best move in the opening.

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Uri Blass
Posts: 10424
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

best move in the opening.

Post by Uri Blass »

Stockfish with multipv=5 change its mind and have 5 different opening moves as best or at least share first place.

depth 57 1.g3 e4 0.15
depth 58 1.Nf3 0.17
depth 59 1.Nf3 0.14
depth 60: 1.c4 0.12
depth 61:1.e4 0.09
depth 62:1.Nf3,d4 0.12

FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1


57/73 1:39:56 16,073,888k 2,680k +0.12 d2-d4 Ng8-f6 Ng1-f3 d7-d5 c2-c4 e7-e6 g2-g3 Bf8-b4+ Bc1-d2 Bb4-e7 Qd1-c2 c7-c6 Bf1-g2 O-O O-O b7-b6 Nb1-c3 Bc8-a6 c4xd5 c6xd5 Nf3-e5 Ba6-b7 Rf1-c1 Nb8-d7 Ne5-d3 Ra8-c8 Qc2-a4 a7-a6 e2-e3 Rc8-c4 Qa4-d1 Qd8-a8 Bg2-f1 Nf6-e4 Nc3xe4 Rc4xc1 Ne4-f6+ Nd7xf6 Ra1xc1 Rf8-c8 Qd1-b3 Rc8xc1 Bd2xc1 Be7-d8 Qb3-c2 Nf6-e8 Bc1-d2 Ne8-d6 Bd2-e1 Qa8-c8
57/69 1:39:56 16,073,888k 2,680k +0.13 Ng1-f3 d7-d5 d2-d4 Ng8-f6 c2-c4 e7-e6 g2-g3 Bf8-b4+ Bc1-d2 Bb4-e7 Qd1-c2 c7-c6 Bf1-g2 O-O O-O b7-b6 Nb1-c3 Bc8-a6 c4xd5 c6xd5 Nf3-e5 Ba6-b7 Rf1-c1 Nf6-d7 Ne5-d3 Nd7-f6 Qc2-a4 Nb8-c6 e2-e3 h7-h6 b2-b4 Be7-d6 Ra1-b1 Qd8-d7 Qa4-d1 Rf8-c8 a2-a4 Ra8-b8 Bd2-e1 Qd7-d8 Bg2-f1 a7-a6 Nc3-a2 Nc6-a7 Rc1xc8 Rb8xc8 a4-a5
57/72 1:39:56 16,073,888k 2,680k +0.13 c2-c4 e7-e5 g2-g3 Ng8-f6 Bf1-g2 c7-c6 Ng1-f3 e5-e4 Nf3-d4 Qd8-b6 e2-e3 d7-d5 Nb1-c3 Bc8-g4 Qd1-b3 Qb6xb3 a2xb3 Bf8-c5 h2-h3 Bg4-d7 O-O O-O g3-g4 h7-h6 Rf1-d1 Nb8-a6 d2-d3 e4xd3 c4xd5 Bc5xd4 d5xc6 Bd7xc6 Bg2xc6 b7xc6 Ra1xa6 Bd4xc3 b2xc3 Nf6-e4 Ra6xc6 d3-d2 Bc1-a3 Rf8-b8 f2-f3 Rb8xb3 f3xe4 Rb3xa3 Rd1xd2 Ra3-a1+ Kg1-g2 Ra1-e1 Kg2-f2 Re1-h1 Rd2-d7 Rh1xh3 Rc6-c7 Ra8-b8 Kf2-e2 Rh3-h4 Ke2-d3 a7-a5 Rd7xf7 Rh4xg4
