So chess is a draw. By now it is not 99.999 pct certain that chess with
current rules is a draw, it's 100 pct certain. Whether you like it or not.
Will engine rooms disappear like similar ?
(advance chess) Well probably not rightaway, it may become more like
testing rooms for new engines (or new opening books) with very fasttime controls (eg. 1min).
Otb chess for humans will remain interesting, because it's a difficult game,
especially the endgame, as e.g. M. Carlsen knows.
Will ICCF become defunct at the highes level ? Well probably (most likely) if
they (the board etc) continue like now and don't take action eg.
setting up a task force or committee to address the draw problem
with (at least part of) some suggestions Kaufman/ Nickel and
yours truly made, on Chessbase, here, and on Facebook as well
(but apparently they still are waiting for 'proof'
that chess is a draw; well good luck then i suggest)
Chess is a Draw
Moderator: Ras
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- Full name: Jef Kaan
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- Full name: Jorge Picado
Re: Chess is a Draw
Only if the engine playing with Black is 20 to 30 Elo higher. Since White has the initial move and that my friend unless the engine playing with the White pieces give up the initiative of developing his pieces faster and starting and keeping the pressure.
Russian believe that they are special, that they can Kill thousands of Ukranian civilians, but cry like babies when a few Russian...
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Re: Chess is a Draw
what i meant ofcourse mr Queen,
is that the game of chess is a draw with *perfect* play.
(if there is a winning game for white, then it was not
perfect play by Black); not that you need extreme high
Elo's to approach perfect play, i suspect there will
be a maximum approaching 4000 or so, depending on
time controls. Because there is a rather big
drawing margin (big, depending on your view).
That means there often are various choices to play
a perfect game. Also in the opening stage.
Let's say there are always 3 good non-losing moves
for Black, starting from the initial position
(not an unreasonable claim, although a rough estimate.
Then in a game of about 90 moves (chess games are
limited in length btw, and this can be proven),
the chances for White to find a forced win
is approx. one divided by 3^90. Effectively zero,
and even then, in the endgame it would remain within
the drawing margin. Ergo chess is a draw
Ofcourse such reasoning is not mathematically rigorous,
it is a thought experiment, to show that the burden
of proof lies with the math purists, not with me.
If they cannot find a forced win for White (in all
situations, that is against any Black defense), then
we can say chess is a draw; straight logic imo.
is that the game of chess is a draw with *perfect* play.
(if there is a winning game for white, then it was not
perfect play by Black); not that you need extreme high
Elo's to approach perfect play, i suspect there will
be a maximum approaching 4000 or so, depending on
time controls. Because there is a rather big
drawing margin (big, depending on your view).
That means there often are various choices to play
a perfect game. Also in the opening stage.
Let's say there are always 3 good non-losing moves
for Black, starting from the initial position
(not an unreasonable claim, although a rough estimate.
Then in a game of about 90 moves (chess games are
limited in length btw, and this can be proven),
the chances for White to find a forced win
is approx. one divided by 3^90. Effectively zero,
and even then, in the endgame it would remain within
the drawing margin. Ergo chess is a draw
Ofcourse such reasoning is not mathematically rigorous,
it is a thought experiment, to show that the burden
of proof lies with the math purists, not with me.
If they cannot find a forced win for White (in all
situations, that is against any Black defense), then
we can say chess is a draw; straight logic imo.
- Posts: 5685
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- Full name: Jorge Picado
Re: Chess is a Draw
If 2 engines are equally rated or within 5 Elo from each other using a drawing 6 moves opening and let them play all possible openings. What would you say that the percentage of winning with the White pieces would be and what percentage of draw games?
Russian believe that they are special, that they can Kill thousands of Ukranian civilians, but cry like babies when a few Russian...
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- Full name: Jef Kaan
Re: Chess is a Draw
mr C Queen, i'm not going to answer all your questions,
but as exception, and because you apparently seem
to be a very famous person (VFP) in in this forum,
the evident answer is (how much w/d/l.
Depends on time control and engine strength.
At Elo 3950 and standard timing and *without* book
all games will be drawn. Just like all games
now in ICCF at highest level corresp. chess are draws.
As for current known 'openings' wel some of them are not so
good (for Black) example, Pirc, Benoni, possibly Benko gambit
and some more; read the next edition of my book when im
finished next month or so. But will there be forced
wins against such openings, well probably not, unless
maybe its 1...f5 against 1.e4 or 1...g5 against d4.
Then for a better book (besides the work i've done
myself but not published yet) we could look at statistics for earlier games, but that would be nonsense.
Example, according to with master-GM games, is 1.Na3!? is the most promising move. So maybe we could try that with not only SF nnue
but -preferably- also other engines, the latest Dragon,
Torch, whatever !??!? Well forget it, it's ofcourse
not only about SFNnue, it's about the game of chess itself.
1.Na3 is simply an unsound move and will never
lead to a forced win. Never ? yeah never.
Not only 'in practice', but also in reality.
Other example, ICCF WC Jon Edwards tried to find a winning
line for White, with the Glek opening, nice try but
he then was confronted with the 50 move rule;
(actually his opponent didn't play perfect but that's another
matter); and against the Glek B can easily draw ... lek-system
Can we find other openings besides e.g the Glek leading
to a forced win for White. Answer is simple, Nope we Cant.
Who needs a math proof for something which is evident. But for
the math purist, see it as conjecture (CIID, chess is a draw
Most (or a large part of) math conjectures i think were
later proven to be true; with only a few exceptions.
So maybe later CIID will be 'proven' as well, depending
on the definition of proof, well i don't care really.
but as exception, and because you apparently seem
to be a very famous person (VFP) in in this forum,
the evident answer is (how much w/d/l.
Depends on time control and engine strength.
At Elo 3950 and standard timing and *without* book
all games will be drawn. Just like all games
now in ICCF at highest level corresp. chess are draws.
As for current known 'openings' wel some of them are not so
good (for Black) example, Pirc, Benoni, possibly Benko gambit
and some more; read the next edition of my book when im
finished next month or so. But will there be forced
wins against such openings, well probably not, unless
maybe its 1...f5 against 1.e4 or 1...g5 against d4.
Then for a better book (besides the work i've done
myself but not published yet) we could look at statistics for earlier games, but that would be nonsense.
Example, according to with master-GM games, is 1.Na3!? is the most promising move. So maybe we could try that with not only SF nnue
but -preferably- also other engines, the latest Dragon,
Torch, whatever !??!? Well forget it, it's ofcourse
not only about SFNnue, it's about the game of chess itself.
1.Na3 is simply an unsound move and will never
lead to a forced win. Never ? yeah never.
Not only 'in practice', but also in reality.
Other example, ICCF WC Jon Edwards tried to find a winning
line for White, with the Glek opening, nice try but
he then was confronted with the 50 move rule;
(actually his opponent didn't play perfect but that's another
matter); and against the Glek B can easily draw ... lek-system
Can we find other openings besides e.g the Glek leading
to a forced win for White. Answer is simple, Nope we Cant.
Who needs a math proof for something which is evident. But for
the math purist, see it as conjecture (CIID, chess is a draw
Most (or a large part of) math conjectures i think were
later proven to be true; with only a few exceptions.
So maybe later CIID will be 'proven' as well, depending
on the definition of proof, well i don't care really.
- Posts: 5685
- Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:16 am
- Location: Moving
- Full name: Jorge Picado
Re: Chess is a Draw
I will leave it up to you to take any engine lets say Stockfish playing 1000 games without Opening book, which Stockfish after it finds that opening with certain opening it will repeat it over and over again, that is the reason why, if you take Torch playing against itself too or Stockfish for the purpose of keeping the strength as close as possible you probably need at least an Opening of 4 moves for variability, but anyway White will always has the initiative by developing of all the pieces before the Black side, therefore, it will always keep the initiative, and it will win most of the games with the White pieces. I am one of the worse chess player on this forum and Guenther is correct, but NOT the most unreasonable.jefk wrote: ↑Mon Nov 20, 2023 4:19 pm mr C Queen, i'm not going to answer all your questions,
but as exception, and because you apparently seem
to be a very famous person (VFP) in in this forum,
the evident answer is (how much w/d/l.
Depends on time control and engine strength.
At Elo 3950 and standard timing and *without* book
all games will be drawn. Just like all games
now in ICCF at highest level corresp. chess are draws.
I will do you the favor to let Stockfish play 100 games since with a small sample it is enough to prove my point. If you want you can take the data from Chess 324 and see that most games are won by the White side as long as the engines are within 15 to 20 Elo range from each other.
Stockfish AVX Vs Stockfish Modern
Rank Engine Score St St S-B
1 Stockfish-windows-x86-64-avx2 0.5/1 · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· · = 0.25
1 Stockfish-windows-x86-64-modern 0.5/1 = · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· · 0.25
1 of 100 games played
Tournament start: 2023.11.16, 17:30:50
Latest update: 2023.11.20, 10:29:10
Site/ Country: DESKTOP-4QNC0GS, United States
Level: 3 Seconds
Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz with 15.9 GB Memory
Operating system: Windows 10 Home Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit
Table created with: Arena 3.5.1
[pgn]Event "Chess is a drawn games"] [Site "DESKTOP-4QNC0GS"] [Date "2023.11.20"] [Round "1"] [White "Stockfish-windows-x86-64-avx2"] [Black "Stockfish-windows-x86-64-modern"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [BlackElo "3545"] [ECO "A04"] [Opening "Reti Opening"] [Time "10:24:24"] [Variation "1...c5, Nimzowitsch-Larsen"] [WhiteElo "3550"] [TimeControl "0+3"] [Termination "adjudication"] [PlyCount "96"] [WhiteType "program"] [BlackType "program"] 1. Nf3 c5 2. b3 Nf6 3. Bb2 e6 4. c4 Be7 5. e3 {(e2-e3 O-O Nb1-c3 Nb8-c6 Bf1-e2 d7-d5 c4xd5 Nf6xd5 Qd1-c2 b7-b6 h2-h4 Qd8-d7 a2-a3 Rf8-d8 g2-g4 Bc8-b7 g4-g5 Ra8-c8 Rh1-g1 e6-e5 Nc3-e4 Nc6-d4 e3xd4 c5xd4) +0.16/26 3} O-O {(O-O Nb1-c3) -0.11/25 3} 6. Nc3 {(Nb1-c3 Nb8-c6 Bf1-e2 d7-d5 c4xd5 Nf6xd5 O-O Nd5xc3 Bb2xc3 b7-b6 d2-d4 Bc8-b7 d4xc5 Be7xc5 Qd1-c2 Qd8-e7 Ra1-d1 Rf8-d8 Qc2-b2 f7-f6 h2-h3 Bc5-a3 Rd1xd8+ Ra8xd8) +0.13/26 3} Nc6 {(Nb8-c6 Bf1-e2) -0.18/24 3} 7. Be2 {(Bf1-e2 d7-d5 c4xd5 Nf6xd5 Qd1-c2 b7-b6 h2-h4 h7-h6 Ra1-d1 Nd5xc3 d2xc3 Qd8-c7 c3-c4 Rf8-d8 Rd1xd8+ Qc7xd8 g2-g4 Be7-f6 g4-g5 Bf6xb2 Qc2xb2 h6-h5 Nf3-h2 Bc8-b7 O-O g7-g6 Rf1-d1 Qd8-c7 Be2-f3 Ra8-d8 Rd1xd8+ Qc7xd8 Qb2-c3 Qd8-c7 Qc3-f6 Nc6-e7 Bf3xb7 Qc7xb7) +0.09/25 3} d5 {(d7-d5 c4xd5 Nf6xd5 Qd1-c2 Nc6-b4 Qc2-b1 Nb4-c6 h2-h4 f7-f5 h4-h5 h7-h6 O-O Nd5-f6 Nf3-h4 Nc6-e5 Nc3-b5 Nf6-g4 Bb2xe5 Ng4xe5 d2-d4 c5xd4 e3xd4 Bc8-d7 Qb1-b2 a7-a6 d4xe5 Be7xh4 Nb5-d4) -0.18/25 3} 8. cxd5 {(c4xd5 Nf6xd5 Qd1-c2 b7-b6 Ra1-d1 Nd5xc3 d2xc3 Qd8-c7 h2-h4 h7-h6 c3-c4 Rf8-d8 Rd1xd8+ Qc7xd8 g2-g4 Be7-f6 g4-g5 Bf6xb2 Qc2xb2 h6-h5 O-O Bc8-b7 Nf3-h2 g7-g6 Rf1-d1 Qd8-c7 Be2-f3 Ra8-c8 Qb2-f6 Rc8-d8 Rd1xd8+ Qc7xd8 Qf6xd8+ Nc6xd8 Bf3xb7 Nd8xb7 Nh2-f3) +0.15/28 3} Nxd5 {(Nf6xd5 Qd1-c2 Nc6-b4 Qc2-b1 Nb4-c6 Nc3xd5 e6xd5 O-O Be7-f6 Rf1-c1 Bc8-f5 Bb2xf6 Qd8xf6 Be2-d3 Bf5xd3 Qb1xd3 d5-d4 e3xd4 Ra8-d8 Rc1xc5 Nc6xd4 Nf3xd4 Rd8xd4 Qd3-c3 Rf8-d8 Ra1-d1 Qf6-e7 Rc5-c7 Qe7-e2 Qc3-f3 Qe2xf3 g2xf3) -0.15/25 3} 9. Qc2 {(Qd1-c2 Nd5-b4 Qc2-b1 Nb4-d5 a2-a3 Be7-f6 O-O Nd5xc3 Bb2xc3 Bf6xc3 d2xc3 b7-b6 b3-b4 Qd8-e7 Rf1-d1 Bc8-b7 Ra1-a2 Rf8-d8 Ra2-d2 h7-h6 Qb1-b3 Rd8xd2 Rd1xd2 Ra8-d8 Rd2xd8+ Nc6xd8) +0.13/26 3} b6 {(b7-b6 h2-h4) -0.14/25 