Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by Sylwy »

Alexander Schmidt wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 7:49 am
Alexander Schmidt wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 12:20 am At the moment we try to make pawn promotion working, so please add under [Server2Client] in the black configuration:

Code: Select all

8q := 8=Q
8r := 8=R
8n := 8=N
8b := 8=B
and in the white configuration:

Code: Select all

1q := 1=Q
1r := 1=R
1n := 1=N
1b := 1=B
I also made a package with the new configuration, just extract the archive in the cray blitz folder: ...

Use black.bat or white.bat to change the configuration for playing the black or white side.

Please let me know if there are any problems.
I made a mistake. You have to add the changes under [Client2Server] not under [Server2Client].

Here is the corrected configuration, it is now verified that pawn promotion is working: ...

Use black.bat or white.bat to change the configuration for playing the black or white side. Adjust the level in inbetween_black AND inbetween_white.ini after hard := . You can also change the level in inbetween.ini, but then it will be overwritten after the next change of colour.
Wb2Uci from 20.04.2002 has problems. The new Wb2Uci (23.06.2007) is better. There were enough discussions in the era.
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by AdminX »

[Event "Mephisto Vancouver 68030-Cray Blitz 4.9h match (1 games, 10 seconds per move)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2024.03.26"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Mephisto Vancouver 68030"]
[Black "Cray Blitz 4.9h"]
[Result "0-1"]
[EventDate "2024.03.26"]
[ECO "A40"]
[TimeControl "m10000"]

1.d4 Nc6 2.d5 Ne5 3.e4 Nf6 4.f4 Ng6 5.e5 Ng8 6.Nf3 e6 7.dxe6 fxe6 8.Bd3 N8e7 9.Ng5 h5 10.Be2 h4 11.Nc3 b6 12.Bb5 c6 13.Bd3 Nf5 14.Qg4 Nge7 15.O-O Bb7 16.Rd1 b5 17.Kh1 Qb6 18.a4 a6 19.Qe2 Qc7 20.axb5 cxb5 21.Be4 Rc8 22.Qd3 b4 23.Bxb7 Qxb7 24.Ne2 Rc6 25.Ne4 Nd5 26.c4 bxc3 27.N2xc3 Nxc3 28.bxc3 Be7 29.h3 Rb6 30.Kg1 O-O 31.Ba3 Bxa3 32.Rxa3 Rb2 33.Ra4 Ng3 34.Nd2 Qb5 35.Qxb5 axb5 36.Rb4 Rxb4 37.cxb4 Rxf4 38.Nf3 Rxb4 39.Kh2 g6 40.Rxd7 g5 41.Rd1 Ne4 42.Rd7 Rb1 43.Rd8+ Kf7 44.Rd7+ Kg6 45.Re7 Ng3 46.Rxe6+ Kf7 47.Rf6+ Ke7 48.Ng1 Re1 49.Rg6 Rxe5 50.Nf3 Rd5 51.Rxg5 Rxg5 52.Nxg5 b4 53.Nf3 b3 54.Nd2 b2 55.Nb1 Kd6 56.Kg1 Ke5 57.Kf2 Kd4 58.Kf3 Kd3 59.Na3 Nf5 60.g4 hxg3 61.h4 Nxh4+ 62.Kxg3 Nf5+ 63.Kf3 Ne3 64.Kf2 Nc4 65.Nxc4 Kxc4 66.Ke3 b1=Q 67.Kf4 Qb5 68.Kg4 Qe5 69.Kf3 Qf5+ 70.Kg3 Kd4 71.Kh2 Qf3 72.Kg1 Ke4 73.Kh2 Qe2+ 74.Kg3 Kf5 75.Kh3 Kf4 76.Kh4 Qg4# 0-1
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by glav »

Jim Ablett wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 6:48 pm
glav wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:47 pm
Jim Ablett wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2024 6:48 pm Image
by Robert Hyatt, Harry L. Nelson, and Albert Gower.

Cray Blitz v49h

I finally compiled a working version (after about 15 years) :)

Console input only. Enter moves as d2d4 etc.

There is no manual with the program.
I have included some literature on the program that I found on the web.

Cray Blitz 49h JA.

Terrific job! Did anyone manage to compile it also under linux?
Linux version :)

Thanks Jim. Appreciated.
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by Sylwy »

Alexander Schmidt
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by Alexander Schmidt »

One more update, queenside castling didn't work. ...

Code: Select all

. o-o := \nmove e1g1
. o-o-o := \nmove e1c1
replaced by

Code: Select all

. ...  o := \n move 0
-o := -0
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by AdminX »

[Event "Cray Blitz 4.9h-Gideon 3.1 (TCS R40) match (1 games, 180 seconds per move)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2024.03.26"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Cray Blitz 4.9h"]
[Black "Gideon 3.1 (TCS R40)"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[EventDate "2024.03.26"]
[ECO "A00"]
[TimeControl "m180000"]

