Some Hard Talkchess suite results

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Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:15 pm
Full name: Jouni Uski

Some Hard Talkchess suite results

Post by Jouni »

109 position set. 6 cores and 1 minute limit. ShashChess High Tal of course.

Code: Select all

ShashChess 35.1    94  25m
Stockfish 16.1     80  41m
Stockfish 20240820 72  46m
Berserk 13         70  51m
Obsidian 13.08     57  59m
ShashChess is clearly unbeaten as problem solver. How much weaker it plays? In short test High Tal weakens engine 40 elo with UHO and 20 elo neutral book. Still stronger than other engines :) ?
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Re: Some Hard Talkchess suite results

Post by Spliffjiffer »

Hi Jouni, hello everyone :-)

i have a HTC.020,1r4k1/pb3p1p/r1p1p1p1/2p1P3/P1P2P2/1PB5/2K3PP/5R2 w - - bm a5
still considered to be an adequate test-position ?

...according to my brief investigation, it seems to me that 1.a5 is just loosing as well !?...
did this have been investigated ardy earlier and if so, was there a conclusion ?
...i mean: I know 1.a5 is only a bm but if it looses too than i have my doubhts about the quality of the position beeing a good testposition
...after eg 1. a5 Rd8 2.Rd1 Rd4 3.g3 h6 4.Ra1 Rd7, i get really bad results for white...does SF miss sth important or do i respectively miss sth essential ?

any thoughts, ideas, investigations, test-results ?

greetings, Peer
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Re: Some Hard TalkChess suite results.

Post by Ajedrecista »

Spliffjiffer wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2025 11:30 am[...]
did this have been investigated ardy earlier and if so, was there a conclusion ?
If you search the FEN string of the position at TalkChess, you will find that there have been some doubts about the correctness of the problem, without an irrefutable conclusion:

search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&sr=posts&keyw ... K3PP%2F5R2

It could be a good problem with less pieces OTB, to check if the trapped rook is not worth a win to the stronger side or if there is a breaking manoeuvre or sac to free the rook.

Regards from Spain.

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Re: Some Hard Talkchess suite results

Post by peter »

Hi Peer!
Spliffjiffer wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2025 11:30 am i have a HTC.020,1r4k1/pb3p1p/r1p1p1p1/2p1P3/P1P2P2/1PB5/2K3PP/5R2 w - - bm a5
still considered to be an adequate test-position ?

...according to my brief investigation, it seems to me that 1.a5 is just loosing as well !?...
did this have been investigated ardy earlier and if so, was there a conclusion ?
...i mean: I know 1.a5 is only a bm but if it looses too than i have my doubhts about the quality of the position beeing a good testposition
...after eg 1. a5 Rd8 2.Rd1 Rd4 3.g3 h6 4.Ra1 Rd7, i get really bad results for white...does SF miss sth important or do i respectively miss sth essential ?
You'd have to show a whole winning line to convince me, that's won for Black for sure. Here I just did let SF 241222 with 28 threads on 16x3.5GHz CPU play out with Black against Lc0 with net 6147500PT and 3070ti GPU at 25'+5" for White's side starting from the end of the line you gave (not seeing any crucial blunder- move within this few ones neither):
[pgn][Event "AMD, Schnellschach 25.0min+5.0sek"]
[White "Lc0 v0.31.2"]
[Black "Stockfish"]
[Site "AMD"]
[Round "1"]
[Annotator "-1.56;-3.03"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[Date "2025.01.03"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "1r4k1/pb3p1p/r1p1p1p1/2p1P3/P1P2P2/1PB5/2K3PP/5R2 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "123"]
[GameId "2129935874187348"]
[TimeControl "1500+5"]

1. a5 Rd8 2. Rd1 Rd4 3. g3 h6 4. Ra1 Rd7 5. h4 {-1.56/13 113} g5 {-3.03/44 111} 6. fxg5 {-1.68/17 6 (hxg5)} hxg5 {-3.18/38 38} 7. hxg5 {-1.67/16 39 (Th1)} Kg7 {-3.56/39 106} 8. Rh1 {-1.83/15 75 (g4)} Rd8 {-3.72/41 117 (Lc8)} 9. Rh2 {-1.86/14 56 (Th3)} Kg6 {-3.87/36 34 (Lc8)} 10. Rh6+ {-1.70/14 24 (Tf2)} Kxg5 {-3.92/39 42} 11. Rf6 {-1.79/14 0} Bc8 {-3.94/39 34 (Td7)} 12. Rxf7 {-1.78/14 18} Kg6 {-3.94/40 20 (Tg8)} 13. Re7 {-1.68/15 44} Kf5 {-3.96/43 9 (Tg8)} 14. Rf7+ {-1.81/16 79} Ke4 {-4.00/40 0} 15. Rf4+ {-1.84/16 15} Ke3 {-4.04/37 0} 16. Rg4 {-1.80/17 17 (Tf1)} Rf8 {-4.18/43 46 (Th8)} 17. Bd2+ {-1.28/16 33} Kf3 {-4.26/43 20 (Ke2)} 18. Rf4+ {-1.19/15 28 (Th4)} Rxf4 {-1.14/103 98} 19. gxf4 {-1.17/16 0} Bd7 {-1.11/89 32} 20. Kc1 {-1.16/15 27} Ke2 {-1.14/82 20 (Le8)} 21. Bc3 {-1.10/16 96 (Kc2)} Be8 {-0.85/89 97} 22. Bd2 {-1.12/17 8 (Kc2)} Bg6 {-0.89/82 96 (Lh5)} 23. Bc3 {-1.09/15 23} Bh7 {-1.18/75 35 (Ke3)} 24. Bd2 {-1.09/14 42} Bg6 {-0.96/83 56 (Kf2)} 25. Bc3 {-1.05/13 37} Bd3 {-1.14/76 0 (Kf2)} 26. Bd2 {-0.98/13 35} Be4 {-1.08/73 17 (Kf1)} 27. Bc3 {-0.95/13 33} Bd3 {-1.08/73 2 (Kf3)} 28. Bd2 {-0.90/14 37} Bf5 {-0.89/74 51 (Kf3)} 29. Bc3 {-0.86/13 33} Be4 {-1.12/69 6 (Kf1)} 30. Bd2 {-0.84/13 32} Bd3 {-1.03/70 31 (Ld5)} 31. Bc3 {-0.79/13 35} Bf5 {-0.87/71 34 (Kf1)} 32. Bd2 {-0.75/13 33} Bh7 {-0.94/63 1 (Kf2)} 33. Bc3 {-0.75/15 35} Bg6 {-0.99/63 38 (Le4)} 34. Bd2 {-0.74/16 35} Bf5 {-1.02/61 8 (Ld3)} 35. Bc3 {-0.75/15 33} Bg6 {-0.84/67 43 (Le4)} 36. Bd2 {-0.74/14 34} Kd3 {-0.67/66 35 (Kf3)} 37. Be1 {-0.69/14 60} Be4 {-0.56/63 50 (Ke3)} 38. Bd2 {-0.70/14 10 (Kd1)} Bh1 {-0.77/60 62 (Ld5)} 39. Be1 {-0.68/14 45} Bd5 {-0.78/62 0} 40. Bd2 {-0.69/14 28} Bg2 {-1.01/52 14 (Ke2)} 41. Be1 {-0.67/14 51} Bf1 {-0.85/54 3 (Ld5)} 42. Bd2 {-0.63/13 25} Be2 {-0.86/51 5 (Lg2)} 43. Be1 {-0.63/14 18} Bf3 {-0.89/50 29} 44. Bd2 {-0.62/14 18} Be2 {-0.95/38 6 (Ld5)} 45. Be1 {-0.61/15 28} Bh5 {-0.76/55 40 (Ke3)} 46. Bd2 {-0.58/14 27} Bg4 {-0.78/39 7 (Ke4)} 47. Be1 {-0.57/14 26} Bf3 {-0.72/49 32 (Ke2)} 48. Bd2 {-0.56/14 21} Bh5 {-0.52/43 68 (Ke2)} 49. Be1 {-0.53/14 27} Bg4 {-0.46/38 4 (Ke2)} 50. Bd2 {-0.52/14 25} Bf3 {-0.52/34 1} 51. Be1 {-0.52/14 18} Bh5 {-0.56/35 25 (Ld5)} 52. Bd2 {-0.51/14 25} Bg4 {-0.44/34 7 (Lf3)} 53. Be1 {-0.51/14 22} Be2 {-0.24/38 89 (Ke2)} 54. Bd2 {-0.49/14 14} Bh5 {-0.34/31 4 (Lf3)} 55. Be1 {-0.49/13 20} Be2 {-0.02/31 23 (Ke2)} 56. Bd2 {-0.45/13 18} Ke4 {-0.04/24 4 (Lf3)} 57. Kc2 {-0.45/13 0} Bf3 {0.00/120 12 (Kf3)} 58. Kc1 {-0.43/12 22} Be2 {0.00/82 0 (Kd3)} 59. Kc2 {-0.41/12 17} Bh5 {0.00/87 0 (Kf3)} 60. Kc1 {-0.40/11 14} Bg4 {0.00/81 0 (Kf3)} 61. Kc2 {-0.34/11 14} Kf5 {0.00/76 0 (Lf5)} 62. Kc1 {-0.27/11 13 Remis angenommen} 1/2-1/2
Don't you get me wrong, such a sinlge eng-eng-game doesn't prove a forced draw neither and for sure White can loose that with some suboptimal moves, but so far I don't see, how Black can win against best resistance of White's, regards
Posts: 3510
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:15 pm
Full name: Jouni Uski

Re: Some Hard Talkchess suite results

Post by Jouni »

Beast engine by EN has finally beaten ShashChess! And this even with default settings: Solved 98 time 23 m. But there is ugly thing. It outputs too much and practically crashes Fritz GUI. What is this :x :

<< info depth 25 seldepth 41 multipv 1 score cp 209 nodes 17520430 nps 2702935 hashfull 32 tbhits 13 time 6482 pv e2g4 h6g5 f4g5 f6g4 g3g4 e4g6 e1e6 e7d7 g4h4 f8g8 e6e3 d8e8 e3h3 d7h3 h4h3 e8e4 h3d7 a8e8 d7d6 a5c4 d6c6 c4e3 f1e1 g8h7 c6d7 e8e7 d7h3 h7g8 h3c8 g8h7 d4f3 e7e8 c8h3 h7g8 h3g3 e8c8 f3e5
<< info depth 25 currmove g5h4 currmovenumber 2
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Joined: Thu Dec 25, 2008 9:07 pm
Full name: Herbert L

Re: Some Hard Talkchess suite results

Post by Paloma »

Spliffjiffer wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2025 11:30 am Hi Jouni, hello everyone :-)

i have a HTC.020,1r4k1/pb3p1p/r1p1p1p1/2p1P3/P1P2P2/1PB5/2K3PP/5R2 w - - bm a5
still considered to be an adequate test-position ?

