Microchess - 1976 for Winboard (yes...that Microchess)

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Christopher Conkie
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Re: Microchess - 1976 for Winboard (yes...that Microchess)

Post by Christopher Conkie »

Alainza wrote:I have tried many cross-asssemblers in the last two weeks but not was able to understand Sargon's source :(

So I'll have either to read the TDL Assembler manual and convert the code, or to build a CP/M machine in order to run this assembler :?

Best regards,
Maybe it would be possible to swap notes with Andre Adrian. I believe he is contactable from his site.


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Bill Rogers
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Re: Microchess - 1976 for Winboard (yes...that Microchess)

Post by Bill Rogers »

I have tried to read or understand the web page but I can not tell what or where the downloadable verson of MicroChess is located. I don't read German and everytime I try to get Bablefish to translate the page for me it gives me an error message and never does what I ask it to do.
I clicked on several references to microchess but none seem to be the one that I want to download.
Can you give further help?
Christopher Conkie
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Re: Microchess - 1976 for Winboard (yes...that Microchess)

Post by Christopher Conkie »

Bill Rogers wrote:Christopher
I have tried to read or understand the web page but I can not tell what or where the downloadable verson of MicroChess is located. I don't read German and everytime I try to get Bablefish to translate the page for me it gives me an error message and never does what I ask it to do.
I clicked on several references to microchess but none seem to be the one that I want to download.
Can you give further help?
BTW I don't like hotlinks that much but in this case......

Right click...choose save target as......







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Bill Rogers
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Re: Microchess - 1976 for Winboard (yes...that Microchess)

Post by Bill Rogers »

Christopher Conkie
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Re: Microchess - 1976 for Winboard (yes...that Microchess)

Post by Christopher Conkie »

Bill Rogers wrote:Thankyou
No problem William.

You are not gonna make a clone are you?

Just kidding..... :)

The bugger beat me once btw....not funny for the old confidence.



Dann Corbit
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Re: Microchess - 1976 for Winboard (yes...that Microchess)

Post by Dann Corbit »

Code: Select all

[Event "strt"]
[Site "DCORBIT64"]
[Date "2007.05.25"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Microchess"]
[Black "Microchess"]
[Result "0-1"]
[BlackElo "2200"]
[ECO "B00"]
[Opening "King's Pawn"]
[Time "19:18:34"]
[Variation "Hippopotamus Defence"]
[WhiteElo "2200"]
[TimeControl "120+2"]
[Termination "normal"]
[PlyCount "42"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[BlackType "program"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Qf6 3. Bb5 Bb4 4. Qe2 Qf4 5. g3 Qg4 6. h3 Qe6 7. Ng5 Qf6 8.
Qh5 g6 9. Bxd7 Bxd7 10. Qh4 h5 11. f3 Nh6 12. Rh2 Na6 13. c4 Nc5 14. Rg2
Nd3 15. Kd1 Ba4 16. b3 Bc6 17. Bb2 Nxb2 18. Ke2 Rd8 19. d4 Rxd4 20. c5 Bb5
21. Ke3 Nd1 {Mate} 0-1

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Bill Rogers
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Re: Microchess - 1976 for Winboard (yes...that Microchess)

Post by Bill Rogers »

I actually own the original version made for the TRS-80 but age has made the floppy disk unreadable.
A year or so ago I also downloaded another version made for PC's but I don't think it was either winboard or xboard compatible.
The original version was only rated at about 600 elo at level three. It could or would castle even if the knight and bishop were still in place.
For the record book only though it was the very first chess program written for PC's even though at that time we were limited to TRS-80, Apples and Comodore Pet.
Within a year or so Peter wrote another version that ran on the Radio Shacks color computer and it had several improvements and thus played a better game. I don't know what the rating of the second version was.
Christopher Conkie
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Re: Microchess - 1976 for Winboard (yes...that Microchess)

Post by Christopher Conkie »

Yes in some areas it is lacking. Castling is not high on the list if at all.

