Roland Chastain wrote: ↑Sun Mar 31, 2019 2:27 pmI would like to explore very simple ideas, and why not make a kind of toy engine for children, with personnalities.
For personalities, simple ideas that work well is just personalities that value material differently. These ideas worked well for fun Personalities for the Pro Deo Chess engine (each hyphen is followed by an idea):
-Values Knights much higher than Bishops (400 CPs for Knights, 200 CPs for Bishops)
-Gives incredible bonus to Bishop Pair (200 CPs if both Bishops are present)
-Overvalues Knights and Bishops, undervalues Rooks (all three pieces on 350 CPs)
-Undervalues Pawns (25 CPs for pawns)
-Overvalues Pawns (150 CPs for pawns, 200 CPs for pawns in contact with King)
-Undervalues Queen (600 CPs so it tries to exchange Queen for lesser material)
-Queen Trade Avoider (thinks own queen is 1200 CPs and opponent's is 600 CPs)
-Pawn Promoter (300 CP bonus for unopposed, unstoppable passed pawn, and bonus grows as pawn advances)
Now, Alouette's personalities will play interestingly not mainly because of how they evaluate board's material, but because of the way they'd think the opponent evaluates board material. Something I haven't seen tried is such things only applied to one's side, so the opposing pieces are evaluated normally, while yours have these concepts. And vice versa, so each idea could produce three different players.
Your beliefs create your reality, so be careful what you wish for.