After a couple thousand test games with no rules infarctions and no time forfeits I finally can say that Bricabrac is free of any major bugs!
As of now the new evaluation is not complete so I decided to revisit PeSTO for these test and upload. The revisit faithfully (or tries to at least) follow exactly the design of PeSTO. Because, material in Bricabrac is not included in the piece square tables only the material difference between PeSTO and Bricabrac was included in the PeSTO tables. The other difference is that the evaluation is not end-leaf meaning that the PeSTO tables are only set up before the search begins.
The previous use of PeSTO did not take material into consideration and it did not interpolate between middlegame and endgame tables. Instead it just did a hard switch, so that at less than 4000 total material it switched to the endgame tables. And it was stronger. Even with all the bugs and lack of 3-fold detection it had better results. So maybe that can be tried by anyone interested.
Even though the "correct" implementation is not as strong it is fine as a reference to test my new evaluation against when it is ready. Other than for testing I am done with PeSTO and there will be no further work done on it. However, if someone can show me that I made a mistake in its implementation I would like to make a corrected version.
In the following test "simple" PeSTO and PeSTO zygote was tested. Zygote is the name of the most simple implementation of my new search function to evaluation function feedback learning mechanism. It is in the source code as an // #ifdef zygote directive. To experiment with it just remove the forward slashes. It was compiled with MSVS 2019. If another compiler is used some work will need to be done.
A little reasoning about the test results. It appears but might not be true that MCE Chile may been heavily influenced by PeSTO. Maybe Thomas will clarify that. With correct PeSTO that would mean that the following results would make sense.
BricPESTO1 - MinimalChessEngine : 31.5/100 17-54-29 (=0=000=1=000=0=001101==00==0000=000=0000=00000=0=00111000====0101=000=10=10==001000=100=110=1000==10) 32% -131
BricPESTO1 - Rustic-alpha-2_64-bit-popcnt : 58.0/100 51-35-14 (1011100=10001001==1010100100110000=11=10=111111=101=01001=1111101=1101101=1000111101111=1=001=101001) 58% +56
BricPESTO1 - Tscp181 : 59.5/100 54-35-11 (=11101=11010000=1=1110111001=1=01=011111000010111100111=11011010110110=1101100011110101100=0100=0111) 60% +70
1939 - 131 = 1808
1815 + 56 = 1871
1724 + 70 = 1794
performance = 1824
In the next test PeSTO is modified by zygote. It looks like that maybe zygote changing PeSTO had a positive effect against MCE Chili but that it did not do as well against Rustic is counter intuitive. But, then 300 games in the test can just mean that it is just noise.
BricPESTOz1 - MinimalChessEngine : 44.0/100 33-45-22 (1010=01011==000110==0=001001=11100001000=011000=0=011110=01=111=0011==000=10==010==0=000100011101=01) 44% -42
BricPESTOz1 - Rustic-alpha-2_64-bit-popcnt : 47.5/100 40-45-15 (10110011111000==1001111101111==01=0=00==000000100=001=001=1000100000=00100011011=100100011=011=11111) 48% -14
BricPESTOz1 - Tscp181 : 60.5/100 54-33-13 (100=010=111=01=11=00010100010111101100111001111=11=010=110110111101==010011111000011=1110=110111=011) 61% +78
1939 - 42 = 1897
1815 - 14 = 1801
1724 + 78 = 1802
performance = 1835
PeSTO + zygote over PeSTO, +11. It might just be noise but it is a start! ...