3} 10. h4 {(h2-h4 Nd5-b4 Qc2-b1 f7-f5 a2-a3 Nb4-d5 Qb1-c2 Be7-f6 Nc3xd5 e6xd5 b3-b4 f5-f4 O-O Bf6xb2 Qc2xb2 Bc8-g4 b4xc5 b6xc5 Qb2-b5) +0.17/24 3} Ndb4 {(Nd5-b4 Qc2-b1) -0.14/24 3} 11. Qb1 {(Qc2-b1 f7-f5 a2-a3 Nb4-d5 Qb1-c2 Be7-f6 Nc3xd5 e6xd5 d2-d4 f5-f4 e3xf4 Nc6xd4 Nf3xd4 Bf6xd4 Bb2xd4 c5xd4 Qc2-d2 Qd8-f6 Ra1-d1 Qf6xf4 Qd2xd4 Bc8-e6 O-O Qf4-d6 Qd4-b2 Ra8-c8 g2-g3 Be6-f5 Rd1-d2 Bf5-e4 b3-b4) +0.25/25 3} f5 {(f7-f5 a2-a3) -0.20/24 3} 12. a3 {(a2-a3) +0.27/25 3} Nd5 {(Nb4-d5 h4-h5) -0.27/24 3} 13. Qc2 {(Qb1-c2) +0.31/27 3} Bf6 {(Be7-f6 Nc3xd5 e6xd5 d2-d4 f5-f4 e3xf4 Nc6xd4 Nf3xd4 Bf6xd4 Bb2xd4 c5xd4 Qc2-d2 Qd8-f6 Ra1-d1 Qf6xf4 Qd2xd4 Bc8-e6 O-O Qf4-d6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xa3 Be2-f3 Be6-f7 Bf3xd5 Bf7xd5 Qd4xd5+ Kg8-h8) -0.25/23 3} 14. Nxd5 {(Nc3xd5 Qd8xd5 Ra1-d1 Bc8-b7 h4-h5 h7-h6 Be2-c4 Qd5-d6 d2-d4 Nc6-a5 d4xc5 Qd6-e7 Nf3-e5 Na5xc4 Qc2xc4 Bb7xg2 Rd1-d7 Qe7-e8 Rh1-g1 Bg2-d5 Qc4-f4 Qe8xh5 c5-c6 Bd5xc6 Rd7xg7+ Bf6xg7 Ne5xc6 Rf8-f7 Qf4-e5) +0.32/27 3} exd5 {(e6xd5 d2-d4 f5-f4 e3xf4 Bf6xd4 Nf3xd4 Nc6xd4 Bb2xd4 c5xd4 g2-g3 Bc8-f5 Qc2-d2 Ra8-c8 Qd2xd4 Rf8-e8 Ke1-f1 Qd8-f6 Qd4xf6 g7xf6 Be2-h5) -0.22/27 3} 15. b4 {(b3-b4) +0.17/26 3} f4 {(f5-f4 b4xc5) -0.26/24 3} 16. bxc5 {(b4xc5 b6xc5 Nf3-g5 g7-g6 O-O Bf6xb2 Qc2xb2 c5-c4 d2-d3 h7-h6 Ng5-f3 f4xe3 d3xc4 Ra8-b8 Qb2-c2 Bc8-f5 Be2-d3 e3xf2+ Rf1xf2) +0.27/25 3} Bxb2 {(Bf6xb2 Qc2xb2 b6xc5 Qb2-b5 Nc6-a5 Ra1-d1 Qd8-b6 Qb5-d3 Qb6-b3 Rd1-b1 Qb3xd3 Be2xd3 Bc8-d7 O-O Ra8-d8 Bd3-e2 h7-h6 Nf3-e5 Bd7-e8 d2-d3 Na5-c6 Ne5xc6) -0.25/25 3} 17. Qxb2 {(Qc2xb2) +0.28/25 3} bxc5 {(b6xc5 Qb2-c3 c5-c4 O-O Qd8-e7 e3-e4 Qe7xe4 Rf1-e1 Qe4-g6 d2-d3 Bc8-h3 Be2-f1 Ra8-d8 d3xc4 d5-d4 Qc3-b3 Bh3-f5 c4-c5+ Kg8-h8 Qb3-c4 h7-h6 Ra1-d1 Bf5-g4 Bf1-d3 Qg6-f6 Rd1-b1 Bg4xf3 Re1-e6 Qf6xh4 g2xf3) -0.26/25 3} 18. Qc3 {(Qb2-c3 c5-c4) +0.17/25 3} Qe7 {(Qd8-e7) -0.21/24 3} 19. Bb5 {(Be2-b5 Bc8-d7) +0.18/25 3} Bd7 {(Bc8-d7 O-O f4xe3 f2xe3 Nc6-e5 Nf3xe5 Bd7xb5 Rf1-f4 Ra8-c8 Ra1-b1 Bb5-a6 d2-d4 c5xd4 Qc3xd4 Ba6-c4 Rf4xf8+ Rc8xf8 a3-a4 Bc4-a2 Rb1-b2 Ba2-c4 Ne5xc4 d5xc4 Rb2-c2 Rf8-e8 Qd4xc4+ Kg8-h8 Qc4-f4 h7-h6) -0.17/26 3} 20. O-O {(O-O f4xe3 f2xe3 Nc6-e5 Nf3xe5 Bd7xb5 Rf1-f4 Ra8-c8 Ra1-c1 Bb5-e2 Rc1-e1 Rf8-e8 Ne5-c6 Rc8xc6 Re1xe2 c5-c4 Re2-f2 h7-h6 Rf2-f3 a7-a6 a3-a4 Qe7-e5 Rf4-f8+ Kg8-h7 Rf8xe8 Qe5xe8 Qc3-d4 Qe8-e4 Qd4xe4+ d5xe4) +0.18/27 3} fxe3 {(f4xe3) -0.12/28 3} 21. fxe3 {(f2xe3 Nc6-e5 Nf3xe5 Bd7xb5 Rf1-f4 Ra8-c8 Ra1-b1 Bb5-a6 h4-h5 Rc8-e8 Ne5-f3 Ba6-e2 Rf4xf8+ Re8xf8 Qc3-e5 Qe7xe5 Nf3xe5 Be2xh5 Rb1-b7 a7-a6 Rb7-d7 d5-d4 e3xd4 Rf8-e8 Ne5-c6 c5xd4) +0.10/27 3} Ne5 {(Nc6-e5 Nf3xe5 Bd7xb5 Rf1-f4 Ra8-c8 Ra1-c1 Bb5-e2 Rc1-e1 Rf8-e8 Ne5-c6 Rc8xc6 Re1xe2 Rc6-b6 Re2-f2 Rb6-b1+ Kg1-h2 Rb1-b8 Qc3-d3 Qe7-d6 Kh2-g1 Re8-e7 Rf4-f5 Re7-d7) -0.17/27 3} 22. Nxe5 {(Nf3xe5 Bd7xb5) +0.10/27 3} Bxb5 {(Bd7xb5 Rf1-f4 Ra8-c8 Ra1-c1 Bb5-e2 Rc1-e1 Rf8-e8 Ne5-c6 Rc8xc6 Re1xe2 h7-h6 Re2-f2 c5-c4 Rf2-f1 Qe7-e5 Rf4-d4 Qe5-e6 Rf1-f3 Re8-e7 Qc3-c2 Rc6-c8 a3-a4 Re7-b7 Rf3-f5 Rb7-d7 Rf5-f4 Rd7-b7 Qc2-f5 Qe6xf5 Rf4xf5 c4-c3 d2xc3 Rc8xc3) -0.08/28 3} 23. Rf4 {(Rf1-f4 Ra8-c8 h4-h5 Rf8-e8 Ne5-f3 h7-h6 Ra1-e1 Re8-f8 a3-a4 Bb5-d7 Rf4xf8+ Rc8xf8 Re1-c1 Rf8-c8 Nf3-e5 Qe7-e6 Ne5-g6 d5-d4 Qc3-a3 d4xe3 d2xe3 Rc8-e8 Rc1xc5 Qe6xe3+ Qa3xe3 Re8xe3) +0.11/27 3} Rac8 {(Ra8-c8 Ra1-c1) -0.11/27 3} 24. Rc1 {(Ra1-c1 Bb5-e2 a3-a4 Qe7-e6 Rc1-e1 Rf8-e8 Re1xe2 Qe6xe5 Qc3xe5 Re8xe5 Re2-f2 c5-c4 Rf4-f7 c4-c3 d2xc3 a7-a5 Rf7-d7 Re5xe3 Kg1-h2 Re3-e4 Kh2-h3 h7-h5 Rf2-f5 Rc8xc3+ g2-g3 g7-g6 Rf5-g5 Re4-e6 Rg5xd5) +0.13/30 3} Be2 {(Bb5-e2 a3-a4 Qe7-e6 Rc1-e1 Rf8-e8 Re1xe2 Qe6xe5 Qc3xe5 Re8xe5 Re2-f2 c5-c4 Rf4-f5 Re5-e4 Rf5xd5 Re4xh4 Rf2-f4 c4-c3 d2xc3 Rh4xf4 e3xf4 Rc8-c4 Rd5-d8+ Kg8-f7 Rd8-d7+ Kf7-g6 Rd7xa7 Rc4xf4 a4-a5 Rf4-c4 a5-a6 Rc4xc3 Ra7-b7 Rc3-a3 a6-a7 Kg6-f6 Kg1-f2 h7-h5 Rb7-b6+ Kf6-g5) -0.10/29 3} 25. a4 {(a3-a4 Qe7-e6 Rc1-e1 Rf8-e8 Re1xe2 Qe6xe5 Qc3xe5 Re8xe5 Re2-f2 Re5-e7 Rf4-f5 Rc8-d8 Rf2-f4 g7-g6 Rf5-f6 d5-d4 e3xd4 c5xd4 h4-h5 g6xh5 Rf6-f5 d4-d3 Rf5-g5+ Kg8-h8 Rg5xh5 Rd8-d7 Rf4-f8+ Kh8-g7 Rf8-f5 Re7-e2 Rf5-f2 Rd7-e7 Rf2-f3) +0.08/31 3} Qe6 {(Qe7-e6 Rc1-e1 Rf8-e8 Re1xe2 Qe6xe5 Qc3xe5 Re8xe5 Re2-f2 c5-c4 Rf4-f5 Rc8-e8 h4-h5 c4-c3 d2xc3 Re5xe3 Rf5xd5 Re3xc3 Rd5-d7 h7-h6 Rf2-f5 a7-a6 Rd7-a7 Rc3-c4 Ra7xa6 Kg8-h7 Kg1-h2 Re8-e2 Kh2-h3 Rc4-c2 g2-g3 Re2-h2+ Kh3-g4 Rc2-c4+ Kg4-f3) -0.08/32 3} 26. Re1 {(Rc1-e1 Rf8-e8 Re1xe2 Qe6xe5 Qc3xe5 Re8xe5 Re2-f2 Re5-e7 Rf2-f3 c5-c4 Kg1-f2 g7-g6 h4-h5 Kg8-g7 Rf4-f6 c4-c3 d2xc3 Rc8xc3 h5xg6 Rc3-c2+ Kf2-g1 h7xg6 Rf6-a6 Rc2-e2 Rf3-g3 Re7xe3 Rg3xg6+ Kg7-h7 Ra6-d6 Re2-a2 Rg6-g5) +0.09/33 3} Rfe8 {(Rf8-e8 Re1xe2 Qe6xe5 Qc3xe5 Re8xe5 Re2-f2 Re5-e7 Rf4-f5 Re7-d7 Rf2-f4 g7-g6 Rf5-e5 d5-d4 e3xd4 c5xd4 h4-h5 Kg8-g7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Rf4-g4 Rc8-c2 d2-d3 Rc2-c3 Re5-e6 Kg7-f7 Re6xg6 Rc3xd3 Rg6-h6 Rd3-d2 Kg1-f1 Rd2-d1+ Kf1-f2) -0.10/30 3} 27. Rxe2 {(Re1xe2 Qe6xe5 Qc3xe5 Re8xe5 Re2-f2 Re5-e7 Rf4-f5 Rc8-d8 Rf2-f4 g7-g6 Rf5-f6 d5-d4 e3xd4 c5xd4 d2-d3 Re7-e3 Rf6-f7 Re3xd3 Rf7xa7 Rd3-d1+ Kg1-h2 Rd8-f8 Rf4xf8+ Kg8xf8 Kh2-g3 d4-d3 Kg3-f2 h7-h5 Kf2-e3 d3-d2 Ra7-d7 Rd1-a1 Rd7xd2 Ra1-a3+ Ke3-d4 Ra3xa4+ Kd4-e5) +0.05/34 3} Qxe5 {(Qe6xe5 Qc3xe5 Re8xe5 Re2-f2 Re5-e7 Rf4-f5 Re7-d7 Rf2-f4 g7-g6 Rf4-g4 Kg8-g7 h4-h5 c5-c4 h5xg6 h7xg6 Rf5-e5 c4-c3 d2xc3 Rd7-d6 Re5-e7+ Kg7-h6 Rg4-h4+ Kh6-g5 Rh4-f4 Rc8xc3 Re7-e5+ Kg5-h6 Kg1-f2 a7-a6 Rf4-h4+ Kh6-g7) -0.10/33 3} 28. Qxe5 {(Qc3xe5) +0.08/32 3} Rxe5 {(Re8xe5 Re2-f2 Re5-e7 Rf4-f5 Re7-d7 Rf2-f4 g7-g6 Rf4-g4 Kg8-g7 h4-h5 c5-c4 h5xg6 h7xg6 Rf5-e5 Rc8-c6 Kg1-f2 c4-c3 d2xc3 Rc6xc3 Kf2-e2 Rd7-d6 Rg4-f4 Rc3-a3 g2-g4 Rd6-a6 g4-g5 Ra3-a2+ Ke2-f3 Ra2xa4 Re5xd5 Ra4xf4+ e3xf4) -0.09/36 3} 29. Ref2 {(Re2-f2) +0.05/32 3} Re7 {(Re5-e7 Rf4-f5 Re7-d7 Rf2-f4 g7-g6 Rf5-f6 Kg8-g7 Rf6-a6 d5-d4 e3xd4 c5xd4 d2-d3 Rc8-c2 Rf4-f3 Rc2-d2 Kg1-h2 Rd7-f7 Rf3-h3 Kg7-f8 Ra6-a5 Rf7-f1 Ra5xa7 Rd2-d1) -0.07/32 3} 30. R2f3 {(Rf2-f3 Re7-b7 Rf4-f5 Rc8-d8 Rf3-f4 Rb7-b2 Rf5-f7 Rb2xd2 Rf7-c7 Rd8-f8 Rf4-g4 Rf8-f7 Rc7-c8+ Rf7-f8 Rc8xc5 Rd2-e2 Rg4-b4 Re2xe3 Rb4-b7 d5-d4 Rb7xa7 h7-h6 a4-a5 Rf8-f4 a5-a6 Re3-a3 Rc5-c7 Rf4-g4) +0.05/32 3} Rb7 {(Re7-b7 Rf4-f5 Rc8-d8 Kg1-h2 Rb7-b2 Rf5-f7 c5-c4 Rf7xa7 Rd8-f8 Kh2-g3 Rb2xd2 Ra7-d7 h7-h5 Rf3xf8+ Kg8xf8 Rd7-c7 Rd2-a2 e3-e4 Ra2xa4 e4xd5 c4-c3 d5-d6 Ra4-d4 Rc7xc3) -0.07/31 3} 31. Rf5 {(Rf4-f5 Rc8-d8 h4-h5 h7-h6 Rf3-f4 Rb7-b2 Rf5-f7 Rb2xd2 Rf7-c7 d5-d4 Rf4-f7 d4xe3 Rf7xg7+ Kg8-f8 Rg7-f7+ Kf8-g8 Rf7-e7 e3-e2 Rc7xa7 c5-c4 Ra7-c7 c4-c3 Rc7xc3 Rd2-a2 Rc3-c7 Ra2xa4) +0.05/30 3} Rd8 {(Rc8-d8 h4-h5 h7-h6 Rf3-f4 Rb7-b2 Rf5-f7 Rb2xd2 Rf7-c7 Rd2-d1+ Kg1-h2 Rd8-f8 Rf4xf8+ Kg8xf8 Rc7xc5 Rd1-d3 Kh2-g1 Rd3xe3 Rc5xd5 Re3-e6 Rd5-f5+ Kf8-e8 Rf5-a5 a7-a6 Kg1-h2 Ke8-f7 g2-g4 Re6-d6 Kh2-g3 Rd6-c6 Ra5-f5+ Kf7-e8) -0.04/32 3} 32. a5 {(a4-a5 Rb7-b1+ Rf3-f1 Rb1xf1+ Rf5xf1 d5-d4 Rf1-c1 d4xe3 d2xe3 Rd8-c8 Kg1-f2 Kg8-f7 Kf2-e2 Kf7-e6 Rc1-b1 Rc8-c7 Ke2-d3 Ke6-d5 e3-e4+ Kd5-e5 Rb1-b5 g7-g6 Kd3-c4 Ke5xe4 Rb5xc5 Rc7-b7 Rc5-g5 Rb7-b1 Kc4-c5 a7-a6) +0.01/31 3} a6 {(a7-a6 Rf5-e5 Rb7-b2 d2-d3 c5-c4 d3xc4 d5xc4 Re5-c5 Rb2-b5 Rc5-c7 Rd8-f8 Rc7xc4 Rb5xa5 Kg1-f2 Ra5-h5 Rf3xf8+ Kg8xf8 g2-g3 Rh5-e5 Kf2-f3 Re5-e6 Rc4-c8+ Kf8-f7 e3-e4 Re6-f6+ Kf3-g4 Rf6-e6) -0.04/31 3} 33. Rg5 {(Rf5-g5 Rb7-b5 Rf3-f6 Rb5xa5 h4-h5 h7-h6 Rf6xh6 Rd8-d7 Rh6-c6 Ra5-a2 Rc6xc5 Ra2xd2 h5-h6 d5-d4 e3xd4 Rd2xd4 Rg5-g3 Rd4-h4 h6xg7 Rd7xg7 Rc5-c8+ Kg8-h7) +0.07/29 3} c4 {(c5-c4 Rf3-f6 d5-d4 e3xd4 Rd8xd4 Rf6xa6 Rb7-c7 Rg5-f5 g7-g6 Rf5-f2 Rd4xh4 Ra6-b6 Rh4-h5 a5-a6 Rh5-a5 Rf2-e2 Kg8-f7 Kg1-f2 c4-c3 d2xc3 Rc7xc3 Re2-e3 Ra5-a2+ Kf2-f3 Rc3xe3+ Kf3xe3 Ra2xg2) -0.07/29 3} 34. Rf6 {(Rf3-f6 d5-d4) 0.00/34 3} d4 {(d5-d4 e3xd4 Rd8xd4 Rf6xa6 h7-h6 Ra6xh6 Rb7-c7 Rh6-h5 Rd4xd2 Rg5-c5 Rc7xc5 Rh5xc5 Rd2-a2 h4-h5 c4-c3 Rc5xc3 Ra2xa5 g2-g4 Kg8-h7 g4-g5 Ra5xg5+ Kg1-h2 Rg5xh5+ Kh2-g3 Rh5-h6 Rc3-a3 Rh6-g6+ Kg3-f2 Rg6-f6+ Kf2-e3 Rf6-e6+ Ke3-f4 Re6-g6 Ra3-a7 Rg6-f6+ Kf4-e3 Rf6-g6) 0.00/36 3} 35. exd4 {(e3xd4 Rd8xd4 Rf6xa6 h7-h6 Ra6xh6 Rb7-c7 Rh6-h5 Rd4xd2 Rg5-c5 Rc7xc5 Rh5xc5 Rd2-a2 Kg1-h2 c4-c3 Rc5xc3 Ra2xa5 Rc3-c7 Kg8-h7 g2-g3 Kh7-h6 Kh2-h3 Kh6-g6 g3-g4 Ra5-a3+ Kh3-h2 Ra3-a2+ Kh2-g3 Ra2-a3+) 0.00/40 3} Rxd4 {(Rd8xd4 Rf6xa6 h7-h6 Ra6xh6 Rb7-c7 Rh6-h5 Rd4xd2 Rg5-c5 Rc7xc5 Rh5xc5 Rd2-a2 g2-g4 c4-c3 Rc5xc3 Ra2xa5 h4-h5 Ra5-a4 g4-g5 Ra4-g4+ Kg1-f2 Rg4xg5 h5-h6 Rg5-g6 h6-h7+ Kg8xh7 Rc3-b3 Rg6-h6 Rb3-a3 Rh6-f6+ Kf2-g1 Rf6-g6+ Kg1-h2 Rg6-h6+ Kh2-g3 Rh6-g6+ Kg3-f4 Rg6-h6 Ra3-a1 Rh6-f6+ Kf4-g3 Rf6-g6+ Kg3-h2) 0.00/42 3} 36. Rxa6 {(Rf6xa6 h7-h6 Ra6xh6 Rb7-c7 Rh6-h5 Rd4xd2 Rg5-c5 Rc7xc5 Rh5xc5 Rd2-a2 Kg1-h2 c4-c3 Rc5xc3 Ra2xa5 Rc3-c7 Kg8-h7 Kh2-h3 Kh7-h6 g2-g4 Ra5-a3+ Kh3-g2 Ra3-a2+ Kg2-g3 Ra2-a3+ Kg3-f2 Ra3-a2+) 0.00/44 3} h6 {(h7-h6 Ra6xh6 Rb7-c7 Rh6-h5 Rd4xd2 Rg5-c5 Rc7xc5 Rh5xc5 Rd2-a2 g2-g4 c4-c3 Rc5xc3 Ra2xa5 h4-h5 Ra5-a4 g4-g5 Ra4-g4+ Kg1-f2 Rg4xg5 h5-h6 Rg5-g6 h6-h7+ Kg8xh7 Rc3-a3 Rg6-f6+ Kf2-g1 Rf6-g6+) 0.00/43 3} 37. Rxh6 {(Ra6xh6 Rb7-c7 Rh6-h5 Rd4xd2 Rg5-c5 Rc7xc5 Rh5xc5 Rd2-a2 Kg1-h2 c4-c3 Rc5-c8+ Kg8-h7 Rc8xc3 Ra2xa5 Rc3-c7 Kh7-g6 g2-g4 Ra5-a2+ Kh2-g3 Ra2-a3+ Kg3-g2 Ra3-a2+ Kg2-g3) 0.00/46 3} Rc7 {(Rb7-c7 Rh6-h5 Rd4xd2 Rg5-c5 Rc7xc5 Rh5xc5 Rd2-a2 Kg1-h2 c4-c3 Rc5xc3 Ra2xa5 Rc3-c6 Kg8-h7 g2-g4 Ra5-a2+ Kh2-g3 Ra2-a3+ Kg3-f4 Ra3-a4+ Kf4-f3 Ra4-a3+ Kf3-e4 Ra3-a4+ Ke4-f3) 0.00/43 3} 38. Rhh5 {(Rh6-h5 Rd4xd2 Rg5-c5 Rc7xc5 Rh5xc5 Rd2-a2 Kg1-h2 c4-c3 Rc5xc3 Ra2xa5 Rc3-c7 Kg8-h7 Kh2-h3 Kh7-h6 g2-g4 Ra5-a3+ Kh3-g2 Ra3-a2+ Kg2-g3 Ra2-a3+) 0.00/48 3} Rxd2 {(Rd4xd2 Rg5-c5 Rc7xc5 Rh5xc5 Rd2-a2 Kg1-h2 c4-c3 Rc5xc3 Ra2xa5 Rc3-c6 Kg8-h7 g2-g4 Ra5-a2+ Kh2-g3 Ra2-a3+ Kg3-f4 Ra3-a4+ Kf4-f3 Ra4-a3+ Kf3-f4) 0.00/47 3} 39. Rc5 {(Rg5-c5 Rc7xc5 Rh5xc5 Rd2-a2 Kg1-h2 c4-c3 Rc5xc3 Ra2xa5 Kh2-h3 Kg8-h7 Rc3-c7 Kh7-h6 g2-g4 Ra5-a3+ Kh3-h2 Ra3-a2+ Kh2-g3 Ra2-a3+) 0.00/49 3} Rxc5 {(Rc7xc5 Rh5xc5 Rd2-a2 g2-g4 c4-c3 Rc5xc3 Ra2xa5 Kg1-g2 Ra5-a6 Kg2-h3 g7-g6 Rc3-c8+ Kg8-g7 Rc8-c7+ Kg7-f6 g4-g5+ Kf6-e6 Rc7-g7 Ra6-a3+ Kh3-g4 Ra3-a4+ Kg4-g3 Ra4-a3+ Kg3-f4 Ra3-a4+) 0.00/45 3} 40. Rxc5 {(Rh5xc5 Rd2-a2 Kg1-h2 c4-c3 Rc5xc3 Ra2xa5 Rc3-c7 Ra5-a4 Kh2-h3 Ra4-a3+ g2-g3 Kg8-h7 Rc7-c6 g7-g6 Rc6-c7+ Kh7-h6 Rc7-d7 Ra3-a2 g3-g4 Ra2-a3+ Kh3-g2 Ra3-a2+) 0.00/50 3} Ra2 {(Rd2-a2 g2-g4 c4-c3 Rc5xc3 Ra2xa5 Kg1-g2 Ra5-a6 Kg2-h3 g7-g6 Rc3-c8+ Kg8-g7 Rc8-c7+ Kg7-f6 g4-g5+ Kf6-e6 Rc7-c3 Ke6-f7 Rc3-c4 Kf7-g7 Kh3-g3 Kg7-g8 Rc4-c8+ Kg8-f7 Rc8-c7+ Kf7-g8 Kg3-f4 Kg8-f8 Kf4-e5 Ra6-a5+ Ke5-d4 Ra5-a4+ Kd4-d5 Ra4-a5+ Kd5-c4 Ra5-a4+ Kc4-d5) 0.00/48 3} 41. Kh2 {(Kg1-h2 c4-c3 Rc5xc3 Ra2xa5 Rc3-c7 Ra5-a4 Kh2-h3 Ra4-a3+ g2-g3 Kg8-h7 Rc7-b7 Kh7-g6 Rb7-b6+ Kg6-f7 h4-h5 Ra3-a5 g3-g4 Ra5-a3+ Kh3-h4 Ra3-a7 Rb6-c6 Kf7-g8 Kh4-h3 Kg8-h7 Kh3-g3 Ra7-a5 Rc6-c7 Ra5-a4 Kg3-h4 Ra4-a3 Rc7-c6 Ra3-a5 Rc6-c2 Ra5-a3 Rc2-c7 Ra3-a5) 0.00/48 3} c3 {(c4-c3 Rc5xc3 Ra2xa5 g2-g4 Kg8-h7 Kh2-g3 Ra5-a6 Rc3-c5 Ra6-a3+ Kg3-f4 Ra3-a6 Rc5-d5 Kh7-h6 Kf4-f5 g7-g6+ Kf5-e5 Ra6-a4 Rd5-d4 Ra4-a6 Rd4-d7 Ra6-a5+ Ke5-e4 Ra5-a4+ Rd7-d4 Ra4-a5 Rd4-d7) 0.00/46 3} 42. Rxc3 {(Rc5xc3 Ra2xa5 Rc3-c7 Ra5-a4 Kh2-h3 Ra4-a3+ g2-g3 Kg8-h7 Rc7-b7 Kh7-g6 Rb7-b6+ Kg6-f7 h4-h5 Ra3-a5 g3-g4 Ra5-a3+ Kh3-h4 Ra3-a7 Rb6-c6 Kf7-g8 g4-g5 Ra7-a4+ Kh4-g3 Ra4-a3+ Kg3-g4 Kg8-h7 Rc6-c5 Ra3-a7 Kg4-g3 Ra7-a3+) 0.00/51 3} Rxa5 {(Ra2xa5 g2-g4 Kg8-h7 Kh2-g3 Ra5-a6 Rc3-c5 Kh7-h6 Rc5-c4 Ra6-a3+ Kg3-f2 Ra3-a2+ Kf2-f3 g7-g6 Kf3-g3 Ra2-a7 Rc4-c6 Kh6-g7 Rc6-d6 Ra7-a3+ Kg3-f4 Ra3-a4+ Kf4-f3 Kg7-f7 Kf3-g3 Kf7-g7 Rd6-d7+ Kg7-f6 Kg3-f3 Ra4-a3+ Kf3-e4 Ra3-a4+) 0.00/49 3} 43. Rc7 {(Rc3-c7 Ra5-a4 Kh2-h3 Ra4-a3+ g2-g3 Kg8-h7 Rc7-b7 Kh7-g6 Rb7-b6+ Kg6-f7 h4-h5 Ra3-a5 g3-g4 Ra5-a3+ Kh3-h4 Ra3-a7 Rb6-c6 Kf7-g8 g4-g5 Ra7-a4+ Kh4-g3 Ra4-a3+ Kg3-g4 Kg8-h7 Rc6-c5 Ra3-a4+ Kg4-f5 Ra4-a1 Rc5-c6 Ra1-a3 Rc6-c7 Ra3-a5+ Kf5-g4 Ra5-a4+ Kg4-f3 Ra4-a5 Kf3-f4) 0.00/54 3} Kh7 {(Kg8-h7 g2-g4 Ra5-a2+ Kh2-h3 Ra2-a3+ Kh3-g2 Ra3-a6 Rc7-c4 Kh7-g6 Kg2-g3 Kg6-h6 Kg3-f3 Ra6-a3+ Kf3-e4 g7-g6 Rc4-c6 Ra3-a4+ Ke4-f3 Ra4-a3+) 0.00/49 3} 44. Rb7 {(Rc7-b7 Kh7-g6 g2-g4 Kg6-h7 Rb7-b6 Ra5-a2+ Kh2-h3 Ra2-a7 h4-h5 Ra7-a2 Kh3-h4 Ra2-a3 Rb6-c6 Kh7-g8 Rc6-c7 Kg8-h7 Rc7-c4 Ra3-a5 Kh4-g3 Ra5-a3+ Kg3-h4) 0.00/48 3} Kh6 {(Kh7-h6 g2-g4 Ra5-a6 Rb7-b4 g7-g6 Kh2-g3 Ra6-a3+ Kg3-g2 Ra3-a2+ Kg2-f3 Ra2-a3+) 0.00/46 3} 45. Rb6+ {(Rb7-b6+ Kh6-h5 Kh2-h3 Ra5-a3+ g2-g3 g7-g6 Rb6-b7 Kh5-h6 Rb7-d7 Ra3-a6 g3-g4 g6-g5 h4-h5 Ra6-a3+ Kh3-h2 Ra3-a2+ Kh2-g3 Ra2-g2+ Kg3-f3 Rg2-g3+ Kf3xg3) 0.00/53 3} Kh5 {(Kh6-h5 Kh2-h3 Ra5-a3+ g2-g3 g7-g6 Rb6-b5+ Kh5-h6 Rb5-b2 Kh6-h7 Rb2-b7+ Kh7-h6) 0.00/52 3} 46. Kh3 {(Kh2-h3 Ra5-a3+ g2-g3 g7-g6 Rb6-b7 Kh5-h6 Rb7-d7 Ra3-a6 g3-g4 g6-g5 h4-h5 Ra6-a3+ Kh3-h2 Ra3-a2+ Kh2-g3 Ra2-g2+ Kg3-f3 Rg2-g3+ Kf3xg3) 0.00/58 3} Ra3+ {(Ra5-a3+ g2-g3 g7-g6 Rb6-c6 Kh5-h6 Rc6-c7 Ra3-a6 Rc7-c5 Ra6-a2 Rc5-c3 Kh6-h7 Rc3-c7+ Kh7-h6) 0.00/56 3} 47. g3 {(g2-g3 g7-g6 Rb6-b7 Kh5-h6 Rb7-d7 Ra3-a6 g3-g4 g6-g5 h4-h5 Ra6-a3+ Kh3-h2 Ra3-a2+ Kh2-g3 Ra2-g2+ Kg3-f3 Rg2-g3+ Kf3xg3) 0.00/61 3} g6 {(g7-g6 Rb6-c6 Kh5-h6 Rc6-c7 Ra3-a6 Rc7-c5 Ra6-a2 Rc5-c3 Ra2-a7 Rc3-c4 Ra7-a3 Rc4-c6 Kh6-g7 Rc6-d6 Kg7-h6) 0.00/57 3} 48. Rb7 {(Rb6-b7 Kh5-h6 Rb7-d7 Ra3-a6 g3-g4 g6-g5 h4-h5 Ra6-a3+ Kh3-h2 Ra3-a2+ Kh2-g3 Ra2-g2+ Kg3-f3 Rg2-g3+ Kf3xg3) 0.00/61 3} Kh6 {(Kh5-h6 Rb7-c7 Ra3-a6 Rc7-c5 Ra6-a2 Rc5-c3 Ra2-a7 Rc3-c4 Ra7-a3 Rc4-c6 Kh6-g7 Rc6-d6 Kg7-h6) 0.00/56 3 User Adjudication} 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
Russian believe that they are special, that they can Kill thousands of Ukranian civilians, but cry like babies when a few Russian...
