Please excuse me upfront if this would be considered off topic - since I would like to share
some experience I had during developing a tiny Go/Weiqi/Baduk program. Yes, this is not chess
but I used the approach that we had in Toledo Nano Chess or MicroMax which was treated to be
a bad idea if applied for Go, but since the results I eventually got are quite surprising and exciting,
yet it's a technical discussion, I hope moderators would keep this post.
So, long story short - I was looking for the smallest (code size wise) implementation of the game of Go.
I was hoping to find some MicroMax/ToledoChess equivalent but surprisingly there doesn't seem to be any.
So I decided to make my own, just for fun. I was wondering if the traditional minimalist chess approach would work -
using recursive search for tactics and a sort of a PST equivalent to give a program an idea of where to put stones.
Initial attempt failed because I was trying to search for all moves, not only forcing moves but once I limited search
to searching forcing moves only it started working much better - 6 plies depth with bare brute force search, no alpha beta
(I believe with Go beta cutoffs might lead to a trouble because local win does not always mean a global advantage +
I wanted to have as small code as possible). Now which moves did I consider to be forcing? In chess if the piece is attacked
the capture move is a forcing move but using this heuristic in Go would lose because usually groups with 1 liberty left
(those being in atari) would eventually be captured, so I'm searching for groups that have 1 or 2 liberties left. These liberties
are stored to a move list and get searched recursively. Again, search would generate only these forcing moves. So the
way it works is like: we have a group in trouble? Try to save it. We're chasing opponent's group? Try to kill it.
As a logic for "calm" moves I used 2 heuristics - take corners/sides/center if possible, if not find opponent's group
with the least number of liberties and start surrounding it.
Surprisingly the naive approach above results in my engine beating GnuGo1.2 (first public release of GnuGo) at least 60%
winrate. I didn't do much testing, but it clearly wins more than looses. Interestingly, GnuGo is based on exactly the same
program my engine has been inspired by - Wally By J.K. Millen, a Go program from 80s running on unexpanded KIM-1 (~1K RAM).
Wally didn't have recursive search but static eval logic to attack/save/apply pattern/play random move, GnuGo took this to the
next level - although it knows nothing about 2 eyes (core concept in Go - a group with 2 eyes is alive, with 1 eye it's dead)
still GnuGo feels more intelligent then my program. Nevertheless, a simple negamax search effectively replaces attack/deffence
logic and tremendously minimizes the amount of source code to be involved to achieve a similar behavior. In the cooperation
with a simple take territory + surround weak groups logic my program can beat GnuGo.
Here's the source code of MicroGo(my tiny Go program):
You won't understand much above because of single variable names though, so
here's a fairly similar implementation but with meaningful variable names in JS + it has own GUI
if you want to quickly experience it:
Finally, here's a video where MicroGo beats GnuGo1.2 three times and looses once:
For those not willing to navigate through the links, here's the source code:
Code: Select all
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define F " \n"
#define O " ...................\n"
#define G F O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O F
int d[]={88,340,352,100,69,129,363,297,311,
371,143,77,213,227,73,367,215,225,115,325,220}; // Opening moves
int I=441,S=21,E=0,B=1,W=2,M=4,L=8;char b[]=G;
int s=1,k,m,r,e;int g[360],l[720];int n[]={-1,-21,21,1};
void C(int q,int c){int t=b[q]-'`';if(b[q]<=' ')return; // Count liberties
if(t>0&&(t&c)&&!(t&M)){b[q]|=M;g[r++]=q;for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
C(q+n[i],c);}else if(b[q]=='.'){b[q]=(t+50)|L+'`';l[e++]=q;}}
void R(){memset(g,0,360*sizeof(int));memset(l,0,720*sizeof(int)); // Restore board after
r=0;e=0;for(int i=0;i<I;i++){if(b[i]>'.'){char t=(b[i]-'`')&3;
int Y(int q){int c=-1,o=-1;for(int i=0;i<4;i++){if(b[q+n[i]]<=' ') // Is square in diamond shape?
