Which version of CuteChessGUI?Carlos777 wrote: ↑Mon Feb 28, 2022 5:11 pmHi, I installed 0.1.6 on CuteChess, but when I select FRC mode, the engine doesn't appear (unlike previous versions) :?Roland Chastain wrote: ↑Mon Feb 28, 2022 5:01 pmHi Carlos. Thanks for your message.
I made a quick test under Windows today, with cutechess-cli. I didn't detect any problem. :|
Alouette 0.0.1
Moderator: Ras
- Posts: 4718
- Joined: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:33 am
- Location: Regensburg, Germany
- Full name: Guenther Simon
Re: Alouette 0.1.6
- Posts: 1933
- Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:09 pm
Re: Alouette 0.1.6
Cutechess 1.20, the one that I downloaded from your website, Guenther.Guenther wrote: ↑Mon Feb 28, 2022 6:25 pmWhich version of CuteChessGUI?Carlos777 wrote: ↑Mon Feb 28, 2022 5:11 pmHi, I installed 0.1.6 on CuteChess, but when I select FRC mode, the engine doesn't appear (unlike previous versions)Roland Chastain wrote: ↑Mon Feb 28, 2022 5:01 pmHi Carlos. Thanks for your message.
I made a quick test under Windows today, with cutechess-cli. I didn't detect any problem.
- Posts: 4718
- Joined: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:33 am
- Location: Regensburg, Germany
- Full name: Guenther Simon
Re: Alouette 0.1.6
I think there were a few things changed since the last official release in 2020 regarding FRC.Carlos777 wrote: ↑Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:07 pmCutechess 1.20, the one that I downloaded from your website, Guenther. :)Guenther wrote: ↑Mon Feb 28, 2022 6:25 pmWhich version of CuteChessGUI?Carlos777 wrote: ↑Mon Feb 28, 2022 5:11 pmHi, I installed 0.1.6 on CuteChess, but when I select FRC mode, the engine doesn't appear (unlike previous versions) :?Roland Chastain wrote: ↑Mon Feb 28, 2022 5:01 pmHi Carlos. Thanks for your message.
I made a quick test under Windows today, with cutechess-cli. I didn't detect any problem. :|
Can you really confirm that previous Alouette versions worked correctly in the build I have provided
and not just in old CuteChessGUI versions?
The uci option for FRC looks the same for all previous Alouette versions to me.
I cannot help here much otherwise, because I never tried FRC, neither in the cli nor in the gui.
What I can see though is that, if I change the variant in my current dev (quite new one, from 'alweys' EXPER3 branch)
to 'fischerandom' only two programs show up at all (from ~ 5300 installed versions!).
I can ask 'alwey' though about FRC and how it is handled now.
- Posts: 1933
- Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:09 pm
Re: Alouette 0.1.6
This is the list of all engines installed, you can see 0.1.4, 0.1.5 and 0.1.6 are there:
When I try to run a FRC tournament only the first 2 appear:
Ok, thanks.Guenther wrote: ↑Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:26 am I cannot help here much otherwise, because I never tried FRC, neither in the cli nor in the gui.
What I can see though is that, if I change the variant in my current dev (quite new one, from 'alweys' EXPER3 branch)
to 'fischerandom' only two programs show up at all (from ~ 5300 installed versions!).
I can ask 'alwey' though about FRC and how it is handled now.
- Posts: 4718
- Joined: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:33 am
- Location: Regensburg, Germany
- Full name: Guenther Simon
Re: Alouette 0.1.6
Then it has nothing to do with the GUI version in your case.Carlos777 wrote: ↑Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:40 pmYes.
This is the list of all engines installed, you can see 0.1.4, 0.1.5 and 0.1.6 are there:
When I try to run a FRC tournament only the first 2 appear:
Ok, thanks.Guenther wrote: ↑Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:26 am I cannot help here much otherwise, because I never tried FRC, neither in the cli nor in the gui.
What I can see though is that, if I change the variant in my current dev (quite new one, from 'alweys' EXPER3 branch)
to 'fischerandom' only two programs show up at all (from ~ 5300 installed versions!).