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- Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:16 am
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Re: Chess is 99% Draw
You are correct imn saying that chess is almost reaching the point of becoming a drawish game, with 99% of the games being ending in draws as long as the engines are close in rating with no more than 5 elo, like in this case. Also you are correct in saying that most current konoen openings are NOT so good and I have observed that if you select opening with more than 6 moves, at certain point you will find the opening book has inferior moves and that is the cause of certain close rated engines to win.jefk wrote: ↑Mon Nov 20, 2023 4:19 pm mr C Queen, i'm not going to answer all your questions,
but as exception, and because you apparently seem
to be a very famous person (VFP) in in this forum,
the evident answer is (how much w/d/l.
Depends on time control and engine strength.
At Elo 3950 and standard timing and *without* book
all games will be drawn. Just like all games
now in ICCF at highest level corresp. chess are draws.
As for current known 'openings' well some of them are not so
good (for Black) example, Pirc, Benoni, possibly Benko gambit
and some more; read the next edition of my book when im
finished next month or so. But will there be forced
wins against such openings, well probably not, unless
maybe its 1...f5 against 1.e4 or 1...g5 against d4.
NOTE: You mentioned that I am very popular here, at the contrary I am probably the most hated member starting with Guenther calling me all kinds of insults, such as moron etc... etc...etc...and begging for the moderators to take me out, while he is the one most of the times insulting me. Anyway, being a low rated player does NOT mean that you are stupid., if that is the case all top GM would have Master or PHD which is NOT the case. I am using a 4 moves Openings book SuperGM_4mvs.abk which does NOT have certain opening weakness like long opening book that are over 12 moves

Stockfish AVX Vs Stockfish Modern
Rank Engine Score St St S-B
1 Stockfish-windows-x86-64-avx2 7.5/15 · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· · =============== 56.25
1 Stockfish-windows-x86-64-modern 7.5/15 =============== · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· · 56.25
15 of 100 games played
Tournament start: 2023.11.16, 17:30:50
Latest update: 2023.11.20, 11:33:11
Site/ Country: DESKTOP-4QNC0GS, United States
Level: 3 Seconds
Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz with 15.9 GB Memory
Operating system: Windows 10 Home Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit
Table created with: Arena 3.5.1
[pgn][Event "Chess is 99 % Draw"] [Site "DESKTOP-4QNC0GS"] [Date "2023.11.20"] [Round "12"] [White "Stockfish-windows-x86-64-modern"] [Black "Stockfish-windows-x86-64-avx2"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [BlackElo "3550"] [ECO "E01"] [Opening "Catalan"] [Time "11:11:14"] [Variation "4...c5 5.Nf3"] [WhiteElo "3545"] [TimeControl "0+3"] [Termination "adjudication"] [PlyCount "194"] [WhiteType "program"] [BlackType "program"] 1. c4 c5 2. g3 e6 3. Bg2 Nf6 4. Nf3 d5 5. d4 {(d2-d4 d5xc4) +0.35/24 3} cxd4 {(c5xd4) -0.33/24 3} 6. O-O {(O-O Bf8-e7 c4xd5 Nf6xd5 Nf3xd4 O-O Qd1-b3 Nb8-c6 Rf1-d1 Nc6xd4 Rd1xd4 Qd8-b6 Rd4-d3 Bc8-d7 Bg2xd5 e6xd5 Qb3xb6 a7xb6 Nb1-c3 d5-d4 Rd3xd4 Bd7-c6 Rd4-d1 Rf8-d8 Rd1xd8+ Be7xd8) +0.41/25 3} Bc5 {(Bf8-c5) -0.29/27 3} 7. Nxd4 {(Nf3xd4 O-O Nd4-b3 Bc5-b6 Nb1-c3 Nb8-c6 c4xd5 Nf6xd5 Nc3-a4 Bb6-c7 Bc1-d2 Qd8-f6 Qd1-c1 h7-h6 Rf1-d1 Rf8-d8 Bd2-e1 Ra8-b8 a2-a3 Nd5-b6) +0.35/25 3} O-O {(O-O c4xd5) -0.35/27 3} 8. Nb3 {(Nd4-b3) +0.39/25 3} Be7 {(Bc5-e7 c4xd5 Nf6xd5 Bc1-d2 Nb8-c6 Nb1-c3 Nd5xc3 Bd2xc3 Qd8-b6 Nb3-d4 Nc6-b4 a2-a3 Nb4-d5 Nd4-f5 Be7-f6 Bg2xd5 e6xd5 Qd1xd5 Bc8xf5 Qd5xf5 Bf6xc3 b2xc3 Qb6-c6 Qf5-c2 Ra8-c8 Ra1-c1 Rf8-e8 Rf1-d1 Qc6-a6 c3-c4 Qa6xa3 Rd1-d7 Qa3-a6 Qc2-f5 Re8-f8) -0.22/29 3} 9. cxd5 {(c4xd5 Nf6xd5) +0.24/25 3} Nxd5 {(Nf6xd5 Bc1-d2) -0.34/26 3} 10. Bd2 {(Bc1-d2) +0.27/26 3} Bd7 {(Bc8-d7 Nb1-c3 Nd5xc3 Bd2xc3 Bd7-c6 e2-e4 Be7-f6 Qd1-c2 Bf6xc3 Qc2xc3 Nb8-d7 Rf1-d1 Ra8-c8 Qc3-a5 Qd8xa5 Nb3xa5 Nd7-e5 f2-f4 b7-b6 Na5xc6 Ne5xc6 Ra1-c1 g7-g5 Rd1-d7 g5xf4 g3xf4) -0.27/26 3} 11. e4 {(e2-e4) +0.47/26 3} Nb6 {(Nd5-b6 Qd1-e2) -0.35/25 3} 12. Qe2 {(Qd1-e2 Nb6-a4) +0.39/24 3} Na4 {(Nb6-a4) -0.35/25 3} 13. Nc3 {(Nb1-c3) +0.43/24 3} a5 {(a7-a5 Ra1-c1 Na4xb2 Bd2-e3 Nb2-a4 Nc3-b5 Nb8-c6 Rf1-d1 Ra8-c8 Nb5-d6 Be7xd6 Rd1xd6 Nc6-e5 f2-f4 Rc8xc1+ Be3xc1 Ne5-c6 Qe2-b5 Qd8-b6+ Qb5xb6 Na4xb6 Bg2-f1 Rf8-d8 Bc1-e3 Nb6-c8 Rd6-d2 b7-b6 Bf1-b5 Nc6-b8 f4-f5 e6-e5 Rd2-d5 f7-f6 Nb3-d2 Kg8-f7 Nd2-c4 Kf7-e7 Nc4xb6 Bd7xb5 Rd5xb5 Nc8xb6 Be3xb6 Rd8-d1+ Kg1-f2) -0.28/25 3} 14. e5 {(e4-e5) +0.39/24 3} Nxc3 {(Na4xc3 Bd2xc3) -0.31/27 3} 15. Bxc3 {(Bd2xc3 a5-a4) +0.24/25 3} Bc6 {(Bd7-c6 Rf1-d1 Qd8-c7 Ra1-c1 Rf8-d8 Rd1xd8+ Qc7xd8 Qe2-d2 Bc6xg2 Qd2xd8+ Be7xd8 Kg1xg2 Nb8-c6 Nb3-c5 Ra8-b8 Bc3-d2 h7-h6 f2-f4 Bd8-e7 Kg2-f3 g7-g5 Bd2-e3 Kg8-g7 Kf3-e4 Be7xc5 Rc1xc5 g5xf4 g3xf4 a5-a4 Rc5-c4 a4-a3 b2-b4 Nc6-e7 b4-b5 Ne7-d5) -0.34/30 3} 16. Rfd1 {(Rf1-d1 Qd8-c7 Nb3-d4 Bc6xg2 Kg1xg2 Rf8-d8 Ra1-c1 Nb8-a6 h2-h4 Rd8-d5 Nd4-b5 Qc7-c6 Rd1xd5 Qc6xd5+ Kg2-g1 Na6-c5 Nb5-c7 Qd5-d3 Rc1-e1) +0.30/26 3} Qc7 {(Qd8-c7 Ra1-c1) -0.38/28 3} 17. Rac1 {(Ra1-c1 Rf8-d8) +0.31/26 3} Rd8 {(Rf8-d8) -0.35/28 3} 18. Rxd8+ {(Rd1xd8+ Qc7xd8 Qe2-d2 Bc6xg2 Qd2xd8+ Be7xd8 Kg1xg2 Nb8-c6 f2-f4 Bd8-b6 a2-a4 Kg8-f8 Rc1-c2 Kf8-e8 Nb3-d2 Ra8-d8 Nd2-e4 Bb6-c7 Ne4-c5 b7-b6 Nc5-e4 Rd8-d5 Bc3xa5 Ke8-d7) +0.38/28 3} Qxd8 {(Qc7xd8 Qe2-d2 Bc6xg2 Qd2xd8+ Be7xd8 Kg1xg2 Nb8-c6 f2-f4 Bd8-b6 a2-a4 Kg8-f8 Rc1-d1 Kf8-e8 Kg2-f3 Ra8-b8 Rd1-d3 Bb6-c7 Nb3-c5 Nc6-e7 Bc3-d4 Ne7-c6 Kf3-e4 Bc7-d8 Rd3-c3 Bd8-e7 Bd4-f2 Nc6-b4 Nc5-d3) -0.30/29 3} 19. Qd2 {(Qe2-d2 Bc6xg2 Qd2xd8+ Be7xd8 Kg1xg2 Nb8-c6 Nb3-d4 Nc6-a7 a2-a4 Bd8-b6 Nd4-b3 Na7-c6 f2-f4 Kg8-f8 Rc1-c2 Kf8-e8 Nb3-d2 Bb6-c7 Nd2-c4 Ra8-b8 Nc4-a3 Rb8-d8 Na3-b5 Bc7-b8 Kg2-f3 Rd8-d1) +0.36/26 3} Bxg2 {(Bc6xg2) -0.27/27 3} 20. Qxd8+ {(Qd2xd8+ Be7xd8) +0.30/26 3} Bxd8 {(Be7xd8 Kg1xg2 Nb8-c6 f2-f4 Kg8-f8 Nb3-c5 b7-b6 Nc5-e4 Bd8-e7 a2-a3 Kf8-e8 Bc3-e1 Ke8-d7 g3-g4 Ra8-d8 Be1-f2 Kd7-c7 Rc1-c3 h7-h6 h2-h4 Rd8-d5 Rc3-c2 Rd5-d8 h4-h5 Rd8-d5 Rc2-d2 Rd5xd2 Ne4xd2) -0.26/28 3} 21. Kxg2 {(Kg1xg2 Nb8-c6) +0.27/27 3} Nc6 {(Nb8-c6 f2-f4 Kg8-f8 a2-a4 Kf8-e8 Nb3-d2 Ra8-b8 Nd2-c4 Bd8-c7 Nc4-a3 Rb8-d8 Kg2-f3 Ke8-e7 Kf3-e2 h7-h5 Bc3-e1 f7-f6 e5xf6+ g7xf6 Rc1-c5 Rd8-d5 Rc5xd5 e6xd5 Na3-b5 Bc7-b6 Be1-f2 Bb6xf2 Ke2xf2 f6-f5 Kf2-e2 Ke7-e6 Ke2-d3 Ke6-d7 Kd3-c3 Kd7-e7 Nb5-c7) -0.23/27 3} 22. f4 {(f2-f4 Bd8-b6 a2-a4 Ra8-d8 Nb3-d2 Kg8-f8 Nd2-e4 Rd8-d3 Rc1-c2 Bb6-d4 Ne4-d6 Bd4xc3 b2xc3 f7-f6 Nd6xb7 f6xe5 Nb7-c5 Rd3-d1 Rc2-b2 e5xf4 g3xf4) +0.32/27 3} Kf8 {(Kg8-f8 a2-a4) -0.25/26 3} 23. a4 {(a2-a4 Bd8-b6) +0.27/26 3} Ke8 {(Kf8-e8 Kg2-f3 b7-b6 Nb3-d2 Bd8-e7 Nd2-c4 Be7-c5 Bc3-e1 Ke8-d7 g3-g4 Ra8-b8 Kf3-e4 h7-h5 g4xh5 Rb8-h8 Nc4xa5 Nc6xa5 Be1xa5 Rh8xh5 Ba5-d2 Rh5xh2 Ke4-d3 Bc5-e7 Rc1-d1 Kd7-c7 b2-b4) -0.20/27 3} 24. Nd2 {(Nb3-d2 Ra8-b8) +0.21/26 3} Rb8 {(Ra8-b8 Nd2-c4) -0.28/28 3} 25. Nc4 {(Nd2-c4 Bd8-c7) +0.25/27 3} Bc7 {(Bd8-c7 Nc4-a3 Rb8-d8 Kg2-f3 Ke8-e7 Kf3-e2 f7-f6 e5xf6+ g7xf6 Rc1-d1 Rd8xd1 Ke2xd1 h7-h5 Na3-c4 f6-f5 Kd1-e2 Ke7-f7 Ke2-e3 Kf7-e7 Ke3-d3 Ke7-e8 Bc3-d2 Ke8-d7 Bd2-e3 e6-e5 Nc4xe5+ Nc6xe5+ f4xe5 Bc7xe5 Be3-d4) -0.25/31 3} 26. Na3 {(Nc4-a3 Rb8-d8 Kg2-f3 Ke8-e7 Kf3-e2 f7-f6 e5xf6+ g7xf6 Rc1-d1 Rd8xd1 Ke2xd1 f6-f5 Na3-c4 Ke7-d8 Kd1-c2 Kd8-d7 Kc2-d3 h7-h5 Bc3-d2 e6-e5 Nc4xe5+ Nc6xe5+ f4xe5 Bc7xe5 b2-b3 Be5-c7 Kd3-c4 Kd7-c6 Kc4-d4 b7-b6 Bd2-g5 Bc7-d6 Kd4-c4 Bd6-c7) +0.25/29 3} Bd8 {(Bc7-d8 Na3-b5 Bd8-e7 Kg2-f2 Rb8-d8 Kf2-e2 h7-h5 Bc3-d2 f7-f6 Bd2-c3 Ke8-f7 Rc1-d1 Rd8xd1 Ke2xd1 f6xe5 f4xe5 Kf7-g6 Nb5-d6) -0.22/31 3} 27. Nc4 {(Na3-c4 Bd8-c7) +0.17/25 3} Bc7 {(Bd8-c7 Nc4-a3 Bc7-d8 Rc1-d1 Bd8-e7 Na3-b5 Rb8-c8 g3-g4 Nc6-b4 Kg2-g3 g7-g6 Rd1-d4 Nb4-d5 Bc3xa5 Rc8-c2 Ba5-c3 Be7-c5 Rd4-d3 b7-b6 b2-b3 Rc2-g2+ Kg3xg2 Nd5xf4+ Kg2-f3 Nf4xd3 Kf3-e4 Nd3-f2+ Ke4-f4 Nf2-d3+ Kf4-g5 Nd3-f2 b3-b4 Bc5-e3+ Kg5-h4) -0.23/28 3} 28. Na3 {(Nc4-a3) +0.23/27 3} Rd8 {(Rb8-d8 Kg2-f3 Ke8-e7 Kf3-e2 f7-f6 e5xf6+ g7xf6 Rc1-d1 Rd8xd1 Ke2xd1 h7-h5 Na3-c4 f6-f5 Kd1-e2 Ke7-d7 Ke2-e3 Kd7-e8 Ke3-d3 Ke8-e7 Bc3-d2 Ke7-f7 Bd2-e3 h5-h4 Be3-b6 Bc7xb6 Nc4xb6 e6-e5 g3xh4 e5-e4+ Kd3-e3) -0.29/29 3} 29. Kf3 {(Kg2-f3 Ke8-e7 Kf3-e2 f7-f6 e5xf6+ g7xf6 Rc1-d1 Rd8xd1 Ke2xd1 f6-f5 Na3-c4 h7-h5 Kd1-e2 Ke7-f7 Ke2-e3 Kf7-e8 Ke3-d3 Ke8-d7 Bc3-f6 Kd7-e8 Kd3-e2 Ke8-f7 Bf6-c3 Kf7-g6 Ke2-d3) +0.22/29 3} Ke7 {(Ke8-e7 Kf3-e2 f7-f6 e5xf6+ g7xf6 Rc1-d1 Rd8xd1 Ke2xd1 h7-h5 Na3-c4 f6-f5 Kd1-e2 Ke7-d7 Ke2-e3 Kd7-e8 Ke3-d3 Ke8-d7 Bc3-d2 b7-b6 Bd2-c3 Kd7-e7 b2-b3 Ke7-d7 Bc3-f6 Nc6-b4+ Kd3-d4 Nb4-c6+ Kd4-c3 Kd7-e8 Nc4-d2 Ke8-f7 Bf6-g5) -0.30/30 3} 30. Ke2 {(Kf3-e2 f7-f6) +0.17/31 3} f6 {(f7-f6) -0.22/34 3} 31. exf6+ {(e5xf6+ g7xf6) +0.18/29 3} gxf6 {(g7xf6 Rc1-d1 Rd8xd1 Ke2xd1 Bc7-d8 Na3-c4 h7-h5 Kd1-c2 f6-f5 Kc2-d3 Bd8-c7 Bc3-d2 Ke7-f7 Nc4-e3 h5-h4 Kd3-c4 h4xg3 h2xg3 Nc6-a7 Kc4-c5 b7-b6+ Kc5-c4 Kf7-e8 Ne3-c2 Ke8-d7 Bd2-e3 Na7-c8 Kc4-b5 Nc8-d6+ Kb5-a6 Nd6-c4 Be3-d4 Kd7-c6 Bd4-c3 e6-e5 f4xe5 Kc6-d5 Nc2-d4 Bc7xe5 Nd4xf5 Nc4xb2 Bc3xb2 Be5xb2 Ka6xb6) -0.19/34 3} 32. Rd1 {(Rc1-d1 Rd8-c8) +0.17/31 3} Rxd1 {(Rd8xd1 Ke2xd1 Bc7-d8 Na3-c4 h7-h5 Kd1-c2 f6-f5 Kc2-d3 Bd8-c7 Bc3-d2 Ke7-d7 Kd3-e3 Kd7-e7 Ke3-e2 Ke7-e8 Bd2-c3 Ke8-d7 Ke2-f3 Kd7-e7 b2-b3 Ke7-e8 Kf3-e3 Ke8-e7 Ke3-d3 Ke7-d7 Bc3-f6 Bc7-b8 Bf6-d4 Nc6-b4+ Kd3-e2 Bb8-c7 Bd4-e5 Bc7-d8 Be5-c3 Kd7-c6 Bc3xb4) -0.16/38 3} 33. Kxd1 {(Ke2xd1 f6-f5) +0.22/33 3} Bd8 {(Bc7-d8 Na3-c4 h7-h5 Kd1-c2 f6-f5 Kc2-d3 Bd8-c7 Bc3-d2 Ke7-d7 Kd3-e3 Kd7-e7 