Try without a computer first

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Dann Corbit
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Try without a computer first

Post by Dann Corbit »

[d]1b1rr1k1/pP1nqppp/1p3n2/8/3P4/1PN1Pp2/PBQ2PPP/3RRBK1 b - -

Easy for a computer, but I had to think for a while.

Le gros pion a du cyanure dans ses poches.
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.
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Re: Try without a computer first.

Post by Ajedrecista »

Hello Dann:

Good position! Could you provide the source, please? Thank you in advance.

I thought some ideas without an engine, as suggested. Given my poor level, I am proud that one of these ideas was the correct (at least the first and the second moves was among my ideas) after checking with SF. I see this position as a combination of Greek gift sacrifice and Damiano-like checkmate (because of the pawn on f3) if defended incorrectly by white. It is needless to say that I will not win with black against a strong opponent even if I am right with the first two moves.

Regards from Spain.

Dann Corbit
Posts: 12721
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Re: Try without a computer first

Post by Dann Corbit »

The source came from a forward position in my database which happens frequently yet is totally lopsided.
[d]3rr1k1/pP1nqppp/1p3n2/8/3P4/1PN1Pp2/PBQ2PPb/3RRBK1 w - -
Some sample players, key moves, and outcomes:
Basilius11; Kxh2; 0-1
blank37; Kxh2; 1-0
Bot_AOOP11; Kxh2; 1-0
CEGT 40/20; Kxh2; 0-1
CEGT; Kh1; 0-1
Crest64; Kxh2; 1-0
E8400; Kxh2; 0-1
elshan1985; Kxh2; 0-1
Esipenko; Kh1; 0-1
Estremera Panos, Sergio; Kxh2; 0-1
Giri; Kh1; 0-1
GMsTop; Kh1; 0-1
Guijarro; Kh1; 0-1
Jakob19; Kxh2; 0-1
lefonghua; Kh1; 1-0
MagicAndy; Kxh2; 0-1
mmsanchezchess; Kxh2; 1-0
Nguyen, Anh Khoi; Kxh2; 0-1
Nitro5; Kh1; 0-1
O-Almeida; Kxh2; 0-1
Papamishki; Kxh2; 1-0
Pavel-Vorontsov; Kh1; 0-1
PHCEL; Kxh2; 0-1
QueLadri; Kxh2; 0-1
Ranaldi, Lucas; Kxh2; 0-1
Shipov, Sergei; Kxh2; 1-0
Simantsev, Mikhail; Kxh2; 1-0
So; Kh1; 0-1
Taffijn, Martien; Kxh2; 0-1
TCEC 3200+; Kxh2; 0-1
Temizkan, Denizcan; Kh1; 0-1
Wildindian; Kh1; 0-1
XXXIX SF-PB; Kxh2; 0-1
Amazingly, there are several white wins.
I wondered about how such a lopsided position {even after the key move it was not easy to see the win} could be achieved and decided one likely board will be the position given.
I analyzed the three following positions :
[d]1b1rr1k1/pP1nqppp/1p3n2/8/3P4/1PN1Pp2/PBQ2PPP/3RRBK1 b - - acd 36/85; acs 811; acn 35959125k; ce 751; bm Bxh2+; pv Bxh2+ Kh1 Ng4 gxf3 Qh4 Bg2 Nxf2+ Qxf2 Bg3+ Kg1 Bxf2+ Kf1 Bxe1 Rxe1 Nf6 d5 Rb8 d6 Rxb7 Rd1 Rd7 Rd4 Qg5 Nd1 Qc5 b4 Qe5 a4 Rxd6 f4 Qe6 a5 Kh8 Bf3 Rb8;
[d]3rr1k1/pP1nqppp/1p3n2/8/3P4/1PN1Pp2/PBQ2PPK/3RRB2 b - - acd 36/87; acs 381; acn 18744723k; ce 886; bm Qd6+; pv Qd6+ g3 Ng4+ Kh3 Qe6 Qe4 Nxf2+ Kh2 Nxe4 Bh3 Qg6 Nxe4 Qxe4 Rd2 Nf6 Rf2 Qxb7 d5 Qxd5 Bxf6 gxf6 Bg4 Qa5 Ref1 Rd2 Bxf3 Rxe3 Kg2 Kg7 g4 Rxf2+ Rxf2 Qe1 a4 Rd3 Re2 Rd2 Rxd2 Qxd2+ Kf1 Qh6;
[d]3rr1k1/pP1nqppp/1p3n2/8/3P4/1PN1Pp2/PBQ2PPb/3RRBK1 w - - acd 36/86; acs 1200; acn 53023745k; ce -725; bm Kh1; pv Kh1 Ng4 gxf3 Qh4 Bg2 Nxf2+ Qxf2 Bg3+ Kg1 Bxf2+ Kf1 Bxe1 Rxe1 Nf6 Ba3 Qg5 e4 Qa5 Bb2 Qa6+ Ne2 Nh5 Bh3 Qxb7 Bf5 Qa6 Kg1 Qxa2 Bc1 g6 Bh3 Qxb3 Bg2 a5 Bg5 Qb2;
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.
Uri Blass
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Re: Try without a computer first