I can ask 'alwey' though about FRC and how it is handled now.
I figured now out, why exactly two engines only appeared for 'fischerandom' at all in my huge list.
Obviously I manually configured them once and forgot how to do it meanwhile.
(And I still don't know how this is done in the GUI itself anyway...)
As I always add engines manually to the json file w/o even opening the GUI which is for
me still the fastest way ;) I simply added that 'variants' part I found in those working two engines
to a few Alouettes and then they appear for fischerandom and work! (tested in a few games 0.15 vs. 0.16)
This is how my engines.json file looks (snippet):
Code: Select all
"command" : "Alouette_015-64.exe",
"name" : "Alouette_015-64",
"protocol" : "uci",
"stderrFile" : "",
"timeout_scale_factor" : 1,
"variants" : [
"workingDirectory" : "C:\\Engines\\UCI\\Alouette_015-64"
"command" : "Alouette_016-64.exe",
"name" : "Alouette_016-64",
"protocol" : "uci",
"stderrFile" : "",
"timeout_scale_factor" : 1,
"variants" : [
"workingDirectory" : "C:\\Engines\\UCI\\Alouette_016-64"
[Site "RWBC-CAPPUCCINO Win7U64 Q8200 2.33Ghz"]
[Date "2022.03.01"]
[Round "1.1.1"]
[White "Alouette_015-64"]
[Black "Alouette_016-64"]
[Result "0-1"]
[FEN "qrnkbnrb/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/QRNKBNRB w KQkq - 0 1"]
[GameDuration "00:00:08"]
[GameEndTime "2022-03-01T19:16:23.370 Mitteleuropäische Zeit"]
[GameStartTime "2022-03-01T19:16:14.816 Mitteleuropäische Zeit"]
[PlyCount "128"]
[SetUp "1"]
[TimeControl "40/120"]
[Variant "fischerandom"]
1. g4 g6 2. d3 d6 3. Bd5 e6 4. Be4 d5 5. Bf3 b6 6. Bb4 c5 7. Bd2 g5 8. a4 h6
9. Qa3 Bd7 10. h3 Bg7 11. b3 f6 12. Ng3 e5 13. Bc3 a5 14. Nh5 Bh8 15. e3 Ng6
16. O-O Nh4 17. Bh1 Ng6 18. Ne2 Nge7 19. Kh2 Be8 20. Nhg3 Bc6 21. Rg1 Bg7
22. Bf3 O-O 23. Nh5 Bh8 24. Neg3 Be8 25. Ra1 e4 26. Nxf6+ Bxf6 27. Nxe4 Bxc3
28. Nxc3 Rxf3 29. Kg2 Rf6 30. d4 cxd4 31. exd4 Bc6 32. Rge1 Bd7 33. Rxe7 Nxe7
34. Qxe7 Rf7 35. Qd6 Kh7 36. Nxd5 Bc6 37. f3 Bxd5 38. Kh2 Bxf3 39. Rf1 Qb7
40. c4 Bxg4 41. Rxf7+ Qxf7 42. Qxb8 Qf4+ 43. Qxf4 gxf4 44. hxg4 f3 45. Kg3 b5
46. axb5 h5 47. gxh5 Kh6 48. Kg4 f2 49. b4 axb4 50. d5 f1=Q 51. b6 Qxc4+ 52. Kf5
Qd3+ 53. Ke6 Kxh5 54. b7 Qe4+ 55. Kd6 Qf4+ 56. Kc6 Qe5 57. d6 Qe4+ 58. Kc7 Qh7+
59. Kb6 Qg8 60. Kc5 b3 61. Kb4 b2 62. Ka4 b1=Q 63. b8=R Qgxb8 64. d7
Q1b4# {Black mates} 0-1
[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "RWBC-CAPPUCCINO Win7U64 Q8200 2.33Ghz"]
[Date "2022.03.01"]
[Round "1.1.2"]
[White "Alouette_016-64"]
[Black "Alouette_015-64"]
[Result "1-0"]
[FEN "qrnkbnrb/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/QRNKBNRB w KQkq - 0 1"]
[GameDuration "00:00:06"]
[GameEndTime "2022-03-01T19:16:30.462 Mitteleuropäische Zeit"]
[GameStartTime "2022-03-01T19:16:24.447 Mitteleuropäische Zeit"]
[PlyCount "81"]
[SetUp "1"]
[TimeControl "40/120"]
[Variant "fischerandom"]
1. b3 g5 2. d4 b6 3. g3 Bxd4 4. Qxd4 Ne6 5. Qe5 d6 6. Qf5 Bc6 7. Bxc6 Qxc6 8. c4