Ke3-e2 Ke7-e8 Bd2-c3 Ke8-d7 Ke2-f3 Kd7-e7 b2-b3 Ke7-e8 Kf3-g2 Ke8-f7 Kg2-h3 Kf7-g6 Bc3-d2 Kg6-f7 Bd2-e3 Kf7-f6 Kh3-g2 Kf6-g6 Kg2-f2 Kg6-f6 Kf2-f3 Kf6-e7 Be3-c5+ Ke7-d7 Kf3-e3 Nc6-e7) -0.14/39 3} 34. Nc4 {(Na3-c4 h7-h5 Kd1-e2 Bd8-c7 Ke2-d3 f6-f5 Bc3-d2 Ke7-d7 b2-b3 Kd7-e7 Kd3-c3 Ke7-d7 Bd2-e3 Nc6-b4 Kc3-d4 b7-b6 Be3-g1 Nb4-c6+ Kd4-c3 Nc6-e7 Nc4-d2 Kd7-c6 Kc3-d4 Ne7-g6 Nd2-f3 Bc7-d6 Kd4-c4 e6-e5 f4xe5 Ng6xe5+ Nf3xe5+ Bd6xe5) +0.20/30 3} h5 {(h7-h5 Kd1-c2) -0.22/36 3} 35. Ke2 {(Kd1-e2 Bd8-c7 Ke2-f3 f6-f5 Bc3-h8 Ke7-e8 Kf3-e3 Ke8-f7 Bh8-c3 Kf7-e7 b2-b3 Ke7-f7 Bc3-b2 Kf7-e7 Bb2-c1 Ke7-d7 Bc1-d2 Kd7-e8 Ke3-d3 Ke8-e7 Bd2-c1 Ke7-f6 Bc1-a3 h5-h4 Ba3-d6 h4xg3 h2xg3) +0.18/37 3} f5 {(f6-f5 b2-b3 Ke7-d7 Ke2-f2 Bd8-c7 Kf2-g2 Kd7-e7 Kg2-f3 Ke7-d7 Bc3-f6 Kd7-e8 Kf3-e3 Ke8-d7 Ke3-d3 Bc7-b8 Kd3-e2 Bb8-c7 Ke2-e3 Bc7-b8 Bf6-c3 Bb8-c7 Ke3-d3 Kd7-e7 Bc3-d2 Ke7-d7 Kd3-c3 b7-b6 Bd2-e1 Nc6-e7 Nc4-d2 Kd7-c6 Kc3-c4 Ne7-g6 Nd2-f3) -0.15/37 3} 36. Kf3 {(Ke2-f3 Bd8-c7 b2-b3 Ke7-e8 Bc3-b2 Ke8-e7 Bb2-h8 Ke7-f7 Kf3-e3 Kf7-e7 Bh8-c3 Ke7-d7 Bc3-f6 Bc7-d6 Bf6-d4 Bd6-c7 Bd4-c3 Kd7-e7 Ke3-d3 Ke7-e8 Bc3-d2 Ke8-d7 Bd2-e1 Kd7-e7 Be1-f2 h5-h4 g3xh4 Bc7xf4 Bf2-g3 Bf4-h6 Nc4-e5 Nc6-b4+ Kd3-d4) +0.21/37 3} Bc7 {(Bd8-c7 b2-b3 Ke7-d7 Kf3-g2 Kd7-e8 Bc3-d2 Ke8-f7 Kg2-h3 Kf7-g7 Bd2-e3 Kg7-f7 Kh3-h4 Kf7-g6 Be3-d2 Kg6-h6 Bd2-c3 Kh6-g6 Kh4-h3 Kg6-h6 Kh3-g2 Kh6-g6 Kg2-f3 Kg6-f7 Kf3-e3 Kf7-e8 Ke3-d3 Ke8-d7 Bc3-d2 Kd7-e7 Kd3-e3 Bc7-d8 Ke3-e2 Bd8-c7 Ke2-d3) -0.16/41 3} 37. b3 {(b2-b3 Ke7-e8 Bc3-b2 Ke8-e7 Bb2-h8 Ke7-f7 Bh8-a1 Kf7-e7 Ba1-b2 Ke7-e8 Kf3-e3 Ke8-d7 Bb2-c3 Kd7-e7 Ke3-d3 Ke7-e8 Bc3-e1 Ke8-d7 Be1-d2 Kd7-e7 Bd2-e3 Nc6-b4+ Kd3-d4 b7-b6 Be3-d2 Nb4-d5 Nc4-e5 Bc7xe5+ Kd4xe5 Nd5-f6 Ke5-d4 Ke7-d6 b3-b4 Nf6-e4 Bd2-e1 a5xb4 Be1xb4+ Kd6-d7) +0.16/33 3} Kf7 {(Ke7-f7 Kf3-g2) -0.20/40 3} 38. Ke2 {(Kf3-e2 Kf7-e7 Bc3-d2 Ke7-f6 Ke2-e3 Kf6-e7 Ke3-d3 Ke7-d7 Bd2-c3 Kd7-e7 Bc3-e1 Ke7-d7 Be1-d2 Kd7-e7 Nc4-e3 Ke7-d7 Ne3-g2 Nc6-e7 Ng2-h4 Kd7-c6 Kd3-d4 b7-b5 Nh4-f3 Ne7-g6 a4xb5+ Kc6xb5 Nf3-g5 Bc7-b6+ Kd4-d3 e6-e5 f4xe5 Ng6xe5+ Kd3-e2 Kb5-c6 Ng5-e6 Ne5-g4) +0.16/33 3} Ke7 {(Kf7-e7 Ke2-f3 Ke7-f7 Kf3-g2 Kf7-g6 Kg2-h3 Kg6-h6 Bc3-e1 Kh6-g7 Kh3-g2 Kg7-f6 Be1-f2 Kf6-g6 Kg2-f3 Kg6-f6 Kf3-e2 Kf6-g6 Ke2-e3 h5-h4 g3xh4 Kg6-h5 Ke3-f3 Nc6-b4 Bf2-e1 Nb4-c6 Kf3-g3 Bc7-d8 Kg3-h3 Bd8-c7 Be1-c3 b7-b6 Kh3-g3 Bc7-d8 Bc3-d2 Bd8xh4+ Kg3-g2 Nc6-d4 Bd2-e3 Bh4-f6 Kg2-g3 Nd4xb3 Be3xb6 Bf6-c3 Kg3-f3 Bc3-b4) -0.19/40 3} 39. Kf2 {(Ke2-f2 Ke7-e8 Bc3-d2 Ke8-d7 Kf2-g2 Kd7-e7 Bd2-e3 Ke7-f7 Be3-c5 Kf7-e8 Kg2-h3 Ke8-f7 Bc5-d6 Bc7-d8 Bd6-a3 Bd8-c7 Ba3-c5 Kf7-g6 Kh3-g2 Kg6-f7 Kg2-f2 Kf7-e8 Bc5-d6 Bc7-d8 Kf2-e3 Ke8-d7 Bd6-c5 Bd8-c7 Ke3-d3 Nc6-b8) +0.18/33 3} Kf7 {(Ke7-f7 Kf2-f3 Kf7-e7 Kf3-g2 Ke7-f7 Bc3-d2 Kf7-g6 Kg2-f2 Kg6-g7 Kf2-e3 Kg7-f7 Bd2-e1 Kf7-e7 Ke3-d3 Ke7-d7 Be1-c3 Bc7-d8 Bc3-d2 Bd8-c7 Bd2-e1 Kd7-e7 Be1-c3 Ke7-d7 Kd3-e3 Kd7-e7 Ke3-f3 Ke7-e8 Bc3-b2 Ke8-f7 Kf3-e3 Kf7-e7 Bb2-a3+ Ke7-d7) -0.17/38 3} 40. Kg2 {(Kf2-g2 Kf7-f8 Kg2-h3 Kf8-f7 Bc3-a1 Kf7-g6 Ba1-b2 Kg6-h7 Bb2-c3 Kh7-h6 Kh3-g2 Kh6-g6 Bc3-e1 Kg6-f7 Be1-d2 Kf7-f6 Bd2-e3 Kf6-g6 Kg2-f3 Kg6-f6 Kf3-f2 Kf6-g6 Kf2-g2 Kg6-f7 Be3-c5 Kf7-e8 Kg2-f2 Ke8-d7 Nc4-b6+ Kd7-d8 Kf2-e3 Kd8-e8 Ke3-d3 h5-h4 Kd3-c4 h4-h3 Kc4-b5 e6-e5 Nb6-d5 Ke8-d7 f4xe5 Nc6xe5) +0.21/37 3} Kg6 {(Kf7-g6 Kg2-f3) -0.20/37 3} 41. Be1 {(Bc3-e1 Kg6-f7) +0.15/35 3} h4 {(h5-h4 g3xh4 Kg6-h5 Kg2-g3 Bc7-d8 Kg3-h3 Bd8-c7 Be1-d2 Nc6-d4 Bd2xa5 Bc7xf4 b3-b4 b7-b5 a4xb5 Nd4xb5 Ba5-b6 Bf4-b8 Bb6-c5 Bb8-c7 Nc4-b6 Bc7-e5 Nb6-c8 Be5-b8 Bc5-f2 Nb5-c3 Nc8-b6 Bb8-f4 Nb6-c4 Bf4-b8 Bf2-g3 f5-f4 Bg3-e1 Nc3-b5 Kh3-g2 Kh5-g4 h2-h3+ Kg4-f5 Be1-f2 Bb8-c7) -0.13/35 3} 42. gxh4 {(g3xh4) +0.17/28 3} Kh5 {(Kg6-h5 Kg2-h3 Nc6-d4 Be1xa5 Bc7xf4 b3-b4 b7-b5 a4xb5 Nd4xb5 Ba5-b6 Bf4-b8 Bb6-c5 Bb8-c7 Bc5-f8 Kh5-g6 Bf8-e7 Bc7-f4 Be7-d8 Bf4-b8 Nc4-a5 Bb8-e5 Bd8-e7 Be5-c3 Na5-c4 Nb5-c7 Be7-d6 Nc7-b5 Bd6-f8 e6-e5 Nc4-e3 Nb5-c7 Bf8-e7 e5-e4) -0.18/36 3} 43. h3 {(h2-h3) +0.21/33 3} Nd4 {(Nc6-d4) -0.38/27 3} 44. Bxa5 {(Be1xa5 Bc7xf4 b3-b4 Nd4-c6 b4-b5 Nc6xa5 Nc4xa5 b7-b6 Na5-c6 Bf4-e3 Nc6-d8 e6-e5 Nd8-f7 Be3-d4 Nf7-d6 f5-f4 Kg2-f3 Bd4-c3 Nd6-c8 Bc3-d4 Nc8-e7 Bd4-c5 Ne7-c6 Bc5-d6 a4-a5 b6xa5 Nc6xa5 Kh5xh4 b5-b6 Kh4xh3 b6-b7 Bd6-b8 Na5-c6 Bb8-d6 Kf3-e4 Bd6-c7 Nc6xe5 Kh3-g3 Ne5-f3 Bc7-b8 Nf3-d4) +0.02/34 3} Bxf4 {(Bc7xf4 b3-b4) -0.09/37 3} 45. b4 {(b3-b4 Nd4-c6 Kg2-f3 Bf4-h2 b4-b5 Nc6xa5 Nc4xa5 b7-b6 Na5-c6 Bh2-g1 a4-a5 b6xa5 Nc6xa5 Kh5xh4 Kf3-g2 Bg1-b6 Na5-c4 Bb6-c7 b5-b6 Bc7-b8 b6-b7 e6-e5 Nc4-e3 Kh4-g5 h3-h4+ Kg5xh4 Ne3xf5+ Kh4-g5 Nf5-e7 e5-e4 Ne7-c6 Bb8-d6 Kg2-f2 Kg5-f4 Kf2-e2 e4-e3 b7-b8Q Bd6xb8 Nc6-b4 Bb8-d6 Nb4-d3+ Kf4-e4) +0.02/35 3} Nc6 {(Nd4-c6 b4-b5 Nc6xa5 Nc4xa5 b7-b6 Na5-c6 Bf4-e3 Nc6-d8 e6-e5 Nd8-f7 Be3-d4 Nf7-d6 f5-f4 Kg2-f3 Bd4-c5 Nd6-c4 Bc5-d4 a4-a5 b6xa5 Nc4xa5 Bd4-b6 Na5-c6 Bb6-c7 Nc6-e7 Kh5xh4 Ne7-d5 Bc7-d6 b5-b6 Kh4xh3 b6-b7 Kh3-h4 Nd5-f6 Bd6-b8 Nf6-d7 Bb8-c7 Kf3-e4 Kh4-g5 Nd7xe5 Kg5-f6 Ne5-c6 f4-f3 Ke4xf3 Kf6-e6 Kf3-e4 Ke6-d6 Ke4-f5 Bc7-b8 Kf5-g5 Kd6-c7 Kg5-f4 Kc7xb7+ Kf4-e3 Kb7-b6 Ke3-d4) 0.00/41 3} 46. Kf3 {(Kg2-f3 Bf4-h2 Kf3-g2 Bh2-f4 b4-b5 Nc6xa5 Nc4xa5 b7-b6 Na5-c6 Bf4-e3 Nc6-d8 e6-e5 Nd8-f7 Be3-d4 Nf7-d6 f5-f4 Kg2-f3 Bd4-c5 Nd6-f7 Bc5-d4 Nf7-d8 Bd4-c5 Nd8-c6 Bc5-d6 a4-a5 b6xa5 Nc6xa5 Bd6-c7 Na5-c4 Kh5xh4 Kf3-g2 e5-e4 Nc4-d2 e4-e3 Nd2-f3+ Kh4-h5 Nf3-d4 Kh5-h4 Kg2-f3 Bc7-b6 Nd4-e6 Kh4xh3 Ne6xf4+ Kh3-h4 Nf4-d5 Bb6-c5 b5-b6) +0.03/40 3} Bh2 {(Bf4-h2 Kf3-g2 Bh2-f4 b4-b5 Nc6xa5 Nc4xa5 b7-b6 Na5-c6 Bf4-e3 Nc6-d8 e6-e5 Nd8-f7 Be3-d4 Nf7-d6 f5-f4 Kg2-f3 Bd4-c5 Nd6-f7 Bc5-d4 Nf7-d6) 0.00/44 3} 47. Kg2 {(Kf3-g2 Bh2-f4 b4-b5 Nc6xa5 Nc4xa5 b7-b6 Na5-c6 Bf4-e3 Nc6-d8 e6-e5 Nd8-f7 Be3-d4 Nf7-d6 f5-f4 Kg2-f3 Bd4-c5 Nd6-f5 Bc5-b4 Kf3-e4 Bb4-c3 a4-a5 Bc3xa5 Ke4xe5 f4-f3 Nf5-e3 f3-f2 Ke5-e4 Kh5xh4 Ke4-f3 Kh4xh3 Kf3xf2 Kh3-h4 Ne3-c4 Ba5-b4 Kf2-e3 Kh4-g5 Nc4xb6 Kg5-f5 Ke3-d4 Kf5-e6 Nb6-c4 Bb4-e1 Kd4-e4 Be1-f2 b5-b6) +0.01/44 3} Bf4 {(Bh2-f4 b4-b5 Nc6xa5 Nc4xa5 b7-b6 Na5-c6 Bf4-e3 a4-a5 b6xa5 Nc6xa5 Kh5xh4 Na5-c4 Be3-a7 b5-b6 Ba7-b8 Nc4-e3 Bb8-d6 Ne3-c2 Kh4-g5 Nc2-d4 e6-e5 h3-h4+ Kg5-f6 Nd4-b5 Bd6-b8 Nb5-c3 Kf6-g6 Nc3-d5 e5-e4 Kg2-f2 f5-f4 Nd5-c3 Kg6-f5 h4-h5 Kf5-g5 Nc3xe4+ Kg5xh5 Ne4-f6+ Kh5-g6 Nf6-d7 Bb8-d6 Kf2-g2 Kg6-g5 b6-b7 Kg5-f5 Nd7-c5 Kf5-g4 Kg2-f1 Bd6-b8 Nc5-d7 Bb8-d6) 0.00/45 3} 48. b5 {(b4-b5 Nc6xa5 Nc4xa5 b7-b6 Na5-c6 Bf4-e3 Nc6-d8 e6-e5 Nd8-f7 Be3-d4 Nf7-d6 f5-f4 Kg2-f3 Bd4-g1 Nd6-f5 Bg1-c5 Kf3-e4 Bc5-b4 a4-a5 Bb4xa5 Ke4xe5 f4-f3 Nf5-e3 f3-f2 Ke5-e4 Ba5-d2 Ne3-f1 Bd2-b4 Ke4-f3 Bb4-c5 Kf3-g2 Kh5xh4 Nf1-d2 Bc5-e3 Nd2-f3+ Kh4-h5 Nf3-h2 Kh5-g5 Nh2-g4 Be3-d4 Ng4xf2 Kg5-f4 h3-h4 Bd4-h8 Kg2-h3 Kf4-e5 h4-h5 Ke5-d5 h5-h6 Kd5-c4) +0.14/43 3} Nxa5 {(Nc6xa5 Nc4xa5) -0.04/45 3} 49. Nxa5 {(Nc4xa5 b7-b6 Na5-c6 Bf4-e3 Nc6-d8 e6-e5 Nd8-f7 Be3-d4 Nf7-d6 f5-f4 Kg2-f3 Bd4-c5 Nd6-f5 Bc5-b4 Kf3-e4 Bb4-c3 a4-a5 Bc3xa5 Ke4xe5 f4-f3 Ke5-e4 f3-f2 Nf5-e3 Ba5-d2 Ne3-f1 Bd2-b4 Ke4-f3 Bb4-c5 Kf3-g2 Kh5xh4 Nf1-d2 Bc5-e3 Nd2-f3+ Kh4-h5 Nf3-e5 Be3-d4 Ne5-g4 Kh5-g5 Ng4xf2 Kg5-f4 Nf2-d3+ Kf4-e4 Nd3-b4 Bd4-f6 Nb4-c6 Ke4-f4 Nc6-a7 Bf6-d4 Na7-c8 Kf4-g5 Kg2-f3 Bd4-c5 Kf3-e4 Kg5-h4 Ke4-d5 Kh4xh3 Kd5-c6) +0.19/42 3} b6 {(b7-b6 Na5-c6 Bf4-e3 a4-a5 b6xa5 Nc6xa5 Kh5xh4 Na5-c4 Be3-f4 b5-b6 Bf4-b8 Nc4-a5 e6-e5 Na5-c6 Bb8-d6 b6-b7 f5-f4 Nc6-e7 Bd6-b8 Ne7-d5 e5-e4 Nd5xf4 Bb8xf4 Kg2-f2 Bf4-b8 Kf2-e3 Kh4xh3 Ke3xe4 Kh3-g4 Ke4-d5 Kg4-f5 Kd5-c5 Kf5-e5 Kc5-c6 Ke5-e6 Kc6-b6 Ke6-d5 Kb6-b5 Bb8-d6 b7-b8Q Bd6xb8 Kb5-b4 Kd5-d4 Kb4-a3 Kd4-e5 Ka3-b2 Ke5-e4 Kb2-c2 Bb8-f4 Kc2-b3 Bf4-b8 Kb3-b2 Ke4-d3) -0.14/46 3} 50. Nc6 {(Na5-c6 Bf4-e3 Nc6-d8 e6-e5 Nd8-f7 Be3-d4 Nf7-d6 f5-f4 Kg2-f3 Bd4-c5 Nd6-f5 Bc5-b4 Kf3-e4 Bb4-c3 a4-a5 Bc3xa5 Ke4xe5 f4-f3 Ke5-e4 f3-f2 Nf5-e3 Ba5-d2 Ne3-f1 Bd2-c1 Ke4-f3 Kh5xh4 Kf3-g2 Kh4-g5 Kg2xf2 Kg5-f5 Kf2-e2 Kf5-e4 Nf1-d2+ Ke4-d5 Ke2-d3 Bc1-a3 Nd2-c4 Ba3-c1 Nc4xb6+ Kd5-c5 Kd3-e4 Kc5xb5 Ke4-d5 Bc1-g5 Nb6-c4 Kb5-b4 Nc4-d2 Kb4-a4 Kd5-c4) +0.04/42 3} Be3 {(Bf4-e3) -0.07/48 3} 51. Nd8 {(Nc6-d8 e6-e5 Nd8-f7 Be3-d4 Nf7-d6 f5-f4 Kg2-f3 Bd4-c5 Nd6-f5 Bc5-b4 Kf3-e4 Bb4-c3 a4-a5 Bc3xa5 Ke4xe5 f4-f3 Ke5-e4 f3-f2 Nf5-e3 Ba5-d2 Ne3-f1 Bd2-c1 Ke4-f3 Kh5xh4 Kf3xf2 Kh4xh3 Kf2-f3 Kh3-h4 Kf3-e4 Kh4-g5 Ke4-d5 Kg5-f6 Kd5-c6 Kf6-e6 Nf1-d2 Bc1xd2 Kc6xb6 Ke6-d6 Kb6-a6 Bd2-f4 Ka6-a5 Bf4-d2+ Ka5-a4 Kd6-c5 Ka4-a3 Kc5xb5 Ka3-b3 Kb5-c5 Kb3-b2 Kc5-c4 Kb2-c2 Bd2-g5) +0.18/45 3} e5 {(e6-e5 Nd8-f7 Be3-d4 Nf7-d6 f5-f4 Kg2-f3 Bd4-c5 Nd6-f7 Bc5-d4 Nf7-d8 Bd4-c5 Nd8-c6 Bc5-d6 a4-a5 b6xa5 Nc6xa5 Kh5xh4 b5-b6 Kh4xh3 Na5-c4 Bd6-b8 b6-b7 Kh3-h4 Kf3-e4 f4-f3 Ke4xf3 Kh4-g5 Kf3-e4 Kg5-f6 Ke4-d5 e5-e4 Kd5xe4 Kf6-e7 Ke4-d4 Ke7-d7 Kd4-c5 Kd7-c7 Nc4-d6 Bb8-a7+ Kc5-b5 Ba7-b8 Kb5-c5) 0.00/47 3} 52. Nf7 {(Nd8-f7 Be3-d4 Nf7-d6 f5-f4 Kg2-f3 Bd4-c5 Nd6-f5 Bc5-b4 Kf3-e4 Bb4-c3 a4-a5 Bc3xa5 Ke4xe5 f4-f3 Ke5-e4 f3-f2 Nf5-e3 Ba5-d2 Ne3-f1 Bd2-c1 Ke4-f3 Kh5xh4 Kf3xf2 Kh4xh3 Kf2-f3 Kh3-h4 Nf1-g3 Kh4-g5 Kf3-e4 Kg5-f6 Ke4-d5 Kf6-e7 Kd5-c6 Ke7-e6 Ng3-e4 Ke6-e5 Ne4-f6 Ke5xf6 Kc6xb6 Bc1-e3+ Kb6-a5 Kf6-e5 Ka5-a4 Be3-d4 Ka4-b4 Ke5-d5 Kb4-b3 Bd4-c5 Kb3-c3 Bc5-d4+ Kc3-d3 Bd4-b6 Kd3-e2 Kd5-c4 Ke2-f3) +0.29/45 3} Bd4 {(Be3-d4 Nf7-d6 f5-f4 Kg2-f3 Bd4-c5 Nd6-f7 Bc5-d4) 0.00/50 3} 53. Nd6 {(Nf7-d6 f5-f4 Kg2-f3 Bd4-c5 Nd6-f5 Bc5-b4 Kf3-e4 Bb4-c3 a4-a5 Bc3xa5 Ke4xe5 f4-f3 Ke5-e4 f3-f2 Nf5-e3 Ba5-d2 Ne3-f1 Bd2-c1 Ke4-f3 Kh5xh4 Kf3xf2 Kh4xh3 Kf2-f3 Kh3-h4 Nf1-g3 Kh4-g5 Kf3-e4 Kg5-f6 Ke4-d5 Kf6-e7 Kd5-c6 Ke7-e6 Ng3-e4 Ke6-e5 Ne4-f6 Ke5xf6 Kc6xb6 Bc1-e3+ Kb6-a5 Kf6-e5 Ka5-a4 Be3-d4 Ka4-b3 Ke5-f4 Kb3-c2 Kf4-e3 b5-b6 Bd4xb6 Kc2-c3 Ke3-e4 Kc3-d2 Ke4-f4 Kd2-c1) +0.21/48 3} f4 {(f5-f4 Kg2-f3 Bd4-c5 Nd6-f7 Bc5-d4 Nf7-d8 Bd4-c5) 0.00/52 3} 54. Kf3 {(Kg2-f3) +0.19/46 3} Bc5 {(Bd4-c5 Nd6-f7 Bc5-d4 Nf7-d8 Bd4-c5) 0.00/49 3} 55. Nf5 {(Nd6-f5 Bc5-b4 Kf3-e4 Bb4-c3 a4-a5 Bc3xa5 Ke4xe5 f4-f3 Ke5-e4 f3-f2 Nf5-e3 Ba5-d2 Ne3-f1 Bd2-c1 Ke4-f3 Kh5xh4 Kf3xf2 Kh4xh3 