Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

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Full name: Christian Petersen

Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by cpeters »

0% 99% 97% 951095 nps

setting hash value per "hs" doesn't do anything, well, typing something after "help", gets accepted but not observed.

Code: Select all

 tree search hash table size (3x)     2**18 (  262144) entries
 pawn hash table size (1.5x)          2**16 (   65536) entries
 king safety hash table size (2x)     2**15 (   32768) entries
 total memory requirement is                (  971776) words
Do you happen to know the syntax of it?

It counts and adheres to it, but does not display it correctly (hours):

Code: Select all

equals 60 minutes and gets displayed with

Code: Select all

absolute time per move is  0:00

Code: Select all

 absolute time per move is  0:00.   -->not nil/is a hour
 absolute time per move is  0:01.  -->not a second
 absolute time per move is  0:00.            
 absolute time per move is  0:00.           
 absolute time per move is 30:00.         
 absolute time per move is 20:00.                
 absolute time per move is 20:00.
and so on.
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Full name: Christian Petersen

Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by cpeters »

Nevermind/hs/found it
bob wrote: Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:38 am 2. the "hs" command changes the hash size but it does not work on modern unix systems. we used the "sbrk()" facility but it does not work. If wanted, someone could use the fortran-90 pointer mechanism to make the hash tables (there are 3, normal hash, king safety and pawn structure) work through pointers rather than using an array.
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by hammerklavier »

[pgn][Event "Blitz30"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2024.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "CrayBlitz"]
[Black "Fritz3"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[PlyCount "130"]
[EventDate "2024.??.??"]

1. Nc3 d5 2. Nf3 d4 3. Ne4 f5 4. Ng3 e5 5. e3 dxe3 6. fxe3 e4 7. Nd4 g6 8. Bc4
Ne7 9. O-O Bg7 10. Nde2 Nbc6 11. Nf4 Ne5 12. Bb3 c5 13. d3 exd3 14. cxd3 b6 15.
Ba4+ Kf8 16. Qb3 a6 17. Qd1 Nd5 18. d4 cxd4 19. Nxd5 Qxd5 20. e4 Qc5 21. exf5
d3+ 22. Kh1 gxf5 23. Nxf5 Bxf5 24. Rxf5+ Ke7 25. Bg5+ Kd6 26. Qd2 Rhf8 27. Be3
Qa5 28. Qxa5 bxa5 29. Rh5 Rab8 30. Rxh7 Bf6 31. b3 Rbc8 32. Rd1 Kd5 33. Ra7 Ra8
34. Rxa8 Rxa8 35. Bd2 Bd8 36. g3 Rc8 37. Bf4 Rc2 38. Bxe5 Kxe5 39. Rxd3 Bb6 40.
h4 Rxa2 41. Bc6 Bc7 42. g4 Kf4 43. Bd7 Rc2 44. Bf5 Bb6 45. h5 Re2 46. Rh3 Rf2
47. Rc3 Bd4 48. Rc2 Rf3 49. Rd2 Kg3 50. Bd3 Re3 51. Be2 Bg7 52. Kg1 Bh6 53. Kf1
Rxb3 54. Rd5 Rb1+ 55. Bd1 a4 56. Ke1 Bf8 57. h6 Bxh6 58. Rd4 Bf8 59. g5 a3 60.
Rg4+ Kh3 61. Ra4 Rb2 62. Bg4+ Kh4 63. Be6+ Kxg5 64. Rxa6 Kf4 65. Kd1 Ke5


Amazing game! With horrendous positional mistakes! and blind tactis in 26.Qd2?? , 26.Bf4 wins easily!.I haven't seen these types of errors in a long time! Engines progressed enormously!
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by Tibono »

Werewolf wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:00 pm No idea how to get the book working though.
copy book.source from the src repository to your Cray Blitz home directory. Remove the current book file.
From a cmd window, change dir to this home directory
Run buildbook.exe using book as output, book.source as input, 3000 as size. Should display: "the book contains 117476 positions."
Run books.exe with book as file to score. Should display: "size of book is 3000".
Now the book should work; you may tune so=n : set opening book score margin (default is 100) to adjust selectivity.