...according to my brief investigation, it seems to me that 1.a5 is just loosing as well !?...
did this have been investigated ardy earlier and if so, was there a conclusion ?
...i mean: I know 1.a5 is only a bm but if it looses too than i have my doubhts about the quality of the position beeing a good testposition
...after eg 1. a5 Rd8 2.Rd1 Rd4 3.g3 h6 4.Ra1 Rd7, i get really bad results for white...does SF miss sth important or do i respectively miss sth essential ?

any thoughts, ideas, investigations, test-results ?

greetings, Peer
13: Hard-Talkchess-2020.020
1r4k1/pb3p1p/r1p1p1p1/2p1P3/P1P2P2/1PB5/2K3PP/5R2 w - - 0 1

Analysis by Stockfish dev-20241031-7f386d10:

1. -+ (-2.45): 1.a5 Rd8 2.Rd1 Rxd1 3.Kxd1 Kg7 4.h4 Kh6 5.g4 Kg7 6.Ke2 Bc8 7.Kd3 Kg8 8.Ke4 Kf8 9.Ke3 Ke8 10.Ke4 Kd7
2. -+ (-3.72): 1.Rd1 Rb6 2.Ba5 Rb4 3.Bc7 Re8 4.Bd6 Rd8 5.Re1 Bc8 6.Be7 Re8 7.Bxc5 Rb7 8.b4 f6 9.exf6 Kf7 10.Kc3 Kxf6
3. -+ (-4.45): 1.Rf3 Rb6 2.Bb2 Ba6 3.Ba3 Rb4 4.Rc3 h5 5.g3 Kf8 6.Rf3 Ke8 7.Re3 Kd8 8.a5 Kc7 9.Rc3 Kd7 10.Re3 Ke8
Depth 56

1.a5 is the best move in this position - as Peter shows, it later leads to a draw.
The other moves probably don't and he loses.
Posts: 431
Joined: Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:48 pm
Location: Germany

Re: Some Hard Talkchess suite results

Post by Spliffjiffer »

peter wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2025 2:08 pm Hi Peer!
Spliffjiffer wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2025 11:30 am i have a HTC.020,1r4k1/pb3p1p/r1p1p1p1/2p1P3/P1P2P2/1PB5/2K3PP/5R2 w - - bm a5
still considered to be an adequate test-position ?

...according to my brief investigation, it seems to me that 1.a5 is just loosing as well !?...
did this have been investigated ardy earlier and if so, was there a conclusion ?
...i mean: I know 1.a5 is only a bm but if it looses too than i have my doubhts about the quality of the position beeing a good testposition
...after eg 1. a5 Rd8 2.Rd1 Rd4 3.g3 h6 4.Ra1 Rd7, i get really bad results for white...does SF miss sth important or do i respectively miss sth essential ?
You'd have to show a whole winning line to convince me, that's won for Black for sure. Here I just did let SF 241222 with 28 threads on 16x3.5GHz CPU play out with Black against Lc0 with net 6147500PT and 3070ti GPU at 25'+5" for White's side starting from the end of the line you gave (not seeing any crucial blunder- move within this few ones neither):
[pgn][Event "AMD, Schnellschach 25.0min+5.0sek"]
[White "Lc0 v0.31.2"]
[Black "Stockfish"]
[Site "AMD"]
[Round "1"]
[Annotator "-1.56;-3.03"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[Date "2025.01.03"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "1r4k1/pb3p1p/r1p1p1p1/2p1P3/P1P2P2/1PB5/2K3PP/5R2 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "123"]
[GameId "2129935874187348"]
[TimeControl "1500+5"]

1. a5 Rd8 2. Rd1 Rd4 3. g3 h6 4. Ra1 Rd7 5. h4 {-1.56/13 113} g5 {-3.03/44 111} 6. fxg5 {-1.68/17 6 (hxg5)} hxg5 {-3.18/38 38} 7. hxg5 {-1.67/16 39 (Th1)} Kg7 {-3.56/39 106} 8. Rh1 {-1.83/15 75 (g4)} Rd8 {-3.72/41 117 (Lc8)} 9. Rh2 {-1.86/14 56 (Th3)} Kg6 {-3.87/36 34 (Lc8)} 10. Rh6+ {-1.70/14 24 (Tf2)} Kxg5 {-3.92/39 42} 11. Rf6 {-1.79/14 0} Bc8 {-3.94/39 34 (Td7)} 12. Rxf7 {-1.78/14 18} Kg6 {-3.94/40 20 (Tg8)} 13. Re7 {-1.68/15 44} Kf5 {-3.96/43 9 (Tg8)} 14. Rf7+ {-1.81/16 79} Ke4 {-4.00/40 0} 15. Rf4+ {-1.84/16 15} Ke3 {-4.04/37 0} 16. Rg4 {-1.80/17 17 (Tf1)} Rf8 {-4.18/43 46 (Th8)} 17. Bd2+ {-1.28/16 33} Kf3 {-4.26/43 20 (Ke2)} 18. Rf4+ {-1.19/15 28 (Th4)} Rxf4 {-1.14/103 98} 19. gxf4 {-1.17/16 0} Bd7 {-1.11/89 32} 20. Kc1 {-1.16/15 27} Ke2 {-1.14/82 20 (Le8)} 21. Bc3 {-1.10/16 96 (Kc2)} Be8 {-0.85/89 97} 22. Bd2 {-1.12/17 8 (Kc2)} Bg6 {-0.89/82 96 (Lh5)} 23. Bc3 {-1.09/15 23} Bh7 {-1.18/75 35 (Ke3)} 24. Bd2 {-1.09/14 42} Bg6 {-0.96/83 56 (Kf2)} 25. Bc3 {-1.05/13 37} Bd3 {-1.14/76 0 (Kf2)} 26. Bd2 {-0.98/13 35} Be4 {-1.08/73 17 (Kf1)} 27. Bc3 {-0.95/13 33} Bd3 {-1.08/73 2 (Kf3)} 28. Bd2 {-0.90/14 37} Bf5 {-0.89/74 51 (Kf3)} 29. Bc3 {-0.86/13 33} Be4 {-1.12/69 6 (Kf1)} 30. Bd2 {-0.84/13 32} Bd3 {-1.03/70 31 (Ld5)} 31. Bc3 {-0.79/13 35} Bf5 {-0.87/71 34 (Kf1)} 32. Bd2 {-0.75/13 33} Bh7 {-0.94/63 1 (Kf2)} 33. Bc3 {-0.75/15 35} Bg6 {-0.99/63 38 (Le4)} 34. Bd2 {-0.74/16 35} Bf5 {-1.02/61 8 (Ld3)} 35. Bc3 {-0.75/15 33} Bg6 {-0.84/67 43 (Le4)} 36. Bd2 {-0.74/14 34} Kd3 {-0.67/66 35 (Kf3)} 37. Be1 {-0.69/14 60} Be4 {-0.56/63 50 (Ke3)} 38. Bd2 {-0.70/14 10 (Kd1)} Bh1 {-0.77/60 62 (Ld5)} 39. Be1 {-0.68/14 45} Bd5 {-0.78/62 0} 40. Bd2 {-0.69/14 28} Bg2 {-1.01/52 14 (Ke2)} 41. Be1 {-0.67/14 51} Bf1 {-0.85/54 3 (Ld5)} 42. Bd2 {-0.63/13 25} Be2 {-0.86/51 5 (Lg2)} 43. Be1 {-0.63/14 18} Bf3 {-0.89/50 29} 44. Bd2 {-0.62/14 18} Be2 {-0.95/38 6 (Ld5)} 45. Be1 {-0.61/15 28} Bh5 {-0.76/55 40 (Ke3)} 46. Bd2 {-0.58/14 27} Bg4 {-0.78/39 7 (Ke4)} 47. Be1 {-0.57/14 26} Bf3 {-0.72/49 32 (Ke2)} 48. Bd2 {-0.56/14 21} Bh5 {-0.52/43 68 (Ke2)} 49. Be1 {-0.53/14 27} Bg4 {-0.46/38 4 (Ke2)} 50. Bd2 {-0.52/14 25} Bf3 {-0.52/34 1} 51. Be1 {-0.52/14 18} Bh5 {-0.56/35 25 (Ld5)} 52. Bd2 {-0.51/14 25} Bg4 {-0.44/34 7 (Lf3)} 53. Be1 {-0.51/14 22} Be2 {-0.24/38 89 (Ke2)} 54. Bd2 {-0.49/14 14} Bh5 {-0.34/31 4 (Lf3)} 55. Be1 {-0.49/13 20} Be2 {-0.02/31 23 (Ke2)} 56. Bd2 {-0.45/13 18} Ke4 {-0.04/24 4 (Lf3)} 57. Kc2 {-0.45/13 0} Bf3 {0.00/120 12 (Kf3)} 58. Kc1 {-0.43/12 22} Be2 {0.00/82 0 (Kd3)} 59. Kc2 {-0.41/12 17} Bh5 {0.00/87 0 (Kf3)} 60. Kc1 {-0.40/11 14} Bg4 {0.00/81 0 (Kf3)} 61. Kc2 {-0.34/11 14} Kf5 {0.00/76 0 (Lf5)} 62. Kc1 {-0.27/11 13 Remis angenommen} 1/2-1/2
Don't you get me wrong, such a sinlge eng-eng-game doesn't prove a forced draw neither and for sure White can loose that with some suboptimal moves, but so far I don't see, how Black can win against best resistance of White's, regards
hello Ajed, hallo Peter, hallo Jouni :-)
...hallo Paloma as well :-)
i thank you all by having an input/opinion on this very unclear chess position !
I will try to keep it as easy as gonna take the best line that has given to me ...thats simply "Peter"*s one...Lc0 just "traped" SF "godly"...a sidestep to Jouni: "Beast" by "EN",derivatived of SF is the reason to investigate this pos 1 more time (i did before U meantioned it, very interesting stuff ;-)) is "Peter's Lc0" (unsure about black moves but it is like it was)...: 1. a5 Rd8 2. Rd1 Rd4 3. g3 h6 4. Ra1 Rd7 5. h4 g5 6. fxg5 hxg5 7. hxg5 Kg7
8. Rh1 Rd8 9. Rh2 Kg6 10. Rh6+ Kxg5 11. Rf6 Bc8 12. Rxf7 Kg6 13. Re7 Kf5
14. Rf7+ Ke4 15. Rf4+ Ke3 16. Rg4 ...SF blunders now unbelievably by 16...Rf8??...
instead of that black gives "Zugzwang"...16...Ke2 i will give u my initial mainline: 17. Rg7 Rf8, 18Bd2 Kf3, 19.Kd1!? Rd8, 20.Kc2 Ke4, 21 Lc3 Rf8 (now!), 22.Rg4+ Kf3, 23.Rg6 Ke3, 24.Rf6 Rg8, 25.Rf4 Bd7 (finally the bishop comes out over e8 and further on...), 26.Ld2+ Ke2, 27.Re4+ Kf3, 28.Rf4+ over imo...
after backtracking this mainline i got this output:

Code: Select all

FEN: 2br4/p7/r1p1p3/P1p1P3/2P3R1/1PB3P1/2K1k3/8 w - - 9 17

Beast M-010125-avx2:
NNUE evaluation using nn-ea6ac98d29d4.nnue (132MiB, (22528, 3072, 15, 32, 1))
NNUE evaluation using nn-321bbccb5bcf.nnue (6MiB, (22528, 128, 15, 32, 1))
 1/2	00:00	 157	157k	+2,92	16. ... Ke3-e2
 2/4	00:00	 2k	1.800k	+2,74	16. ... Td8-f8 17.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3
 3/5	00:00	 3k	3.459k	+2,57	16. ... Td8-f8 17.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3
 4/6	00:00	 4k	1.993k	+2,71	16. ... Td8-f8 17.Lc3-e1
 5/9	00:00	 5k	2.574k	+3,04	16. ... Td8-f8 17.Lc3-e1 Ke3-f3
 6/9	00:00	 9k	4.631k	+3,52	16. ... Td8-f8 17.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 18.Tg4-f4+ Tf8xf4 19.g3xf4
 7/16	00:00	 16k	5.277k	+3,53	16. ... Td8-f8 17.Lc3-e1 Ke3-f3 18.Tg4-h4 Lc8-d7 19.Kc2-d3 Tf8-f5
 8/24	00:00	 30k	7.610k	+3,37	16. ... Td8-f8 17.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 18.Tg4-f4+ Tf8xf4 19.g3xf4 Kf3-e2 20.Kc2-c1 Lc8-d7 21.Kc1-c2 Ld7-e8
 9/18	00:00	 33k	8.278k	+3,49	16. ... Td8-f8 17.Tg4-f4 Tf8xf4 18.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 19.g3xf4 Kf3-e2 20.Kc2-c1 Lc8-d7 21.Kc1-c2 Ld7-e8 22.Kc2-c1 Le8-g6 23.Ld2-c3 Ke2-d3 24.Lc3-e1
 10/21	00:00	 44k	8.721k	+3,40	16. ... Td8-f8 17.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 18.Tg4-f4+ Tf8xf4 19.g3xf4 Kf3-e4 20.Kc2-c1 Lc8-d7 21.Kc1-c2
 11/23	00:00	 48k	9.526k	+3,39	16. ... Td8-f8 17.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 18.Tg4-f4+ Tf8xf4 19.g3xf4 Kf3-e4 20.Kc2-d1 Ke4-d3 21.Kd1-c1 Lc8-d7 22.Ld2-e1 Ld7-e8 23.Le1-d2 Le8-h5
 12/26	00:00	 119k	10.843k	+3,29	16. ... Td8-f8 17.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 18.Tg4-f4+ Tf8xf4 19.g3xf4 Kf3-e2 20.Ld2-c3 Lc8-d7 21.Lc3-d2 Ld7-e8 22.Ld2-c3
 13/25	00:00	 147k	10.475k	+3,19	16. ... Td8-f8 17.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 18.Tg4-f4+ Tf8xf4 19.g3xf4 Kf3-e2 20.Ld2-c3 Lc8-d7 21.Kc2-c1 Ke2-e3 22.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-d3 23.Ld2-e1 Ld7-e8 24.Kc1-d1 Kd3-d4 25.Le1-d2 Kd4-e4 26.Kd1-c1 Le8-g6 27.Kc1-c2 Ke4-d4+ 28.Kc2-c1
 14/37	00:00	 480k	10.213k	+2,71	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Ke2-e3 18.Tg6-g4 Td8-h8 19.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 20.Tg4-f4+ Kf3xg3 21.Tf4-f7 Kg3-h2 22.Tf7-f2+ Kh2-h1 23.Kc2-b2 Th8-h2
 15/29	00:00	 705k	9.932k	+2,68	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-e4+ Ke2-f3 18.Te4-f4+ Kf3xg3 19.Tf4-f7 Td8-h8 20.Kc2-d3 Th8-h3 21.Kd3-c2 Th3-h5 22.Kc2-d3 Th5-f5 23.Lc3-e1+ Kg3-h2 24.Tf7-h7+ Kh2-g2 25.Th7-h8
 16/41	00:00	 1.090k	9.239k	+2,69	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-e4+ Ke2-f3 18.Te4-f4+ Kf3xg3 19.Tf4-f7 Kg3-h3 20.Tf7-f2 Td8-g8 21.Tf2-f7 Kh3-h2 22.Tf7-h7+ Kh2-g2 23.Th7-f7 Kg2-g1 24.Lc3-d2 Kg1-h1 25.Tf7-h7+ Kh1-g2 26.Th7-f7 Kg2-g1 27.Kc2-d3
 17/31	00:00	 1.294k	9.048k	+2,68	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-f8 18.Lc3-d2 Tf8-h8 19.Tg6-g4 Lc8-d7 20.Tg4-g6 Ld7-e8 21.Tg6xe6 Th8-g8 22.Te6-h6 Le8-g6+ 23.Kc2-c1 Lg6-f5 24.Th6-h2+ Ke2-d3 25.Ld2-e1 Tg8-e8 26.Kc1-b2 Te8xe5
 18/31	00:00	 1.606k	8.635k	+2,71	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Ke2-e3 18.Tg6-g4 Td8-h8 19.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 20.Tg4-h4 Th8-g8 21.Th4-f4+ Kf3xg3 22.Tf4-f7 Tg8-d8 23.Ld2-e1+ Kg3-g4 24.Tf7-f1 Td8-h8 25.Kc2-d3 Th8-h3+ 26.Kd3-e4 Th3xb3 27.Tf1-g1+ Kg4-h3 28.Tg1-g8
 19/50	00:00	 2.226k	8.337k	+2,62	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Ke2-e3 18.Tg6-g4 Td8-h8 19.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 20.Tg4-g6 Kf3-e2 21.Ld2-c3 Lc8-d7 22.Lc3-d2 Th8-f8 23.Tg6-g4 Ke2-f3 24.Tg4-f4+ Tf8xf4 25.g3xf4 Kf3-e4 26.Kc2-d1 Ke4-d3 27.Kd1-c1 Ld7-c8 28.Kc1-d1
 20/49	00:00	 2.403k	8.287k	+2,62	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Ke2-e3 18.Tg6-g4 Td8-h8 19.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 20.Tg4-g6 Kf3-e2 21.Ld2-c3 Lc8-d7 22.Lc3-d2 Th8-d8 23.Ld2-g5 Td8-f8 24.Lg5-d2 Ld7-c8 25.Tg6-h6 Tf8-g8 26.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f3 27.Ld2-e1 Lc8-d7
 21/50	00:00	 2.666k	8.229k	+2,63	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Ke2-e3 18.Tg6-g4 Td8-f8 19.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 20.Tg4-f4+ Tf8xf4 21.g3xf4 Kf3-e4 22.Kc2-c1 Lc8-d7 23.Kc1-c2 Ld7-e8 24.Kc2-c1 Ke4-d3 25.Ld2-e1 Le8-g6 26.Le1-d2 Lg6-h5 27.Ld2-e1 Kd3-e2 28.Le1-c3 Lh5-g4 29.Lc3-d2 Lg4-f3 30.Kc1-c2 Lf3-g2 31.Ld2-c3 Lg2-e4+ 32.Kc2-c1
 22/45	00:00	 2.908k	8.238k	+2,65	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-h8 18.Lc3-d2 Th8-f8 19.Tg6-g4 Ke2-f3 20.Tg4-f4+ Tf8xf4 21.g3xf4 Kf3-e4 22.Kc2-d1 Lc8-d7 23.Kd1-c2 Ld7-e8 24.Kc2-c1 Ke4-d3 25.Ld2-e1 Le8-h5 26.Le1-d2 Lh5-e2 27.Ld2-e1 Le2-f3 28.Le1-d2 Lf3-h5 29.Ld2-e1 Kd3-e2 30.Le1-c3 Lh5-g6 31.Lc3-d2 Lg6-f5 32.Ld2-c3 Lf5-d3 33.Lc3-d2 Ld3-g6 34.Ld2-c3 Lg6-f5
 23/36	00:00	 3.466k	7.950k	+2,74	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-f8 18.Lc3-d2 Tf8-h8 19.Ld2-c3 Lc8-d7 20.Lc3-d2 Ld7-e8 21.Tg6xe6 Th8-g8 22.Kc2-c1 Le8-d7 23.Te6-h6 Ld7-g4 24.Ld2-c3 Lg4-f5 25.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 26.Th2-d2 Tg8xg3 27.Kc1-b2
 24/41	00:00	 5.843k	7.618k	+2,96	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-h8 18.Lc3-d2 Lc8-d7 19.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 20.Tg6xe6 Th8-g8 21.Te6-h6 Tg8xg4 22.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f3 23.Kc2-b2 Le8-d7 24.Th2-h3+ Tg4-g3 25.Th3xg3+ Kf3xg3 26.Kb2-a3 Kg3-f3 27.Ld2-e1 Kf3-f4 28.Ka3-a4 Kf4xe5 29.Le1-f2 Ke5-e4 30.Lf2xc5 Ld7-g4 31.Lc5-e7 Lg4-d1
 25/39	00:00	 6.408k	7.592k	+2,99	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-h8 18.Lc3-d2 Lc8-d7 19.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 20.Tg6xe6 Th8-g8 21.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 22.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 23.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 24.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 25.Kc1-d1 Tb8xb3 26.e5-e6 Tb3-b1+ 27.Ld2-c1 Ta6xa5 28.e6-e7 Tb1-b8 29.Th2-h1+ Kf1-g2 30.Th1-e1 Ld3-g6
 26/41	00:00	 7.529k	7.590k	+2,95	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Ke2-e3 18.Tg6-g4 Td8-h8 19.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 20.Tg4-f4+ Kf3xg3 21.Tf4-f6 Th8-g8 22.Kc2-d3 Lc8-d7 23.Kd3-e3 Kg3-g4 24.Tf6-f4+ Kg4-h3 25.Ld2-e1 Ld7-e8 26.Tf4-f3+ Kh3-h2 27.Tf3-f6 Le8-g6 28.Tf6xe6 Lg6-c2 29.Te6-h6+ Kh2-g2 30.e5-e6 Lc2xb3 31.Ke3-d3 Tg8-g4 32.e6-e7 Lb3xc4+ 33.Kd3-e3
 27/57	00:01	 11.358k	7.790k	+2,98	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Ke2-e3 18.Tg6-g4 Td8-h8 19.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 20.Tg4-g6 Kf3-e2 21.Ld2-c3 Lc8-d7 22.Lc3-d2 Th8-d8 23.Ld2-g5 Td8-f8 24.Lg5-d2 Tf8-h8 25.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 26.Tg6xe6 Th8-g8 27.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 28.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 29.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 30.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 31.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 32.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 33.Th2-h6 Tb3-a3 34.Th6-f6+ Kf1-g2 35.g5-g6 Ta3-a2+ 36.Kd2-e1 Ta2-e2+ 37.Ke1-d1 Te2-e3 38.Lc3-d2 Te3-d3 39.Kd1-c2 Td3-f3 40.Kc2-c1 Lc4-b3 41.g6-g7 Tf3-g3
 28/60	00:01	 11.998k	7.847k	+2,98	16. ... Lc8-d7 17.Tg4-g7 Ld7-c8 18.Tg7-g4 Ke3-e2 19.Tg4-g6 Td8-f8 20.Lc3-d2 Lc8-d7 21.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 22.Tg6xe6 Tf8-g8 23.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 24.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 25.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 26.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 27.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 28.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 29.Th2-h6 Tb3-b7 30.g5-g6 Tb7-d7+ 31.Kd2-c2 Kf1-g2 32.e5-e6 Lc4xe6 33.g6-g7 Le6-g8 34.Th6-h8 Td7-d8 35.Th8-h6 Td8-e8 36.Kc2-d2 Te8-e4