Kf2-f3 Kh3-h4 Nf1-g3 Kh4-g5 Kf3-e4 Kg5-f6 Ke4-d5 Kf6-e7 Kd5-c6 Ke7-e6 Ng3-e4 Ke6-e5 Ne4-d6 Ke5-d4 Nd6-f5+ Kd4-e5 Kc6xb6 Ke5-d5 Kb6-a6 Bc1-f4 b5-b6 Kd5-c5 Ka6-a7 Bf4-b8+ Ka7-b7 Bb8-h2 Nf5-d4 Bh2-g3 Nd4-e6+ Kc5-d5 Ne6-c5 Kd5xc5 Kb7-c8 Kc5-d6 b6-b7 Kd6-e6 b7-b8Q Bg3xb8 Kc8-b7 Ke6-d5 Kb7-b6 Bb8-c7+ Kb6-b5 Bc7-b6 Kb5-b4 Kd5-d4 Kb4-b3 Kd4-d3) +0.07/43 3} Ba3 {(Bc5-a3 Kf3-e4 Ba3-b4 Ke4xe5 f4-f3 Ke5-e4 f3-f2 Nf5-g3+ Kh5xh4 Ke4-f3 Kh4xh3 Kf3xf2 Kh3-g4 Ng3-e2 Bb4-c5+ Kf2-e1 Bc5-b4+ Ke1-d1 Kg4-f3 Ne2-d4+ Kf3-e4 Nd4-c6 Bb4-d6 Kd1-c2 Ke4-d5 Kc2-b3 Kd5-c5 Nc6-a7 Bd6-g3 Na7-c8 Bg3-e1 Nc8xb6 Kc5xb6 Kb3-c2 Be1-a5 Kc2-d3 Ba5-b4 Kd3-c4 Bb4-d2 Kc4-d4 Bd2-b4 Kd4-d5 Bb4-d2 Kd5-e5 Bd2-a5 Ke5-f6 Ba5-c3+ Kf6-f7) -0.20/41 3} 56. Ke4 {(Kf3-e4 Ba3-b4) +0.07/44 3} Bb4 {(Ba3-b4 Ke4xe5 f4-f3 Ke5-e4 f3-f2 Nf5-g3+ Kh5xh4 Ke4-f3 Kh4xh3 Kf3xf2 Kh3-g4 Ng3-e2 Bb4-c5+ Kf2-e1 Bc5-b4+ Ke1-d1 Kg4-f3 Ne2-d4+ Kf3-e4 Nd4-c6 Bb4-d6 Kd1-c2 Ke4-d5 Kc2-b3 Kd5-c5 Nc6-a7 Bd6-g3 Na7-c8 Bg3-e5 Nc8xb6 Kc5xb6 Kb3-c4 Be5-d6 Kc4-d5 Bd6-c7 Kd5-e4 Kb6-c5 Ke4-f5 Kc5-b6 a4-a5+ Kb6xa5 b5-b6 Bc7xb6 Kf5-e6 Ka5-b5 Ke6-e7 Bb6-c7 Ke7-f6 Bc7-b6 Kf6-e6 Kb5-c5 Ke6-e7 Kc5-d5 Ke7-d7) -0.19/48 3} 57. a5 {(a4-a5 Bb4xa5 Ke4xe5 f4-f3 Ke5-e4 f3-f2 Nf5-e3 Kh5xh4 Ke4-f3 Kh4xh3 Kf3xf2 Kh3-h4 Ne3-c4 Ba5-b4 Kf2-e3 Kh4-g5 Ke3-d4 Kg5-f5 Kd4-d5 Bb4-c5 Nc4-d6+ Kf5-g4 Kd5-c6 Kg4-f4 Nd6-c8 Kf4-e4 Nc8xb6 Ke4-d4 Nb6-a4 Bc5-a7 Na4-b6 Kd4-c3 Kc6-b7 Kc3-b4 Kb7-a6 Kb4-c5 Nb6-c8 Ba7-b8 b5-b6 Bb8-h2 Ka6-b7 Bh2-g1 Kb7-c7) +0.05/39 3} bxa5 {(b6xa5 b5-b6 Bb4-c5 b6-b7 Bc5-a7 Nf5-e7 Ba7-b8 Ne7-c6 Bb8-c7 Nc6xa5 Kh5xh4 Na5-c4 Kh4xh3 Nc4xe5 Bc7xe5 Ke4xe5 f4-f3 b7-b8Q f3-f2 Qb8-c8+ Kh3-h2 Qc8-a6 Kh2-g2 Qa6-b7+ Kg2-g1 Qb7-g7+ Kg1-h2 Qg7-h6+ Kh2-g2 Qh6-g5+ Kg2-h2) 0.00/43 3} 58. b6 {(b5-b6 Bb4-c5) +0.05/40 3} Bc5 {(Bb4-c5 b6-b7 Bc5-a7 Nf5-e7 Ba7-b8 Ne7-c6 Bb8-c7 Nc6xa5 Kh5xh4 Na5-c4 Kh4xh3 Nc4xe5 Bc7xe5 Ke4xe5 f4-f3 b7-b8Q f3-f2 Qb8-c8+ Kh3-h2 Qc8-a6 Kh2-g2 Qa6-b7+ Kg2-h2) 0.00/48 3} 59. b7 {(b6-b7 Bc5-a7 Nf5-e7 Ba7-b8 Ne7-c6 Bb8-c7 Nc6xa5 Kh5xh4 Na5-c4 Kh4xh3 Nc4xe5 Kh3-g3 Ne5-f3 Bc7-b8 Nf3-d4 Kg3-g2 Nd4-f5 Kg2-f2 Nf5-h4 Kf2-g3 Nh4-f3 Kg3-f2) 0.00/44 3} Ba7 {(Bc5-a7 Nf5-e7 Ba7-b8 Ne7-c6 Bb8-c7 Nc6xa5 Kh5xh4 Na5-c4 Kh4xh3 Nc4xe5 Bc7xe5 Ke4xe5 f4-f3 b7-b8Q f3-f2 Qb8-c8+ Kh3-g2 Qc8-b7+ Kg2-g1 Qb7-g7+ Kg1-h2 Qg7-h6+ Kh2-g1) 0.00/50 3} 60. Ne7 {(Nf5-e7 Ba7-b8 Ne7-c6 Bb8-c7 Nc6xa5 Kh5xh4 Na5-c6 Kh4xh3 Nc6xe5 Kh3-g3 Ne5-f3 Bc7-b8 Nf3-d4 Kg3-g2 Nd4-f5 Kg2-f2 Nf5-h4 Kf2-g3 Nh4-f3 Kg3-f2) 0.00/47 3} Bb8 {(Ba7-b8 Ne7-c6 Bb8-c7 Nc6xa5 Kh5xh4 Na5-c4 Kh4xh3 Nc4xe5 Bc7xe5 Ke4xe5 f4-f3 b7-b8Q f3-f2 Qb8-c8+ Kh3-g2 Qc8-b7+ Kg2-h2 Qb7-h7+ Kh2-g1 Qh7-g7+ Kg1-h2) 0.00/53 3} 61. Nc6 {(Ne7-c6 Bb8-c7 Nc6xa5 Kh5xh4 Na5-c6 Kh4xh3 Nc6xe5 Kh3-g3 Ne5-f3 Bc7-b8 Nf3-d4 Kg3-g2 Nd4-f5 Kg2-f2 Nf5-h4 Kf2-g3 Nh4-f3 Kg3-f2) 0.00/47 3} Bc7 {(Bb8-c7 Nc6xa5 Kh5xh4 Na5-c4 Kh4xh3 Nc4xe5 Bc7xe5 Ke4xe5 f4-f3 b7-b8Q f3-f2 Qb8-c8+ Kh3-g2 Qc8-b7+ Kg2-h2 Qb7-h7+ Kh2-g1 Qh7-g7+ Kg1-h2 Qg7-h6+ Kh2-g2 Qh6-g5+ Kg2-h1 Qg5-c1+ Kh1-g2) 0.00/56 3} 62. Nxa5 {(Nc6xa5 Kh5xh4 Na5-c6 Kh4xh3 Nc6xe5 Kh3-g3 Ne5-f3 Bc7-b8 Nf3-d4 Kg3-g2 Nd4-f5 Kg2-f2 Nf5-h4 Kf2-g3 Nh4-f3 Kg3-f2 Nf3-g5 Kf2-g2 Ke4-f5 f4-f3 Ng5xf3 Kg2xf3 Kf5-f6 Kf3-g4 Kf6-e6 Kg4-f4 Ke6-e7 Kf4-e5 Ke7-d7 Ke5-f5 Kd7-c6 Kf5-e4 Kc6-b5 Ke4-d3 Kb5-b4 Kd3-d4 Kb4-b3 Kd4-d3) 0.00/53 3} Kxh4 {(Kh5xh4 Na5-c4 Kh4xh3 Nc4xe5 Bc7xe5 Ke4xe5 f4-f3 b7-b8Q f3-f2 Qb8-c8+ Kh3-g2 Qc8-b7+ Kg2-h2 Qb7-h7+ Kh2-g1 Qh7-g7+ Kg1-h2) 0.00/57 3} 63. Nc6 {(Na5-c6 Kh4xh3 Nc6xe5 Kh3-g3 Ne5-f3 Bc7-b8 Nf3-d4 Kg3-g2 Nd4-f5 Kg2-f2 Nf5-h4 Kf2-g3 Nh4-f3 Kg3-f2) 0.00/53 3} Kxh3 {(Kh4xh3 Nc6xe5 Bc7xe5 Ke4xe5 f4-f3 b7-b8Q f3-f2 Qb8-c8+ Kh3-g2 Qc8-b7+ Kg2-h2 Qb7-h7+ Kh2-g1 Qh7-g7+ Kg1-h2) 0.00/57 3} 64. Nxe5 {(Nc6xe5 Kh3-g3 Ne5-f3 Bc7-b8 Nf3-d4 Kg3-g4 Ke4-d5 f4-f3 Nd4xf3 Kg4xf3 Kd5-e6 Kf3-f4 Ke6-d7 Kf4-e4 Kd7-c6 Ke4-e3 Kc6-c5 Ke3-e4 Kc5-c4 Ke4-e3 Kc4-c3 Ke3-e2 Kc3-c2 Ke2-e3 Kc2-c3) 0.00/52 3} Bxe5 {(Bc7xe5 Ke4xe5 f4-f3 b7-b8Q f3-f2 Qb8-c8+ Kh3-g2 Qc8-b7+ Kg2-g1 Qb7-g7+ Kg1-h2 Qg7-h6+ Kh2-g2 Qh6-g5+ Kg2-h2 Qg5-c1 Kh2-g2) 0.00/58 3} 65. Kxe5 {(Ke4xe5 f4-f3 b7-b8Q f3-f2 Qb8-b5 Kh3-g2 Qb5-d5+ Kg2-g1 Qd5-g8+ Kg1-h1 Qg8-f7 Kh1-g2) 0.00/46 3} f3 {(f4-f3 b7-b8Q f3-f2 Qb8-c8+ Kh3-g2 Qc8-b7+ Kg2-g1 Qb7-g7+ Kg1-h2 Qg7-h6+ Kh2-g2 Qh6-g5+ Kg2-h1 Qg5-c1+ Kh1-g2) 0.00/58 3} 66. b8=Q {(b7-b8Q f3-f2 Qb8-b5 Kh3-g2 Qb5-d5+ Kg2-g1 Qd5-g8+ Kg1-h2 Qg8-f7 Kh2-g2) 0.00/51 3} f2 {(f3-f2 Qb8-c8+ Kh3-g2 Qc8-g4+ Kg2-h1 Qg4-f3+ Kh1-g1 Qf3-g3+ Kg1-h1) 0.00/56 3} 67. Qb1 {(Qb8-b1 Kh3-g2 Qb1-e4+ Kg2-g1 Qe4-g6+ Kg1-h1 Qg6-h6+ Kh1-g2 Qh6-g5+ Kg2-h2 Qg5-f4+ Kh2-g2 Qf4-g4+ Kg2-h2 Qg4-d1 Kh2-g2) 0.00/52 3} Kg2 {(Kh3-g2 Qb1-e4+ Kg2-h2 Qe4-f3 Kh2-g1 Qf3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Qg3-d3 Kh1-g2 Qd3-d2 Kg2-h1 Qd2-d1+ Kh1-g2) 0.00/57 3} 68. Qe4+ {(Qb1-e4+ Kg2-h2 Qe4-e2 Kh2-g1 Qe2-g4+ Kg1-h2) 0.00/52 3} Kh2 {(Kg2-h2 Qe4-f3 Kh2-g1 Qf3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Qg3-d3 Kh1-g2 Qd3-d2 Kg2-h1 Qd2-d1+ Kh1-g2 Qd1-d5+) 0.00/57 3} 69. Qb1 {(Qe4-b1 Kh2-g2 Qb1-e4+ Kg2-h2 Qe4-b1) 0.00/44 3} Kg2 {(Kh2-g2 Qb1-e4+ Kg2-g1 Qe4-g6+ Kg1-h1 Qg6-h6+ Kh1-g1 Qh6-g5+ Kg1-h1) 0.00/59 3} 70. Qb7+ {(Qb1-b7+ Kg2-g1 Qb7-g7+ Kg1-h2 Qg7-h7+ Kh2-g2) 0.00/49 3} Kh2 {(Kg2-h2 Qb7-a6 Kh2-g1 Qa6-g6+ Kg1-h1 Qg6-h6+ Kh1-g2 Qh6-d2 Kg2-h1) 0.00/57 3} 71. Qh7+ {(Qb7-h7+ Kh2-g1 Qh7-g6+ Kg1-h1 Qg6-h6+ Kh1-g2 Qh6-g5+ Kg2-h1) 0.00/53 3} Kg2 {(Kh2-g2 Qh7-g7+ Kg2-h2 Qg7-h6+ Kh2-g2 Qh6-d2 Kg2-h1 Qd2-d3 Kh1-g1 Qd3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Qg3-h4+ Kh1-g1 Qh4-g5+ Kg1-h2 Qg5-f4+ Kh2-g2) 0.00/58 3} 72. Qg8+ {(Qh7-g8+ Kg2-h3 Qg8-e6+ Kh3-g2 Qe6-d5+ Kg2-g1 Qd5-d4 Kg1-g2) 0.00/53 3} Kh1 {(Kg2-h1 Qg8-c4 Kh1-g1 Qc4-g4+ Kg1-h1 Qg4-f3+ Kh1-g1) 0.00/57 3} 73. Qf7 {(Qg8-f7 Kh1-g2 Qf7-g6+ Kg2-h1) 0.00/56 3} Kg2 {(Kh1-g2 Qf7-g7+ Kg2-h1 Qg7-h6+ Kh1-g2 Qh6-g5+ Kg2-h1 Qg5-f4 Kh1-g2) 0.00/58 3} 74. Qa2 {(Qf7-a2 Kg2-g1 Qa2-g8+ Kg1-h1 Qg8-h8+ Kh1-g2 Qh8-g7+ Kg2-h1) 0.00/55 3} Kg1 {(Kg2-g1 Qa2-g8+ Kg1-h1 Qg8-h8+ Kh1-g2 Qh8-g7+ Kg2-h1) 0.00/58 3} 75. Qg8+ {(Qa2-g8+ Kg1-h1 Qg8-h8+ Kh1-g1) 0.00/56 3} Kh1 {(Kg1-h1 Qg8-h8+ Kh1-g2 Qh8-g7+ Kg2-h1) 0.00/60 3} 76. Qh7+ {(Qg8-h7+ Kh1-g2 Qh7-e4+ Kg2-g1 Qe4-d4 Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Kh1-g1 Qh4-g5+ Kg1-h1) 0.00/55 3} Kg1 {(Kh1-g1 Qh7-g6+ Kg1-h2 Qg6-h6+ Kh2-g1 Qh6-g5+ Kg1-h1 Qg5-f4 Kh1-g2 Qf4-d2 Kg2-h1 Qd2-d1+ Kh1-g2) 0.00/59 3} 77. Qg7+ {(Qh7-g7+ Kg1-h1 Qg7-h6+ Kh1-g1 Qh6-g6+ Kg1-h1) 0.00/56 3} Kh1 {(Kg1-h1 Qg7-h6+ Kh1-g1 Qh6-g5+ Kg1-h2 Qg5-c1 Kh2-g2 Qc1-d2 Kg2-h1) 0.00/59 3} 78. Qb7+ {(Qg7-b7+ Kh1-h2 Qb7-f3 Kh2-g1 Qf3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Qg3-h4+ Kh1-g1) 0.00/56 3} Kg1 {(Kh1-g1 Qb7-a7 Kg1-h1 Qa7-a1+ Kh1-g2 Qa1-b2 Kg2-g1 Qb2-d4 Kg1-h1 Qd4-e4+ Kh1-h2 Qe4-f3 Kh2-g1 Qf3-g4+ Kg1-h1 Qg4-f5 Kh1-g1) 0.00/57 3} 79. Qb6 {(Qb7-b6 Kg1-g2 Qb6-c6+ Kg2-g1 Qc6-g6+ Kg1-h2 Qg6-f6 Kh2-g1 Qf6-g5+ Kg1-h1 Qg5-c1+ Kh1-g2 Qc1-d2 Kg2-h1) 0.00/57 3} Kg2 {(Kg1-g2 Qb6-b7+ Kg2-h2 Qb7-h7+ Kh2-g2 Qh7-e4+ Kg2-g1 Qe4-g6+ Kg1-h1 Qg6-h5+ Kh1-g2 Qh5-g5+ Kg2-h2 Qg5-c1 Kh2-g2) 0.00/59 3} 80. Qb7+ {(Qb6-b7+ Kg2-g1 Qb7-b6 Kg1-h1 Qb6-h6+ Kh1-g2 Qh6-g5+ Kg2-h2 Qg5-c1 Kh2-g2) 0.00/56 3} Kh2 {(Kg2-h2 Qb7-h7+ Kh2-g2 Qh7-e4+ Kg2-g1 Qe4-g6+ Kg1-h1 Qg6-h5+ Kh1-g1) 0.00/56 3} 81. Qh7+ {(Qb7-h7+ Kh2-g2) 0.00/56 3} Kg1 {(Kh2-g1 Qh7-g6+ Kg1-h1 Qg6-h5+ Kh1-g1) 0.00/59 3} 82. Qg6+ {(Qh7-g6+ Kg1-h2) 0.00/59 3} Kh1 {(Kg1-h1 Qg6-f6 Kh1-g1 Qf6-g5+ Kg1-h1) 0.00/58 3} 83. Qh5+ {(Qg6-h5+ Kh1-g2 Qh5-g5+ Kg2-f3 Qg5-f6+ Kf3-g2 Qf6-g7+ Kg2-h2 Qg7-f7 Kh2-g2) 0.00/57 3} Kg1 {(Kh1-g1 Qh5-g5+ Kg1-h1 Qg5-f4 Kh1-g1 Qf4-e3 Kg1-g2 Qe3-d2 Kg2-h1 Qd2-d1+ Kh1-g2) 0.00/62 3} 84. Qg5+ {(Qh5-g5+ Kg1-h2 Qg5-c1 Kh2-g2 Qc1-d2 Kg2-h1 Qd2-e2 Kh1-g1 Qe2-e3 Kg1-g2) 0.00/58 3} Kh1 {(Kg1-h1 Qg5-f4 Kh1-g1 Qf4-e3 Kg1-g2 Qe3-d2 Kg2-h1 Qd2-e2 Kh1-g1 Qe2-g4+) 0.00/61 3} 85. Qf4 {(Qg5-f4 Kh1-g1 Qf4-g3+ Kg1-h1) 0.00/57 3} Kg1 {(Kh1-g1 Qf4-e3 Kg1-g2 Qe3-d2 Kg2-h1 Qd2-d1+ Kh1-g2 Qd1-c2 Kg2-g1 Qc2-g6+ Kg1-h1 Qg6-f5 Kh1-g2) 0.00/55 3} 86. Qg3+ {(Qf4-g3+ Kg1-h1 Qg3-d3 Kh1-g1) 0.00/53 3} Kh1 {(Kg1-h1 Qg3-f3+ Kh1-g1 Qf3-e3 Kg1-g2 Qe3-g5+ Kg2-h2 Qg5-f6 Kh2-g2) 0.00/56 3} 87. Qh4+ {(Qg3-h4+ Kh1-g1 Qh4-g5+ Kg1-h1 Qg5-f4 Kh1-g2 Qf4-d2 Kg2-h1 Qd2-c1+) 0.00/51 3} Kg1 {(Kh1-g1 Qh4-g4+ Kg1-h1 Qg4-f4 Kh1-g1) 0.00/59 3} 88. Qg5+ {(Qh4-g5+ Kg1-h1 Qg5-c1+ Kh1-g2 Qc1-c2 Kg2-g1 Qc2-g6+ Kg1-h1 Qg6-e4+ Kh1-g1 Qe4-g4+ Kg1-h2 Qg4-f3 Kh2-g1 Qf3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Qg3-h3+ Kh1-g1) 0.00/55 3} Kh2 {(Kg1-h2 Qg5-h6+ Kh2-g1 Qh6-g6+ Kg1-h1 Qg6-h5+ Kh1-g2 Qh5-g4+ Kg2-h2 Qg4-d1 Kh2-g2 Qd1-c2 Kg2-g1 Qc2-f5 f2-f1Q Qf5xf1+ Kg1xf1 Ke5-e6 Kf1-g1 Ke6-e7 Kg1-f1 Ke7-d8 Kf1-g2 Kd8-c8 Kg2-g1 Kc8-c7 Kg1-h2 Kc7-d7 Kh2-g3 Kd7-c8 Kg3-g2 Kc8-c7) 0.00/57 3} 89. Qd2 {(Qg5-d2 Kh2-h1 Qd2-e2 Kh1-g1 Qe2-g4+ Kg1-h2 Qg4-h4+ Kh2-g1 Qh4-d4 Kg1-g2 Qd4-e4+ Kg2-g1 Qe4-g6+ Kg1-h1 Qg6-a6 Kh1-g2 Qa6-a8+ Kg2-g1 Qa8-a7 Kg1-g2 Qa7-g7+ Kg2-h2 Qg7-h7+) 0.00/52 3} Kh1 {(Kh2-h1 Qd2-c1+ Kh1-g2 Qc1-c6+ Kg2-g1 Qc6-g6+ Kg1-h2 Qg6-h5+ Kh2-g1) 0.00/59 3} 90. Qc1+ {(Qd2-c1+ Kh1-g2 Qc1-c2 Kg2-g1 Qc2-g6+ Kg1-h1 Qg6-h6+ Kh1-g2 Qh6-g5+) 0.00/47 3} Kg2 {(Kh1-g2 Qc1-c6+ Kg2-g1 Qc6-g6+ Kg1-h2 Qg6-h5+ Kh2-g1) 0.00/58 3} 91. Qg5+ {(Qc1-g5+ Kg2-h1 Qg5-h5+ Kh1-g2) 0.00/56 3} Kf3 {(Kg2-f3 Qg5-c1 Kf3-g2 Qc1-c6+ Kg2-h2 Qc6-a6 Kh2-g1 Qa6-a7 Kg1-g2 Qa7-g7+ Kg2-h2 Qg7-f8 Kh2-g1 Qf8-c5 Kg1-g2 Qc5-d5+ Kg2-g1) 0.00/56 3} 92. Qf5+ {(Qg5-f5+ Kf3-g2 Qf5-g6+ Kg2-h1 Qg6-e4+ Kh1-g1 Qe4-g4+ Kg1-h1 Qg4-c4 Kh1-g2 Qc4-c6+ Kg2-g1 Qc6-b6 Kg1-g2 Qb6-b7+) 0.00/55 3} Kg2 {(Kf3-g2 Qf5-g4+ Kg2-h2 Qg4-d1 Kh2-g2) 0.00/59 3} 93. Qg5+ {(Qf5-g5+ Kg2-f3 Qg5-f4+ Kf3-g2 Qf4-d2 Kg2-h1 Qd2-c1+ Kh1-g2) 0.00/57 3} Kh1 {(Kg2-h1 Qg5-f5 Kh1-g2) 0.00/59 3} 94. Qc1+ {(Qg5-c1+ Kh1-g2) 0.00/59 3} Kg2 {(Kh1-g2) 0.00/59 3} 95. Qc6+ {(Qc1-c6+ Kg2-g1 Qc6-c5 Kg1-h1) 0.00/58 3} Kh2 {(Kg2-h2 Qc6-a6 Kh2-g2 Qa6-g6+ Kg2-h2 Qg6-h5+ Kh2-g1 Qh5-g4+ Kg1-h2) 0.00/60 3} 96. Qf3 {(Qc6-f3 Kh2-g1 Qf3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Qg3-d3 Kh1-g1) 0.00/58 3} Kg1 {(Kh2-g1 Qf3-e3 Kg1-g2) 0.00/61 3} 97. Qg3+ {(Qf3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Qg3-d3 Kh1-g1 Qd3-g6+ Kg1-h1) 0.00/58 3} Kh1 {(Kg1-h1 Qg3-h3+ Kh1-g1) 0.00/62 3 User Adjudication} 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