57/70 1:39:56 16,073,888k 2,680k +0.15 e2-e4 e7-e5 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 Bf1-b5 Ng8-f6 O-O Nf6xe4 Rf1-e1 Ne4-d6 Nf3xe5 Nc6xe5 Re1xe5+ Bf8-e7 Bb5-f1 O-O Nb1-c3 Nd6-e8 Nc3-d5 Be7-d6 Re5-e1 c7-c6 Nd5-e3 Bd6-e7 c2-c4 Be7-f6 d2-d4 d7-d5 c4xd5 c6xd5 Bc1-d2 a7-a5 g2-g3 Bc8-e6 Bd2-c3 Bf6-g5 Bf1-d3 Ne8-f6 h2-h4 Bg5xe3 Re1xe3 Nf6-e4 Qd1-f3 Qd8-d6 Re3-e2 Rf8-e8 Ra1-e1 Qd6-d7 Bd3xe4 d5xe4 Re2xe4 Be6xa2 Bc3xa5 Re8xe4 Qf3xe4
57/80 1:39:56 16,073,888k 2,680k +0.15 g2-g3 e7-e5 c2-c4 Ng8-f6 Bf1-g2 c7-c6 Ng1-f3 e5-e4 Nf3-d4 Qd8-b6 e2-e3 d7-d5 Nb1-c3 Bc8-g4 Qd1-b3 Qb6xb3 a2xb3 Bf8-c5 h2-h3 Bg4-d7 O-O O-O g3-g4 h7-h6 Rf1-d1 Bd7-e6 c4xd5 c6xd5 d2-d3 e4xd3 Rd1xd3 Nb8-c6 Nc3-e2 Bc5-b6 Nd4xc6 b7xc6 Bc1-d2 h6-h5 g4xh5 Nf6xh5 b3-b4 Rf8-e8 Bd2-c3 Nh5-f6 Bc3xf6 g7xf6 b4-b5 c6xb5 Ne2-f4 Ra8-d8 Bg2xd5 Rd8-d7
58/70 2:04:14 19,938,375k 2,675k +0.06 d2-d4 Ng8-f6 Ng1-f3 e7-e6 g2-g3 c7-c5 Bf1-g2 c5xd4 Nf3xd4 d7-d5 O-O e6-e5 Nd4-b3 Bc8-e6 e2-e4 d5xe4 Qd1xd8+ Ke8xd8 Nb1-c3 Nb8-c6 Nc3xe4 Nf6xe4 Bg2xe4 Kd8-c7 Bc1-e3 a7-a5 Rf1-d1 a5-a4 Nb3-c1 Ra8-a5 Nc1-d3 Bf8-d6 b2-b4 a4xb3/ep a2xb3 Ra5xa1 Rd1xa1 Rh8-e8 Ra1-d1 f7-f5 Be4-g2 Be6-f7 Nd3-c5 Bf7-h5 f2-f3 Bh5-g6 Be3-f2
58/81 2:04:14 19,938,375k 2,675k +0.10 g2-g3 e7-e5 c2-c4 Ng8-f6 Bf1-g2 c7-c6 Ng1-f3 e5-e4 Nf3-d4 Qd8-b6 e2-e3 d7-d5 Nb1-c3 Bc8-g4 Qd1-b3 Qb6xb3 a2xb3 Bf8-c5 h2-h3 Bg4-d7 O-O O-O g3-g4 h7-h6 Rf1-d1 Nb8-a6 d2-d3 e4xd3 Rd1xd3 Na6-b4 Rd3-d1 a7-a5 c4xd5 Bc5xd4 d5xc6 b7xc6 e3xd4 Bd7-e6 Ra1-a3 Nb4-c2 Bg2xc6 Nc2xa3 Bc6xa8 Be6xb3 Rd1-d3 Bb3-c4 Rd3-g3 Rf8xa8 b2xa3 Bc4-e6 Nc3-a4 Ra8-b8 Rg3-c3 Rb8-b1
58/76 2:04:14 19,938,375k 2,675k +0.10 c2-c4 e7-e5 g2-g3 Ng8-f6 Bf1-g2 c7-c6 Ng1-f3 e5-e4 Nf3-d4 Qd8-b6 e2-e3 d7-d5 Nb1-c3 Bc8-g4 Qd1-b3 Qb6xb3 a2xb3 Bf8-c5 h2-h3 Bg4-d7 O-O O-O g3-g4 h7-h6 Rf1-d1 Nb8-a6 d2-d3 e4xd3 Rd1xd3 Na6-b4 Rd3-d1 a7-a5 c4xd5 Bc5xd4 d5xc6 b7xc6 e3xd4 Bd7-e6 Ra1-a3 Nb4-c2 Bg2xc6 Nc2xa3 Bc6xa8 Be6xb3 Rd1-d3 Bb3-c4 Rd3-g3 Rf8xa8 b2xa3 Ra8-b8 Kg1-h2 Kg8-h7 Rg3-e3 Rb8-d8 Nc3-e4 Rd8xd4 Ne4xf6+ g7xf6 Re3-f3 h6-h5 g4xh5 Bc4-e6 h5-h6 Rd4-h4 Rf3xf6 Rh4xh3+ Kh2-g2 Rh3-b3
