Jim Ablett wrote: ↑Tue Mar 19, 2024 6:48 pm

by Robert Hyatt, Harry L. Nelson, and Albert Gower.
Cray Blitz v49h
I finally compiled a working version (after about 15 years)
Console input only. Enter moves as d2d4 etc.
There is no manual with the program.
I have included some literature on the program that I found on the web.
Cray Blitz 49h JA.
Thank you!!
For the Debian Bookworm the source did not compile with gfortran.
So I did fetch:
https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en ... ml#fortran
(chose "offline")
and let this install in my home. After Makefile was changed (the path to ifort (or do symlinks here, or something in .bashrc...)) a working binary was written.
Code: Select all
? : repeat the program's last move
ac : analyze current game (using history file)
ag : analyze a game by keying in all moves
ai : enable asynchronous i/o mode
bm(s) : set blitz mode (5 min)
bp : toggle beep announcing move on/off
cl? : control clock
d : display board
dm : display multiprocessing statistics
dp=n : control parallel processing depth
draw : offer program a draw
eb : activate electronic board
end : terminate execution
f : force blitz to make a specific move
h : list game move history
hs=n : change size of hash table [hash,pawn,king]
in x [title] : read input from file x until <eof>
[search file for title before processing]
mp=n : enable multiprocessing
msg : enter message into history file
nm : enable/disable null move algorithm
pg : print game history (compressed)
pl : play black/white (switch sides)
po : ponder a specific move
pr : program a sequence of automatic commands
r n : reset board to a prior position
rk n : set board by inputting moves
sb n : set up a specific board position
sc : score current board position
scm : scm 1 50 sets parameter 1 = 50
scd : displays current scoring parameters
sd=n : set a specific iteration depth
sl=n : set status display level (0-3)
sm(s) : set simultaneous mode
sn=n : set minimum nodes before stats displayed
so=n : set opening book score margin
sp x : save current board position in file x
sr : set/display uscf ratings
st=n : set a specific time per move
sv=n : set upper bound to terminate search
tm(s) : toggle tournament mode on/off
tr=n : trace search
tv : toggle true-value search on/off
vt=n : set/reset video display
multiple commands may be entered on one line separated
by ';' characters. each command will be executed in
sequence exactly as if they were entered on separate lines.
all input is subject to this so caution should be used as
it is possible to enter several moves at once.
moves are entered using standard algebraic notation.
the program will also accept minimum algebraic notation
if desired. for example, the following are correct ways
to input moves: Nb1-c3, b1-c3, Nc3, Nbc3, Pe2-e4, e2-e4
e4, Nc3xe4, Nxe4, Ncxe4, Pe4xd5, exd5, exd. notice that
pieces are indicated by capital letters and files are
indicated by small letters. also, the 'x' is used to
indicate a capture move.
note also that the 'pr' command can be used to make the
program play itself by using 'pl' (change sides) and
'go' (make move) as the last two programmed commands!
can be fiddled with.
To analyse I did not understand the syntax of "ac/ag" in combination with "rk" (where one can enter moves (which is working)) and did
:st=3000 in combination with feeding fen ("sb").
Supercool, many thanks Jim (and the professor and all the others involved)!
Code: Select all
cp@box~/schach/cray/intex/src/cray-blitz-master$ ./blitz
running on a cray ymp
Cray Blitz version 49h
what is your name?
are you continuing your last game?
should I play white?
your move, c
absolute time per move is 50:00.
your move, c
enter board position, UPPER=white, lower=black.
position must start from square (a8)
rnb4r/1ppp1kpp/1p4q1/3PQ3/3B4/1N3N2/PP3KPP/R4B1R w
your move, c
time limit50:00.
depth time eval variation
1 0:00 7.590 Bd3 Qg4 Qxc7 ...
1-> 0:00 7.590 Bd3 Qg4 Qxc7 ...
2 0:00 7.590 Bd3 Qg4 Qxc7 ...
2-> 0:00 7.590 Bd3 Qg4 Qxc7 ...
3 0:00 7.628 Bd3 Qh6 Qxc7
3a 0:00 ++0 Qf4+
3 0:00 7.757 Qf4+ Kg8 Qxc7 Qe8 Qxb6
3-> 0:00 7.757 Qf4+ Kg8 Qxc7 Qe8 Qxb6
4 0:00 7.757 Qf4+ Kg8 Qxc7 Qe8 Qxb6
4a 0:00 ++0 d6
4a 0:00 ++1 d6
4 0:00 9.905 d6 Re8 Bc4+ Re6 Qxe6+ dxe6 Ne5+ Kg8
Nxg6 cxd6
4a 0:00 ++0 Bd3
4a 0:00 ++1 Bd3
4 0:00 11.664 Bd3 Qf6 Qh5+ g6 Bxf6 gxh5 Bxh8
4-> 0:00 11.664 Bd3 Qf6 Qh5+ g6 Bxf6 gxh5 Bxh8
5 0:00 11.664 Bd3 Qf6 Qh5+ g6 Bxf6 gxh5 Bxh8
5-> 0:00 11.664 Bd3 Qf6 Qh5+ g6 Bxf6 gxh5 Bxh8
6 0:00 11.534 Bd3 Qf6 Qh5+ g6 Bxf6 gxh5 Bxh8 Kg8
6-> 0:02 11.534 Bd3 Qf6 Qh5+ g6 Bxf6 gxh5 Bxh8 Kg8
7a 0:02 ++0 Bd3
7 0:03 11.957 Bd3 Qf6 Qh5+ g6 Qh6 Qxd4+ Nbxd4 Kg8
7-> 0:13 11.957 Bd3 Qf6 Qh5+ g6 Qh6 Qxd4+ Nbxd4 Kg8
8a 0:14 ++0 Bd3
8a 0:14 ++1 Bd3
8 0:21 13.303 Bd3 Qf6 Qh5+ g6 Qh6 Qxd4+ Nbxd4 Na6
Rae1 Nb4 Bxg6+ hxg6 Qxh8 Nxd5
8-> 1:18 13.303 Bd3 Qf6 Qh5+ g6 Qh6 Qxd4+ Nbxd4 Na6
Rae1 Nb4 Bxg6+ hxg6 Qxh8 Nxd5
9a 1:23 ++0 Bd3
9a 1:25 ++1 Bd3
9 2:23 14.943 Bd3 Qf6 Qh5+ g6 Qh6 Rg8 Bxf6 Kxf6 Rhe1
Nc6 dxc6 bxc6 Qxh7
9-> 8:16 14.943 Bd3 Qf6 Qh5+ g6 Qh6 Rg8 Bxf6 Kxf6 Rhe1
Nc6 dxc6 bxc6 Qxh7