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Re: Chess is 99% Draw
Chessqueen wrote: ↑Mon Nov 20, 2023 6:26 pmYou are correct imn saying that chess is almost reaching the point of becoming a drawish game, with 99% of the games end in in draws as long as the engines are close in rating with no more than 5 elo, like in this case. Also you are correct in saying that most current known openings are NOT so good and I have observed that if you select opening with more than 6 moves, at certain point you will find the opening book has inferior moves and that is the cause of certain close rated engines to win.jefk wrote: ↑Mon Nov 20, 2023 4:19 pm mr C Queen, i'm not going to answer all your questions,
but as exception, and because you apparently seem
to be a very famous person (VFP) in in this forum,
the evident answer is (how much w/d/l.
Depends on time control and engine strength.
At Elo 3950 and standard timing and *without* book
all games will be drawn. Just like all games
now in ICCF at highest level corresp. chess are draws.
As for current known 'openings' well some of them are not so
good (for Black) example, Pirc, Benoni, possibly Benko gambit
and some more; read the next edition of my book when im
finished next month or so. But will there be forced
wins against such openings, well probably not, unless
maybe its 1...f5 against 1.e4 or 1...g5 against d4.
NOTE: You mentioned that I am very popular here, at the contrary I am probably the most hated member starting with Guenther calling me all kinds of insults, such as moron etc... etc...etc...and begging for the moderators to take me out, while he is the one most of the times insulting me. Anyway, being a low rated player does NOT mean that you are stupid., if that is the case all top GM would have Master or PHD which is NOT the case. I am using a 4 moves Openings book SuperGM_4mvs.abk which does NOT have certain opening weakness like long opening book that are over 12 moves![]()
I am wondering if Torch can draw in 100 games using an Opening of 4 moves against Stockfish or even against itself
Stockfish AVX Vs Stockfish Modern
Rank Engine Score St St S-B
1 Stockfish-windows-x86-64-avx2 11.0/22 · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· · ====================== 121.00
1 Stockfish-windows-x86-64-modern 11.0/22 ====================== · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· · 121.00
22 of 100 games played
Tournament start: 2023.11.16, 17:30:50
Latest update: 2023.11.20, 12:29:14
Site/ Country: DESKTOP-4QNC0GS, United States
Level: 3 Seconds
Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz with 15.9 GB Memory
Operating system: Windows 10 Home Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit
Table created with: Arena 3.5.1
Russian believe that they are special, that they can Kill thousands of Ukranian civilians, but cry like babies when a few Russian...
- Posts: 5685
- Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:16 am
- Location: Moving
- Full name: Jorge Picado
Re: Chess is 99% Draw
Chessqueen wrote: ↑Mon Nov 20, 2023 6:26 pmYou are correct imn saying that chess is almost reaching the point of becoming a drawish game, with 99% of the games end in in draws as long as the engines are close in rating with no more than 5 elo, like in this case. Also you are correct in saying that most current known openings are NOT so good and I have observed that if you select opening with more than 6 moves, at certain point you will find the opening book has inferior moves and that is the cause of certain close rated engines to win.jefk wrote: ↑Mon Nov 20, 2023 4:19 pm mr C Queen, i'm not going to answer all your questions,
but as exception, and because you apparently seem
to be a very famous person (VFP) in in this forum,
the evident answer is (how much w/d/l.
Depends on time control and engine strength.
At Elo 3950 and standard timing and *without* book
all games will be drawn. Just like all games
now in ICCF at highest level corresp. chess are draws.
As for current known 'openings' well some of them are not so
good (for Black) example, Pirc, Benoni, possibly Benko gambit
and some more; read the next edition of my book when im
finished next month or so. But will there be forced
wins against such openings, well probably not, unless
maybe its 1...f5 against 1.e4 or 1...g5 against d4.
NOTE: You mentioned that I am very popular here, at the contrary I am probably the most hated member starting with Guenther calling me all kinds of insults, such as moron etc... etc...etc...and begging for the moderators to take me out, while he is the one most of the times insulting me. Anyway, being a low rated player does NOT mean that you are stupid., if that is the case all top GM would have Master or PHD which is NOT the case. I am using a 4 moves Openings book SuperGM_4mvs.abk which does NOT have certain opening weakness like long opening book that are over 12 moves![]()
I am wondering if Torch can draw all his 100 games using an Opening of 4 moves against itself, Now whenever I play both side I always win, never ever drawn a game. According to the biography of Bobby Fischer he always carried a small chess board and people always saw him playing against himself or practicing openings, Bobby never ever mentioned on his books that he won in 55% of the times with White
Stockfish AVX Vs Stockfish Modern
Rank Engine Score St St S-B
1 Stockfish-windows-x86-64-avx2 11.0/22 · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· · ====================== 121.00
1 Stockfish-windows-x86-64-modern 11.0/22 ====================== · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· · 121.00
22 of 100 games played
Tournament start: 2023.11.16, 17:30:50
Latest update: 2023.11.20, 12:29:14
Site/ Country: DESKTOP-4QNC0GS, United States
Level: 3 Seconds
Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz with 15.9 GB Memory
Operating system: Windows 10 Home Home Edition (Build 9200) 64 bit
Table created with: Arena 3.5.1
Russian believe that they are special, that they can Kill thousands of Ukranian civilians, but cry like babies when a few Russian...
- Posts: 5685
- Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:16 am
- Location: Moving
- Full name: Jorge Picado
Re: Chess is 99% Draw
First win with White pieces
[pgn]Event "Stockfish AVX Vs Stockfish Modern"] [Site "DESKTOP-4QNC0GS"] [Date "2023.11.20"] [Round "23"] [White "Stockfish-windows-x86-64-avx2"] [Black "Stockfish-windows-x86-64-modern"] [Result "1-0"] [BlackElo "3545"] [ECO "B00"] [Opening "Owen Defence"] [Time "12:29:15"] [Variation "2.d4 Bb7"] [WhiteElo "3550"] [TimeControl "0+3"] [Termination "adjudication"] [PlyCount "96"] [WhiteType "program"] [BlackType "program"] 1. d4 b6 2. e4 Bb7 3. Nc3 e6 4. Nf3 Bb4 5. Bd3 {(Bf1-d3) +0.67/24 3} Nf6 {(Ng8-f6) -0.57/23 3} 6. Nd2 {(Nf3-d2 O-O) +0.66/25 3} c5 {(c7-c5 d4xc5 Nb8-c6 c5xb6 a7xb6 f2-f4 Bb4xc3 b2xc3 d7-d6 O-O O-O Qd1-e1 Qd8-c7 Rf1-f3 b6-b5 a2-a3 e6-e5 f4-f5 Nc6-b8 Qe1-h4 Qc7xc3 Ra1-b1 Nb8-d7 Rf3-g3 Qc3-c5+ Kg1-h1 Rf8-e8) -0.63/24 3} 7. dxc5 {(d4xc5 Nb8-c6) +0.50/23 3} Nc6 {(Nb8-c6 c5xb6 a7xb6 f2-f4 Nc6-d4 O-O Bb4-c5 Kg1-h1 h7-h5 Ra1-b1 h5-h4 b2-b4 Bc5-e7 Nd2-f3 Nd4xf3 g2xf3 Nf6-h5 Rf1-g1 d7-d5 a2-a4 Ke8-f8 a4-a5 d5xe4 Bd3xe4 Bb7xe4 Qd1xd8+ Be7xd8 Nc3xe4) -0.59/24 3} 8. cxb6 {(c5xb6 a7xb6) +0.63/26 3} axb6 {(a7xb6 f2-f4) -0.66/24 3} 9. O-O {(O-O Bb4xc3 b2xc3 O-O a2-a4 Qd8-c7 c3-c4 d7-d6 f2-f4 e6-e5 Bc1-b2 Nf6-d7 f4-f5 f7-f6 Nd2-b1 Nc6-a5 Qd1-e2 Bb7-a6 Nb1-a3 Rf8-d8) +0.69/26 3} Bxc3 {(Bb4xc3 b2xc3) -0.69/24 3} 10. bxc3 {(b2xc3) +0.80/24 3} O-O {(O-O a2-a4) -0.78/22 3} 11. a4 {(a2-a4 d7-d6 Rf1-e1 Nc6-e5 Bd3-b5 Bb7-c6 c3-c4 Qd8-c7 Bc1-b2 Rf8-c8 Re1-e3 Bc6xb5 a4xb5 Ra8xa1 Qd1xa1 Ne5-d7 Re3-c3) +0.78/25 3} Qc7 {(Qd8-c7) -0.74/24 3} 12. f4 {(f2-f4 d7-d6 Bc1-a3 Rf8-d8 Qd1-e1 h7-h6 h2-h3 e6-e5 Nd2-c4 e5xf4 Qe1-f2 Nc6-e5 Qf2xb6 Qc7-d7 Nc4xd6 Bb7-c6 Rf1xf4 Ra8xa4 Nd6-f5 Bc6xe4 Nf5xh6+ Kg8-h7 Rf4xf6 g7xf6 Qb6xf6 Rd8-e8) +0.72/25 3} Ne7 {(Nc6-e7 c3-c4 d7-d6 Qd1-e1 Nf6-d7 Nd2-b3 Bb7-c6 Qe1-h4 Ne7-g6 Qh4-g3 f7-f6 Nb3-d4 Nd7-c5 Nd4xe6 Nc5xe6 f4-f5 Ne6-c5 f5xg6 h7xg6 Qg3xg6 Ra8xa4 Ra1xa4 Bc6xa4) -0.75/22 3} 13. c4 {(c3-c4 d7-d6) +0.75/24 3} d6 {(d7-d6) -0.69/24 3} 14. Qe1 {(Qd1-e1 Nf6-d7 Nd2-b3 Bb7-c6 a4-a5 b6xa5 Ra1xa5 e6-e5 h2-h3 h7-h6 Ra5xa8 Rf8xa8 Qe1-g3 Qc7-b7 Rf1-e1 Bc6-a4 Bd3-f1 Ba4-c6 f4xe5 d6xe5 Bc1xh6 Ne7-g6) +0.75/24 3} Nd7 {(Nf6-d7 Nd2-b1 Qc7-c6 Nb1-c3 f7-f5 Qe1-f2 Nd7-c5 Rf1-e1 Nc5xd3 c2xd3 f5xe4 Nc3xe4 e6-e5 Ra1-b1 Ra8-a6 a4-a5 d6-d5 Ne4-g5 d5xc4 Re1xe5 Ne7-g6 Re5-e6 Qc6-d7 Re6xb6 Ra6xb6 Qf2xb6) -0.67/22 3} 15. Nb3 {(Nd2-b3 Bb7-c6 e4-e5 Bc6xa4 Qe1-e4 Ne7-g6 Bc1-a3 Nd7-c5 e5xd6 Qc7xd6 Qe4-d4 Qd6xd4+ Nb3xd4 Rf8-b8 Ba3xc5 b6xc5 Nd4-b5 Ba4xb5 Ra1xa8 Rb8xa8 c4xb5 Ng6-e7 b5-b6 Ra8-b8 Rf1-b1 Ne7-d5 b6-b7 Kg8-f8 c2-c4 Nd5xf4 Bd3-e4) +0.82/25 3} Bc6 {(Bb7-c6 a4-a5 b6xa5 f4-f5 e6-e5 Ra1xa5 Ra8xa5 Qe1xa5 Qc7-b7 Qa5-e1 Rf8-a8 Qe1-h4 f7-f6 Bc1-e3 Bc6-a4 Qh4-g4 Ne7-c6 Nb3-d2 Qb7-c7 Rf1-b1 Nd7-c5) -0.65/25 3} 16. a5 {(a4-a5 b6xa5 