This is not an investigation, let's say I just like to know what I am doing wrong.
I downloaded Alexandria from user PGG106, compiled with the VS available .sln and started a selfplay match to see if the compile would give about equal results. Unfortunately it did not.
Code: Select all
No. Name Win Draw Loss Unf. Score Games %
1 Alexandria-6.1.0-avx2 +21 =20 -0 *0 31.0 41 75.6%
2 Alexandria-vs-compile +0 =20 -21 *0 10.0 41 24.4%
Code: Select all
Engine Depth Time Games Moves Average Forfeit Book Depth MIDG EARLY ENDG LATE
Alexandria-vs-compile 16.47 0:10:33 41 2510 0.25 0 374 9.12 13.64 | 13.34 | 16.89 | 24.10
Alexandria-6.1.0-avx2 21.66 0:09:42 41 2498 0.23 0 374 9.12 18.28 | 18.76 | 22.27 | 30.39
Some other strange thing I don't understand, the sizes of the executables.
Code: Select all
4.530.238 Alexandria-6.1.0-avx2.exe
394.240 Alexandria-vs-compile.exe