58/87 2:04:14 19,938,375k 2,675k +0.12 e2-e4 e7-e5 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 Bf1-b5 Ng8-f6 O-O Nf6xe4 Rf1-e1 Ne4-d6 Nf3xe5 Nc6xe5 Re1xe5+ Bf8-e7 Bb5-f1 O-O Nb1-c3 Nd6-e8 Nc3-d5 Be7-d6 Re5-e1 c7-c6 Nd5-e3 Bd6-e7 c2-c4 Be7-f6 d2-d4 d7-d5 c4xd5 c6xd5 Bc1-d2 a7-a5 g2-g3 Bc8-e6 Bd2-c3 Bf6-e7 a2-a4 Ne8-f6 Bf1-d3 Be7-d6 Ne3-f5 Rf8-e8 Qd1-b3 Bd6-f8 Nf5-e3 Qd8-c7 Ra1-c1 g7-g6 Ne3-g2 Be6-d7 Re1xe8 Bd7xe8 Bc3-d2 Be8-c6
58/83 2:04:14 19,938,375k 2,675k +0.17 Ng1-f3 d7-d5 g2-g3 g7-g6 Bf1-g2 Bf8-g7 d2-d4 Ng8-f6 c2-c4 c7-c6 O-O O-O c4xd5 c6xd5 Nb1-c3 Nf6-e4 Nf3-e5 Bc8-f5 Bc1-f4 Ne4xc3 b2xc3 Nb8-c6 Ne5xc6 b7xc6 Qd1-a4 e7-e6 Qa4xc6 Ra8-c8 Qc6-a4 Rc8xc3 Rf1-c1 Qd8-c8 Qa4xa7 Qc8-c4 Rc1xc3 Qc4xc3 Ra1-d1 Bf5-c2 Rd1-d2 Rf8-c8 Qa7-b7 Rc8-f8 Bf4-e3 Rf8-c8 h2-h4 Bg7-f8 Be3-f4 Qc3-c6 Qb7xc6 Rc8xc6 e2-e4 Bc2xe4 Rd2-b2 Be4xg2 Kg1xg2 Bf8-d6 Bf4-h6 Rc6-c8 a2-a4 Rc8-a8 Rb2-b7 Bd6-f8 Bh6-f4 h7-h5 a4-a5 Ra8xa5 Rb7-b8
59/73 2:30:04 23,507,703k 2,611k +0.03 g2-g3 e7-e5 c2-c4 Ng8-f6 Bf1-g2 c7-c6 Ng1-f3 e5-e4 Nf3-d4 Qd8-b6 e2-e3 d7-d5 Nb1-c3 Bc8-g4 Qd1-b3 Bf8-c5 h2-h3 Bg4-d7 Qb3xb6 Bc5xb6 b2-b3 O-O Bc1-a3 Rf8-e8 O-O h7-h5 Ra1-b1 Nb8-a6 c4xd5 Nf6xd5 Nd4-e2 Nd5xc3 Ne2xc3 Bd7-f5 b3-b4 Ra8-d8 b4-b5 Na6-c5 Ba3xc5 Bb6xc5 b5xc6 b7xc6 Rf1-d1 g7-g5 Rb1-b3 Bc5-b6
59/78 2:30:04 23,507,703k 2,611k +0.06 c2-c4 e7-e5 g2-g3 Ng8-f6 Bf1-g2 c7-c6 Ng1-f3 e5-e4 Nf3-d4 Qd8-b6 e2-e3 d7-d5 Nb1-c3 Bc8-g4 Qd1-b3 Bf8-c5 h2-h3 Bg4-d7 Qb3xb6 Bc5xb6 b2-b3 O-O Bc1-a3 Rf8-e8 O-O Nb8-a6 Rf1-d1 d5xc4 b3xc4 Bb6-c5 Ba3xc5 Na6xc5 g3-g4 h7-h6 Ra1-b1 Ra8-d8 Nd4-b3 Nc5xb3 a2xb3 a7-a6 Rb1-a1 Bd7-c8 Ra1-a5 Re8-e7 Kg1-f1 g7-g5 Kf1-e1 Kg8-g7 b3-b4 Kg7-f8 c4-c5
59/76 2:30:04 23,507,703k 2,611k +0.08 d2-d4 Ng8-f6 Ng1-f3 e7-e6 c2-c4 d7-d5 g2-g3 Bf8-b4+ Bc1-d2 Bb4-e7 Qd1-c2 c7-c6 Bf1-g2 O-O O-O b7-b6 Nb1-c3 Bc8-a6 c4xd5 c6xd5 Nf3-e5 Ba6-b7 Qc2-a4 Nf6-d7 Ne5-d3 Nd7-f6 Rf1-c1 h7-h6 e2-e3 Nb8-c6 b2-b4 Be7-d6 Nc3-b5 Bd6-b8 Qa4-b3 Qd8-e7 a2-a4 a7-a6 Nb5-c3 Bb8-d6 Nc3-e2 Rf8-c8 Ra1-b1 Ra8-b8 b4-b5 a6xb5 Qb3xb5 Bb7-a8 Qb5-b3 Qe7-d8
