Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by WinPooh »

Jim Ablett wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 10:04 pm
Alexander Schmidt wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 8:54 pm
Jim Ablett wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 8:08 pm Amazing work Alex 8-)
I think your part was the more difficult one :-)

BTW, did you already have look at Kaissa?
I have had a look at it in the past and it look a bit of a nightmare to get it compiling/running
on modern machines, but with the emergence of A.I, I may be able to get some help converting it. :)
As far as I remember, some source code file(s) are missed in this archive. Once I tried to build it with Borland 3.1 under DOSBOX, but there was linker error: FACELIB library is unavailable. I don't know what is this library, Google finds nothing too.
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Jim Ablett
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by Jim Ablett »

Mike Sherwin wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:29 pm To get the UCI version to run I had to turn off Windows Defender. I thought once I had it running I could turn back on Windows Defender and it would be okay. Windows Defender killed the running exe immediately and wiped it from the drive. It might be fine and Windows Defender might be wrong but it does not matter. It is not usable. But thanks anyway for trying!

I have repackaged the download to get rid of antivirus alerts >

Cray Blitz 49h uci ja

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Cray Blitz 49h available (working?) Iam confused here

Post by chessica »

engine tournament between seawall and cray blitz...

seawall 20240926:

8/12 00:00,023 26k 1.141k +0,28 e2-e4 e7-e6 Sb1-c3 d7-d5 d2-d4 d5xe4 Sc3xe4 Sg8-f6 Lc1-g5
9/13 00:00,046 51k 1.100k +0,30 e2-e4 e7-e6 Sg1-f3 d7-d5 e4xd5 e6xd5 Lf1-e2 Sg8-f6 O-O
10/15 00:00,135 139k 1.031k +0,33 e2-e4 c7-c5 Sg1-f3 Sb8-c6 Lf1-b5 Sg8-f6 d2-d3 d7-d5 Sf3-e5 Dd8-c7
11/16 00:00,303 303k 1.000k +0,29 e2-e4 e7-e5 Sg1-f3 Sg8-f6 Sb1-c3 Sb8-c6 Lf1-c4 Lf8-b4 Sc3-d5 d7-d6 c2-c3
12/17 00:00,541 526k 972k +0,28 e2-e4 e7-e5 Sg1-f3 Sg8-f6 Sf3xe5 d7-d6 Se5-f3 Sf6xe4 Dd1-e2 Dd8-e7 Sb1-c3 Se4xc3 d2xc3
13/19 00:00,886 870k 981k +0,31 e2-e4 e7-e5 Sg1-f3 Sb8-c6 Lf1-b5 Sg8-e7 O-O a7-a6 Lb5xc6 Se7xc6 d2-d4 e5xd4 Sf3xd4
14/22 00:01,724 1.693k 982k +0,33 e2-e4 e7-e5 Sg1-f3 Sb8-c6 Lf1-b5 Sg8-e7 O-O a7-a6 Lb5-a4 d7-d5 Sf3xe5 d5xe4 d2-d4 b7-b5
15/24 00:04,482 4.484k 1.000k +0,33 e2-e4 e7-e6 Sg1-f3 d7-d5 e4-e5 c7-c5 c2-c3 Sb8-c6 d2-d4 a7-a6 Lf1-d3 c5xd4 c3xd4 Lf8-b4+ Ke1-f1
16/24 00:06,934 6.863k 990k +0,39 e2-e4 e7-e6 Sg1-f3 d7-d5 e4-e5 c7-c5 c2-c3 Sg8-e7 d2-d4 Se7-g6 Lf1-e2 Lf8-e7 O-O O-O Dd1-c2 c5xd4


1 -00:03,-150 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-c3
1 -00:03,-150 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-c3
2 -00:03,-150 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-c3
2 -00:03,-150 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-c3
3 -00:02,-30 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-b5 Lf1-d3
3 -00:01,-800 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-c3
3 -00:01,-800 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-c3
4 -00:03,-460 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-c3 Sg1-f3
4 -00:03,-60 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-d5 Sb1-c3
4 -00:02,-550 1 -1 0,00 e7-e5
4 -00:02,-550 1 -1 0,00 e7-e5
5 -00:01,-200 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-c3 e4-e5 Sb8-c6
5 -00:01,-200 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-c3 e4-e5 Sb8-c6
6 -00:02,-160 1 -1 0,00 e7-e5 Ta1-d5 Ke8-e6 Sg1-e2
6 -00:01,-650 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-f3 Sb1-c3 Sg8-f6 Lf1-c4
6 -00:01,-650 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-f3 Sb1-c3 Sg8-f6 Lf1-c4
7 -00:01,-160 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-f3 Sb1-c3 Sg8-f6 Lf1-c4 d7-d6
7 -00:01,-140 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-c3 e4-e6 e7-e5 Dd1-f3
7 -00:01,-140 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-c3 e4-e6 e7-e5 Dd1-f3
8 -00:01,-590 1 -1 0,00 e7-e5 Ta1-d5 Ke8-e6 c2-c4
8 -00:01,-530 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-b5 Sb1-c3 e7-e5 Sg1-f3
8 -00:01,-530 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-b5 Sb1-c3 e7-e5 Sg1-f3
9 -00:01,-100 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-f3 Sb1-c3 e7-e5 Lf1-b5 Lf8-b4
9 -00:01,-70 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-d3 Sb1-c3 e7-e5 Sg1-f3 Lf8-c5 O-O O-O
9 -00:01,-70 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-d3 Sb1-c3 e7-e5 Sg1-f3 Lf8-c5 O-O O-O
10 -00:01,-450 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-c3 e4-d5 Sb8-c6
10 -00:01,-450 1 -1 0,00 Ta1-c3 e4-d5 Sb8-c6
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by WinPooh »