 29/50	00:01	 12.196k	7.858k	+2,95	16. ... Lc8-d7 17.Tg4-g7 Ld7-c8 18.Tg7-g4 Td8-h8 19.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 20.Tg4-g6 Kf3-e2 21.Ld2-c3 Lc8-d7 22.Lc3-d2 Th8-d8 23.Ld2-g5 Td8-f8 24.Lg5-d2 Tf8-h8 25.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 26.Tg6xe6 Th8-g8 27.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 28.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 29.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 30.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 31.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 32.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 33.Th2-h6 Tb3-b7 34.g5-g6 Tb7-d7+ 35.Kd2-c2 Kf1-g2 36.e5-e6 Lc4xe6 37.g6-g7 Le6-g8 38.Th6-g6+ Kg2-h3 39.Tg6-h6+ Kh3-g4 40.Th6-g6+ Kg4-h5
 30/51	00:01	 12.361k	7.868k	+2,95	16. ... Lc8-d7 17.Tg4-g7 Ld7-c8 18.Tg7-g4 Td8-h8 19.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 20.Tg4-g6 Kf3-e2 21.Tg6-g4 Lc8-d7 22.Tg4-g6 Th8-f8 23.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 24.Tg6xe6 Tf8-g8 25.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 26.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 27.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 28.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 29.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 30.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 31.Th2-h6 Tb3-b7 32.g5-g6 Tb7-d7+ 33.Kd2-c2 Kf1-g2 34.e5-e6 Lc4xe6 35.g6-g7 Le6-g8 36.Th6-h8 Td7-d8 37.Th8-h6 Td8-e8 38.Th6-g6+ Kg2-h3 39.Tg6-f6 Te8-e3 40.Tf6-h6+ Kh3-g2 41.Kc2-d2
 31/59	00:01	 15.325k	7.888k	+2,99	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Ke2-e3 18.Tg6-g4 Td8-h8 19.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 20.Tg4-g6 Kf3-e2 21.Ld2-c3 Lc8-d7 22.Lc3-d2 Th8-f8 23.Tg6-g4 Tf8-d8 24.Ld2-c3 Td8-h8 25.Tg4-g6 Th8-h2 26.Lc3-d2 Ke2-f3 27.Kc2-d3 Th2xd2+ 28.Kd3xd2 Ta6xa5 29.g3-g4 Ta5-a2+ 30.Kd2-c1 Ta2-g2 31.Tg6-g7 Ld7-e8 32.Tg7-e7 Le8-g6 33.Te7xe6 Lg6-e4 34.Te6-h6 Tg2xg4 35.e5-e6 Tg4-g7 36.Kc1-d2 Kf3-f4 37.Th6-h5 Tg7-g2+ 38.Kd2-c1
 32/56	00:02	 19.373k	7.837k	+2,94	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-f8 18.Lc3-d2 Lc8-d7 19.g3-g4 Tf8-d8 20.Ld2-c3 Td8-h8 21.Lc3-d2 Ld7-e8 22.Tg6xe6 Th8-g8 23.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 24.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 25.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 26.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 27.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 28.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 29.Th2-h6 Kf1-g2 30.g5-g6 Tb3-b7 31.Th6-h7 Tb7-b8 32.Th7-h4 Tb8-d8+ 33.Kd2-c2 Lc4-d5
 33/50	00:02	 22.384k	7.794k	+3,09	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-f8 18.Lc3-d2 Lc8-d7 19.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 20.Tg6xe6 Tf8-g8 21.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 22.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 23.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 24.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 25.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 26.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 27.Th2-h6 Tb3-b7 28.Th6-f6+ Kf1-g2 29.g5-g6 Tb7-d7+ 30.Kd2-c1 Td7-d3 31.Lc3-d2 Td3-f3 32.Kc1-b2 Lc4-d5 33.Ld2-c3 Tf3-e3 34.Kb2-c2 Te3-e4
 34/40-	00:03	 23.989k	7.769k	+2,98	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6
 34/40-	00:03	 26.257k	7.754k	+2,94	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6
 34/57	00:03	 28.696k	7.743k	+2,97	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-f8 18.Lc3-d2 Lc8-d7 19.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 20.Tg6xe6 Tf8-g8 21.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 22.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 23.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 24.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 25.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 26.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 27.g5-g6 Tb3-a3 28.Th2-h1+ Kf1-g2 29.Th1-h8 Ta3-a2+ 30.Kd2-c1 Lc4-b3 31.e5-e6 Lb3xe6 32.g6-g7 Le6-b3 33.Lc3-e1 Ta2-c2+ 34.Kc1-b1 Tc2-e2 35.Le1-c3 Kg2-f2 36.Th8-h2+ Kf2-f3 37.Th2-h3+ Kf3-g4 38.Th3-h8
 35/55	00:04	 36.021k	7.783k	+3,10	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-f8 18.Lc3-d2 Lc8-d7 19.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 20.Tg6xe6 Tf8-g8 21.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 22.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 23.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 24.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 25.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 26.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 27.Th2-h6 Tb3-b7 28.g5-g6 Tb7-d7+ 29.Kd2-c2 Kf1-e2 30.e5-e6 Lc4xe6 31.g6-g7 Le6-f5+ 32.Kc2-b3 Td7-d8 33.Kb3-c4 Ke2-e3 34.Kc4xc5 Td8-g8 35.Th6-d6 Ke3-e2 36.Td6-d2+ Ke2-f3 37.Td2-d1 Kf3-g2
 36/54+	00:06	 50.196k	7.814k	+3,23	16. ... Ke3-e2
 36/58+	00:08	 70.873k	7.877k	+3,41	16. ... Ke3-e2
 36/77	00:09	 75.673k	7.852k	+3,25	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Ke2-e3 18.Tg6-g4 Td8-h8 19.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 20.Tg4-g6 Kf3-e2 21.Ld2-c3 Lc8-d7 22.Lc3-d2 Th8-d8 23.Ld2-g5 Td8-f8 24.Lg5-d2 Tf8-h8 25.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 26.Tg6xe6 Th8-g8 27.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 28.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 29.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 30.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 31.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 32.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 33.Th2-h6 Tb3-b7 34.Kd2-e3 Kf1-g2 35.Th6-f6 Tb7-d7 36.Tf6-d6 Td7-h7 37.Ke3-f4 Th7-h4+ 38.Kf4-f5
 37/68	00:10	 83.958k	7.810k	+3,29	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Ke2-e3 18.Tg6-g4 Td8-h8 19.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 20.Tg4-g6 Kf3-e2 21.Ld2-c3 Lc8-d7 22.Lc3-d2 Th8-f8 23.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 24.Tg6xe6 Tf8-g8 25.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 26.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 27.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 28.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 29.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 30.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 31.Th2-h6 Tb3-b7 32.Kd2-e3 Kf1-g2 33.Th6-f6 Tb7-d7 34.Tf6-d6 Td7-h7 35.g5-g6 Th7-h3+ 36.Ke3-d2 Th3-g3 37.Td6-f6 Tg3-d3+ 38.Kd2-c2 Td3-f3 39.Tf6-d6 Tf3-g3 40.Lc3-e1 Tg3-g4 41.Td6-f6 Lc4-d5 42.e5-e6 Ld5-e4+ 43.Kc2-b2 Le4xg6 44.e6-e7 Lg6-h5
 38/5-	00:11	 89.049k	7.777k	+3,25	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6
 38/46-	00:12	 95.760k	7.753k	+3,22	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6
 38/70	00:12	 100.224k	7.772k	+3,23	16. ... Td8-h8 17.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 18.Tg4-g6 Kf3-e2 19.Ld2-c3 Lc8-d7 20.Lc3-d2 Th8-f8 21.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 22.Tg6xe6 Tf8-g8 23.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 24.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 25.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 26.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 27.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 28.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 29.Th2-h6 Tb3-b7 30.Kd2-e3 Kf1-g2 31.Th6-f6 Tb7-d7 32.Tf6-d6 Td7-h7 33.g5-g6 Th7-h3+ 34.Ke3-d2 Th3-g3 35.Td6-f6 Tg3-d3+ 36.Kd2-c2 Td3-f3 37.Tf6-d6 Tf3-g3 38.Lc3-e1 Tg3-g4 39.Td6-f6 Tg4-e4 40.Le1-d2 Lc4-d5 41.Ld2-c3 Te4-e3 42.Lc3-d2 Te3-f3 43.Tf6-d6 Tf3-g3