59/78 2:30:04 23,507,703k 2,611k +0.10 e2-e4 e7-e5 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 Bf1-b5 Ng8-f6 O-O Nf6xe4 Rf1-e1 Ne4-d6 Nf3xe5 Nc6xe5 Re1xe5+ Bf8-e7 Bb5-f1 O-O Nb1-c3 Be7-f6 Re5-e1 Rf8-e8 Re1xe8+ Nd6xe8 Nc3-d5 Bf6-g5 c2-c4 c7-c6 Nd5-c3 Ne8-f6 d2-d4 Bg5xc1 Ra1xc1 d7-d6 d4-d5 c6-c5 h2-h3 Bc8-d7 Qd1-d2 Qd8-f8 g2-g4 Ra8-e8 Rc1-e1 h7-h6 Re1-e3 b7-b6 Kg1-g2 g7-g6 Bf1-d3 Re8xe3 Qd2xe3 Kg8-g7 Nc3-e2 Qf8-d8 Ne2-g3 Qd8-e8 Qe3xe8 Nf6xe8 f2-f4 a7-a6 Bd3-e2 f7-f5 g4-g5 b6-b5 a2-a3 b5xc4 Be2xc4
59/76 2:30:04 23,507,703k 2,611k +0.14 Ng1-f3 d7-d5 d2-d4 Ng8-f6 c2-c4 e7-e6 g2-g3 Bf8-b4+ Bc1-d2 Bb4-e7 Bf1-g2 O-O Qd1-c2 c7-c6 O-O b7-b6 Nb1-c3 Bc8-a6 c4xd5 c6xd5 Nf3-e5 Ba6-b7 Qc2-a4 Nf6-d7 Ne5-d3 Nd7-f6 Rf1-c1 Nb8-c6 e2-e3 h7-h6 b2-b4 Be7-d6 Nc3-b5 Bd6-b8 Qa4-b3 Qd8-d7 Bd2-e1 Rf8-c8 a2-a4 Bb7-a6 Nb5-a3 Ba6xd3 Qb3xd3 Bb8-d6 Qd3-b3 Nc6-e7 Rc1xc8+ Ra8xc8 Bg2-f1 h6-h5 Bf1-a6 Rc8-d8 Na3-b5 h5-h4 Nb5xd6 Qd7xd6
60/75 3:42:16 35,048,661k 2,628k +0.06 Ng1-f3 d7-d5 g2-g3 g7-g6 Bf1-g2 Bf8-g7 d2-d4 Ng8-f6 c2-c4 c7-c6 O-O O-O c4xd5 c6xd5 Nb1-c3 Nf6-e4 Nf3-e5 Bc8-f5 Bc1-f4 Ne4xc3 b2xc3 Nb8-c6 Ne5xc6 b7xc6 Qd1-a4 e7-e6 Qa4xc6 Ra8-c8 Qc6-a4 Rc8xc3 Rf1-c1 Qd8-c8 Qa4xa7 Qc8-c4 Rc1xc3 Qc4xc3 Ra1-d1 h7-h6 h2-h4 Qc3-c6 Qa7-c5 Qc6-a6 Rd1-d2 Rf8-c8 Qc5-b4 Bg7-f8 Qb4-b3 Bf8-a3 e2-e4 d5xe4 Bg2-f1 Qa6-a8 Rd2-d1 h6-h5 Kg1-h2 Bf5-g4 Rd1-b1 Bg4-f5 Bf4-e3 Bf5-g4 Bf1-c4 Ba3-d6 a2-a4 Rc8-b8
60/82 3:42:16 35,048,661k 2,628k +0.06 d2-d4 Ng8-f6 c2-c4 e7-e6 Ng1-f3 d7-d5 Nb1-c3 Bf8-b4 Qd1-b3 c7-c5 d4xc5 Nb8-a6 c4xd5 Nf6xd5 c5-c6 O-O g2-g3 Na6-c5 Qb3-c2 Qd8-f6 Bc1-d2 Bb4xc3 Bd2xc3 Nd5xc3 Qc2xc3 Qf6xc3+ b2xc3 b7xc6 Bf1-g2 Bc8-a6 c3-c4 Ra8-b8 Nf3-e5 Rb8-b2 O-O Rb2xe2 Ne5xc6 Ba6-b7 Nc6-e7+ Kg8-h8 Bg2xb7 Nc5xb7 Rf1-e1 Re2xe1+ Ra1xe1 g7-g5 Re1-b1 Nb7-a5 c4-c5 Rf8-e8 Rb1-b5 Re8xe7 Rb5xa5 Kh8-g7 f2-f3 Kg7-f6 Kg1-f2 Re7-c7 Kf2-e3 Kf6-e5 c5-c6+ Ke5-f6 Ra5-c5 Kf6-e7 f3-f4 g5-g4 Ke3-d4 Ke7-d6