Where can I download CrayBlitz with UCI support? Above links don't work.
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Jim Ablett
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by Jim Ablett »

WinPooh wrote: Fri Oct 11, 2024 1:20 pm Where can I download CrayBlitz with UCI support? Above links don't work. ... yIborV1e4A

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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by WinPooh »

Thank you! It works.
CrayBlitz plays well in Arena 2.01 with time control 6 sec./move. But it does not provide eval/nodes info, just PV. Is it normal?
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by WinPooh »

Also it stopped responding in the following game (the final position is +M10 for black):
[pgn][Event "241011c"]
[Site "BEAR-HOME"]
[Date "2024.10.11"]
[Round "1"]
[White "CrayBlitz 49h"]
[Black "GreKo 2021.12"]
[Result "0-1"]
[TimeControl "0+6"]
[PlyCount "80"]

1. b4 e5 2. a3 Nf6 3. Bb2 d6 4. Nc3 d5 5. Nf3 e4 6. Nd4 c5 7. bxc5 Bxc5 8.
e3 O-O 9. Be2 Bxd4 10. exd4 Nc6 11. Na4 Qa5 12. Nc5 Qc7 13. O-O b6 14. Na6
Bxa6 15. Bxa6 b5 16. Bxb5 Rab8 17. Bxc6 Rxb2 18. Ba4 Qc4 19. Bb3 Qxd4 20.
Qe2 Qc5 21. a4 h6 22. Rfb1 Rxb1+ 23. Rxb1 Rb8 24. h3 Rb4 25. d3 exd3 26.
Qxd3 Ne4 27. Qe2 Rd4 28. Rf1 Rd2 29. Qf3 g6 30. Qf4 Kg7 31. Kh2 Qd4 32. f3
g5 33. Qc7 Nf6 34. f4 Qe4 35. Rg1 gxf4 36. Kh1 Qe3 37. Qc8 Ne4 38. Qg4+ Kf8
39. Qc8+ Ke7 40. Qc7+ Kf6 41. ... {0-1 User Adjudication} 0-1
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Jim Ablett
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by Jim Ablett »

WinPooh wrote: Fri Oct 11, 2024 8:27 pm Thank you! It works.
CrayBlitz plays well in Arena 2.01 with time control 6 sec./move. But it does not provide eval/nodes info, just PV. Is it normal?
Yes, that 's normal.

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Cray Blitz 46h available (working!) I don't know?

Post by chessica »

[pgn][" "]
[Site " "]
[Date "2024.10.13"]
[Round "2"]
[White "CrayBlitzUCI"]
[Black "Alexander1.1"]
[Result "0-1"]
[BlackElo "2200"]
[Time "09:46:16"]
[WhiteElo "2200"]
[Termination "normal"]
[PlyCount "28"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[BlackType "program"]