 39/64	00:13	 105.973k	7.790k	+3,23	16. ... Td8-h8 17.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 18.Tg4-g6 Kf3-e2 19.Ld2-c3 Lc8-d7 20.Lc3-d2 Th8-f8 21.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 22.Tg6xe6 Tf8-g8 23.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 24.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 25.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 26.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 27.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 28.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 29.Th2-h6 Tb3-b7 30.Th6-f6+ Kf1-g2 31.Kd2-e3 Lc4-d5 32.g5-g6 c5-c4 33.Ke3-d4 Ld5-g8 34.Kd4-e3 Kg2-h3 35.Tf6-f3+ Kh3-g4 36.Tf3-f4+ Kg4-h5 37.Tf4-f8 Lg8-d5 38.e5-e6 Kh5xg6
 40/61-	00:13	 107.937k	7.806k	+3,20	16. ... Td8-h8 17.Lc3-d2+
 40/62+	00:16	 124.042k	7.742k	+3,31	16. ... Td8-h8
 40/71	00:20	 154.644k	7.712k	+3,40	16. ... Td8-h8 17.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 18.Tg4-f4+ Kf3xg3 19.Tf4-f1 Lc8-d7 20.Kc2-d3 Ld7-e8 21.Tf1-f6 Th8-g8 22.Tf6xe6 Le8-g6+ 23.Kd3-e2 Kg3-g4 24.Te6-f6 Lg6-c2 25.e5-e6 Lc2-f5 26.e6-e7 Tg8-e8 27.Tf6-f7 Lf5-e6 28.Tf7-g7+ Kg4-f5 29.Ke2-f3 Kf5-e5 30.Tg7-g5+ Ke5-d6 31.Ld2-f4+ Kd6-d7 32.Tg5xc5 Te8xe7 33.Lf4-g5 Te7-f7+ 34.Kf3-e3 Tf7-f1 35.Ke3-d4 Tf1-d1+ 36.Kd4-c3
 41/66+	00:26	 203.001k	7.760k	+3,56	16. ... Td8-h8
 41/66	00:32	 253.006k	7.762k	+3,64	16. ... Td8-h8 17.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-f3 18.Tg4-g6 Kf3-e2 19.Tg6-g4 Lc8-d7 20.Tg4-g6 Th8-d8 21.Ld2-c3 Td8-f8 22.Lc3-d2 Tf8-h8 23.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 24.Tg6xe6 Th8-g8 25.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 26.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 27.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 28.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 29.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 30.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 31.g5-g6 Tb3-b8 32.g6-g7 Tb8-d8+ 33.Kd2-c2 Td8-g8 34.e5-e6 Lc4xe6 35.Th2-h6 Le6-d5 36.Kc2-d2 Kf1-f2 37.Kd2-d3 Kf2-f3 38.Kd3-c2 Kf3-f4 39.Lc3-d2+ Kf4-g4 40.Ld2-c3 Ld5-f7 41.Th6-h2 Kg4-g5 42.Kc2-c1 Lf7-d5
 42/66	00:33	 259.875k	7.751k	+3,60	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-h4 Td8-g8 18.Th4-e4+ Ke2-f3 19.Te4-f4+ Kf3xg3 20.Tf4-f7 Tg8-d8 21.Lc3-e1+ Kg3-g4 22.Le1-d2 Lc8-d7 23.Tf7-g7+ Kg4-f3 24.Ld2-e1 Kf3-f4 25.Le1-c3 Ld7-c8 26.Tg7-g1 Kf4-f5 27.Tg1-g2 Td8-h8 28.Tg2-f2+ Kf5-e4 29.Tf2-e2+ Ke4-f3 30.Te2-d2 Th8-g8 31.Td2-d1 Tg8-g2+ 32.Kc2-c1 Kf3-e4 33.Td1-d8 Tg2-g7 34.Td8-h8 Tg7-g1+ 35.Kc1-d2 Tg1-g2+ 36.Kd2-d1 Lc8-d7 37.Th8-h4+ Ke4-f5 38.Th4-h5+ Kf5-g4 39.Th5-h8 Kg4-f3
 43/71	00:38	 299.374k	7.858k	+3,51	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-f8 18.Lc3-d2 Lc8-d7 19.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 20.Tg6xe6 Tf8-g8 21.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 22.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 23.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 24.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 25.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 26.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 27.g5-g6 Tb3-b8 28.g6-g7 Tb8-d8+ 29.Kd2-c2 Td8-g8 30.e5-e6 Lc4xe6 31.Th2-h6 Le6-d5 32.Kc2-d2 Kf1-f2 33.Kd2-d3 Kf2-g3 34.Kd3-c2 Kg3-g4 35.Kc2-d1 Kg4-g5 36.Lc3-d2+ Kg5-f5 37.Ld2-c3 Kf5-e4 38.Kd1-c2 Ke4-e3 39.Th6-h3+ Ke3-f4 40.Th3-h6 Kf4-g5 41.Lc3-d2+ Kg5-g4 42.Ld2-c3 Ld5-f7 43.Kc2-d1 Kg4-g5 44.Lc3-d2+ Kg5-f5 45.Ld2-c3 Kf5-e4 46.Th6-d6 Lf7-d5 47.Kd1-e2 Ke4-f4 48.Td6-h6 Kf4-g5 49.Th6-h3 Kg5-g4
 44/73	00:43	 338.370k	7.849k	+3,64	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-f8 18.Lc3-d2 Lc8-d7 19.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 20.Tg6xe6 Tf8-g8 21.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 22.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 23.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 24.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 25.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 26.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 27.g5-g6 Tb3-b8 28.g6-g7 Tb8-d8+ 29.Kd2-c2 Td8-g8 30.e5-e6 Lc4xe6 31.Th2-h6 Le6-d5 32.Kc2-d1 Kf1-f2 33.Kd1-c2 Kf2-e3 34.Th6-h3+ Ke3-f4 35.Th3-h6 Kf4-g5 36.Lc3-d2+ Kg5-f5 37.Ld2-c3 Kf5-f4 38.Lc3-d2+ Kf4-e4 39.Ld2-c3 Ld5-f7 40.Th6-d6 Ke4-e3 41.Td6-d1 Lf7-d5 42.Td1-g1 Ke3-f4 43.Tg1-f1+ Kf4-g4 44.Tf1-g1+ Kg4-f5 45.Tg1-f1+ Kf5-e6
 45/69	00:54	 420.986k	7.771k	+3,75	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-f8 18.Lc3-d2 Lc8-d7 19.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 20.Tg6xe6 Tf8-g8 21.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 22.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 23.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 24.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 25.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 26.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 27.g5-g6 Tb3-b8 28.g6-g7 Tb8-d8+ 29.Kd2-c2 Td8-g8 30.e5-e6 Lc4xe6 31.Th2-h6 Le6-d5 32.Kc2-d2 Kf1-f2 33.Th6-g6 Kf2-f3 34.Tg6-h6 Kf3-f4 35.Kd2-c2 Kf4-g4 36.Kc2-d1 Ld5-f7 37.Kd1-c2 Kg4-g5 38.Lc3-d2+ Kg5-f5 39.Ld2-c3 Kf5-e4 40.Th6-d6 Ke4-e3 41.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-e2 42.Ld2-c3 Lf7-d5 43.Td6-h6 c5-c4 44.Kc2-c1 Tg8-e8 45.Kc1-c2 Te8-e3 46.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 47.Th2-h1+ Kf1-g2 48.Th1-h6 Te3-g3 49.Lc3-e5 Tg3-g4
 46/74	01:04	 504.830k	7.850k	+3,83	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-e4+ Ke2-f3 18.Te4-f4+ Kf3xg3 19.Tf4-f7 Lc8-d7 20.Kc2-c1 Kg3-g4 21.Kc1-b2 Kg4-h5 22.Tf7-f6 Td8-g8 23.Lc3-d2 Kh5-g4 24.Tf6-f4+ Kg4-g3 25.Tf4-f1 Kg3-g2 26.Tf1-f6 Ld7-e8 27.Ld2-c3 Kg2-g3 28.Kb2-a3 Le8-g6 29.Tf6xe6 Lg6-f5 30.Te6-f6 Kg3-f4 31.b3-b4 c5xb4+ 32.Ka3xb4 Kf4-e4 33.Tf6-d6 c6-c5+ 34.Kb4xc5 Ta6xd6 35.Kc5xd6 Ke4-d3 36.Lc3-e1 Tg8-g6+ 37.Kd6-c7 Tg6-g7+ 38.Kc7-d6 Tg7-d7+ 39.Kd6-c6 Kd3xc4 40.Le1-f2 Td7-g7
 47/74	01:32	 726.304k	7.854k	+3,88	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-h8 18.Lc3-d2 Lc8-d7 19.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 20.Tg6xe6 Th8-g8 21.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 22.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 23.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 24.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 25.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 26.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 27.g5-g6 Tb3-b8 28.g6-g7 Tb8-d8+ 29.Kd2-c2 Td8-g8 30.e5-e6 Lc4xe6 31.Th2-h6 Le6-d5 32.Kc2-d3 Kf1-f2 33.Kd3-c2 Kf2-f3 34.Th6-h3+ Kf3-f4 35.Th3-h6 Kf4-g5 36.Lc3-d2+ Kg5-g4 37.Ld2-c3 Ld5-f7 38.Th6-d6 c5-c4 39.Kc2-b2 Kg4-h5 40.Kb2-a3 Lf7-g6 41.Td6-d2 c6-c5 42.Td2-d5+ Kh5-g4 43.Td5xc5 Lg6-d3 44.Tc5-b5 Ld3-f5 45.Ka3-b4 Lf5-e6
 48/71	01:37	 765.780k	7.830k	+3,88	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-h8 18.Lc3-d2 Lc8-d7 19.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 20.Tg6xe6 Th8-g8 21.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 22.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 23.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 24.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 25.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 26.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 27.g5-g6 Tb3-b8 28.g6-g7 Tb8-d8+ 29.Kd2-c2 Td8-g8 30.e5-e6 Lc4xe6 31.Th2-h6 Le6-d5 32.Kc2-d2 Kf1-f2 33.Th6-f6+ Kf2-g3 34.Tf6-h6 Kg3-f3 35.Kd2-d3 Kf3-f4 36.Kd3-c2 Kf4-g5 37.Lc3-d2+ Kg5-g4 38.Ld2-c3 Kg4-f4 39.Lc3-d2+ Kf4-e4 40.Ld2-c3 Ld5-f7 41.Th6-d6 Ke4-e3 42.Td6-d3+ Ke3-f4 43.Td3-d6 Kf4-g5 44.Kc2-b2 c5-c4 45.Lc3-d2+ Kg5-f5 46.Ld2-c3 Kf5-g4 47.Kb2-a3
 49/90-	01:41	 790.545k	7.815k	+3,83	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6
 49/90+	01:54	 894.558k	7.790k	+3,96	16. ... Ke3-e2
