86th Amateur Series Division 2

Discussion of computer chess matches and engine tournaments.

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Graham Banks
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86th Amateur Series Division 2

Post by Graham Banks »

86TH AMATEUR SERIES (Division 2)

Intel i5 Quad
256mb hash each where possible
3-4-5 piece tablebases
Ponder off
JDSelect2019.cgb book
40 moves in 25 minutes repeating (adapted for the CCRL)
4 cycles 44 rounds
All engines 1CPU (64-bit where available)
The top engine will gain automatic promotion and the bottom engine will face automatic relegation. Any other changes of division will be at my discretion and may not necessarily involve playoff matches.

Rofchade 2.3 64-bit
Defenchess 2.2 64-bit
Schooner 2.2 64-bit
Scorpio 3.0.12 64-bit
Danasah 8.8 64-bit
Arasan 22.2 64-bit
Halogen 10 64-bit
Minic 3.07 64-bit
Wasp 4.50 64-bit
Winter 0.9 64-bit
Lc0 0.27.0 w 703810 64-bit
Combusken 1.4.0 64-bit

Games and standings will be available after every six rounds from the following link:
http://kirill-kryukov.com/chess/discuss ... =7&t=13048

If you install TLCV (Tom's Live Chess Viewer) on your computer, you can watch the games live move by move. You'll also be able to chat to others following the tournament in the chatroom there.
http://kirill-kryukov.com/chess/discuss ... p?id=42959
Host - GrahamCCRL.dyndns.org Port - 16092

Linux users can use Livius:

There is also a Livius windows version.
It has live pv boards as a nice addition.
gbanksnz at gmail.com
Daniel Shawul
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Re: 86th Amateur Series Division 2

Post by Daniel Shawul »

Hi Graham,

Are you using NNUE for Scorpio ?
If so could you please post the scorpio.ini file here.

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Graham Banks
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Re: 86th Amateur Series Division 2

Post by Graham Banks »

Daniel Shawul wrote: Wed Jun 02, 2021 3:11 am Hi Graham,

Are you using NNUE for Scorpio ?
If so could you please post the scorpio.ini file here.

