2 { 4.07/31 } ) 32.Rd7 { -1.76/29 } 32...e3 { 1.89/31 } 33.fxe3 { -1.87/28 } 33...Ne4 { 1.84/33 } 34.Kf1 { -2.33/29 } 34...Rc1+ { 0.79/30 } ( 34...Rf5+ { 2.13/31 } ) 35.Kg2 { -1.04/30 } 35...Rc2 { 1.01/32 } 36.Bxf7 { -0.85/29 } 36...Rxe2+ { 0.69/31 } 37.Kg1 { -0.69/30 } 37...Re1+ { 0.94/32 } 38.Kg2 $7 { -0.66/37 } 38...Re2+ { 0.70/35 } 39.Kg1 { -0.69/30 } 39...Kf6 { 0.83/32 } ( 39...Re1+ { 0.94/32 } ) 40.Bd5 $2 { -1.27/34 } ( 40.Rxb7 { -0.51/34 } ) 40...Rd2 { 1.49/35 } 41.Rf7+ { -1.49/27 } 41...Kg6 { 1.50/30 } 42.Rd7 $4 { -5.77/29 } ( 42.Rf4 { -1.35/30 } ) 42...Ng5 { 5.73/30 } 43.Bf7+ { -7.18/27 } ( 43.Kf1 { -5.89/27 } ) 43...Kf5 { 4.65/29 } ( 43...Kf6 { 7.08/30 } ) 44.Rxd2 { -4.79/26 } 44...Nf3+ $7 { 2.66/25 } 45.Kg2 { -5.61/28 } 45...Nxd2 $7 { 5.11/24 } 46.a5 { -5.95/27 } 46...Ke5 { 6.67/32 } 47.Kg3 { -7.62/29 } ( 47.Kf2 { -7.45/29 } ) 47...Nf1+ { 7.76/39 } 48.Kf2 { -10.19/27 } ( 48.Kxg4 { -8.20/28 } ) 48...Nxh2 { 10.39/31 } 49.e4 { -13.52/31 } ( 49.Be8 { -11.54/29 } ) 49...Kxe4 { 13.65/30 } 50.Be6 { -15.80/30 } ( 50.Kg3 { -13.66/25 } ) 50...Kf4 { 15.83/28 } ( 50...h5 { 15.93/29 } ) 51.Bc8 { -21.66/25 } ( 51.Bf7 { -15.94/25 } ) 51...Nf3 { 22.79/25 } ( 51...h5 { 28.50/25 } ) 52.Bxb7 { -55.47/30 } 52...Ne5 { 55.47/33 } ( 52...Nd2 { 55.47/32 } ) 53.Bxa6 { -152.65/33 } 53...Nc6 { 152.65/37 } 54.Bb7 { -319.54/37 } ( 54.Bd3 { -152.65/31 } ) 54...Nxa5 { 319.77/45 } 55.Bd5 { -319.79/50 } 55...h5 { 319.79/48 } 56.Bf7 { -319.81/62 } 56...h4 { 56.94/29 } 57.Bd5 { -319.55/29 } 0-1[/pgn]
Code: Select all
[Event "9th Sinquefield Cup 2022"]
[Site "Saint Louis USA"]
[Date "2022.09.04"]
[Round "3.1"]
[White "Carlsen, Magnus"]
[Black "Niemann, Hans Moke"]
[Result "0-1"]
[BlackElo "2688"]
[BlackFideId "2093596"]
[BlackTitle "GM"]
[ECO "E20"]
[EventDate "2022.09.02"]
[Opening "Nimzo-Indian"]
[Variation "Romanishin-Kasparov (Steiner) system"]
[WhiteElo "2861"]
[WhiteFideId "1503014"]
[WhiteTitle "GM"]
[Annotator "Stockfish 15 @60s per pos, eval is SPOV"]
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.g3 O-O 5.Bg2 d5 6.a3 Bxc3+ 7.bxc3 dxc4 8.Nf3 c5 9.O-O cxd4 10.Qxd4 Nc6 11.Qxc4 e5 12.Bg5 { 0.00/31 } ( 12.a4 { 0.00/31 } ) 12...h6 { 0.00/31 } ( 12...Be6 { 0.09/31 } ) 13.Rfd1 { -0.24/34 } ( 13.Bxf6 { 0.00/34 } ) 13...Be6 { 0.37/32 } 14.Rxd8 { -0.30/34 } ( 14.Qc5 { -0.28/34 } ) 14...Bxc4 $7 { 0.31/31 } 15.Rxa8 { -0.29/31 } 15...Rxa8 $7 { 0.39/31 } 16.Bxf6 { -0.25/33 } ( 16.Nd2 { -0.19/33 } ) 16...gxf6 { 0.22/35 } 17.Kf1 { -0.30/40 } ( 17.Nd2 { -0.23/34 } ) 17...Rd8 { 0.45/39 } 18.Ke1 { -0.29/34 } 18...Na5 { 0.25/37 } 19.Rd1 { -0.22/36 } ( 19.Bh3 { -0.19/36 } ) 19...Rc8 { 0.28/39 } 20.Nd2 { -0.19/34 } ( 20.Bh3 { -0.15/34 } ) 20...Be6 { 0.28/38 } 21.c4 { -0.45/31 } ( 21.Ne4 { -0.21/32 } ) 21...Bxc4 { 0.23/39 } ( 21...b6 { 0.41/33 } ) 22.Nxc4 { -0.15/36 } ( 22.Ne4 { -0.13/36 } ) 22...Rxc4 { 0.20/29 } 23.Rd8+ { -0.12/35 } 23...Kg7 { 0.18/37 } 24.Bd5 { -0.17/36 } 24...Rc7 { 0.25/34 } 25.Ra8 { -0.39/41 } ( 25.f3 { -0.12/37 } ) 25...a6 { 0.37/37 } 26.Rb8 { -0.30/38 } ( 26.a4 { -0.25/38 } ) 26...f5 { 0.38/35 } 27.Re8 { -0.47/33 } ( 27.f3 { -0.18/33 } ) 27...e4 { 0.61/35 } 28.g4 $2 { -1.09/35 } ( 28.Rd8 { -0.48/33 } ) 28...Rc5 { 1.11/33 } 29.Ba2 { -1.95/30 } ( 29.Rd8 { -1.25/30 } ) 29...Nc4 { 1.69/32 } ( 29...fxg4 { 1.93/32 } ) 30.a4 { -2.25/32 } ( 30.Bxc4 { -1.77/33 } ) 30...Nd6 { 2.25/33 } 31.Re7 $4 { -4.12/32 } ( 31.Rd8 { -2.20/32 } ) 31...fxg4 $5 { 2.14/31 } ( 31...Rc2 { 4.07/31 } ) 32.Rd7 { -1.76/29 } 32...e3 { 1.89/31 } 33.fxe3 { -1.87/28 } 33...Ne4 { 1.84/33 } 34.Kf1 { -2.33/29 } 34...Rc1+ { 0.79/30 } ( 34...Rf5+ { 2.13/31 } ) 35.Kg2 { -1.04/30 } 35...Rc2 { 1.01/32 } 36.Bxf7 { -0.85/29 } 36...Rxe2+ { 0.69/31 } 37.Kg1 { -0.69/30 } 37...Re1+ { 0.94/32 } 38.Kg2 $7 { -0.66/37 } 38...Re2+ { 0.70/35 } 39.Kg1 { -0.69/30 } 39...Kf6 { 0.83/32 } ( 39...Re1+ { 0.94/32 } ) 40.Bd5 $2 { -1.27/34 } ( 40.Rxb7 { -0.51/34 } ) 40...Rd2 { 1.49/35 } 41.Rf7+ { -1.49/27 } 41...Kg6 { 1.50/30 } 42.Rd7 $4 { -5.77/29 } ( 42.Rf4 { -1.35/30 } ) 42...Ng5 { 5.73/30 } 43.Bf7+ { -7.18/27 } ( 43.Kf1 { -5.89/27 } ) 43...Kf5 { 4.65/29 } ( 43...Kf6 { 7.08/30 } ) 44.Rxd2 { -4.79/26 } 44...Nf3+ $7 { 2.66/25 } 45.Kg2 { -5.61/28 } 45...Nxd2 $7 { 5.11/24 } 46.a5 { -5.95/27 } 46...Ke5 { 6.67/32 } 47.Kg3 { -7.62/29 } ( 47.Kf2 { -7.45/29 } ) 47...Nf1+ { 7.76/39 } 48.Kf2 { -10.19/27 } ( 48.Kxg4 { -8.20/28 } ) 48...Nxh2 { 10.39/31 } 49.e4 { -13.52/31 } ( 49.Be8 { -11.54/29 } ) 49...Kxe4 { 13.65/30 } 50.Be6 { -15.80/30 } ( 50.Kg3 { -13.66/25 } ) 50...Kf4 { 15.83/28 } ( 50...h5 { 15.93/29 } ) 51.Bc8 { -21.66/25 } ( 51.Bf7 { -15.94/25 } ) 51...Nf3 { 22.79/25 } ( 51...h5 { 28.50/25 } ) 52.Bxb7 { -55.47/30 } 52...Ne5 { 55.47/33 } ( 52...Nd2 { 55.47/32 } ) 53.Bxa6 { -152.65/33 } 53...Nc6 { 152.65/37 } 54.Bb7 { -319.54/37 } ( 54.Bd3 { -152.65/31 } ) 54...Nxa5 { 319.77/45 } 55.Bd5 { -319.79/50 } 55...h5 { 319.79/48 } 56.Bf7 { -319.81/62 } 56...h4 { 56.94/29 } 57.Bd5 { -319.55/29 } 0-1