60/80 3:42:16 35,048,661k 2,628k +0.08 e2-e4 e7-e5 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 Bf1-b5 Ng8-f6 O-O Nf6xe4 Rf1-e1 Ne4-d6 Nf3xe5 Nc6xe5 Re1xe5+ Bf8-e7 Bb5-f1 O-O d2-d4 Be7-f6 Re5-e1 Rf8-e8 c2-c3 Re8xe1 Qd1xe1 Nd6-e8 Bc1-f4 d7-d5 a2-a4 a7-a5 Bf1-d3 Bc8-e6 h2-h3 Bf6-e7 Nb1-d2 Be7-d6 Bf4-e5 g7-g6 Nd2-f3 Qd8-d7 Qe1-d2 f7-f6 Be5-h2 Be6-f5 Bd3xf5 Qd7xf5 Ra1-e1 Qf5-d7 Qd2-c2 c7-c6 Qc2-d1 Bd6-e7 Qd1-e2 Be7-f8 Nf3-d2 Ne8-d6 Nd2-f1 Kg8-g7
60/76 3:42:16 35,048,661k 2,628k +0.08 g2-g3 d7-d5 Ng1-f3 g7-g6 Bf1-g2 Bf8-g7 d2-d4 c7-c6 c2-c4 Ng8-f6 b2-b3 O-O Bc1-b2 b7-b5 O-O b5xc4 b3xc4 Bc8-e6 Nb1-d2 Nb8-d7 Ra1-c1 Ra8-b8 c4xd5 c6xd5 Bb2-a3 Rf8-e8 Qd1-a4 Nf6-e4 e2-e3 Be6-f5 Nd2xe4 Bf5xe4 Qa4-a6 Rb8-b6 Qa6-a5 Qd8-b8 Nf3-g5 Be4xg2 Kg1xg2 Qb8-b7 Rc1-c2 Rb6-a6 Qa5-b4 Qb7xb4 Ba3xb4 Nd7-b6 Ng5-f3 Nb6-c4 Nf3-d2 Nc4xd2 Rc2xd2 Bg7-f8 Bb4-c5 e7-e6
60/76 3:42:16 35,048,661k 2,628k +0.12 c2-c4 e7-e5 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 e2-e4 Bf8-b4 d2-d3 d7-d6 a2-a3 Bb4-c5 b2-b4 Bc5-b6 Bc1-e3 Bc8-g4 Bf1-e2 O-O O-O Bg4xf3 Be2xf3 Nc6-d4 Nc3-a4 Nd4xf3+ Qd1xf3 Bb6-d4 Ra1-c1 c7-c6 Be3-g5 h7-h6 Bg5xf6 Qd8xf6 Qf3xf6 g7xf6 Rc1-c2 b7-b5 Na4-c3 Bd4xc3 Rc2xc3 a7-a5 c4xb5 a5xb4 a3xb4 c6xb5 Rc3-c6 Rf8-d8 h2-h4 Ra8-a2 f2-f4 Ra2-b2 f4xe5 f6xe5
61/78 4:25:40 42,473,542k 2,665k +0.07 d2-d4 Ng8-f6 Ng1-f3 e7-e6 c2-c4 d7-d5 Nb1-c3 Bf8-b4 Qd1-a4+ Nb8-c6 e2-e3 O-O Bc1-d2 Rf8-e8 a2-a3 Bb4-f8 Bf1-d3 d5xc4 Bd3xc4 h7-h6 Nc3-e2 Nf6-e4 Bd2-c3 Ne4xc3 Ne2xc3 e6-e5 O-O-O e5xd4 Nf3xd4 Nc6xd4 Rd1xd4 Bf8-d6 Rh1-d1 Bc8-f5 Bc4-d5 Ra8-b8 Nc3-e4 Bf5xe4 Rd4xe4 Re8xe4 Bd5xe4 a7-a6 Rd1-d2 Qd8-f6 g2-g3 Kg8-f8 Kc1-b1 c7-c6 Qa4-b3 b7-b5 Qb3-c2 c6-c5 Be4-d5 g7-g6 e3-e4 Bd6-e7 f2-f4