# log on/off - turn logging on and off
# resign - resign value in centipawns
# contempt - +ve value discourages drawishness
log off
resign 500
contempt 0
# montecarlo - Use montecarlo tree search (MCTS) if set to 1
# treeht - Maximum size of tree to store in memory given in MB.
# Note that this memory is not allocated at start up; it only
# specifies the maximum limit the tree could grow to.
# Note: Don't think you are making scorpio weak by not setting
# this memory to high value, infact treeht=0 is the strongest
# MCTS setting.
# frac_freeze_tree [0 - 100] - freeze tree after this percentage of time is spent
# frac_alphabeta [0 - 100] - rollouts alpha-beta search percentage when using AB-rollouts + MCTS with shared tree
# frac_abrollouts [0 - 100] - rollouts alpha-beta search percentage when using AB-rollouts + AB with shared tree
# frac_abprior [0 - 100] - standard alpha-beta search percentage when using AB + MCTS, and AB used as prior
# alphabeta_man_c [0 - 32] - switch to regular alpha-beta search with this many pieces on board
# mcts_strategy_depth [0 - 64] - Lookahead depth for MCTS rollouts
# alphabeta_depth [0 - 64] - Fixed search depth for standard alphabeta searches at the leaves
# evaluate_depth [-5 - 64] - Fixed search depth for policy evaluation of new children during expansion
# (-5=uniform,-4=eval,-3=see,-2=recap qsearch,-1=no-checks qsearch 0=qsearch,x=search)
# backup_type [0 - 8] - minmax = 0, averaging = 1, mixed = 2, for mixing score with
# previous ID use 3,4,5 resp., 6 is classic MCTS, 7 is mixing by visit count
# 8 is RMS averaging
# select_formula [0 - 3] - selection formula to be used for MCTS search
# 0=AlphaZero 1=UCT 2=Reverse KL
# reuse_tree - reuse MCTS tree between moves
# virtual_loss - virtual loss for parallel search
# visit_threshold - minimum number of visits for minimax backup
# policy_temp - Temperature for move policy
# cpuct_init - Starting cpuct value in %
# cpuct_base - Denominator of cpuct forumula
# cpuct_factor - Multiplier for the log term in %
# fpu_is_loss - FPU is loss (1=loss, -1=win, 0=reduction)
# fpu_red - Reduction factor for FPU when fpu_is_loss = 0
# insta_move_factor [0 - 1000] - Factor for making insta moves
montecarlo 1
treeht 0
frac_freeze_tree 100
frac_alphabeta 0
frac_abrollouts 20
frac_abprior 30
alphabeta_man_c 12
mcts_strategy_depth 30
alphabeta_depth 16
evaluate_depth 0
backup_type 6
rms_power 140
select_formula 0
reuse_tree 1
virtual_loss 1
visit_threshold 800
policy_temp 215
cpuct_init 84
cpuct_base 75610
cpuct_factor 348
fpu_red 33
fpu_is_loss 0
insta_move_factor 0
# Parallel search setup
# mt - number of processors
# smp_depth - split depth for smp
# cluster_depth - split depth for cluster search
# message_poll_nodes - number nodes to search before checking for message
mt 1
smp_depth 8
cluster_depth 12
message_poll_nodes 20
smp_type ABDADA
cluster_type YBW
# Hashtable sizes in mb.
# ht - main hash table shared by ALL threads
# eht - evalualtion hash table allocated PER thread
# pht - pawn hash table allocated PER thread
# Usually 1m or 2mb is enough for pawn hash table, but the others
# can be set as high as possible
ht 256
eht 16
pht 4
# egbb_path - path to dll/so file for probing endgame egbbs
# egbb_files_path - path to endgame egbbs, if not specified it takes
# value of egbb_path
# egbb_cache_size - cache size for egbbs in MBs
# egbb_ply_limit_percent - percent of plies from the root to egbb probing
# egbb_depth_limit - depth from the leaves to egbb probing
# egbb_load_type - egbb load type with the following values
# 0 = none are loaded
# 1 = all 3/4 men are loaded
# 2 = Not implemented yet
# 3 = all 5 men are loaded
egbb_path I:\egbbs
egbb_files_path I:\egbbs
egbb_cache_size 32
egbb_load_type 3
egbb_depth_limit 6
# NN settings
# use_nn - turn off/on neural network
# nn_cache_size - neural network cache size in MBs
# nn_path - path to neural network
# nn_type - type of neural network (0=scorpio, 1=lczero)
# device_type - CPU or GPU
# delay - Sleep threads for this amount. Set this to 1
# if you are using way too many threads than you
# have physical cores (maybe when >16x more).
# float_type - inference precison for tensorrt = FLOAT/HALF/INT8
# wdl_head - network has WDL head (e.g JH networks do)
# win/draw/loss_weight - weights for WDL resp in precent, range is [0...1000]
# min_policy_value - minimum policy value in per mill. For 1%, set to 10
# max_collisions_ratio - percentage of (allowed number of collisions) / (threads per device)
# max_terminals_ratio - percentage of (allowed number of terminals) / threads
# batch_size_factor - when not 0, batch size is determined by multiplying number of
# multiprocessorbs by this number. If 0, batch size equals number of threads
# scheduling - scheduling of threads on multi-GPU systems.
# FCFS = first-come-first-served
# ROUNDROBIN = round robin scheduling
use_nn 1
nn_cache_size 256
nn_type 0
wdl_head 0
nn_path F:\ChessGUI2_net\ENGINES\Scorpio 3.0.12 64-bit\net-scorpio-k16.bin
device_type CPU
n_devices 1
delay 0
float_type HALF
win_weight 100
draw_weight 100
loss_weight 100
min_policy_value 0
max_collisions_ratio 25
max_terminals_ratio 200
batch_size_factor 0
scheduling FCFS
# Multiple NNs settings
# The opening is played by default network specified above
# nn_man_m/e -- threshold piece counts for middle/end game
# nn_type_m/e -- neural network type for middle/end game
# >=0 = as specified before
# -1/-2/-3 = used to refer to either opening/midgame/endgame network
# nn_path_m/e -- path to neural networks for middle/end game
# policy_temp_m/e -- policy temperature for middle/endgame
# wdl_head_m/e -- wdl value head for middle/endgame
# fpu_is_loss_m/e -- FPU is loss (1=loss, -1=win, 0=reduction)
# fpu_red_m/e -- Reduction factor for FPU when fpu_is_loss = 0
# nn_cache_size_m/e -- NN cache size for middle/end game
# ensemble -- percent of time to use ensembling [0-100]
# ensemble_type -- 0 = arthimetic mean, 1 = root mean cube, 2 = use one net
# 3 = use policy and value from two different nets
nn_man_m 24
nn_man_e 16
nn_type_m -1
nn_type_e -1
nn_path_m F:\ChessGUI2_net\ENGINES\Scorpio 3.0.12 64-bit\net-scorpio-k16.bin
nn_path_e F:\ChessGUI2_net\ENGINES\Scorpio 3.0.12 64-bit\net-scorpio-k16.bin
policy_temp_m 215
policy_temp_e 215
fpu_red_m 33
fpu_red_e 33
fpu_is_loss_m 0
fpu_is_loss_e 0
wdl_head_m 0
wdl_head_e 0
nn_cache_size_m 256
nn_cache_size_e 256
ensemble 0
ensemble_type 0
# NNUE settings
# use_nnue - turn off/on NNUE
# nnue_type - type of NNUE net (0=stockfish, 1=scorpio)
# nnue_path - path to NNUE
# nnue_scale - [0..1024] scale factor nnue score
# Default is 128 i.e no scaling
# Other values scale by (nnue_scale/128)
use_nnue 1
nnue_type 1
nnue_path F:\ChessGUI2_net\ENGINES\Scorpio 3.0.12 64-bit\net-scorpio-k16.bin
nnue_scale 256
gbanksnz at gmail.com
Daniel Shawul
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Re: 86th Amateur Series Division 2