 49/90	02:23	 1.102.308k	7.688k	+3,97	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-f4 Td8-g8 18.Tf4-e4+ Ke2-f3 19.Te4-f4+ Kf3xg3 20.Tf4-f1 Tg8-d8 21.Kc2-c1 Kg3-g4 22.Kc1-b2 Kg4-g5 23.Kb2-c2 Td8-h8 24.Tf1-f6 Lc8-d7 25.Lc3-d2+ Kg5-h5 26.Kc2-d1 Th8-d8 27.Kd1-c2 Ld7-e8 28.Tf6-h6+ Kh5-g4 29.Th6xe6 Kg4-f5 30.Te6-f6+ Kf5xe5 31.Ld2-c3+ Td8-d4 32.Tf6-h6 Le8-f7 33.Kc2-b2 Ke5-f5 34.Th6-h2 Lf7-g6 35.Th2-e2 Td4-g4 36.Te2-e5+ Kf5-f4 37.Te5xc5 Kf4-e4 38.Kb2-a3 Tg4-g3 39.Tc5-e5+ Ke4-f4 40.Te5-e6 Tg3xc3 41.Te6xg6 Tc3-c2 42.Tg6-f6+ Kf4-g4 43.b3-b4 Tc2xc4 44.Ka3-a4 Tc4-c1
 50/79	02:59	 1.383.817k	7.725k	+3,98	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-h4 Td8-g8 18.Th4-e4+ Ke2-f3 19.Te4-f4+ Kf3xg3 20.Tf4-f1 Tg8-d8 21.Tf1-g1+ Kg3-f3 22.Tg1-h1 Kf3-g2 23.Th1-h6 Kg2-g3 24.Th6-f6 Kg3-g4 25.Tf6-f7 Lc8-d7 26.Kc2-c1 Kg4-g5 27.Lc3-d2+ Kg5-h5 28.Tf7-f6 Td8-g8 29.Kc1-b2 Kh5-g4 30.Tf6-f1 Kg4-h3 31.Tf1-f6 Kh3-g3 32.Kb2-c1 Ld7-e8 33.Tf6xe6 Kg3-f3 34.Te6-h6 Tg8-g1+ 35.Kc1-b2 Kf3-e4 36.e5-e6 Tg1-g2 37.Kb2-c1 Tg2-g6 38.Th6-h2 Tg6xe6 39.Th2-e2+ Ke4-f5 40.Te2-f2+ Kf5-e5 41.Ld2-c3+ Ke5-d6 42.Kc1-c2 Le8-h5 43.Kc2-d2 Kd6-d7 44.Tf2-g2
 51/83	03:15	 1.511.053k	7.729k	+4,01	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-h4 Td8-g8 18.Th4-e4+ Ke2-f3 19.Te4-f4+ Kf3xg3 20.Tf4-f1 Tg8-d8 21.Lc3-e1+ Kg3-g4 22.Tf1-f2 Kg4-g5 23.Tf2-f6 Lc8-d7 24.Le1-d2+ Kg5-g4 25.Kc2-c1 Td8-b8 26.Kc1-b2 Tb8-g8 27.Tf6-f1 Kg4-h3 28.Tf1-f6 Kh3-g3 29.Kb2-c1 Ld7-e8 30.Tf6xe6 Kg3-f3 31.Te6-h6 Tg8-g1+ 32.Kc1-b2 Tg1-g2 33.Kb2-c1 Kf3-e4 34.e5-e6 Tg2-g6 35.Th6-h2 Ke4-e5 36.e6-e7 Ke5-d6 37.Kc1-c2 Kd6-d7 38.Th2-e2 Tg6-g7 39.Kc2-b2 Tg7xe7 40.Te2-g2 Te7-e6 41.Tg2-f2 Te6-g6 42.Ld2-c3 Tg6-g1 43.Tf2-d2+ Kd7-c8 44.Td2-e2 Le8-g6 45.Kb2-a3 Tg1-g3 46.Lc3-e1 Tg3-f3 47.Ka3-b2
 52/75	03:51	 1.788.769k	7.737k	+3,99	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-h4 Td8-g8 18.Th4-e4+ Ke2-f3 19.Te4-f4+ Kf3xg3 20.Tf4-f1 Tg8-d8 21.Lc3-e1+ Kg3-g4 22.Le1-c3 Td8-h8 23.Tf1-f7 Kg4-g5 24.Tf7-f6 Lc8-d7 25.Lc3-d2+ Kg5-h5 26.Kc2-b2 Kh5-g4 27.Tf6-f4+ Kg4-g3 28.Tf4-f6 Th8-g8 29.Tf6-f1 Kg3-g2 30.Tf1-f6 Ld7-e8 31.Tf6xe6 Kg2-f3 32.Te6-f6+ Kf3-e4 33.e5-e6 Tg8-g2 34.Kb2-c1 Tg2-g6 35.Tf6-f2 Ke4-e5 36.Kc1-c2 Ke5xe6 37.Tf2-e2+ Ke6-d7 38.Te2-e5 Tg6-f6 39.Te5xc5 Le8-g6+ 40.Kc2-b2 Tf6-f2 41.Kb2-c3 Tf2-f5 42.Tc5xf5 Lg6xf5 43.b3-b4 c6-c5
 53/83	04:53	 2.247.064k	7.649k	+4,09	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-h8 18.Lc3-d2 Lc8-d7 19.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 20.Tg6xe6 Th8-g8 21.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 22.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 23.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 24.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 25.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 26.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 27.g5-g6 Tb3-b8 28.g6-g7 Tb8-d8+ 29.Kd2-c2 Td8-g8 30.Th2-h4 Lc4-d5 31.Th4-f4+ Kf1-g2 32.e5-e6 Ld5xe6 33.Tf4-f6 Le6-d5 34.Tf6-h6 Kg2-f2 35.Th6-h2+ Kf2-f3 36.Th2-h6 c5-c4 37.Kc2-c1 Kf3-g3 38.Kc1-b1 Ld5-e4+ 39.Kb1-b2 Le4-f5 40.Kb2-a3 Kg3-f3 41.Th6-f6 Kf3-e4 42.Tf6-f8 Lf5-h7 43.Ka3-b4 Ke4-d5 44.Kb4-a4 c6-c5 45.Tf8-f7 Lh7-c2+ 46.Ka4-a3
 54/92	05:09	 2.358.528k	7.621k	+4,09	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-h8 18.Lc3-d2 Lc8-d7 19.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 20.Tg6xe6 Th8-g8 21.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 22.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 23.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 24.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 25.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 26.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 27.g5-g6 Tb3-b8 28.g6-g7 Tb8-d8+ 29.Kd2-c2 Td8-g8 30.e5-e6 Lc4xe6 31.Th2-h1+ Kf1-g2 32.Th1-h6 Le6-d5 33.Kc2-d3 Kg2-f3 34.Th6-f6+ Kf3-g4 35.Tf6-h6 Ld5-f7 36.Kd3-c2 c5-c4 37.Kc2-d1 Kg4-g5 38.Lc3-d2+ Kg5-f5 39.Ld2-c3 Kf5-g4 40.Kd1-c1 Kg4-g5 41.Lc3-d2+ Kg5-f5 42.Ld2-c3 Kf5-e4 43.Th6-d6 Lf7-h5 44.Kc1-d2 Lh5-g4 45.Td6-d4+ Ke4-f3 46.Td4xc4 Lg4-e6 47.Tc4-h4 c6-c5 48.Th4-h5 Ta6-d6+ 49.Kd2-c1 c5-c4 50.Th5-h4 Kf3-e3 51.Th4-h1 Td6-d5 52.Lc3-f6 Ke3-f3 53.Th1-g1 Td5xa5
 55/98	06:31	 2.966.854k	7.587k	+4,11	16. ... Lc8-d7 17.Tg4-g7 Ld7-c8 18.Tg7-g4 Ke3-e2 19.Tg4-g6 Td8-f8 20.Lc3-d2 Lc8-d7 21.Tg6-g4 Tf8-d8 22.Ld2-c3 Td8-h8 23.Tg4-g6 Ke2-e3 24.Lc3-d2+ Ke3-e4 25.Tg6-g4+ Ke4-f3 26.Tg4-f4+ Kf3xg3 27.Tf4-f6 Th8-d8 28.Kc2-d1 Ld7-e8 29.Kd1-c1 Le8-h5 30.Tf6xe6 Kg3-f3 31.Te6-h6 Lh5-g4 32.Th6-f6+ Kf3-e2 33.e5-e6 Td8-e8 34.Tf6-g6 Lg4xe6 35.Tg6-g5 Ke2-d3 36.Tg5-g3+ Kd3-d4 37.Ld2-c3+ Kd4-e4 38.Lc3-d2 Te8-g8 39.Tg3-e3+ Ke4-f5 40.Te3-f3+ Kf5-e5 41.Tf3-e3+ Ke5-d6 42.Te3-e2 Tg8-g1+ 43.Kc1-c2 Tg1-f1 44.Kc2-b2 Kd6-e7 45.Ld2-c3 Tf1-f3 46.Lc3-d2 Ke7-f7 47.Ld2-e1 Le6-f5 48.Te2-e5 Tf3-f1
 56/82	09:36	 4.318.452k	7.497k	+4,20	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-h8 18.Tg6-g7 Th8-f8 19.Tg7-g4 Ke2-f3 20.Tg4-h4 Kf3xg3 21.Th4-h7 Kg3-f4 22.Th7-h4+ Kf4-f5 23.Th4-h1 Tf8-g8 24.Th1-f1+ Kf5-g6 25.Tf1-d1 Tg8-h8 26.Kc2-b2 Kg6-f7 27.Td1-d2 Th8-g8 28.Td2-f2+ Kf7-e7 29.Kb2-a3 Lc8-d7 30.Tf2-h2 Ke7-e8 31.Lc3-e1 Tg8-g1 32.Le1-d2 Ke8-f7 33.Th2-h7+ Tg1-g7 34.Th7-h6 Ld7-e8 35.Ld2-e1 Tg7-g1 36.Le1-d2 Tg1-d1 37.Ld2-c3 Td1-c1 38.Th6-h3 Tc1xc3 39.Th3xc3 Ta6xa5+ 40.Ka3-b2 Kf7-g7 41.Tc3-g3+ Le8-g6 42.Tg3-g4 Ta5-a6 43.Tg4-g2
 57/85	09:45	 4.390.047k	7.501k	+4,20	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-h8 18.Tg6-g7 Th8-f8 19.Lc3-d2 Ke2-f3 20.Kc2-d1 Tf8-d8 21.Kd1-c2 Kf3-e4 22.Ld2-c3 Td8-f8 23.Tg7-g4+ Ke4-f3 24.Tg4-h4 Kf3xg3 25.Th4-h7 Kg3-f4 26.Th7-h4+ Kf4-f5 27.Th4-h1 Tf8-g8 28.Th1-f1+ Kf5-g6 29.Tf1-d1 Tg8-h8 30.Kc2-b2 Th8-h2+ 31.Kb2-c1 Kg6-g7 32.Td1-d8 Th2-h8 33.Td8-d2 Th8-g8 34.Kc1-c2 Kg7-f7 35.Td2-h2 Lc8-d7 36.Th2-h7+ Kf7-e8 37.Lc3-e1 Ke8-d8 38.Kc2-b2 Ld7-e8 39.Kb2-a3 Tg8-g1 40.Le1-c3 Tg1-g2 41.Th7-h1 Tg2-c2 42.Lc3-e1 Tc2-e2 43.Le1-c3 Te2-e3 44.Ka3-b2 Te3xc3 45.Kb2xc3 Ta6xa5 46.Th1-d1+ Kd8-c7 47.Kc3-b2
 58/78	09:48	 4.411.328k	7.499k	+4,20	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-h8 18.Tg6-g7 Th8-f8 19.Lc3-d2 Ke2-f3 20.Kc2-d1 Tf8-d8 21.Kd1-c2 Kf3-e4 22.Ld2-c3 Td8-f8 23.Tg7-g4+ Ke4-f3 24.Tg4-h4 Kf3xg3 25.Th4-h7 Kg3-f4 26.Th7-h4+ Kf4-f5 27.Th4-h1 Tf8-g8 28.Th1-f1+ Kf5-g6 29.Tf1-d1 Tg8-h8 30.Kc2-b2 Th8-h2+ 31.Kb2-c1 Kg6-g7 32.Td1-d8 Th2-h8 33.Td8-d2 Th8-g8 34.Kc1-c2 Kg7-f7 35.Kc2-b2 Kf7-e8 36.Td2-f2 Ke8-e7 37.Tf2-h2 Lc8-d7 38.b3-b4 c5xb4 39.Lc3xb4+ c6-c5 40.Lb4xc5+ Ke7-d8 41.Lc5-b4 Kd8-c7 42.Th2-h7 Tg8-g2+ 43.Kb2-c3 Tg2-g4 44.Kc3-b3 Tg4-g3+ 45.Kb3-b2 Tg3-e3 46.Th7-h5 Ta6-c6
 59/92-	10:13	 4.602.536k	7.502k	+4,16	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6
 59/92-	10:15	 4.622.116k	7.503k	+4,13	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6
 59/92-	10:24	 4.691.812k	7.510k	+4,04	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6
 59/92+	10:40	 4.810.627k	7.514k	+4,09	16. ... Ke3-e2
 59/103	15:23	 6.955.930k	7.531k	+4,23	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-h8 18.Tg6-g7 Th8-f8 19.Lc3-d2 Ke2-f3 20.Kc2-d3 Tf8-d8+ 21.Kd3-c2 Kf3-e4 22.Ld2-c3 Td8-f8 23.Tg7-g4+ Ke4-f3 24.Tg4-h4 Kf3xg3 25.Th4-h7 Tf8-d8 26.Th7-h1 Kg3-f3 27.Th1-f1+ Kf3-g4 28.Kc2-b2 Kg4-g5 29.Tf1-f6 Lc8-d7 30.Lc3-d2+ Kg5-g4 31.Kb2-c1 Td8-h8 32.Tf6-f4+ Kg4-h5 33.Tf4-f6 Th8-g8 34.Kc1-b2 Kh5-g4 35.Tf6-f1 Kg4-h3 36.Tf1-f3+ Kh3-g2 37.Tf3-f6 Ld7-e8 38.Tf6xe6 Kg2-f3 39.Te6-f6+ Kf3-e2 40.Tf6-d6 Tg8-g2 41.e5-e6 Ke2-d1 42.Kb2-c3 Ta6xa5 43.Ld2-g5+ Kd1-e2 44.Td6-d2+ Ke2-f3 45.Td2xg2 Kf3xg2 46.Lg5-d8 Ta5-a6 47.Ld8-e7 Kg2-f3 48.Le7xc5 Kf3-e4 49.b3-b4 Ta6-b6 50.e6-e7 Tb6-b7 51.Lc5-d6 Ke4-f5 52.Ld6-c5 Kf5-e6 53.Lc5-d4 Tb7-c7 54.Ld4-c5
 60/92-	16:36	 7.506.856k	7.535k	+4,15	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6
 60/92-	16:42	 7.547.769k	7.531k	+4,12	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6
 60/92-	16:52	 7.615.999k	7.525k	+4,08	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6