61/90 4:25:40 42,473,542k 2,665k +0.07 g2-g3 e7-e5 c2-c4 Ng8-f6 Bf1-g2 c7-c6 Ng1-f3 e5-e4 Nf3-d4 Qd8-b6 e2-e3 d7-d5 Nb1-c3 Bc8-g4 Qd1-b3 Bf8-c5 h2-h3 Bg4-d7 Qb3xb6 Bc5xb6 b2-b3 O-O Bc1-a3 Rf8-e8 O-O h7-h5 Rf1-b1 Bb6xd4 e3xd4 Nb8-a6 d2-d3 e4xd3 c4xd5 c6xd5 Nc3xd5 Nf6xd5 Bg2xd5 Ra8-b8 Bd5-g2 Bd7-b5 Rb1-c1 b7-b6 Bg2-f3 Rb8-d8 d4-d5 Re8-e5 Rc1-e1 Re5xe1+ Ra1xe1 Rd8-c8 Ba3-d6 Rc8-c2 a2-a4 d3-d2 Re1-d1 Bb5-d7 Kg1-f1 Na6-c5 Bd6xc5 Bd7xh3+ Kf1-e2 Rc2xc5 Rd1xd2 g7-g6 Ke2-d3 Kg8-f8 Kd3-d4 Bh3-f5 Rd2-b2 Kf8-e7
61/82 4:25:40 42,473,542k 2,665k +0.07 c2-c4 e7-e5 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 e2-e4 Bf8-b4 d2-d3 d7-d6 a2-a3 Bb4-c5 b2-b4 Bc5-b6 Bc1-e3 Bc8-g4 Bf1-e2 O-O O-O Bg4xf3 Be2xf3 Nc6-d4 Nc3-a4 Nd4xf3+ Qd1xf3 Bb6xe3 Qf3xe3 Rf8-e8 Rf1-d1 Nf6-d7 d3-d4 Nd7-b6 Na4-b2 e5xd4 Qe3xd4 Qd8-e7 f2-f3 h7-h6 Nb2-d3 a7-a5 c4-c5 d6xc5 Qd4xc5 Nb6-a4 Qc5xe7 Re8xe7 Ra1-c1 c7-c6 Kg1-f2 g7-g6 Kf2-g3 Re7-d7 Nd3-e5 Rd7xd1 Rc1xd1 a5xb4 a3xb4
61/76 4:25:40 42,473,542k 2,665k +0.08 Ng1-f3 d7-d5 g2-g3 g7-g6 Bf1-g2 Bf8-g7 d2-d4 Ng8-f6 c2-c4 c7-c6 b2-b3 O-O Bc1-b2 b7-b5 O-O b5xc4 b3xc4 Bc8-e6 Nb1-d2 Nb8-d7 Ra1-c1 Ra8-b8 Bb2-a3 Rf8-e8 c4xd5 c6xd5 Qd1-a4 Nf6-e4 e2-e3 Ne4xd2 Nf3xd2 Be6-f5 Ba3-b4 h7-h5 a2-a3 e7-e5 e3-e4 d5xe4 Nd2xe4 Nd7-b6 Qa4xa7 Rb8-a8 Qa7-c7 Qd8xc7 Rc1xc7 Nb6-d5 Rc7-b7 Nd5xb4 a3xb4 Re8-b8 Ne4-d6 e5-e4 Rb7xf7 Rb8xb4 d4-d5 Bg7-f8 Rf7xf5 g6xf5 Nd6xf5 Ra8-d8 Bg2-h3 Rd8xd5 Nf5-e7+ Bf8xe7
61/79 4:25:40 42,473,542k 2,665k +0.09 e2-e4 e7-e5 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 Bf1-b5 Ng8-f6 O-O Nf6xe4 d2-d4 Ne4-d6 Bb5xc6 d7xc6 d4xe5 Nd6-f5 Qd1xd8+ Ke8xd8 h2-h3 Bf8-e7 Nb1-c3 Nf5-h4 Nf3xh4 Be7xh4 Rf1-d1+ Kd8-e8 g2-g4 h7-h5 f2-f3 f7-f6 e5xf6 g7xf6 Bc1-e3 Bc8-e6 Rd1-d3 Ra8-d8 Rd3xd8+ Ke8xd8 Ra1-f1 Kd8-e7 Kg1-g2 b7-b6 Nc3-e2 h5xg4 h3xg4 f6-f5 Ne2-f4 Rh8-g8 Be3-f2 Bh4xf2 Kg2xf2 Be6-f7 Rf1-e1+ Ke7-f6