Post by Daniel Shawul »

Hi Graham,

It is not using NNUE but not because use_nnue is not set to 1, despite what I expected to be the case.
The reason is that it not finding the egbbdll library it needs to use because the below two variables should be set different.

Code: Select all

egbb_path             F:\ChessGUI2_net\ENGINES\Scorpio 3.0.12 64-bit\nnprobe-windows-cpu
egbb_files_path     I:/egbb
The second is for endgame files location which you correctly set, but the first is for the egbb used for neural network
probing and it should be in the Scorpio directory itself. There should be a nnprobe-windows-cpu directory under the Scorpio folder
if you installed it correctly.

I do not know how you did the installation but you should follow steps here
https://github.com/dshawul/Scorpio/blob ... INSTALL.md
It is not really that difficult and if you do have a problem I can help you set it up.

Also there are some wrong values

Code: Select all

montecarlo    0   #should be set to 0 for NNUE and alpha-beta
use_nn          0   #should be set to 0 for NNUE
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Graham Banks
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Re: 86th Amateur Series Division 2

Post by Graham Banks »

Hi Daniel,

I'll sort it all out tomorrow and replay the Scorpio games,
Just after midnight here.

gbanksnz at gmail.com
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Graham Banks
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Re: 86th Amateur Series Division 2

Post by Graham Banks »


What does this indicate that I need to do?
gbanksnz at gmail.com
Daniel Shawul
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Re: 86th Amateur Series Division 2

Post by Daniel Shawul »

Hi Graham,

The problem is that directory names with spaces are problematic for Scorpio as mentioned in the install instruction.
You have to choose a directory for Scorpio with no spaces.

I have made a direct NNUE installation easy now so all you have to do is

a) Download install.bat and put it in a directory
where you want Scorpio installed. Note here the directory should have no spaces e.g. "C:\engines\Scorpio-NNUE"

b) Then from the command line and that directory execute

Code: Select all

install.bat --cpu --no-scnets --no-lcnets --no-egbb
This should install scorpio with no neural networks and no egbb files, and just NNUE.
This should work right out of the bat but you may need to change the "mt" parameter in scorpio.ini to set the number of
cores that Scorpio should use.
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Graham Banks
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Re: 86th Amateur Series Division 2

Post by Graham Banks »


Looks okay now?
gbanksnz at gmail.com
Daniel Shawul
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Re: 86th Amateur Series Division 2

Post by Daniel Shawul »

It looks Ok but I don't want to keep you up at night.
Could you please post the scorpio.ini when you can tommorrow ?
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Graham Banks
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Re: 86th Amateur Series Division 2

Post by Graham Banks »

Games replaying now.
gbanksnz at gmail.com