Ra1xa5 e6-e5 h2-h3 e5xf4 Ra5xa8 Rf8xa8 Bc1xf4 Ne7-g6 Bf4-g3 Ng6-e5 Nb3-d4 Nd7-c5 Nd4-f5 f7-f6 Qe1-e3 Ra8-e8 Qe3-d4 Re8-d8 Rf1-a1 Bc6-e8 Ra1-a3) +0.71/26 3} bxa5 {(b6xa5) -0.66/24 3} 17. Rxa5 {(Ra1xa5) +0.71/25 3} e5 {(e6-e5 h2-h3 h7-h6 Ra5xa8 Rf8xa8 Qe1-f2 Qc7-b7 Rf1-e1 e5xf4 Bc1xf4 Nd7-e5 Nb3-d4 Ne7-g6 Bf4-g3 Ra8-a2 Qf2-e3 Bc6-d7 Nd4-f5) -0.63/25 3} 18. h3 {(h2-h3 e5xf4) +0.72/26 3} h6 {(h7-h6) -0.76/22 3} 19. f5 {(f4-f5 Ra8xa5 Qe1xa5 Qc7-b7 Qa5-e1 Bc6-a4 Nb3-a5 Qb7-c7 Bc1-e3 Kg8-h7 Na5-b3 Rf8-b8 Nb3-d2 Ne7-g8 Nd2-b1 Ba4-c6 Nb1-c3 Qc7-d8 Qe1-f2 Ng8-f6 Rf1-d1 Rb8-a8 Kg1-h2 Ra8-b8 g2-g4 Qd8-a5 Nc3-b5 Qa5-b4 Qf2-h4 Kh7-g8) +0.76/25 3} Kh7 {(Kg8-h7 Kg1-h2) -0.96/22 3} 20. Kh2 {(Kg1-h2) +0.94/24 3} Ng8 {(Ne7-g8 Ra5xa8 Rf8xa8 g2-g4 Bc6-a4 g4-g5 Ba4xb3 c2xb3 Ra8-a2+ Kh2-h1 Nd7-c5 g5xh6 Nc5xd3 Qe1-g3 f7-f6 Qg3xd3 Ng8xh6 Qd3-g3 Qc7-b7 Bc1xh6 Qb7xe4+ Kh1-g1 g7-g5 Bh6-f8 Kh7-g8 Bf8-e7 Kg8-g7 h3-h4 g5-g4 Rf1-e1 Qe4-d4+ Qg3-e3 Qd4-b2) -0.94/24 3} 21. g4 {(g2-g4 Bc6-a4) +0.76/25 3} Ba4 {(Bc6-a4 Ra5xa8) -0.79/25 3} 22. Rxa8 {(Ra5xa8 Rf8xa8 Nb3-d2 Nd7-c5 Nd2-f3 Ba4-e8 g4-g5 Ra8-a2 g5xh6 Ng8xh6 Bc1-d2 f7-f6 Rf1-g1 d6-d5 c4xd5 Nc5xd3 c2xd3 Nh6xf5 e4xf5 e5-e4+ Kh2-h1 e4xf3 Qe1xe8 f3-f2 Qe8-g6+ Kh7-h8) +0.94/26 3} Rxa8 {(Rf8xa8 Nb3-d2) -0.92/23 3} 23. Nd2 {(Nb3-d2 Ng8-f6 Rf1-g1 Kh7-g8 Nd2-f1 d6-d5 g4-g5 h6xg5 Bc1xg5 d5xc4 Bg5-h6 g7-g6 Qe1-c3 Kg8-h7 f5xg6+ f7xg6 Bh6-c1 Nf6-h5 Nf1-e3 Nd7-f6 Qc3xc4 Qc7xc4 Ne3xc4 Ba4-c6 Nc4-d6 Ra8-a4 Nd6-f7 Bc6xe4 Bd3xe4 Nf6xe4 Nf7xe5) +0.91/24 3} Nc5 {(Nd7-c5 Nd2-f3 f7-f6 Bc1-e3 Ba4-e8 h3-h4 Ra8-a2 Rf1-f2 Qc7-a7 Rf2-g2 Qa7-a3 Be3xc5 Qa3xc5 g4-g5 Kh7-h8 Qe1-g3 Ra2-a7 Nf3-d2 Be8-c6 Nd2-f1 Qc5-b4 Nf1-e3 Qb4-b7) -1.00/24 3} 24. Nf3 {(Nd2-f3 f7-f6 Bc1-e3 Ba4-e8 h3-h4 Ra8-a3 Qe1-e2 Qc7-b7 Be3xc5 d6xc5 g4-g5 Be8-h5 g5-g6+ Kh7-h8 Nf3xe5 f6xe5 Qe2xh5 Ng8-f6 Qh5-d1 Ra3-a8 Kh2-g1 Qb7-b2 Qd1-d2 Qb2-d4+ Qd2-f2) +1.05/24 3} f6 {(f7-f6 Bc1-e3 Ba4-e8 h3-h4 Ra8-a2 Rf1-f2 Kh7-h8 Rf2-g2 Ra2-a3 Qe1-e2 Be8-a4 Rg2-g1 Ra3-a2 Be3xc5 d6xc5 Qe2-f2 Qc7-d6 Kh2-g3 Ng8-e7 Rg1-b1 Ne7-c6 Rb1-b6 Qd6-f8 Qf2-d2 Nc6-b4) -1.01/23 3} 25. Be3 {(Bc1-e3) +0.92/24 3} Be8 {(Ba4-e8 h3-h4) -1.04/23 3} 26. h4 {(h3-h4 Ra8-a2) +0.91/24 3} Ra2 {(Ra8-a2 Kh2-g3) -1.00/22 3} 27. Kg3 {(Kh2-g3 Ng8-e7) +0.99/22 3} Ne7 {(Ng8-e7 g4-g5) -1.03/22 3} 28. g5 {(g4-g5 Ne7-c6) +0.96/23 3} Nc6 {(Ne7-c6 Rf1-g1) -1.12/22 3} 29. Rg1 {(Rf1-g1 Ra2-a3 g5xh6 g7xh6 Qe1-e2 Qc7-e7 Kg3-h3 Be8-f7 Qe2-g2 Qe7-f8 Qg2-d2 Nc6-a5 Qd2-c1 Ra3-a4 Nf3-d2 Qf8-a8 Qc1-b1 Na5xc4 Bd3xc4 Bf7xc4 Be3xc5) +1.05/25 3} Ra3 {(Ra2-a3 g5xf6 g7xf6 Qe1-e2 Qc7-e7 Kg3-h2 Ra3-a2 Nf3-d2 Be8-f7 Rg1-g2 Qe7-f8 Qe2-d1 Nc6-d4 Be3xd4 e5xd4 Qd1-g1 Nc5-d7 Nd2-b3 Nd7-e5 Nb3xd4 h6-h5 Bd3-e2 Qf8-a8 Rg2-g7+ Kh7-h8) -1.16/24 3} 30. gxh6 {(g5xh6 g7xh6) +1.09/24 3} gxh6 {(g7xh6 Qe1-e2 Qc7-e7 Kg3-h3 Nc6-b4 Nf3-e1 Ra3-a2 Be3-d2 Nb4-c6 Ne1-f3 Qe7-f8 Bd2-e3 Nc5xd3 Qe2xd3 Be8-f7 Nf3-h2 h6-h5 Nh2-f1 Ra2-a4 Nf1-g3 Qf8-e7 c4-c5 d6xc5 Qd3-e2) -1.07/23 3} 31. Qe2 {(Qe1-e2) +1.15/25 3} Qe7 {(Qc7-e7 Be3-c1 Ra3-a2 Kg3-h3 Qe7-f8 Bc1-e3 Nc5xd3 Qe2xd3 Be8-f7 Rg1-b1 Nc6-a5 c4-c5 Na5-c4 c5-c6 Nc4xe3 Qd3xe3 Ra2xc2 Rb1-c1 Rc2xc1 Qe3xc1 Qf8-b8 c6-c7 Qb8-b3 c7-c8Q Qb3xf3+ Kh3-h2 Qf3-f2+ Kh2-h1 Qf2xh4+ Kh1-g2) -1.12/23 3} 32. Kh2 {(Kg3-h2) +1.07/26 3} Nb4 {(Nc6-b4 Nf3-e1) -1.17/23 3} 33. Ne1 {(Nf3-e1 Ra3-a2) +1.13/26 3} Qf8 {(Qe7-f8 Qe2-d2 Nb4xd3 c2xd3 Be8-h5 Be3xc5 d6xc5 Qd2-b2 Ra3-a7 Ne1-c2 Bh5-e2 Qb2-b6 Ra7-g7 Rg1xg7+ Kh7xg7 Nc2-e1 h6-h5 Kh2-g1 Be2-g4 Kg1-f2 Qf8-a8) -1.18/24 3} 34. Qd2 {(Qe2-d2 Nb4-c6 Rg1-g3 Be8-h5 Be3xc5 d6xc5 Ne1-g2 Nc6-d4 Qd2-f2 Bh5-f7 Ng2-e3 h6-h5 Qf2-e1 Qf8-h6 Qe1-b1 Nd4-e2 Qb1-b7 Ne2xg3 Qb7xf7+ Kh7-h8 Ne3-g2 Ra3xd3 c2xd3 Ng3-e2 Qf7-e7 Ne2-d4 Qe7xc5 Qh6-g7) +1.27/25 3} Nba6 {(Nb4-a6 Qd2-d1) -1.32/23 3} 35. h5 {(h4-h5) +1.71/24 3} Bf7 {(Be8-f7 Rg1-g6) -1.99/21 3} 36. Rg3 {(Rg1-g3) +2.25/24 3} Ra2 {(Ra3-a2 Rg3-g6) -2.20/22 3} 37. Rg6 {(Rg3-g6) +3.20/25 3} Nb3 {(Nc5-b3 Qd2-c3) -3.27/21 3} 38. Qg2 {(Qd2-g2 Nb3-c5 Rg6xf6 Qf8-g7 Rf6xh6+ Kh7-g8 Qg2-f3 Nc5xd3 Ne1xd3 Ra2xc2+ Nd3-f2 Na6-c7 Rh6xd6 Nc7-e8 h5-h6 Rc2xf2+ Qf3xf2) +4.73/24 3} Nac5 {(Na6-c5 Rg6xf6) -4.87/22 3} 39. Rxf6 {(Rg6xf6 Nc5xd3 Ne1xd3 Nb3-d4 Nd3-e1 Ra2-a8 Rf6xh6+ Qf8xh6 Be3xh6 Kh7xh6 c4-c5 d6xc5 Qg2-g3 Bf7xh5 Qg3xe5 Ra8-g8 Qe5-d6+ Kh6-h7 Qd6-e7+ Kh7-h6 f5-f6 Nd4-e2 f6-f7 Bh5xf7 Qe7xf7 Ne2-g3 Qf7-f6+ Kh6-h5 Qf6-f3+ Rg8-g4 Qf3-f7+ Kh5-h6) +5.17/26 3} Nxd3 {(Nc5xd3 Rf6xh6+ Qf8xh6 Be3xh6 Kh7xh6 Ne1xd3 Nb3-d4 Nd3-b4 Ra2-a8 c2-c3 Nd4-b3 Qg2-c2 Nb3-a5 Qc2-d2+ Kh6xh5 Qd2xd6 Na5xc4 Qd6-e7 Kh5-g4 Qe7xf7 Nc4-e3 Qf7-h7 Kg4-f3 Qh7-h3+ Kf3-e2 Qh3-h5+ Ke2-d2 f5-f6 Ra8-f8) -5.21/24 3} 40. Nxd3 {(Ne1xd3 Nb3-d4 Nd3-e1 Qf8-g7 Rf6xh6+ Kh7-g8 Be3xd4 e5xd4 Qg2xg7+ Kg8xg7 Rh6xd6 Bf7xh5 Kh2-g3 Ra2-a1 Ne1-d3 Ra1-f1 Rd6xd4 Kg7-f6 c4-c5 Bh5-d1 Kg3-g2 Bd1xc2 Rd4-d6+ Kf6-g5 Kg2xf1 Bc2xd3+ Kf1-e1 Bd3xe4) +5.18/25 3} Qg7 {(Qf8-g7 Rf6xh6+) -5.60/23 3} 41. Rxh6+ {(Rf6xh6+ Qg7xh6 Be3xh6 Kh7xh6 Nd3-b4 Ra2-a3 c2xb3 Ra3xb3 Nb4-d5 Rb3-d3 Nd5-f6 Rd3-d4 Qg2-g4 Rd4xc4 Qg4-h4 Rc4-c3) +6.02/24 3} Kg8 {(Kh7-g8 Rh6xd6 Qg7xg2+ Kh2xg2 Ra2xc2+ Kg2-g3 Bf7xh5 Rd6-d8+ Kg8-g7 Nd3xe5 Nb3-a5 Rd8-d7+ Kg7-g8 c4-c5 Na5-c4 Rd7-d8+ Kg8-g7 Ne5xc4 Rc2xc4 Be3-d4+ Kg7-f7 Rd8-d6 Kf7-e7 e4-e5 Ke7-e8) -5.97/24 3} 42. Qxg7+ {(Qg2xg7+ Kg8xg7 Rh6xd6 Bf7xh5 Nd3xe5 Ra2xc2+ Kh2-g3 Kg7-g8 f5-f6 Rc2-a2 Rd6-d8+ Kg8-h7 Kg3-f4 Ra2-a5 Rd8-d7+ Kh7-g8 Rd7-g7+ Kg8-h8 Rg7-b7 Kh8-g8 f6-f7+ Bh5xf7 Ne5xf7 Ra5-a6) +6.28/24 3} Kxg7 {(Kg8xg7 Rh6xd6 Bf7xh5 Kh2-g3 Nb3-d4 Nd3xe5 Nd4xc2 Be3-f2 Ra2-a1 c4-c5 Nc2-b4 f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 c5-c6 Nb4xc6 Rd6xc6 Bh5-f7 Rc6-c8+ Kg8-h7 Rc8-c7 Kh7-g8 Ne5-g4 Ra1-a3+ Kg3-h4 Bf7-e6 Rc7-g7+ Kg8-h8 Ng4-e5) -6.15/25 3} 43. Rxd6 {(Rh6xd6 Bf7xh5 Kh2-g3 Ra2xc2 Nd3xe5 Rc2-e2 f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 Rd6-d8+ Kg8-h7 Rd8-d7+ Kh7-g8 Kg3-f4 Re2-g2 c4-c5 Nb3-a5 Be3-d4 Rg2-d2 Rd7-d8+ Kg8-h7 c5-c6 Rd2-f2+ Bd4xf2 Na5xc6 Rd8-d7+ Kh7-g8 Bf2-d4) +6.50/25 3} Bxh5 {(Bf7xh5 Nd3xe5 Nb3-a1 f5-f6+ Kg7-h7 Kh2-g3 Na1xc2 Rd6-d7+ Kh7-g8 Kg3-h4 Nc2xe3 Kh4xh5 Ra2-f2 Rd7-d8+ Kg8-h7 Kh5-g5 Rf2-f1 Rd8-d7+ Kh7-g8 c4-c5 Rf1-g1+ Kg5-f4 Ne3-c2 Kf4-f5) -6.22/25 3} 44. Nxe5 {(Nd3xe5 Kg7-f8 Kh2-g3 Ra2-a5 Rd6-d8+ Bh5-e8 Kg3-f4 Nb3-a1 Be3-b6 Ra5xe5 Kf4xe5 Kf8-f7 Rd8xe8 Kf7xe8 Ke5-e6 Na1xc2 Bb6-c5) +6.98/24 3} Na1 {(Nb3-a1 f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 Rd6-d8+ Kg8-h7 Rd8-d7+ Kh7-h8 Kh2-g3 Na1xc2 Kg3-h4 Nc2xe3 Kh4xh5 Ra2-h2+ Kh5-g6 Rh2-g2+ Kg6-f7 Ne3xc4 Ne5xc4 Rg2-g4 e4-e5 Rg4xc4 e5-e6 Rc4-c8 e6-e7 Kh8-h7 Rd7-d1) -7.25/23 3} 45. Kg3 {(Kh2-g3 Ra2-a8 Rd6-d7+ Kg7-g8 Kg3-h4 Bh5-e8 Rd7-e7 Na1xc2 Be3-h6 Nc2-b4 f5-f6 Kg8-h8 Kh4-g5 Nb4-c6 Bh6-g7+ Kh8-h7 Ne5xc6 Be8xc6 Bg7-h6+ Kh7-h8 f6-f7 Bc6-a4 c4-c5 Ra8-c8 f7-f8R+ Rc8xf8 Bh6xf8 Kh8-g8 Bf8-g7 Kg8-h7 Kg5-f6) +7.35/27 3} Ra8 {(Ra2-a8 Kg3-h4 Bh5-e8 f5-f6+ Kg7-h8 f6-f7 Be8xf7 Ne5xf7+ Kh8-g7 Nf7-e5 Na1xc2 Be3-h6+ Kg7-h7 Kh4-h5 Ra8-a5 Rd6-d5 Ra5-a7 Ne5-f3 Kh7-g8 Nf3-g5 Ra7-a8 Rd5-d7 Ra8-b8 Rd7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Ng5-e6+ Kf8-e8 Rg7-g8+ Ke8-e7 Rg8xb8) -7.01/25 3} 46. Rd7+ {(Rd6-d7+ Kg7-g8 Kg3-h4 Bh5-e8 Rd7-e7 Be8-f7 Ne5xf7 Na1xc2 Be3-h6 Ra8-e8 Re7xe8+ Kg8xf7 Re8-f8+ Kf7-e7 f5-f6+ Ke7-d6 Rf8-e8 Kd6-c5 f6-f7 Kc5-d4 Bh6-g7+ Kd4-d3 Kh4-g5 Nc2-b4 Bg7-f6) +9.55/25 3} Kg8 {(Kg7-g8 Kg3-h4) -9.38/24 3} 47. Kh4 {(Kg3-h4 Bh5-e8 Rd7-e7 Be8-f7 Ne5xf7 Na1xc2 Be3-h6 Nc2-e1 f5-f6 Ne1-f3+ Kh4-g4 Nf3-h2+ Kg4-f5 Nh2-f3 Nf7-d6 Ra8-a5+ Kf5-g4 Nf3-e5+ Re7xe5 Ra5xe5 f6-f7+ Kg8-h7) +33.57/25 3} Be8 {(Bh5-e8 Rd7-e7 Na1xc2 Be3-c5 Nc2-e1 f5-f6 Be8-f7 Ne5xf7 Ra8-f8 Kh4-g5 Rf8xf7 Kg5-g6 Rf7xf6+ Kg6xf6 Ne1-f3 Re7-d7 Kg8-h8 Rd7-d8+ Kh8-h7 e4-e5 Nf3xe5 Kf6xe5 Kh7-g6 Rd8-d7 Kg6-h5 Bc5-d6) -35.46/33 3} 48. Re7 {(Rd7-e7 Na1xc2 Be3-h6 Nc2-d4 f5-f6 Be8-f7 Ne5xf7 Nd4-c6 Nf7-d6 Nc6xe7 f6xe7 Kg8-h7 e7-e8Q Ra8xe8 Nd6xe8 Kh7xh6 c4-c5 Kh6-g6 c5-c6 Kg6-f7 c6-c7 Kf7-e6 c7-c8Q+ Ke6-e5 Qc8-f5+ Ke5-d4 Kh4-g5 Kd4-d3 e4-e5+ Kd3-c3 Qf5-g4 Kc3-b2 e5-e6 Kb2-a1) +38.66/35 3} Nxc2 {(Na1xc2 Be3-c5 Be8-f7 f5-f6 Nc2-e1 Ne5xf7 Ne1-f3+ Kh4-g3 Ra8-f8 Nf7-h6+ Kg8-h8 f6-f7 Nf3-g5 Re7-e8 Kh8-g7 Bc5xf8+ Kg7-g6 Bf8-c5 Ng5xf7 Nh6xf7 Kg6xf7 Re8-e7+ Kf7-f6 e4-e5+ Kf6-f5 Kg3-f3 Kf5-g6 Kf3-f4 Kg6-h5 Bc5-d4 Kh5-g6 e5-e6 Kg6-h5 Re7-h7+ Kh5-g6 e6-e7 Kg6xh7 e7-e8Q) -M22/34 3 Arena Adjudication} 1-0[/pgn]