Post by Uri Blass »

After capturing the bishop is mate in at most 20 moves
slowchess after some backward analysis
[d]3rr1k1/pP1nqppp/1p3n2/8/3P4/1PN1Pp2/PBQ2PPK/3RRB2 b - - 0 2

Slow64-avx2 [001]:
2/4 00:00 611 0 +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4
3/11 00:00 3k 0 +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6
4/13 00:00 4k 0 +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4
5/15 00:00 6k 0 +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3
6/17 00:00 8k 0 +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3
7/17 00:00 11k 0 +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3
8/19 00:00 13k 0 +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2
9/23 00:00 17k 0 +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6
10/25 00:00 23k 0 +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+
11/27 00:00 29k 0 +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+
12/29 00:00 35k 0 +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+
13/32 00:00 45k 0 +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1
14/34 00:00 56k 0 +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Nf6-g4 Re1xe2
15/35 00:00 73k 7,274k +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Nf6-g4 Re1xe2 Rd8-d1+
16/38 00:00 91k 9,135k +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Nf6-g4 Re1xe2 Rd8-d1+ Re2-e1 Qg3-h2+
17/39 00:00 122k 6,081k +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Nf6-g4 Re1xe2 Rd8-d1+ Re2-e1 Qg3-h2+
18/39 00:00 141k 7,067k +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Nf6-g4 Re1xe2 Rd8-d1+ Re2-e1 Qg3-h2+
19/39 00:00 187k 6,219k +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Nf6-g4 Re1xe2 Rd8-d1+ Re2-e1 Qg3-h2+
20/39 00:00 267k 5,333k +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Nf6-g4 Re1xe2 Rd8-d1+ Re2-e1 Qg3-h2+
21/39 00:00 302k 5,040k +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Nf6-g4 Re1xe2 Rd8-d1+ Re2-e1 Qg3-h2+
22/39 00:00 385k 5,500k +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Nf6-g4 Re1xe2 Rd8-d1+ Re2-e1 Qg3-h2+
23/39 00:00 664k 4,741k +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Nf6-g4 Re1xe2 Rd8-d1+ Re2-e1 Qg3-h2+
24/39 00:00 749k 4,990k +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Nf6-g4 Re1xe2 Rd8-d1+ Re2-e1 Qg3-h2+
25/39 00:00 1,259k 4,663k +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Nf6-g4 Re1xe2 Rd8-d1+ Re2-e1 Qg3-h2+
26/39 00:00 2,523k 4,588k +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Nf6-g4 Re1xe2 Rd8-d1+ Re2-e1 Qg3-h2+
27/39 00:00 3,215k 4,593k +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Nf6-g4 Re1xe2 Rd8-d1+ Re2-e1 Qg3-h2+
28/39 00:01 5,069k 4,566k +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Nf6-g4 Re1xe2 Rd8-d1+ Re2-e1 Qg3-h2+
29/39 00:01 5,907k 4,579k +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Nf6-g4 Re1xe2 Rd8-d1+ Re2-e1 Qg3-h2+
30/39 00:01 8,764k 4,494k +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Nf6-g4 Re1xe2 Rd8-d1+ Re2-e1 Qg3-h2+
31/39 00:02 11,803k 4,404k +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Nf6-g4 Re1xe2 Rd8-d1+ Re2-e1 Qg3-h2+
32/39 00:03 17,187k 4,318k +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Nf6-g4 Re1xe2 Rd8-d1+ Re2-e1 Qg3-h2+
33/39 00:05 22,115k 4,319k +M20 Qe7-d6+ g2-g3 Nf6-g4+ Kh2-h3 Qd6-e6 Qc2-e4 Ng4xf2+ Kh3-h2 Nf2xe4 Nc3xe4 Qe6xe4 Rd1-d2 Nd7-f6 Kh2-g1 Qe4-g4 Bf1-g2 Qg4xg3 Re1-f1 Re8xe3 Bb2-a3 Re3-e2 Rd2xe2 f3xe2 Ba3-d6 Qg3xd6 Rf1-e1 Qd6xd4+ Kg1-h1 Qd4-h4+ Bg2-h3 Qh4xh3+ Kh1-g1 Qh3-g3+ Kg1-h1 Nf6-g4 Re1xe2 Rd8-d1+ Re2-e1 Qg3-h2+