O-O 9. e3 Rd8 10. Bd2 b5 11. cxb5 Rxb5 12. Qg4 f5 13. Qh5 Rd5 14. Qf3 Rxd2+
15. Nxd2 Qc3 16. Qxf5 Kh8 17. Qxe6 Rf8 18. Ne4 Qc6 19. Nxg5 Qc5 20. Nxh7 Qh5+
21. g4 Qxh7 22. e4 Qxh2 23. Ne2 Nb6 24. Qxe7 Qxf2 25. Rh1+ Qh4 26. Rxh4+ Kg8
27. O-O-O Rf3 28. Qxc7 d5 29. Nd4 Rf2 30. Qd8+ Kg7 31. Ne6+ Kg6 32. exd5 Rxa2
33. Kb1 Re2 34. Nf4+ Kg7 35. Nxe2 Kf7 36. d6 Kg6 37. Nf4+ Kg7 38. g5 Nc4
39. bxc4 a6 40. g6 a5 41. Qh8# {White mates} 1-0[/pgn]
- Posts: 669
- Joined: Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:07 am
- Location: France
- Full name: Roland Chastain
Re: Alouette 0.1.6
I don't know what to think. I didn't remember having changed something to the UCI interface.
Qui trop embrasse mal étreint.
- Posts: 1933
- Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:09 pm
Re: Alouette 0.0.1
Ok Guenther, I'll try that. Thanks!
- Posts: 1933
- Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:09 pm
Re: Alouette 0.1.6
This is what I got before editing the json file:Roland Chastain wrote: ↑Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:32 pmI don't know what to think. I didn't remember having changed something to the UCI interface.
Code: Select all
"command" : "alouette64.exe",
"name" : "Alouette 0.1.4",
"protocol" : "uci",
"stderrFile" : "",
"timeout_scale_factor" : 1,
"variants" : [
"workingDirectory" : "C:\\WinBoard-4.6.2\\Engines\\alouette-0.1.4-win64"
Code: Select all
"command" : "alouette64.exe",
"name" : "Alouette 0.1.5",
"protocol" : "uci",
"stderrFile" : "",
"timeout_scale_factor" : 1,
"variants" : [
"workingDirectory" : "C:\\WinBoard-4.6.2\\Engines\\alouette-015"
Code: Select all
"command" : "alouette64.exe",
"name" : "Alouette 0.1.6",
"protocol" : "uci",
"stderrFile" : "",
"timeout_scale_factor" : 1,
"workingDirectory" : "C:\\WinBoard-4.6.2\\Engines\\alouette-016-windows"
- Posts: 4718
- Joined: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:33 am
- Location: Regensburg, Germany
- Full name: Guenther Simon
Re: Alouette 0.1.6
@RolandRoland Chastain wrote: ↑Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:32 pmI don't know what to think. I didn't remember having changed something to the UCI interface. :|
Don't worry, I believe it has nothing to do with Alouette itself.
@Carlos, now after I had the first time set up an engine via the GUI, I can see that Alouette automatically has the 'variants' option attached
to its settings in the json file.
If one just adds the engine via copy/paste or scripts to the json file there is no way inside the GUI to correct this setting.
(at least none I know of)
No problem, since I know now how it should look like for FRC engines, just in case I ever wanted to test FRC play. ;-)
- Posts: 669
- Joined: Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:07 am
- Location: France
- Full name: Roland Chastain
Re: Alouette 0.0.1
Thanks for the information, Carlos. Glad to know that you found a solution.
Thank you for your help, Günther.
Qui trop embrasse mal étreint.