62/79 4:47:30 46,222,801k 2,680k +0.07 g2-g3 d7-d5 Ng1-f3 g7-g6 Bf1-g2 Bf8-g7 d2-d4 Ng8-f6 c2-c4 c7-c6 b2-b3 O-O Bc1-b2 Bc8-e6 Nb1-d2 a7-a5 O-O a5-a4 Rf1-e1 Qd8-b6 e2-e3 Nb8-d7 Bb2-c3 a4xb3 a2xb3 Be6-f5 c4-c5 Qb6-c7 b3-b4 Ra8xa1 Qd1xa1 Rf8-b8 Bg2-f1 Nf6-e4 Nd2xe4 Bf5xe4 Nf3-d2 Be4-f5 Qa1-a3 h7-h5 Re1-a1 Qc7-c8 f2-f3 Nd7-f6 Qa3-b2
62/81 4:47:30 46,222,801k 2,680k +0.10 c2-c4 e7-e5 g2-g3 Ng8-f6 Bf1-g2 c7-c6 Ng1-f3 e5-e4 Nf3-d4 Qd8-b6 e2-e3 d7-d5 Nb1-c3 Bc8-g4 Qd1-b3 Bf8-c5 h2-h3 Bg4-d7 Qb3xb6 Bc5xb6 b2-b3 O-O Bc1-a3 Rf8-e8 O-O h7-h5 Rf1-b1 d5xc4 b3xc4 Nb8-a6 Nd4-b3 Bb6-c7 Rb1-d1 Bd7-f5 Ra1-b1 Ra8-d8 c4-c5 Na6-b8 Rd1-c1 Bf5-e6 Nb3-d4 Be6-c8 h3-h4 Bc7-e5 Nd4-b3 Be5-c7 Ba3-b2 Bc8-g4 a2-a3 Nb8-d7 a3-a4 Rd8-b8 Bb2-a3
62/74 4:47:30 46,222,801k 2,680k +0.11 e2-e4 e7-e5 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 Bf1-b5 Ng8-f6 d2-d3 Bf8-c5 c2-c3 O-O O-O d7-d5 Nb1-d2 a7-a5 Bb5xc6 b7xc6 Nf3xe5 Rf8-e8 d3-d4 d5xe4 d4xc5 Re8xe5 Nd2xe4 Bc8-a6 Ne4xf6+ Qd8xf6 Rf1-e1 Ra8-d8 Bc1-d2 Re5xc5 b2-b3 a5-a4 c3-c4 Rc5-e5 Re1xe5 Qf6xe5 Qd1-e1 Qe5xe1+ Bd2xe1 f7-f6 f2-f3 Kg8-f7 Be1-a5 Rd8-d7 Ba5-b4 Rd7-d4 Kg1-f2 Rd4-d3 Kf2-e2 Rd3-d8 Ra1-d1 Rd8xd1 Ke2xd1 a4xb3 a2xb3 h7-h6 Kd1-e2
62/80 4:47:30 46,222,801k 2,680k +0.12 d2-d4 Ng8-f6 Ng1-f3 d7-d5 c2-c4 e7-e6 Nb1-c3 Bf8-b4 Qd1-a4+ Nb8-c6 e2-e3 O-O Bc1-d2 Rf8-e8 a2-a3 Bb4-f8 Bf1-d3 d5xc4 Bd3xc4 h7-h6 Nc3-e2 Nf6-e4 Bd2-c3 Ne4xc3 Ne2xc3 Bf8-d6 O-O e6-e5 d4-d5 Nc6-e7 Ra1-c1 Re8-f8 Nc3-e4 Kg8-h8 Rf1-d1 f7-f5 Ne4xd6 c7xd6 Bc4-e2 b7-b6 h2-h4 f5-f4 e3-e4 a7-a5 Nf3-d2 Ne7-g6 Qa4-c6 Ra8-a7 Rc1-c3 Ng6xh4 Rd1-c1 Qd8-g5 Be2-f1
62/77 4:47:30 46,222,801k 2,680k +0.12 Ng1-f3 d7-d5 d2-d4 Ng8-f6 c2-c4 e7-e6 Nb1-c3 Bf8-b4 Qd1-a4+ Nb8-c6 e2-e3 O-O Bc1-d2 Rf8-e8 a2-a3 Bb4-f8 Bf1-d3 d5xc4 Bd3xc4 h7-h6 Nc3-e2 Nf6-e4 Bd2-c3 Ne4xc3 Ne2xc3 Bf8-d6 O-O Bc8-d7 Qa4-c2 e6-e5 d4-d5 Nc6-e7 Rf1-d1 Re8-f8 Bc4-b5 Bd7-f5 Bb5-d3 Bf5-d7 Ra1-c1 Kg8-h8 Nf3-d2 f7-f5 a3-a4 a7-a6 Nd2-c4 Ne7-g6 Bd3-f1 Ng6-h4 Kg1-h1 Qd8-g5 Nc4xd6 c7xd6
Dann Corbit
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Re: best move in the opening.

