I defeated Sjeng 2.5

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Re: I defeated Sjeng 2.5

Post by fern »

Why you are so rude with these pals?
When I see a man playing as a 1200, I say to him he plays like a 1500.
I leave my bad feelings only for those that plays 2600 and so are lot better than me. :-)

Tony Thomas

Re: I defeated Sjeng 2.5

Post by Tony Thomas »

Uri Blass wrote:
Tony Thomas wrote:Another one against 1401. :lol:

Code: Select all

[Event "Booya"]
[Site "Grim's Den"]
[Date "5555.11.22"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Tony Thomas"]
[Black "Sjeng handicap mode"]
[Result "1-0"]

1. e4 e6 2. Nc3 c5 3. d4 Nc6 4. dxc5 Bxc5 5. Be3 Bxe3 6. fxe3 Qg5 
7. Qf3 Nf6 8. Qf4 Qxf4 9. exf4 Nb4 10. Rc1 d6 11. a3 Nxc2+ 12. Rxc2 Bd7 
13. Bb5 Bxb5 14. Nxb5 Rd8 15. Nxa7 Nxe4 16. Nb5 d5 17. Nc3 Nxc3 18. Rxc3 g5 
19. fxg5 Rg8 20. h4 f6 21. Rg3 Rc8 22. Kf2 Rc2+ 23. Kf3 fxg5 24. Rxg5 Rxg5 
25. hxg5 Rxb2 26. Rxh7 Ra2 27. g6 Rxa3+ 28. Kf4 b5 29. g7 Kf7 30. Kg5 Ra2 
31. Kh6 Rxg2 32. Nf3 Rg3 33. Ng5+ Rxg5 34. Kxg5 Kg8 35. Kh6 Kf7 36. Rh8 Ke7 
37. g8=Q e5 38. Qe8+ Kd6 39. Qd8+ Kc5 40. Rf8 d4 41. Rf5 b4 42. Rxe5+ Kc6 
43. Re6+ Kb5 44. Qd5+ Ka4 45. Qxd4 Kb5 46. Re5+ Ka6 47. Qd6+ Kb7 48. Re7+ Ka8 
49. Qd8# 1-0
Something is clearly broken in Deep Sjeng handicap mode because no player at level of 1401 will play moves like 11...Nxc2+

It is possible to simulate 1401 level of playing strength by making that blunder and playing later like a strong player(playing like 1700 player after blundering a piece is enough and you do not need to play like a GM) but deep sjeng does not do it and it continues to blunder also later when it miss a draw against you.

32...Kf6 could be enough for a draw after you blundered by 29.g7 and 30.Kg5
29.Rh8+ was a simple win for white and there are more blunders by both sides that I do not mention here.

I hate to defend, as you can see I am constantly attacking and going after pieces. Also I have a hardtime checkmating an opponent before the end game. ( know how to but if you look at my clock I probably only used around 40 seconds for the whole game due to lack of patience. Ofcourse I know that more than half of the moves that I played were blunders.