1. Na3 e5 {(e7-e5 c2-c3 d7-d5 d2-d4 e5-e4 Lc1-f4 c7-c6 e2-e3 Sb8-d7 Sa3-c2
Sg8-e7 Sg1-e2 Se7-g6 Lf4-g3 h7-h5 h2-h3 Sg6-h4 Se2-f4 g7-g6 Lg3xh4 Dd8xh4
g2-g3 Dh4-d8 Lf1-g2) +0.33/24 8} 2. Rb1 d5 {(d7-d5 e2-e3 Sb8-c6 d2-d4
Sg8-f6 c2-c3 a7-a6 Sa3-c2 Lf8-d6 Sg1-f3 e5-e4 Sf3-d2 Sc6-e7 Lf1-e2 O-O
b2-b3 c7-c6 Lc1-a3 Ld6-c7 c3-c4 Tf8-e8 h2-h3 Se7-g6) +0.60/27 8} 3. Ra1 Nf6
{(Sg8-f6 e2-e3 Sb8-c6 d2-d4 a7-a6 Sg1-f3 e5-e4 Sf3-d2 Sf6-g4 Lf1-e2 Dd8-g5
c2-c4 Sc6-b4 O-O Sg4xh2 Tf1-e1) +0.70/22 6} 4. Rb1 Be7 {(Lf8-e7 d2-d3 O-O
Sg1-f3 e5-e4 Sf3-d2 c7-c6 e2-e3 Sb8-a6 Lf1-e2 Lc8-f5 O-O Le7-d6 d3-d4
Sa6-b4 Tb1-a1 Ta8-c8 b2-b3 Dd8-c7 g2-g3) +0.89/19 7} 5. Ra1 O-O {(O-O c2-c3
c7-c5 d2-d3 Sb8-c6 g2-g3 c5-c4 Sa3-c2 c4xd3 e2xd3 d5-d4 Sg1-f3 Tf8-e8
Lf1-g2 d4xc3 b2xc3 Lc8-f5 O-O Lf5xd3 Tf1-e1) +0.96/20 11} 6. Rb1 c5 {(c7-c5
d2-d3 Sb8-c6 Sg1-f3 e5-e4 d3xe4 Sf6xe4 c2-c4 Lc8-e6 e2-e3 f7-f5 Lf1-e2
d5xc4 Dd1xd8 Ta8xd8 Sa3xc4 b7-b5 Sc4-e5 Sc6xe5 Sf3xe5 Le6xa2) +1.45/18 2}
7. Ra1 Nc6 {(Sb8-c6 e2-e3 Dd8-c7 Sg1-e2 a7-a6 Se2-g3 g7-g6 c2-c4 d5-d4
Lf1-d3 h7-h5 O-O Sc6-b4 Dd1-b3 Sb4xd3 Db3xd3 Lc8-e6) +1.53/18 4} 8. Rb1 Be6
{(Lc8-e6 e2-e3 a7-a6 c2-c3 d5-d4 d2-d3 b7-b5 Sg1-f3 d4xc3 b2xc3 c5-c4 d3xc4
Dd8xd1+ Ke1xd1 Sf6-e4 Kd1-e1 Se4xc3 Tb1-a1 Tf8-d8 Sf3-d2 Ta8-b8 Sa3-b1)
+1.86/19 3} 9. Ra1 e4 {(e5-e4 e2-e3 d5-d4 Sg1-h3 d4-d3 c2xd3 e4xd3 Sh3-g5
Le6-f5 b2-b3 Sc6-b4 Dd1-f3 Lf5-g6 Df3xb7 Sf6-g4 h2-h3 Sg4xe3 d2xe3 Le7xg5
Lc1-d2) +1.96/19 3} 10. Rb1 Qa5 {(Dd8-a5 Sg1-h3 Ta8-d8 g2-g3 b7-b5 Sh3-f4
b5-b4 Sf4xe6 f7xe6 Lf1-h3 e6-e5 d2-d3 b4xa3+ Lc1-d2 Da5-a6 b2xa3 e4xd3
c2xd3 Da6xa3 O-O Da3xa2 Tb1-a1 Da2-b2 Ta1-b1 Db2-d4 Lh3-e6+ Kg8-h8)
+2.40/22 9} 11. Ra1 d4 {(d5-d4 g2-g3 c5-c4 Lf1-g2 d4-d3 Ke1-f1 Ta8-d8 c2xd3
c4xd3 e2xd3 Sc6-e5 Sa3-c4 Se5xc4 d3xc4 Le6xc4+ Sg1-e2 Da5-h5 Dd1-e1 Lc4-d3
b2-b3 Le7-c5 Lc1-b2) +2.65/20 7} 12. Rb1 e3 {(e4-e3 f2xe3 d4xe3 Sg1-f3
Sf6-g4 c2-c3 Sg4-f2 Dd1-c2 Sf2xh1 Dc2-e4 Sh1-f2 De4xe3 Sf2-g4 De3-e4 Sg4xh2
d2-d3 Sh2xf3+ g2xf3 Ta8-d8 Lc1-e3 Sc6-d4 Ke1-f2) +4.26/19 2} 13. Ra1 exf2+
{(e3xf2+ Ke1xf2 Sf6-e4+ Kf2-e1 Le7-h4+ g2-g3 Lh4xg3+ h2xg3 Da5-c7 Th1-h3
Le6xh3 e2-e3 Dc7xg3+ Ke1-e2 d4-d3+ Ke2xd3 Sc6-b4+ Kd3-c4 Lh3-e6+ Kc4-b5
a7-a6+ Kb5-b6 Dg3-d6+ Kb6-a5 Dd6-c7+ Ka5-a4 b7-b5+ Sa3xb5 a6xb5+ Ka4xb5
Tf8-b8+) +M16/27 3} 14. Kxf2 Ne4+ {(Sf6-e4+ Kf2-e1 Le7-h4+ g2-g3 Lh4xg3+
h2xg3 Da5-c7 Th1-h3 Le6xh3 e2-e3 Dc7xg3+ Ke1-e2 Dg3-g4+ Ke2-e1 Dg4-h4+
Ke1-e2 d4-d3+ Ke2xd3 Sc6-e5+ Kd3-e2 Dh4-f2+) +M11/29 3 White exceeds
the time} 0-1