1.Nc3 Nf6 2.Nf3 d5 3.d4 g6 4.e3 Bg7 5.Bb5+ Nbd7 6.O-O O-O 7.Bd2 Re8 8.Ne2 c6 9.Ba4 a5 10.c3 e5 11.Nxe5 Nxe5 12.dxe5 Rxe5 13.Bc2 Ne4 14.Bc1 Bf5 15.Nd4 Bd7 16.Qe2 c5 17.Nf3 Bg4 18.h3 Bxf3 19.Qxf3 Qb6 20.Qd1 Rd8 21.Qe2 Rde8 22.Qd3 Bf6 23.Bd1 c4 24.Qc2 Qc6 25.Kh2 Bg7 26.Kh1 f5 27.Kg1 b5 28.Be2 R5e7 29.Rd1 Be5 30.a4 Rb8 31.axb5 Rxb5 32.Ra3 Reb7 33.Ra2 Kh8 34.Bf1 Nc5 35.Kh1 Rb8 36.Be2 Ne4 37.Bf3 Qc5 38.Ra1 R5b7 39.Kg1 Rb3 40.g4 Bc7 41.Bg2 fxg4 42.hxg4 Re8 43.Rd4 Nf6 44.g5 Ne4 45.f4 Qc6 46.Qd1 Rb5 47.Bh1 Bb6 48.Bxe4 Rxe4 49.Rxe4 dxe4 50.Kg2 Rd5 51.Qg4 Rd8 52.Kh2 Qd5 53.Kg3 Rd7 54.Kg2 Qd6 55.Kf2 Rd8 56.Ra2 Rf8 57.Ke1 Re8 58.Ra1 Rd8 59.Kf1 Qd3+ 60.Qe2 Qd7 61.Kg2 Kg7 62.Kg3 Qd3 63.Qxd3 cxd3 64.Bd2 h5 65.gxh6+ Kxh6 66.Ra4 Re8 67.Rc4 Re7 68.Kg4 Kg7 69.Rc6 Bd8 70.f5 gxf5+ 71.Kxf5 Bc7 72.c4 Re5+ 73.Kg4 Re7 74.Ra6 Kf7 75.b3 Re5 76.Ra7 Rc5 77.Bxa5 Rxa5 78.Rxc7+ Ke6 79.Rc6+ Kd7 80.Rh6 Ra1 81.Rh2 Rf1 82.Rh5 Kc6 83.b4 Rg1+ 84.Kf4 d2 85.Rc5+ Kb6 86.Rb5+ Kc6 87.Rc5+ Kb7 88.Rb5+ Kc7 89.Rc5+ Kb8 90.Rb5+ Kc8 91.Rc5+ Kb8 92.Rb5+ Ka7 93.Ra5+ Kb6 94.Rb5+ Ka6 95.Ra5+ Kb7 96.Rb5+ Ka8 97.Ra5+ Kb8 98.Rb5+ 1/2-1/2
"Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions."
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Alexander Schmidt
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by Alexander Schmidt »

I found one more problem that made Cray Blitz stop playing in rare cases, please update the config: ...

At least under Arena you can now also choose inbetween.exe as WB engine, then you can watch the calculation process in the debug window.

Code: Select all

1b := 1=B
replaced by

Code: Select all

a2a1b := a2a1=B
b2b1b := b2b1=B
c2c1b := c2c1=B
d2d1b := d2d1=B
e2e1b := e2e1=B
f2f1b := f2a1=B
g2g1b := g2g1=B
h2h1b := h2h1=B
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by AdminX »

[Event "Gideon 3.1 (TCS R40)-Cray Blitz 4.9h match (1 games, 180 seconds per move)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2024.03.27"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Gideon 3.1 (TCS R40)"]
[Black "Cray Blitz 4.9h"]
[Result "0-1"]
[EventDate "2024.03.27"]
[ECO "C03"]
[PlyCount "96"]
[TimeControl "m180000"]

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 Nc6 4.c3 Nf6 5.e5 Nd7 6.Ngf3 Ne7 7.Nb3 Ng6 8.Bd3 Be7 9.O-O c5 10.Nxc5 Nxc5 11.dxc5 Bxc5 12.Qe2 Bd7 13.Nd4 O-O 14.Be3 Qc7 15.f4 Rfc8 16.Rad1 Ne7 17.Rf2 Qb6 18.b4 Bxd4 19.Bxd4 Qd8 20.b5 h6 21.c4 dxc4 22.Bxc4 Nf5 23.g4 Nxd4 24.Rxd4 Rc7 25.f5 Qe8 26.f6 g6 27.Qe3 Qf8 28.Rfd2 Be8 29.Qf4 a6 30.bxa6 b5 31.Bf1 Rxa6 32.Rd8 Kh7 33.Qe3 Ra4 34.Bxb5 Rxg4+ 35.Kf2 Qb4 36.Bxe8 Rf4+ 37.Kg2 Rg4+ 38.Kf3 Rcc4 39.Bc6 Rcf4+ 40.Ke2 Qc4+ 41.R2d3 Qxc6 42.Kd2 Rg2+ 43.Ke1 Re4 44.Kf1 Rxe3 45.Rh8+ Kxh8 46.Rd8+ Kh7 47.Rh8+ Kxh8 48.h3 Qf3# 0-1
"Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions."
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by Sylwy »

On Arena GUI, as the WB engine (inbetween.exe) works perfectly. Much more natural, two files less and without the wb2uci.eng complications. THANK YOU! Both to Maestro Jim and Alexander Schmidt. A masterpiece! I use TC=20'/move.

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Jim Ablett
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Re: Cray Blitz 49h available (working!)

Post by Jim Ablett »

I've created some standalone winboard executables (using Enigma virtual box) with a selection of secs per move.