Alexander Schmidt
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by Alexander Schmidt »

Here is a workaround to use Cray Blitz as UCI engine under Arena. You need inbetween and wb2uci. It might also work as WB engine without wb2uci, but it seems more stable with wb2uci. You can only play full games, no GUI-book, no takeback, no starting positions. If it don't start calculating, first start a new game, then restart the engine.

You need 2 different inbetween.ini files for playing as black or white. But it is for example possible to run a gauntlet under Arena. Put Cray Blitz on the top of the list, configure it for playing white, und play one round. After that configure it for playing black, and add one round. You need to check the option "restart engine after every game"

You can set the time in the inbetween.ini after
hard :=
but check if the setting is working.

inbetween.ini (black)
CommandLine := cray-blitz.exe

xboard := xboard\nn\nn
quit := end
hard := st=8
e1g1 := o-o\ne1g1
e8g8 := o-o\ne8g8
e1c1 := o-o-o\ne1c1
e8c8 := o-o-o\ne8c8

. ... a := \nmove a
. ... b := \nmove b
. ... c := \nmove c
. ... d := \nmove d
. ... e := \nmove e
. ... f := \nmove f
. ... g := \nmove g
. ... h := \nmove h
. ... N := \nmove N
. ... B := \nmove B
. ... R := \nmove R
. ... Q := \nmove Q
. ... K := \nmove K
. ... o-o := \nmove e8g8
. ... o-o-o := \nmove e8c8
. a := X
. b := X
. c := X
. d := X
. e := X
. f := X
. g := X
. h := X
. N := X
. B := X
. R := X
. Q := X
. K := X
. o := X
inbetween.ini (white)
CommandLine := cray-blitz.exe

xboard := xboard\nn\ny
quit := end
hard := st=8
e1g1 := o-o\ne1g1
e8g8 := o-o\ne8g8
e1c1 := o-o-o\ne1c1
e8c8 := o-o-o\ne8c8

. a := \nmove a
. b := \nmove b
. c := \nmove c
. d := \nmove d
. e := \nmove e
. f := \nmove f
. g := \nmove g
. h := \nmove h
. N := \nmove N
. B := \nmove B
. R := \nmove R
. Q := \nmove Q
. K := \nmove K
. o-o := \nmove e1g1
. o-o-o := \nmove e1c1
... a := X
... b := X
... c := X
... d := X
... e := X
... f := X
... g := X
... h := X
... N := X
... B := X
... R := X
... Q := X
... K := X
... o := X
Name=Cray Blitz 4.6h
Author=Robert Hyatt, 1990

Now install wb2uci.exe as engine.
Last edited by Alexander Schmidt on Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:51 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by glav »

Jim Ablett wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2024 6:48 pm Image
by Robert Hyatt, Harry L. Nelson, and Albert Gower.

Cray Blitz v49h

I finally compiled a working version (after about 15 years) :)

Console input only. Enter moves as d2d4 etc.

There is no manual with the program.
I have included some literature on the program that I found on the web.

Cray Blitz 49h JA.

Terrific job! Did anyone manage to compile it also under linux?
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by glav »

I should say that, after an initial crash, it is now running fine under wine.
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by cpeters »

Why wine for pete's sake?

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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by cpeters » ...

Binaries (compiled on Debian Bookworm x64), source and changed makefile (you'd have to change the path) for the intel fortran-comiler.
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Jim Ablett
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by Jim Ablett »

glav wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:47 pm
Jim Ablett wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2024 6:48 pm Image
by Robert Hyatt, Harry L. Nelson, and Albert Gower.

Cray Blitz v49h

I finally compiled a working version (after about 15 years) :)

Console input only. Enter moves as d2d4 etc.

There is no manual with the program.
I have included some literature on the program that I found on the web.

Cray Blitz 49h JA.

Terrific job! Did anyone manage to compile it also under linux?
Linux version :)