Post by Dann Corbit »

Bojun Guo's chess database lists all initial moves except:
as having a centipawn value of 0.00
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.
Uri Blass
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Re: best move in the opening.

Post by Uri Blass »

I do not know the basis for the scores but something is illogical in this database

After 1.d4 d5 2.c4
2...e6 has the score 0

I expect after it all moves for white after
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 to be with a score of at most 0 but see
3.cxd5 1
Dann Corbit
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Re: best move in the opening.

Post by Dann Corbit »

I do not expect the data to be perfect, but I do expect it to be very good.
I suppose that each branch is mini-maxed individually and I think the initial searches are something like 24 plies.
But with the many billions of analyzed positions, I think that the positions are probably within an eighth of a pawn in all cases until the depth is too great.
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.
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Re: best move in the opening.

Post by jefk »

Yep DC but there's some backlog in the minimax; but imo a score zero
although fundamentally correct doesn't say much, key is how many
good moves are there for Black after your first White move.
Then it still is evident that 1.Nf3, 1.e4, 1.d4 are the best moves.

There are other -even less simple- ways of choosing an opening(move) btw ... 1486746586

Found via recent posting in the talkchess programmers section

Personally i think this (WDL contempt) is an awesome feature
(but we probably won't see it in SF any time soon although you never know)
Dann Corbit
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Re: best move in the opening.

Post by Dann Corbit »

Based on mobility, e3 has more move choices than even d4.
While it is not all that popular, I think it is underrated.
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.