 60/92+	17:58	 8.080.901k	7.492k	+4,14	16. ... Ke3-e2
 60/92	19:28	 8.724.417k	7.465k	+4,26	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-h4 Td8-g8 18.Th4-e4+ Ke2-f3 19.Te4-f4+ Kf3xg3 20.Tf4-f1 Tg8-d8 21.Lc3-d2 Kg3-g4 22.Tf1-f6 Lc8-d7 23.Kc2-c1 Td8-h8 24.Tf6-f4+ Kg4-g3 25.Tf4-f6 Th8-g8 26.Tf6-f1 Kg3-g2 27.Tf1-f6 Ld7-e8 28.Tf6xe6 Kg2-f3 29.Te6-h6 Tg8-g1+ 30.Kc1-b2 Tg1-g2 31.Kb2-c1 Kf3-e4 32.e5-e6 Tg2-g6 33.Th6-h2 Tg6xe6 34.Th2-e2+ Ke4-f5 35.Te2-f2+ Kf5-e5 36.Ld2-c3+ Ke5-d6 37.Kc1-c2 Kd6-e7 38.Kc2-b2 Le8-g6 39.Lc3-d2 Te6-e4 40.Kb2-a3 Ke7-e6 41.Tf2-h2 Te4-g4 42.Ld2-c3 Tg4-g3 43.Lc3-e1 Tg3-g1 44.Le1-d2 Tg1-f1 45.Th2-g2 Ke6-f7 46.Tg2-e2 Tf1-f3 47.Ka3-a4 Lg6-c2 48.Te2-e3 Tf3xe3 49.Ld2xe3 Kf7-e6 50.Le3xc5 Lc2xb3+ 51.Ka4xb3 Ta6xa5 52.Lc5-f2 Ke6-e5 53.Kb3-b4 Ta5-a6 54.Kb4-c5 Ke5-e4 55.Kc5-d6 Ke4-d3 56.c4-c5 Kd3-c4
 61/96	22:23	 9.961.165k	7.415k	+4,28	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-h4 Td8-g8 18.Th4-e4+ Ke2-f3 19.Te4-f4+ Kf3xg3 20.Tf4-f1 Tg8-d8 21.Lc3-d2 Kg3-g4 22.Tf1-f6 Lc8-d7 23.Kc2-b2 Td8-h8 24.Kb2-c2 Th8-g8 25.Tf6-f4+ Kg4-g3 26.Tf4-f6 Ld7-e8 27.Tf6xe6 Kg3-f3 28.Te6-f6+ Kf3-e4 29.Tf6-f2 Ke4xe5 30.Tf2-e2+ Ke5-d6 31.Kc2-b2 Kd6-d7 32.Ld2-c3 Tg8-g3 33.Lc3-e1 Tg3-g4 34.Te2-d2+ Kd7-c8 35.Td2-h2 Le8-g6 36.Le1-c3 Lg6-f5 37.Th2-h5 Tg4-g2+ 38.Kb2-a3 Tg2-f2 39.Lc3-e1 Tf2-f1 40.Le1-d2 Kc8-c7 41.Th5-h8 Kc7-d7 42.Th8-b8 Tf1-a1+ 43.Ka3-b2 Ta1-d1 44.Ld2-c3 Td1-g1 45.Tb8-a8 Tg1-g2+ 46.Kb2-a3 Lf5-b1 47.b3-b4
 62/74	22:46	 10.124.203k	7.411k	+4,28	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-h4 Td8-g8 18.Th4-e4+ Ke2-f3 19.Te4-f4+ Kf3xg3 20.Tf4-f1 Tg8-d8 21.Lc3-e1+ Kg3-g4 22.Tf1-f2 Kg4-g5 23.Tf2-f6 Lc8-d7 24.Kc2-b2 Kg5-g4 25.Le1-d2 Td8-h8 26.Tf6-f4+ Kg4-g3 27.Tf4-f6 Th8-g8 28.Kb2-c2 Ld7-e8 29.Tf6xe6 Kg3-f3 30.Te6-f6+ Kf3-e4 31.Tf6-f2 Ke4xe5 32.Tf2-e2+ Ke5-d6 33.Kc2-b2 Kd6-d7 34.Ld2-c3 Tg8-g3 35.Lc3-e1 Tg3-g5 36.Le1-c3 Le8-g6 37.Te2-d2+ Kd7-c8 38.Td2-h2 Tg5-g1 39.Kb2-a3 Kc8-c7 40.Th2-f2 Tg1-c1 41.Ka3-b2 Tc1xc3 42.Kb2xc3 Ta6xa5 43.Kc3-b2 Lg6-e8 44.Tf2-e2 Kc7-d7 45.Te2-e3 Le8-f7 46.Te3-d3+ Kd7-e7 47.Td3-h3 Ta5-a6 48.Th3-h2 Lf7-e6 49.Th2-h1 Ke7-d6 50.Th1-d1+ Kd6-c7 51.Td1-h1 Ta6-b6
 63/95-	26:11	 11.654.934k	7.417k	+4,24	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-h4
 63/95-	26:16	 11.694.745k	7.416k	+4,21	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-h4
 63/95	27:11	 12.071.806k	7.398k	+4,23	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-h4 Td8-g8 18.Th4-e4+ Ke2-f3 19.Te4-f4+ Kf3xg3 20.Tf4-f1 Tg8-d8 21.Lc3-e1+ Kg3-g4 22.Tf1-f2 Kg4-g5 23.Tf2-f6 Lc8-d7 24.Kc2-b2 Td8-g8 25.Le1-d2+ Kg5-g4 26.Kb2-a3 Kg4-h3 27.Ka3-b2 Kh3-g3 28.Kb2-a3 Ld7-e8 29.Ld2-e1+ Kg3-g4 30.Le1-c3 Le8-g6 31.Tf6xe6 Lg6-f5 32.Te6-h6 Kg4-f4 33.e5-e6 Tg8-e8 34.Th6-h1 Te8xe6 35.Th1-f1+ Kf4-g5 36.Lc3-d2+ Kg5-g6 37.Tf1-g1+ Kg6-f7 38.Tg1-f1 Te6-e5 39.Ld2-c3 Kf7-e6 40.Lc3xe5 Ta6xa5+ 41.Ka3-b2 Ke6xe5 42.Tf1-e1+ Ke5-f6 43.Te1-d1 Ta5-a6 44.Td1-f1 Kf6-e5 45.Tf1-e1+ Ke5-d6 46.Te1-d1+ Kd6-e7 47.Td1-g1 Lf5-e6 48.Tg1-e1 Ta6-b6
 64/48-	27:39	 12.257.510k	7.387k	+4,19	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-h4
 64/82	31:41	 14.010.155k	7.369k	+4,25	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-h4 Td8-g8 18.Th4-h2+ Ke2-f3 19.Lc3-e1 Kf3-e3 20.Le1-d2+ Ke3-e4 21.Th2-h4+ Ke4xe5 22.Ld2-c3+ Ke5-d6 23.Th4-h5 Tg8-f8 24.g3-g4 Tf8-f2+ 25.Kc2-b1 e6-e5 26.Lc3xe5+ Kd6-e7 27.Le5-c3 Lc8xg4 28.Th5xc5 Ke7-d6 29.b3-b4 Lg4-f5+ 30.Kb1-a1 Lf5-d3 31.Lc3-d4 Tf2-g2 32.Ld4-c3 Tg2-g4 33.Ka1-b2 Ld3xc4 34.Lc3-g7 Tg4xg7 35.Tc5xc4 Tg7-g3 36.Tc4-c5 Kd6-d7 37.Kb2-c2 Tg3-h3 38.Kc2-b2 Kd7-e6 39.Tc5-g5 Ke6-f6 40.Tg5-c5 Kf6-g6 41.Kb2-c2 Th3-g3 42.Kc2-b2 Tg3-g5 43.Tc5-c4 c6-c5 44.b4xc5 Ta6-c6 45.Kb2-b3 Tg5xc5 46.Tc4-g4+ Tc5-g5 47.Tg4-h4 Tg5-h5 48.Th4-d4 Th5xa5 49.Td4-d8 Ta5-c5
 65/98	55:43	 25.211.126k	7.541k	+4,26	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-h4 Td8-g8 18.Th4-e4+ Ke2-f3 19.Te4-f4+ Kf3xg3 20.Tf4-f1 Tg8-d8 21.Kc2-c1 Kg3-g4 22.Kc1-c2 Kg4-g5 23.Tf1-f6 Lc8-d7 24.Lc3-d2+ Kg5-h5 25.Kc2-c1 Td8-h8 26.Kc1-d1 Kh5-g4 27.Tf6-f4+ Kg4-g3 28.Tf4-f6 Ld7-e8 29.Tf6xe6 Kg3-f3 30.Te6-f6+ Kf3-e4 31.Tf6-f1 Th8-h3 32.e5-e6 Ke4-e5 33.Tf1-e1+ Ke5-d4 34.Te1-g1 Th3xb3 35.Kd1-c2 Tb3-b7 36.Tg1-g4+ Kd4-e5 37.Tg4-g8 Tb7-e7 38.Tg8-g5+ Ke5xe6 39.Tg5xc5 Le8-f7 40.Kc2-c3 Ke6-d7 41.Kc3-b4 Lf7-g6 42.Tc5-g5
 66/97-	56:13	 25.428.562k	7.537k	+4,22	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-h4
 66/97-	1:10:30	 31.704.973k	7.495k	+4,19	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6
 66/97-	1:10:52	 31.865.278k	7.492k	+4,09	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6
 66/97+	1:12:00	 32.342.896k	7.487k	+4,15	16. ... Ke3-e2
 66/97	1:14:55	 33.614.745k	7.477k	+4,20	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-h8 18.Lc3-d2 Lc8-d7 19.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 20.Tg6xe6 Th8-g8 21.g4-g5 Le8-g6+ 22.Kc2-c1 Lg6-d3 23.Te6-h6 Tg8-b8 24.Ld2-c3 Tb8xb3 25.Th6-h2+ Ke2-f1 26.Kc1-d2 Ld3xc4 27.g5-g6 Tb3-b8 28.Th2-h6 Tb8-d8+ 29.Kd2-c2 Td8-g8 30.e5-e6 Lc4xe6 31.g6-g7 Le6-d5 32.Th6-h5 Kf1-f2 33.Th5-h6 Kf2-f3 34.Th6-h3+ Kf3-g2 35.Th3-h6 Kg2-f2 36.Kc2-d2 Kf2-f3 37.Th6-g6 Kf3-f4 38.Tg6-h6 Kf4-g4 39.Kd2-c2 Ld5-f7 40.Th6-d6 Kg4-g5 41.Kc2-b2 Lf7-d5 42.Kb2-c2 Kg5-f4 43.Td6-h6 Kf4-g4 44.Kc2-c1 c5-c4 45.Kc1-b2 Kg4-f3 46.Th6-h3+ Kf3-e2 47.Th3-h2+ Ke2-f1 48.Th2-h6 Kf1-g2 49.Th6-g6+ Kg2-f2
 67/98	1:23:15	 37.405.879k	7.487k	+4,34	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-h8 18.Lc3-d2 Lc8-d7 19.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 20.Tg6xe6 Th8-g8 21.Te6-h6 Tg8xg4 22.Th6-h1 Le8-g6+ 23.Kc2-c1 Ke2-d3 24.Th1-h3+ Kd3-e4 25.e5-e6 Ke4-e5 26.e6-e7 Ke5-d6 27.Th3-e3 Tg4-g1+ 28.Kc1-b2 Tg1-g2 29.Kb2-c1 Lg6-e8 30.Ld2-c3 Tg2-g6 31.Lc3-d2 Tg6-g1+ 32.Kc1-b2 Tg1-g2 33.Kb2-c1 Kd6-d7 34.Te3-e1 Tg2xd2 35.Kc1xd2 Ta6xa5 36.Kd2-c3 Ta5-a2 37.Te1-e5 Kd7-d6 38.Te5-e3 Ta2-a1 39.Kc3-b2 Ta1-d1 40.Kb2-a3 Td1-b1 41.Ka3-a2 Tb1-h1 42.Ka2-a3 Th1-h5 43.b3-b4 c5xb4+ 44.Ka3xb4 a7-a5+ 45.Kb4-c3 c6-c5 46.Kc3-b2 a5-a4 47.Te3-d3+ Kd6xe7
 68/110	1:28:28	 39.658.636k	7.471k	+4,36	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-h8 18.Lc3-d2 Lc8-d7 19.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 20.Tg6xe6 Th8-g8 21.Te6-h6 Tg8xg4 22.Th6-h1 Le8-g6+ 23.Kc2-c1 Ke2-d3 24.Th1-h3+ Kd3-e4 25.e5-e6 Ke4-e5 26.e6-e7 Ke5-d6 27.Th3-e3 Tg4-g1+ 28.Kc1-b2 Tg1-g2 29.Kb2-c1 Lg6-e8 30.Ld2-c3 Tg2-g6 31.Kc1-d2 Tg6-e6 32.Te3-g3 Kd6xe7 33.Tg3-g5 Ke7-d6 34.Tg5-g8 Le8-d7 35.Tg8-g5 Te6-e4 36.Tg5-h5 Ld7-e8 37.Th5-h3 Te4-e6 38.Th3-h8 Kd6-e7 39.Th8-h7+ Le8-f7 40.Th7-h2 Te6-g6 41.Th2-e2+ Ke7-d7 42.Kd2-c2 Tg6-g4 43.Te2-d2+ Kd7-c8 44.Kc2-b2 Lf7-g6 45.Td2-e2 Tg4-g1 46.Kb2-a3 Kc8-d7 47.Te2-d2+ Kd7-c7 48.Td2-h2 Tg1-c1 49.Lc3-d2 Tc1-c2 50.Ld2-f4+ Kc7-d7 51.Th2xc2 Lg6xc2 52.Lf4-d2 Kd7-d6 53.Ld2-f4+ Kd6-e6 54.b3-b4 Lc2-d3 55.Lf4-d2 Ke6-d6 56.Ka3-b3 c5xb4 57.Kb3xb4 c6-c5+ 58.Kb4-b5 Ta6-c6 59.Ld2-f4+ Kd6-d7 60.a5-a6 Ld3-e4 61.Lf4-e3 Le4-c2 62.Le3xc5 Lc2-a4+ 63.Kb5-b4 Tc6xa6 64.Lc5-e3 Kd7-e6 65.Le3-d4 La4-e8
 69/110	1:30:00	 40.386.889k	7.478k	+4,36	16. ... Ke3-e2 17.Tg4-g6 Td8-h8 18.Lc3-d2 Lc8-d7 19.g3-g4 Ld7-e8 20.Tg6xe6 Th8-g8 21.Te6-h6 Tg8xg4 22.Th6-h1 Le8-g6+ 23.Kc2-c1 Ke2-d3 24.Th1-h3+ Kd3-e4 25.e5-e6 Ke4-e5 26.e6-e7 Ke5-d6 27.Th3-e3 Tg4-g1+ 28.Kc1-b2 Tg1-g2 29.Kb2-c1 Lg6-e8 30.Ld2-c3 Tg2-g6 31.Kc1-d2 Tg6-e6 32.Te3-g3 Kd6xe7 33.Tg3-g5 Ke7-d6 34.Tg5-g8 Le8-d7 35.Tg8-g5 Te6-e4 36.Tg5-h5 Ld7-e8 37.Th5-h3 Te4-e6 38.Th3-h8 Kd6-e7 39.Th8-h7+ Le8-f7 40.Th7-h2 Te6-g6 41.Th2-e2+ Ke7-d7 42.Kd2-c2 Tg6-g4 43.Te2-d2+ Kd7-c8 44.Kc2-b2 Lf7-g6 45.Td2-e2 Tg4-g1 46.Kb2-a3 Kc8-d7 47.Te2-d2+ Kd7-c7 48.Td2-h2 Tg1-c1 49.Lc3-d2 Tc1-c2 50.Ld2-f4+ Kc7-d7 51.Th2xc2 Lg6xc2 52.Lf4-d2 Kd7-d6 53.Ld2-f4+ Kd6-e6 54.b3-b4 Lc2-d3 55.Lf4-d2 Ke6-d6 56.Ka3-b3 c5xb4 57.Kb3xb4 c6-c5+ 58.Kb4-b5 Ta6-c6 59.Ld2-f4+ Kd6-d7 60.a5-a6 Ld3-e4 61.Lf4-e3 Le4-c2 62.Le3xc5 Lc2-a4+ 63.Kb5-b4 Tc6xa6 64.Lc5-e3 Kd7-e6 65.Le3-d4 La4-e8