continue;if(b[q+n[i]]=='.')return 0;if(c==-1){c=(b[q+n[i]]-'`')&3;
o=3-c;}else if(((b[q+n[i]]-'`')&3)==o)return 0;}return c;}
int P(int q,int c){if(b[q]!='.'||q==k)return 0;int _k=k;k=E; b[q]=c; // Put stone on board, handle captures
for(int i=0;i<I;i++){if(b[i]<='.')continue;if((b[i]-'`')&(3-(c-'`'))){
C(i,3-(c-'`'));if(!e){if(r==1&&Y(q)==3-s)k=g[0];for(int j=0;j<r;j++)
b[g[j]]='.';}R();}}C(q,c-'`');int suicide=e?0:1;R();if(suicide){b[q]='.';
k=_k;return 0;}s=3-s;return 1;}
int X(int x){if(!x){int v=0,a=0,w=0;for(int q=0;q<I;q++){ // Recursively search fighting moves at depth 6
if(b[q]<=' '||b[q]=='.')continue;if(b[q]=='a')a+=1;if(b[q]=='b')
w+=1;}v+=(a-w);return(s==B)?v:-v;};int h=-10000;int u[100];
memset(u,0,100*sizeof(int));int y=0;for(int q=0;q<I;q++){
if(b[q]<=' '||b[q]=='.')continue;C(q,b[q]-'`');if(e<3){for(int j=0;j<e;j++)
{int f=0;for(int z=0;z<y;z++)if(u[z]==l[j])f=1;if(!f)u[y++]=l[j];}}R();}
for(int q=0;q<(y<7?y:6);q++){if(u[q]==k)continue;char _b[]=G;strcpy(_b,b);
int _s=s;int _k=k;if(!P(u[q],s+'`'))continue;int p=-X(x-1);if(p>h){h=p;
if(x==6)m=u[q];}strcpy(b,_b);s=_s;k=_k;}return h;}
void T(int z){for(int q=0;q<21;q++){if(b[d[q]]=='.'&&!(Y(d[q]))){m=d[q]; // Play away if no forcing moves
return;}}int i=100;for(int q=0;q<I;q++){if((b[q]-'`')==3-s){int a=0;
C(q,b[q]-'`');if(e<i){i=e;a=l[0];}else if(e)a=l[z?(e-1):0];R();int c=0;
for(int j=0;j<4;j++)if(b[a+n[j]]=='.')c++;if(a&&c&&a!=k)m=a;}}}
void D(){setbuf(stdin,NULL);setbuf(stdout,NULL);char u[10000];while(1){ // GTP communication
if(u[0]=='\n')continue;if(strncmp(u,"name",4)==0)printf("= Micro Go\n");
if(strncmp(u,"version",7)==0)printf("= by Code Monkey King\n\n");
else if(strncmp(u,"protocol_version",16)==0)printf("= 1\n\n");
else if(strncmp(u,"showboard",9)==0)printf("= %s %d %d\n\n",b,s,k);
else if(strncmp(u,"clear_board",11)==0){strcpy(b,G);s=B,k=m=E;printf("=\n\n");}
else if(strncmp(u,"genmove",7)==0){s=(u[8]=='B')?B:W;m=0;int p=X(6);
if(m)P(m,s+'`');else{T(1);if(!m)T(0);}char c[20];int y=(m/21)-1,x=(m%21)-1;
if(!m)printf("= pass\n\n");else {P(m,s+'`');printf("= %s\n\n",c);}}
else if(strncmp(u,"play",4)==0){int c=u[5]=='B'?'a':'b';int x=u[7]-'A'+1-(u[7]>'I'?1:0);
int y;sscanf(u,"play %*c %*c%d",&y);y=S-1-y;P(y*S+x,c);printf("=\n\n");}
else if(strncmp(u,"quit",4)==0)break;else printf("=\n\n");}}int main(){D();}
Seems like I'm the first guy to implement minimalist Go program.
If not - please kindly point me to those existing already.
Thanks for reading. Cheers!