[pgn]Event "Stockfish AVX Vs Stockfish Modern"] [Site "DESKTOP-4QNC0GS"] [Date "2023.11.20"] [Round "23"] [White "Stockfish-windows-x86-64-avx2"] [Black "Stockfish-windows-x86-64-modern"] [Result "1-0"] [BlackElo "3545"] [ECO "B00"] [Opening "Owen Defence"] [Time "12:29:15"] [Variation "2.d4 Bb7"] [WhiteElo "3550"] [TimeControl "0+3"] [Termination "adjudication"] [PlyCount "96"] [WhiteType "program"] [BlackType "program"] 1. d4 b6 2. e4 Bb7 3. Nc3 e6 4. Nf3 Bb4 5. Bd3 {(Bf1-d3) +0.67/24 3} Nf6 {(Ng8-f6) -0.57/23 3} 6. Nd2 {(Nf3-d2 O-O) +0.66/25 3} c5 {(c7-c5 d4xc5 Nb8-c6 c5xb6 a7xb6 f2-f4 Bb4xc3 b2xc3 d7-d6 O-O O-O Qd1-e1 Qd8-c7 Rf1-f3 b6-b5 a2-a3 e6-e5 f4-f5 Nc6-b8 Qe1-h4 Qc7xc3 Ra1-b1 Nb8-d7 Rf3-g3 Qc3-c5+ Kg1-h1 Rf8-e8) -0.63/24 3} 7. dxc5 {(d4xc5 Nb8-c6) +0.50/23 3} Nc6 {(Nb8-c6 c5xb6 a7xb6 f2-f4 Nc6-d4 O-O Bb4-c5 Kg1-h1 h7-h5 Ra1-b1 h5-h4 b2-b4 Bc5-e7 Nd2-f3 Nd4xf3 g2xf3 Nf6-h5 Rf1-g1 d7-d5 a2-a4 Ke8-f8 a4-a5 d5xe4 Bd3xe4 Bb7xe4 Qd1xd8+ Be7xd8 Nc3xe4) -0.59/24 3} 8. cxb6 {(c5xb6 a7xb6) +0.63/26 3} axb6 {(a7xb6 f2-f4) -0.66/24 3} 9. O-O {(O-O Bb4xc3 b2xc3 O-O a2-a4 Qd8-c7 c3-c4 d7-d6 f2-f4 e6-e5 Bc1-b2 Nf6-d7 f4-f5 f7-f6 Nd2-b1 Nc6-a5 Qd1-e2 Bb7-a6 Nb1-a3 Rf8-d8) +0.69/26 3} Bxc3 {(Bb4xc3 b2xc3) -0.69/24 3} 10. bxc3 {(b2xc3) +0.80/24 3} O-O {(O-O a2-a4) -0.78/22 3} 11. a4 {(a2-a4 d7-d6 Rf1-e1 Nc6-e5 Bd3-b5 Bb7-c6 c3-c4 Qd8-c7 Bc1-b2 Rf8-c8 Re1-e3 Bc6xb5 a4xb5 Ra8xa1 Qd1xa1 Ne5-d7 Re3-c3) +0.78/25 3} Qc7 {(Qd8-c7) -0.74/24 3} 12. f4 {(f2-f4 d7-d6 Bc1-a3 Rf8-d8 Qd1-e1 h7-h6 h2-h3 e6-e5 Nd2-c4 e5xf4 Qe1-f2 Nc6-e5 Qf2xb6 Qc7-d7 Nc4xd6 Bb7-c6 Rf1xf4 Ra8xa4 Nd6-f5 Bc6xe4 Nf5xh6+ Kg8-h7 Rf4xf6 g7xf6 Qb6xf6 Rd8-e8) +0.72/25 3} Ne7 {(Nc6-e7 c3-c4 d7-d6 Qd1-e1 Nf6-d7 Nd2-b3 Bb7-c6 Qe1-h4 Ne7-g6 Qh4-g3 f7-f6 Nb3-d4 Nd7-c5 Nd4xe6 Nc5xe6 f4-f5 Ne6-c5 f5xg6 h7xg6 Qg3xg6 Ra8xa4 Ra1xa4 Bc6xa4) -0.75/22 3} 13. c4 {(c3-c4 d7-d6) +0.75/24 3} d6 {(d7-d6) -0.69/24 3} 14. Qe1 {(Qd1-e1 Nf6-d7 Nd2-b3 Bb7-c6 a4-a5 b6xa5 Ra1xa5 e6-e5 h2-h3 h7-h6 Ra5xa8 Rf8xa8 Qe1-g3 Qc7-b7 Rf1-e1 Bc6-a4 Bd3-f1 Ba4-c6 f4xe5 d6xe5 Bc1xh6 Ne7-g6) +0.75/24 3} Nd7 {(Nf6-d7 Nd2-b1 Qc7-c6 Nb1-c3 f7-f5 Qe1-f2 Nd7-c5 Rf1-e1 Nc5xd3 c2xd3 f5xe4 Nc3xe4 e6-e5 Ra1-b1 Ra8-a6 a4-a5 d6-d5 Ne4-g5 d5xc4 Re1xe5 Ne7-g6 Re5-e6 Qc6-d7 Re6xb6 Ra6xb6 Qf2xb6) -0.67/22 3} 15. Nb3 {(Nd2-b3 Bb7-c6 e4-e5 Bc6xa4 Qe1-e4 Ne7-g6 Bc1-a3 Nd7-c5 e5xd6 Qc7xd6 Qe4-d4 Qd6xd4+ Nb3xd4 Rf8-b8 Ba3xc5 b6xc5 Nd4-b5 Ba4xb5 Ra1xa8 Rb8xa8 c4xb5 Ng6-e7 b5-b6 Ra8-b8 Rf1-b1 Ne7-d5 b6-b7 Kg8-f8 c2-c4 Nd5xf4 Bd3-e4) +0.82/25 3} Bc6 {(Bb7-c6 a4-a5 b6xa5 f4-f5 e6-e5 Ra1xa5 Ra8xa5 Qe1xa5 Qc7-b7 Qa5-e1 Rf8-a8 Qe1-h4 f7-f6 Bc1-e3 Bc6-a4 Qh4-g4 Ne7-c6 Nb3-d2 Qb7-c7 Rf1-b1 Nd7-c5) -0.65/25 3} 16. a5 {(a4-a5 b6xa5 Ra1xa5 e6-e5 h2-h3 e5xf4 Ra5xa8 Rf8xa8 Bc1xf4 Ne7-g6 Bf4-g3 Ng6-e5 Nb3-d4 Nd7-c5 Nd4-f5 f7-f6 Qe1-e3 Ra8-e8 Qe3-d4 Re8-d8 Rf1-a1 Bc6-e8 Ra1-a3) +0.71/26 3} bxa5 {(b6xa5) -0.66/24 3} 17. Rxa5 {(Ra1xa5) +0.71/25 3} e5 {(e6-e5 h2-h3 h7-h6 Ra5xa8 Rf8xa8 Qe1-f2 Qc7-b7 Rf1-e1 e5xf4 Bc1xf4 Nd7-e5 Nb3-d4 Ne7-g6 Bf4-g3 Ra8-a2 Qf2-e3 Bc6-d7 Nd4-f5) -0.63/25 3} 18. h3 {(h2-h3 e5xf4) +0.72/26 3} h6 {(h7-h6) -0.76/22 3} 19. f5 {(f4-f5 Ra8xa5 Qe1xa5 Qc7-b7 Qa5-e1 Bc6-a4 Nb3-a5 Qb7-c7 Bc1-e3 Kg8-h7 Na5-b3 Rf8-b8 Nb3-d2 Ne7-g8 Nd2-b1 Ba4-c6 Nb1-c3 Qc7-d8 Qe1-f2 Ng8-f6 Rf1-d1 Rb8-a8 Kg1-h2 Ra8-b8 g2-g4 Qd8-a5 Nc3-b5 Qa5-b4 Qf2-h4 Kh7-g8) +0.76/25 3} Kh7 {(Kg8-h7 Kg1-h2) -0.96/22 3} 20. Kh2 {(Kg1-h2) +0.94/24 3} Ng8 {(Ne7-g8 Ra5xa8 Rf8xa8 g2-g4 Bc6-a4 g4-g5 Ba4xb3 c2xb3 Ra8-a2+ Kh2-h1 Nd7-c5 g5xh6 Nc5xd3 Qe1-g3 f7-f6 Qg3xd3 Ng8xh6 Qd3-g3 Qc7-b7 Bc1xh6 Qb7xe4+ Kh1-g1 g7-g5 Bh6-f8 Kh7-g8 Bf8-e7 Kg8-g7 h3-h4 g5-g4 Rf1-e1 Qe4-d4+ Qg3-e3 Qd4-b2) -0.94/24 3} 21. g4 {(g2-g4 Bc6-a4) +0.76/25 3} Ba4 {(Bc6-a4 Ra5xa8) -0.79/25 3} 22. Rxa8 {(Ra5xa8 Rf8xa8 Nb3-d2 Nd7-c5 Nd2-f3 Ba4-e8 g4-g5 Ra8-a2 g5xh6 Ng8xh6 Bc1-d2 f7-f6 Rf1-g1 d6-d5 c4xd5 Nc5xd3 c2xd3 Nh6xf5 e4xf5 e5-e4+ Kh2-h1 e4xf3 Qe1xe8 f3-f2 Qe8-g6+ Kh7-h8) +0.94/26 3} Rxa8 {(Rf8xa8 Nb3-d2) -0.92/23 3} 23. Nd2 {(Nb3-d2 Ng8-f6 Rf1-g1 Kh7-g8 Nd2-f1 d6-d5 g4-g5 h6xg5 Bc1xg5 d5xc4 Bg5-h6 g7-g6 Qe1-c3 Kg8-h7 f5xg6+ f7xg6 Bh6-c1 Nf6-h5 Nf1-e3 Nd7-f6 Qc3xc4 Qc7xc4 Ne3xc4 Ba4-c6 Nc4-d6 Ra8-a4 Nd6-f7 Bc6xe4 Bd3xe4 Nf6xe4 Nf7xe5) +0.91/24 3} Nc5 {(Nd7-c5 Nd2-f3 f7-f6 Bc1-e3 Ba4-e8 h3-h4 Ra8-a2 Rf1-f2 Qc7-a7 Rf2-g2 Qa7-a3 Be3xc5 Qa3xc5 g4-g5 Kh7-h8 Qe1-g3 Ra2-a7 Nf3-d2 Be8-c6 Nd2-f1 Qc5-b4 Nf1-e3 Qb4-b7) -1.00/24 3} 24. Nf3 {(Nd2-f3 f7-f6 Bc1-e3 Ba4-e8 h3-h4 Ra8-a3 Qe1-e2 Qc7-b7 Be3xc5 d6xc5 g4-g5 Be8-h5 g5-g6+ Kh7-h8 Nf3xe5 f6xe5 Qe2xh5 Ng8-f6 Qh5-d1 Ra3-a8 Kh2-g1 Qb7-b2 Qd1-d2 Qb2-d4+ Qd2-f2) +1.05/24 3} f6 {(f7-f6 Bc1-e3 Ba4-e8 h3-h4 Ra8-a2 Rf1-f2 Kh7-h8 Rf2-g2 Ra2-a3 Qe1-e2 Be8-a4 Rg2-g1 Ra3-a2 Be3xc5 d6xc5 Qe2-f2 Qc7-d6 Kh2-g3 Ng8-e7 Rg1-b1 Ne7-c6 Rb1-b6 Qd6-f8 Qf2-d2 Nc6-b4) -1.01/23 3} 25. Be3 {(Bc1-e3) +0.92/24 3} Be8 {(Ba4-e8 h3-h4) -1.04/23 3} 26. h4 {(h3-h4 Ra8-a2) +0.91/24 3} Ra2 {(Ra8-a2 Kh2-g3) -1.00/22 3} 27. Kg3 {(Kh2-g3 Ng8-e7) +0.99/22 3} Ne7 {(Ng8-e7 g4-g5) -1.03/22 3} 28. g5 {(g4-g5 Ne7-c6) +0.96/23 3} Nc6 {(Ne7-c6 Rf1-g1) -1.12/22 3} 29. Rg1 {(Rf1-g1 Ra2-a3 g5xh6 g7xh6 Qe1-e2 Qc7-e7 Kg3-h3 Be8-f7 Qe2-g2 Qe7-f8 Qg2-d2 Nc6-a5 Qd2-c1 Ra3-a4 Nf3-d2 Qf8-a8 Qc1-b1 Na5xc4 Bd3xc4 Bf7xc4 Be3xc5) +1.05/25 3} Ra3 {(Ra2-a3 g5xf6 g7xf6 Qe1-e2 Qc7-e7 Kg3-h2 Ra3-a2 Nf3-d2 Be8-f7 Rg1-g2 Qe7-f8 Qe2-d1 Nc6-d4 Be3xd4 e5xd4 Qd1-g1 Nc5-d7 Nd2-b3 Nd7-e5 Nb3xd4 h6-h5 Bd3-e2 Qf8-a8 Rg2-g7+ Kh7-h8) -1.16/24 3} 30. gxh6 {(g5xh6 g7xh6) +1.09/24 3} gxh6 {(g7xh6 Qe1-e2 Qc7-e7 Kg3-h3 Nc6-b4 Nf3-e1 Ra3-a2 Be3-d2 Nb4-c6 Ne1-f3 Qe7-f8 Bd2-e3 Nc5xd3 Qe2xd3 Be8-f7 Nf3-h2 h6-h5 Nh2-f1 Ra2-a4 Nf1-g3 Qf8-e7 c4-c5 d6xc5 Qd3-e2) -1.07/23 3} 31. Qe2 {(Qe1-e2) +1.15/25 3} Qe7 {(Qc7-e7 Be3-c1 Ra3-a2 Kg3-h3 Qe7-f8 Bc1-e3 Nc5xd3 Qe2xd3 Be8-f7 Rg1-b1 Nc6-a5 c4-c5 Na5-c4 c5-c6 Nc4xe3 Qd3xe3 Ra2xc2 Rb1-c1 Rc2xc1 Qe3xc1 Qf8-b8 c6-c7 Qb8-b3 c7-c8Q Qb3xf3+ Kh3-h2 Qf3-f2+ Kh2-h1 Qf2xh4+ Kh1-g2) -1.12/23 3} 32. Kh2 {(Kg3-h2) +1.07/26 3} Nb4 {(Nc6-b4 Nf3-e1) -1.17/23 3} 33. Ne1 {(Nf3-e1 Ra3-a2) +1.13/26 3} Qf8 {(Qe7-f8 Qe2-d2 Nb4xd3 c2xd3 Be8-h5 Be3xc5 d6xc5 Qd2-b2 Ra3-a7 Ne1-c2 Bh5-e2 Qb2-b6 Ra7-g7 Rg1xg7+ Kh7xg7 Nc2-e1 h6-h5 Kh2-g1 Be2-g4 Kg1-f2 Qf8-a8) -1.18/24 3} 34. Qd2 {(Qe2-d2 Nb4-c6 Rg1-g3 Be8-h5 Be3xc5 d6xc5 Ne1-g2 Nc6-d4 Qd2-f2 Bh5-f7 Ng2-e3 h6-h5 Qf2-e1 Qf8-h6 Qe1-b1 Nd4-e2 Qb1-b7 Ne2xg3 Qb7xf7+ Kh7-h8 Ne3-g2 Ra3xd3 c2xd3 Ng3-e2 Qf7-e7 Ne2-d4 Qe7xc5 Qh6-g7) +1.27/25 3} Nba6 {(Nb4-a6 Qd2-d1) -1.32/23 3} 35. h5 {(h4-h5) +1.71/24 3} Bf7 {(Be8-f7 Rg1-g6) -1.99/21 3} 36. Rg3 {(Rg1-g3) +2.25/24 3} Ra2 {(Ra3-a2 Rg3-g6) -2.20/22 3} 37. Rg6 {(Rg3-g6) +3.20/25 3} Nb3 {(Nc5-b3 Qd2-c3) -3.27/21 3} 38. Qg2 {(Qd2-g2 Nb3-c5 Rg6xf6 Qf8-g7 Rf6xh6+ Kh7-g8 Qg2-f3 Nc5xd3 Ne1xd3 Ra2xc2+ Nd3-f2 Na6-c7 Rh6xd6 Nc7-e8 h5-h6 Rc2xf2+ Qf3xf2) +4.73/24 3} Nac5 {(Na6-c5 Rg6xf6) -4.87/22 3} 39. Rxf6 {(Rg6xf6 Nc5xd3 Ne1xd3 Nb3-d4 Nd3-e1 Ra2-a8 Rf6xh6+ Qf8xh6 Be3xh6 Kh7xh6 c4-c5 d6xc5 Qg2-g3 Bf7xh5 Qg3xe5 Ra8-g8 Qe5-d6+ Kh6-h7 Qd6-e7+ Kh7-h6 f5-f6 Nd4-e2 f6-f7 Bh5xf7 Qe7xf7 Ne2-g3 Qf7-f6+ Kh6-h5 Qf6-f3+ Rg8-g4 Qf3-f7+ Kh5-h6) +5.17/26 3} Nxd3 {(Nc5xd3 Rf6xh6+ Qf8xh6 Be3xh6 Kh7xh6 Ne1xd3 Nb3-d4 Nd3-b4 Ra2-a8 c2-c3 Nd4-b3 Qg2-c2 Nb3-a5 Qc2-d2+ Kh6xh5 Qd2xd6 Na5xc4 Qd6-e7 Kh5-g4 Qe7xf7 Nc4-e3 Qf7-h7 Kg4-f3 Qh7-h3+ Kf3-e2 Qh3-h5+ Ke2-d2 f5-f6 Ra8-f8) -5.21/24 3} 40. Nxd3 {(Ne1xd3 Nb3-d4 Nd3-e1 Qf8-g7 Rf6xh6+ Kh7-g8 Be3xd4 e5xd4 Qg2xg7+ Kg8xg7 Rh6xd6 Bf7xh5 Kh2-g3 Ra2-a1 Ne1-d3 Ra1-f1 Rd6xd4 Kg7-f6 c4-c5 Bh5-d1 Kg3-g2 Bd1xc2 Rd4-d6+ Kf6-g5 Kg2xf1 Bc2xd3+ Kf1-e1 Bd3xe4) +5.18/25 3} Qg7 {(Qf8-g7 Rf6xh6+) -5.60/23 3} 41. Rxh6+ {(Rf6xh6+ Qg7xh6 Be3xh6 Kh7xh6 Nd3-b4 Ra2-a3 c2xb3 Ra3xb3 Nb4-d5 Rb3-d3 Nd5-f6 Rd3-d4 Qg2-g4 Rd4xc4 Qg4-h4 Rc4-c3) +6.02/24 3} Kg8 {(Kh7-g8 Rh6xd6 Qg7xg2+ Kh2xg2 Ra2xc2+ Kg2-g3 Bf7xh5 Rd6-d8+ Kg8-g7 Nd3xe5 Nb3-a5 Rd8-d7+ Kg7-g8 c4-c5 Na5-c4 Rd7-d8+ Kg8-g7 Ne5xc4 Rc2xc4 Be3-d4+ Kg7-f7 Rd8-d6 Kf7-e7 e4-e5 Ke7-e8) -5.97/24 3} 42. Qxg7+ {(Qg2xg7+ Kg8xg7 Rh6xd6 Bf7xh5 Nd3xe5 Ra2xc2+ Kh2-g3 Kg7-g8 f5-f6 Rc2-a2 Rd6-d8+ Kg8-h7 Kg3-f4 Ra2-a5 Rd8-d7+ Kh7-g8 Rd7-g7+ Kg8-h8 Rg7-b7 Kh8-g8 f6-f7+ Bh5xf7 Ne5xf7 Ra5-a6) +6.28/24 3} Kxg7 {(Kg8xg7 Rh6xd6 Bf7xh5 Kh2-g3 Nb3-d4 Nd3xe5 Nd4xc2 Be3-f2 Ra2-a1 c4-c5 Nc2-b4 f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 c5-c6 Nb4xc6 Rd6xc6 Bh5-f7 Rc6-c8+ Kg8-h7 Rc8-c7 Kh7-g8 Ne5-g4 Ra1-a3+ Kg3-h4 Bf7-e6 Rc7-g7+ Kg8-h8 Ng4-e5) -6.15/25 3} 43. Rxd6 {(Rh6xd6 Bf7xh5 Kh2-g3 Ra2xc2 Nd3xe5 Rc2-e2 f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 Rd6-d8+ Kg8-h7 Rd8-d7+ Kh7-g8 Kg3-f4 Re2-g2 c4-c5 Nb3-a5 Be3-d4 Rg2-d2 Rd7-d8+ Kg8-h7 c5-c6 Rd2-f2+ Bd4xf2 Na5xc6 Rd8-d7+ Kh7-g8 Bf2-d4) +6.50/25 3} Bxh5 {(Bf7xh5 Nd3xe5 Nb3-a1 f5-f6+ Kg7-h7 Kh2-g3 Na1xc2 Rd6-d7+ Kh7-g8 Kg3-h4 Nc2xe3 Kh4xh5 Ra2-f2 Rd7-d8+ Kg8-h7 Kh5-g5 Rf2-f1 Rd8-d7+ Kh7-g8 c4-c5 Rf1-g1+ Kg5-f4 Ne3-c2 Kf4-f5) -6.22/25 3} 44. Nxe5 {(Nd3xe5 Kg7-f8 Kh2-g3 Ra2-a5 Rd6-d8+ Bh5-e8 Kg3-f4 Nb3-a1 Be3-b6 Ra5xe5 Kf4xe5 Kf8-f7 Rd8xe8 Kf7xe8 Ke5-e6 Na1xc2 Bb6-c5) +6.98/24 3} Na1 {(Nb3-a1 f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 Rd6-d8+ Kg8-h7 Rd8-d7+ Kh7-h8 Kh2-g3 Na1xc2 Kg3-h4 Nc2xe3 Kh4xh5 Ra2-h2+ Kh5-g6 Rh2-g2+ Kg6-f7 Ne3xc4 Ne5xc4 Rg2-g4 e4-e5 Rg4xc4 e5-e6 Rc4-c8 e6-e7 Kh8-h7 Rd7-d1) -7.25/23 3} 45. Kg3 {(Kh2-g3 Ra2-a8 Rd6-d7+ Kg7-g8 Kg3-h4 Bh5-e8 Rd7-e7 Na1xc2 Be3-h6 Nc2-b4 f5-f6 Kg8-h8 Kh4-g5 Nb4-c6 Bh6-g7+ Kh8-h7 Ne5xc6 Be8xc6 Bg7-h6+ Kh7-h8 f6-f7 Bc6-a4 c4-c5 Ra8-c8 f7-f8R+ Rc8xf8 Bh6xf8 Kh8-g8 Bf8-g7 Kg8-h7 Kg5-f6) +7.35/27 3} Ra8 {(Ra2-a8 Kg3-h4 Bh5-e8 f5-f6+ Kg7-h8 f6-f7 Be8xf7 Ne5xf7+ Kh8-g7 Nf7-e5 Na1xc2 Be3-h6+ Kg7-h7 Kh4-h5 Ra8-a5 Rd6-d5 Ra5-a7 Ne5-f3 Kh7-g8 Nf3-g5 Ra7-a8 Rd5-d7 Ra8-b8 Rd7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Ng5-e6+ Kf8-e8 Rg7-g8+ Ke8-e7 Rg8xb8) -7.01/25 3} 46. Rd7+ {(Rd6-d7+ Kg7-g8 Kg3-h4 Bh5-e8 Rd7-e7 Be8-f7 Ne5xf7 Na1xc2 Be3-h6 Ra8-e8 Re7xe8+ Kg8xf7 Re8-f8+ Kf7-e7 f5-f6+ Ke7-d6 Rf8-e8 Kd6-c5 f6-f7 Kc5-d4 Bh6-g7+ Kd4-d3 Kh4-g5 Nc2-b4 Bg7-f6) +9.55/25 3} Kg8 {(Kg7-g8 Kg3-h4) -9.38/24 3} 47. Kh4 {(Kg3-h4 Bh5-e8 Rd7-e7 Be8-f7 Ne5xf7 Na1xc2 Be3-h6 Nc2-e1 f5-f6 Ne1-f3+ Kh4-g4 Nf3-h2+ Kg4-f5 Nh2-f3 Nf7-d6 Ra8-a5+ Kf5-g4 Nf3-e5+ Re7xe5 Ra5xe5 f6-f7+ Kg8-h7) +33.57/25 3} Be8 {(Bh5-e8 Rd7-e7 Na1xc2 Be3-c5 Nc2-e1 f5-f6 Be8-f7 Ne5xf7 Ra8-f8 Kh4-g5 Rf8xf7 Kg5-g6 Rf7xf6+ Kg6xf6 Ne1-f3 Re7-d7 Kg8-h8 Rd7-d8+ Kh8-h7 e4-e5 Nf3xe5 Kf6xe5 Kh7-g6 Rd8-d7 Kg6-h5 Bc5-d6) -35.46/33 3} 48. Re7 {(Rd7-e7 Na1xc2 Be3-h6 Nc2-d4 f5-f6 Be8-f7 Ne5xf7 Nd4-c6 Nf7-d6 Nc6xe7 f6xe7 Kg8-h7 e7-e8Q Ra8xe8 Nd6xe8 Kh7xh6 c4-c5 Kh6-g6 c5-c6 Kg6-f7 c6-c7 Kf7-e6 c7-c8Q+ Ke6-e5 Qc8-f5+ Ke5-d4 Kh4-g5 Kd4-d3 e4-e5+ Kd3-c3 Qf5-g4 Kc3-b2 e5-e6 Kb2-a1) +38.66/35 3} Nxc2 {(Na1xc2 Be3-c5 Be8-f7 f5-f6 Nc2-e1 Ne5xf7 Ne1-f3+ Kh4-g3 Ra8-f8 Nf7-h6+ Kg8-h8 f6-f7 Nf3-g5 Re7-e8 Kh8-g7 Bc5xf8+ Kg7-g6 Bf8-c5 Ng5xf7 Nh6xf7 Kg6xf7 Re8-e7+ Kf7-f6 e4-e5+ Kf6-f5 Kg3-f3 Kf5-g6 Kf3-f4 Kg6-h5 Bc5-d4 Kh5-g6 e5-e6 Kg6-h5 Re7-h7+ Kh5-g6 e6-e7 Kg6xh7 e7-e8Q) -M22/34 3 Arena Adjudication} 1-0[/pgn]
Russian believe that they are special, that they can Kill thousands of Ukranian civilians, but cry like babies when a few Russian...