Wahrheiten sind Illusionen von denen wir aber vergessen haben dass sie welche sind.
Posts: 3309
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Full name: Peter Martan

Re: Some Hard Talkchess suite results

Post by peter »

Spliffjiffer wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2025 7:54 pm
I will try to keep it as easy as gonna take the best line that has given to me ...thats simply "Peter"*s one...
The question- marks are important, it's not my line. Excuse me, if I therefore don't want to discuss it going far into it, as already said, I'm sure the position can be lost by White after best move 1. (20. in Uri's original version derived from a TCEC- game) a5! too, but it's rather Stockfish and most of his branches (even Crystal can still lose that with too little hardware- time, as I saw already, yet it would be the branch of my choice here rather then e.g. Beast, nothing against this one, I like Eduard's babies too for the internal MultiPV- mode, that Michael Byrne came along with his SF- branches long way back and then Michael Novak with his Hekastockfish and Marco Zerbinati with his SugaR and HypnoS, but what all these branches don't have as much as Crystal by Joseph Ellis, is special fortress detection code of exactly this kind, ShashChess from Andrea Manzo has the nearest to that as for my pov, not to forget Sting, and even more than SF, Lc0 prevails now and then in positions of fortress- possibility too, this is one of those, I guess ) that now and then get trapped for White's side rather than for Black's (of course, it's always easier to play from side in advantage).
If we want to discuss a certain line to come to a for both of us best one, let's at least start from one, that isn't derived from your first moves already, here's another one game of Lc0's against SF dev, go this one backward, if you like to, and if you there find deviation you think to be won for Black, come back with you winning line instead, output is ok. too of course, but only as far as it consists of best moves, evals of more then 0.00 are to be doubted here mainly because of the search- horizon only by 50 moves- boundary adjudicated now and then.
This one game Lc0 played against SF dev. from the position after 1.(20.) a5 Rd8 (because you seem to think that to be better for Black than the alternatives that were discussed here now and then already):

[pgn][Event "AMD, Schnellschach 25.0min+5.0sek"]
[White "Lc0 v0.31.2"]
[Black "Stockfish"]
[Site "AMD"]
[Round "1"]
[Annotator "-0.59;-2.53"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[Date "2025.01.03"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "1r4k1/pb3p1p/r1p1p1p1/2p1P3/P1P2P2/1PB5/2K3PP/5R2 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "83"]
[GameId "2130009155567664"]
[TimeControl "1500+5"]

1. a5 Rd8 2. g4 Kf8 {-2.53/48 83} 3. g5 {-0.59/11 54 (Tf3)} Bc8 {-2.23/61 144 (Td4)} 4. Ra1 {-0.60/11 58 (Tf3)} h6 {-2.09/52 85 (Ke7)} 5. h4 {-0.63/13 57} Ke7 {-1.84/73 150} 6. Rd1 {-0.67/19 0} Rh8 {-1.84/69 26} 7. Be1 {-0.68/16 0} Ke8 {-1.73/61 65} 8. Kd3 {-0.69/13 5} hxg5 {-1.83/58 39 (Ld7)} 9. fxg5 {-0.68/16 57} Bd7 {-1.63/66 84} 10. Ke4 {-0.67/19 32 (Ke3)} Kd8 {-2.30/36 25} 11. Ra1 {-0.66/20 5 (Kd3)} Kc7 {-2.67/38 38} 12. Bf2 {-0.61/16 1} Rb8 {-2.85/36 28} 13. Ra3 {-0.58/16 14} Rd8 {-2.98/35 19} 14. Ra1 {-0.55/15 24} Be8 {-3.17/36 3} 15. Bxc5 {-0.51/18 30 (Ke3)} Rd2 {-3.07/48 83} 16. b4 {-0.46/18 0} Rh2 {-2.86/44 24 (Te2+)} 17. Be3 {-0.39/15 67 (Tf1)} Kc8 {-1.67/77 92 (Txh4+)} 18. c5 {-0.29/11 93 (Kd3)} Rb2 {-1.57/74 32 (Ld7)} 19. Ra4 {-0.22/11 62} Bd7 {-1.57/66 0 (Th2)} 20. Kf3 {-0.15/10 64 (Lf4)} Kd8 {-1.45/65 42} 21. Bf2 {-0.15/11 28 (Lc1)} Rd2 {-0.84/63 121 (Lc8)} 22. Ra1 {-0.11/10 61} Rd5 {-0.72/69 38 (Lc8)} 23. Ke4 {-0.09/10 40} Rd2 {-0.70/66 0} 24. Ke3 {-0.09/11 27 (Le1)} Rd5 {-0.56/70 34 (Tc2)} 25. Ke4 {-0.08/10 36} Rd2 {-0.53/65 0} 26. Ke3 {-0.08/10 31} Rc2 {-0.50/61 1} 27. Be1 {-0.08/11 18} Rh2 {-0.48/81 66 (Lc8)} 28. Bg3 {-0.07/10 83 (Td1)} Rb2 {-0.41/62 60} 29. Be1 {-0.08/9 1} Rb3+ {-0.41/65 37 (Lc8)} 30. Kf4 {-0.10/10 58} Rb2 {-0.35/62 43 (Lc8)} 31. Ke3 {-0.07/9 35 (Kf3)} Rb3+ {-0.30/70 43 (Lc8)} 32. Kf4 {-0.09/10 33 (Ke2)} Rd3 {-0.22/57 12 (Lc8)} 33. Ke4 {-0.07/8 19} Rh3 {-0.16/58 0} 34. Kf4 {-0.06/9 28 (Td1)} Rh1 {-0.13/48 16 (Tb3)} 35. Kf3 {-0.03/11 54 (Ke3)} Rf1+ {-0.11/70 16} 36. Ke3 {-0.03/11 27} Kc7 {-0.06/56 0} 37. Bc3 {-0.07/11 34 (Td1)} Rxa1 {0.00/111 12} 38. Bxa1 {-0.09/14 4} Bc8 {0.00/150 14 (Txa5)} 39. Bc3 {-0.05/9 62} Kd7 {0.00/106 0 (Txa5)} 40. Kf4 {-0.06/8 33 (Kd3)} Ke7 {0.00/99 101 (Txa5)} 41. Kg4 {-0.05/8 30 (Ld4)} Kf8 {0.00/143 6 (Txa5)} 42. h5 {0.00/8 31 (Kf4) Remis angenommen} 1/2-1/2

So, if you want to, deviate for White along this one game, to show a forced winning line for Black of yours, please
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Re: Some Hard Talkchess suite results

Post by Spliffjiffer »

ok,lets try it...1.a5 Rd8, 2. g4 h6 ? not saying that wins but lets find out how far"we" get...U won 1.g4 with black nicely, i know...still im not try to draw "us"...ill choose "Beast" by mainweapon...ill use a 6 core R3600 with 2048 mb ram...just an comp will never run over night...ill find my time when i wanna to and whatever u like...draw me :-)...this can take days until ill respond due to "kein bock heute" :-)
Wahrheiten sind Illusionen von denen wir aber vergessen haben dass sie welche sind.
Posts: 3309
Joined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:38 am
Full name: Peter Martan

Re: Some Hard Talkchess suite results

Post by peter »

I'll simply let Lc0 again play with White from your 2...h6, this time maybe against Crystal, which btw. is the engine, I'd take here for the shortest lines to come to 0.00- near- eval (backwarding the game nr.2 I had 0.00 already backwards till 10. (30. in original move count)). Lc0 is fine at finding good moves here and it's eval is for several moves long lines better than SF dev.'s one here, but it's not as good as Crystal's as for keeping the 0.00- near- evals in hash backwards.
So, if you want to come to conclusions of your own most quickly here and ask me for my advice, it would be interactive Forward- Backward with Crystal and Lc0 together.
Till tomorrow or whenever you'll have "mehr Bock" again