"Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions."
Ted Summers
"Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions."
Ted Summers
Mr. Ablett , Thanks for crayblitz UCI. This is an extremely aggressive engine for its age. I've been waiting for years for a UCI version of this engine. Greatly appreciated. JJAW
AdminX wrote: ↑Sat Apr 06, 2024 3:33 am
Which version number is correct? .46h or .49h
49f: removed 49e version phase6(). cleaned up some old *
c * bugs as well. *
c * *
c * 49g: modified search so that if in check at ply=1, it does *
c * *not* extend the search, which simply made a 4 ply *
c * search a 5 ply search without gaining anything. *
c * the principal variation is now checked whenever it *
c * is backed up to the root of the tree, and the hash *
c * table is used to extend it if possible. This both *
c * provides more operator information as well as improve *
c * move ordering and pondering. *
c * *
c * 49h: repaired a very old scoring bug in scorep2() which *
c * would "create" pawns on the board under certain *
c * circumstances. the result was often lots of "bad *
c * move hashed" error messages as well as more serious *
c * problems. *
c * *
Looking at the source code 'main.f" shows last update from Bob was 49h.
What a historic day with an historic engine Specifically if you experienced the time of the big machines live. Maybe not for the youngsters and elo-hunters.
Played my first game myself against Cray Blitz and was destroyed badly by him
It's working perfect in Arena now.
Big thanks to Jim and Alex !!!
Logos slightly changed and now in the colors of the Cray-1 sidewalls
Ryzen 5900x, 64GB Ram, RTX3080, 2x 2TB SSD, 1x 1TB SSD, 1x 2TB HDD, all custom watercooled, Win10 and Win7 Multiboot, Win98/Windows Millennium/WinXP virtual machines for 16bit
Retro Chess Chessmasterhttps://descent.at/files/
Simply copy one or both into the CrayBlitz directory and execute. It will overwrite the existing CrayBlitzWB.ini, so if something has been changed here, save it first.
I've updated the download package for standalone CrayBlitzUCI executable with correction for version number
and including Alex's config file generator batch file (which will correctly set time per move when playing black or white).
Jim Ablett wrote: ↑Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:14 pm
I've updated the download package for standalone CrayBlitzUCI executable with correction for version number
and including Alex's config file generator batch file (which will correctly set time per move when playing black or white).
Jim, firstly - thanks for this treat! However, I just downloaded the updated package the actual CrayBlitzUCI executable doesn't seem to be included in it...? Please have a look, thank you.